I Love the Sea谢冰莹Xie Bingying🔥背景知识:《海恋》是谢冰莹写于1932年的一篇散文。当时她从上海漂流到福建,正在厦门中学教书。对于大自然的爱好,我是多方面的,我爱山,但更爱海。I love diverse aspects of Mother Nature, but I love the sea more than the mountain.🎈「对于大自然的爱好,我是多方面的」意即「我喜欢大自然的许多方面」,故译为I love diverse aspects of Mother Nature。自从来到厦门,我几乎天天都要到海滨去散步,踏在那细软的沙子上,有一种说不出来的舒适。Ever since I came to Xiamen, I’ve been in the habit of going for a walk along the seashore almost every day. It gives me an indescribable pleasant sensation to step on the spongy fine sand.🎈「我几乎天天都要到海滨去散步」译为I’ve been in the habit of going for a walk along the seashore almost every day,其中增益了been in the habit of养成了…的习惯。🎈「细软的沙子」译为spongy fine sand,其中fine作「细微」解;spongy一词来自sponge(海绵),在此作「轻软」解,比soft更为确切。当海风卷起雪浪来袭击海岸时,在美丽的浪花里,会拾到许多小巧玲珑的贝壳,和五色斑斓的小石子;还有那些碧绿的海草,长的像秀发,又美又可爱。When the sea wind dashes the snow-white billows against the beach, I can pick up from among the brilliant spray many pretty shells and colourful pebbles, as well as some lovely green seaweed as delicate as human hair.🎈「当海风卷起雪浪来袭击海岸时」短短一句中文出现了两个动词「卷起」「袭击」,译者将动词「袭击」处理为介词against,简洁明了。🎈「在美丽的浪花里」译为from among the brilliant spray,其中among一词通常后面接可数名词,但,如在此处,有时后面也可接不可数名词。🎈「还有那些碧绿的海草,长的像秀发,又美又可爱」译为as well as some lovely green seaweed as delicate as human hair,其中as delicate as为增译词,像头发一样纤细。「又美又可爱」为一个意思,译为lovely即可。我更爱躺在洁净轻柔的细沙上,静听着海潮的倾诉;I’m even more inclined to lie on the clean and soft sandy beach and listen quietly to the sea unbosoming itself.🎈更爱做某事:be more inclined to do sth🎈「倾诉」为拟人用法,故译文也遵循这一用法,译为unbosoming itself。当微风轻轻地从我的身边掠过,那种又清凉又轻松的感觉,真是舒适极了,甜美极了!How comfortable and refreshed I will be to feel the cool gentle sea breeze brushing past me!🎈「从我的身边掠过」,想象一下,微风从我身边掠过,就是微风拂面的感觉,所以此处译为brush past me。谁能否认海的伟大呢?There is no denying the mightiness of the sea.🎈此处将反问处理为双重否定句There is no denying。我爱海,并不仅仅因为她的颜色美丽,和藏在海底那许多有趣的玩艺儿,而是爱她的胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁。I love her not only because she has the beautiful hues and many intriguing objects hidden deep underneath her, but also because she is broad and liberal enough to turn the foul into the pure.🎈「她的颜色美丽」进行了偏正转换she has the beautiful hues,「爱她的胸襟广阔」也是同样的用法,译为she is broad and liberal。🎈「胸襟广阔」译为broad and liberal,其中broad和liberal意思大致相同,都作宽宏(tolerant)、慷慨(generous)等解。🎈「化污秽为清洁」译为turn the foul into the pure,其中the foul和the pure都表示一种抽象概念,分别相当于filthiness和purity。她容纳无数的细流,尽管它们的颜色有黑的也有黄的,一旦流到了海的怀抱,便立刻变成碧绿的了。碧绿是代表和平,代表一种静美。The numerous small rivers that she accommodates may be of a black or yellow colour, but once they flow into her bosom, they instantly take on the green colour signifying peace and tranquility.🎈「她容纳无数的细流」中心词为「细流」,所以译为The numerous small rivers that she accommodates,that she accommodates为定语从句修饰rivers。🎈变成碧绿的:take on the green colour一个人,哪怕他的脾气有如虎狼那么凶暴,我相信如果长住在海滨,一定会变得和羔羊一般驯良;A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe, as meek as a lamb after a long stay by the seashore.🎈「脾气有如虎狼那么凶暴」如直译为with a temperament as fierce as that of a tiger or wolf,效果欠佳,不如意译为with a terrifying hot temper。🎈「长住在海滨」译为a long stay by the seashore,stay为名词,意为「逗留一段时间」。同时,那些心怀狭隘的人,如果常与海做朋友,我相信他也会改变成豪爽,痛快的性格。Likewise, I believe a narrow-minded person will become tolerant and open-hearted if he often keeps company with the sea.🎈「那些」和「他」在译文中做到了前后一致,都译为单数。🎈「与海做朋友」意即「经常在海边生活」,故译为keep company with the sea。厦门,真是个风景幽美的所在,四周被海环抱,街道是那么广阔,清洁;Surrounded by the sea on all sides, the city of Xiamen is really picturesque with clean wide avenues.🎈「四周被海环抱」处理为Surrounded by the sea on all sides置于开头,为非谓语动词作状语。🎈「街道是那么广阔,清洁」进行了偏正转换,译为clean wide avenues。对岸是鼓浪屿,西边是南普陀,Facing it on the opposite bank is Gulangyu, the famous tourist resort, and in the west is Nanputuo, one of the local scenic spots.🎈「鼓浪屿」译为Gulangyu, the famous tourist resort;「南普陀」译为Nanputuo, one of the local scenic spots,遇到一些地名或景点时,译者最好要对此做一个简单的解释,以便外国读者理解。只要你的身体健康,你可以一天换一个地方游览。Here you can choose to tour a different place of interest each day if you feel fit enough.🎈「你的身体健康」进行了偏正转化,译为you feel fit enough你很健康。世界上往往有许多巧事,是你没有想到的;我来到厦门中学教书,完全是一种意外的收获。Lots of things happen by mere coincidence in this world. It has been an unexpected piece of luck for me to become a teacher at Xiamen Middle School.🎈happen by mere coincidence:碰巧发生🎈A piece of luck:一件幸运的事庄校长奎章,虽然是师大的同学,我们却并不认识。Zhuang Kuizhang, headmaster of the school, was a stranger to me when we first met though he had been a schoolmate of mine at Peking Normal University.🎈「庄校长奎章」译为Zhuang Kuizhang, headmaster of the school,庄奎章校长,校长headmaster of the school作为身份修饰人名。是抵厦门的第二天,我随便到厦中去参观,看见校舍建筑在高高的山坡上,面临着海,风景非常幽美,于是就信步走进去,无意中会到了庄校长,随便谈起来,The middle school is located high up on a mountain slope facing the sea. On the second day after my arrival at Xiamen, I was so struck by the beauty of the school environment that I went sauntering into the campus where Zhuang and I met by accident and started chatting.🎈此处译文将「校舍建筑在高高的山坡上,面临着海」先拿出来翻译,译为The middle school is located high up on a mountain slope facing the sea,注意此处用的是一般现在时,而下面一句为一般过去时。🎈where Zhuang and I met by accident and started chatting为定语从句,修饰the campus。他就要请我去教国文;然而我当时不能决定,因为我还需要去游历闽西。He asked me if I would like to be a teacher of Chinese at his school, but, as I was to go on a tour to western Fujian, I could not say yes or no immediately.🎈「然而我当时不能决定」意即「我不能立即表态(或表示可否)」,故译为I could not say yes or no immediately,比直译I could not make the decision right way更为贴切流畅。🎈「闽西」,闽是福建的简称,故译为western Fujian。后来一连接到庄校长好几封催我去厦门的信,我觉得有点太冒险,和一个陌生的人共事,Later he wrote me again and again urging me to go back to Xiamen to pick up the teaching post. At first, I had misgivings about working together with a person of whom I knew so little.🎈「后来一连接到庄校长好几封催我去厦门的信」译为Later he wrote me again and again urging me to go back to Xiamen to pick up the teaching post,译文增译了「去厦门」的目的to pick up the teaching post。🎈「和一个陌生的人共事」译为work together with a person of whom I knew so little,此处little表示否定,几乎不认识。将来如果意见不合又怎么办呢?What if he and I should fail to agree with each other in the future?🎈回顾what if的用法表示假设what if 用于提出假设时,意思是“假若……”“假若……怎么办”“要是……将会怎么样”,其后句子可用陈述语气(用一般现在时),也可用虚拟语气(用一般过去时或should+动词原形)。例句What if she finds out that you’ve lost her book? 如果她发现你把她的书丢了怎么办?例句What if I came tomorrow instead of this afternoon? 我今天下午不来,明天来,怎么样?从句用虚拟语气时,若是针对过去情况,从句则用过去完成时。例句What if no one had been there? 假如没有人去过那里的话,会怎么样?表示邀请或建议What if…表示邀请或建议时,意思是「如果……怎么样?」例句What if you join us for lunch? 同我们一起吃午饭怎么样?表示不重要此时通常常与so连用,意为“就算……那又怎样?”如:例句So what if we’re a little late? 就算我们迟到一会儿那又怎样?其实我这顾虑是多余的,庄是个非常厚道的人,他的太太尤其忠厚温和,My worries, however, turned out to be uncalled-for. Zhuang is very honest and kindhearted. So is his wife, if not more. 🎈「多余的」uncalled-for🎈厚道:honest and kindhearted对待同事都很热情,好像他就是一个家长,没有课时,大家围在他的家里聊天,谈笑自如,非常有趣。He treats all the teaching staff with warmth of heart as if he were head of a big family. We will often go together to his home to spend our free hours chatting cheerfully.🎈「一个家长」此处家长就不建议译为parent,译为head of a big family较为贴切,head前没有冠词。我到厦中时,还没有开学,I came back to Xiamen to fill the teaching post before school began.🎈此处to fill the teaching post为增译部分,原文虽无其词却有其意。正是热得要命的时候,庄先生夫妇约我去洗海水浴,差一点我被海浪卷去了生命。It was unbearably hot, so Mr. Zhuang and his wife invited me to go seabathing with them. But surprisingly it ended up in my narrow escape from the surging waves.🎈热得要命:unbearably hot🎈「差一点我被海浪卷去了生命」译为But surprisingly it ended up in my narrow escape from the surging waves,其中surprisingly it ended up in(结果竟然)是译文中的增译成分,原文虽无其词却有其意。又,「海浪」的译文以surging waves代替sea waves,更为达意。原来我生平没有看见人家游泳过,只在画报上看到一些游泳的照片,既然来到了海滨,而且天气这么热,自然我想下水去练习练习;As I had never in my life seen people swim except in some pictorials and as the weather was so hot, I, being at the seaside and not knowing how dreadful the sea could become, naturally felt like having a go at dabbling in the water.🎈「自然我想下水去练习练习」译为naturally felt like having a go at dabbling in the water,其中having a go at作「试一试」解,相当于having a try at。又,「下水」实际指「嬉水」,故译为dabbling in the water,比swimming确切。🎈下句中「没想到海浪是这么可怕的」和「天气这么热」一起翻译,译为being at the seaside and not knowing how dreadful the sea could become,为非谓语动词作原因状语。没想到海浪是这么可怕的,它突然袭来,我被卷去了丈多远,口里灌进去很多海水,咸得我大声叫喊“救命呀!救命呀!”Suddenly the violent waves came upon me and carried me quite a few metres away. “Help! Help!” I cried out with lots of salty seawater in my mouth. 🎈come upon:突然发生🎈「口里灌进去很多海水」中动词「灌进去」转换为介词,译为lots of salty seawater in my mouth。🎈「丈多远」只表示一个模糊概念,如直译为more than three metres away则未免过于认真,不如译为several metres away。他们连忙把我的膀子捉住,又是一个大浪打来,把我们卷去了丈多远。They rushed to my rescue. But no sooner had they seized me by the arm than the surging waves returned to carry all of us quite a few metres away.🎈No sooner … than:一…就……该词组意思相当于“刚做完A这件事,就做B这件事”。例句He had no sooner returned than be bought a house.他一回来就买了一套房子。如果no sooner位于句首,主句要用倒装结构。例句No sooner had he arrived than he went away again.他刚到就又走了。No sooner …. than…句型与hardly…when…的用法几乎完全一样。其基本用法为:主语+had no sooner done … than +主语+did…。使用时要注意:该句型所描述的动作一般发生在过去。主句谓语动词采用过去完成时,when从句的谓语动词采用一般过去时。例句She had no sooner had time to sit and have a rest than the phone rang again.她刚坐下来休息一会,电话又响了。海水越来越深,连最会游泳的都失去了控制的能力,何况我是个初下水的人?In an increasingly rough sea, even a good swimmer may lose all control over himself, let alone me, an absolute beginner in the art of swimming.🎈此处rough意为 having large and dangerous waves汹涌的;风浪很大的:例句It was too rough to sail that night. 那天夜里风浪太大,无法行船。 后来他们好容易才把我拖到海滩上来,经过这一次危险后,我再也不敢尝试游泳了。It was with much effort that they managed to drag me onto the beach. Since then, I’ve never dared to have a go at swimming again.🎈It was with much effort that they managed to drag me onto the beach.为强调句。🎈「经过这一次危险后」意即「自那以后」,故译为Since then。我只高兴静静地一个人坐在沙滩上看书,晒太阳,或者拾贝壳。All I do is sit quietly on the beach reading and basking in the sunshine, or go collecting shells.🎈reading and basking in the sunshine, or go collecting shells为非谓语动词作伴随状语。真的,对于拾贝壳,我发生了莫大的兴趣,每天回来,袋子里都是装得满满的;True, shells have aroused in me so much interest that every day I will come back from the seaside with pockets bulging with shells.🎈「袋子里都是装得满满的」译为with pockets bulging with shells(贝壳把口袋撑得鼓鼓的),和with pockets full of shells意思相同,但富于形象。我把它们摆在书桌上,分成很多种类,向同事们夸耀。I’ll lay out my new acquisitions on the desk in many classified groups so as to show off before my colleagues.🎈「它们」在译文中处理为具体化my new acquisitions。有些被他们抢走了,我也不心痛,因为第二天,我又可以跑去海滩拾许多同样的回来。They may take away some of the shells, but I don’t care at all, for the next day I can bring back from the beach as many replacements.🎈「我也不心痛」意即「我也不介意」,故译为but I don’t care at all。我对于海,好像着了魔似的一天比一天迷恋起来,我爱它,甚至一天也不能离开它。I’ve become more and more crazy about the sea. I never let a day pass without seeing it with my own eyes.🎈「甚至一天也不能离开它」意即「我每天都要看见海」,故译为I never let a day pass without seeing it with my own eyes,此处使用了双重否定never和without。有时清早起来便奔向海滨,迎接血红的太阳由海边升起;Sometimes, as soon as I get up, I’ll hasten to the seashore to greet the blood-red sun rising from the distant edge of the sea.🎈由海边升起:rise from the distant edge of the sea有时特地在阳光将要落山的时候,去领略海滩的黄昏滋味。Sometimes, I’ll go to the beach at sunset for the special purpose ofenjoying the twilight scene.🎈特地:for the special purpose of我更爱看矗立在海中央的灯塔,I’m even more fascinated by the lighthouse standing in the middle of the sea. 🎈standing in the middle of the sea为后置定语修饰the lighthouse。我佩服那守灯塔的人,他每天机械地守住自己的岗位,给予往来的航行者一种光明的指示;假若没有他,这海面将被黑暗所包围,来往的船只,随时都有触着暗礁的危险。My hat off to the lighthouse keeper for drudging at the tedious task of providing ships with a flashing light lest they should run up on rocks in the dark sea!🎈「我佩服那守灯塔的人」译为My hat off to the lighthouse keeper,其中My hat off to是I take my hat off to的简化,其意思是「向…致敬向…表示钦佩」。此句话也可译为How I admire the lighthouse keeper!。🎈「假若没有他,这海面将被黑暗所包围,来往的船只,随时都有触着暗礁的危险」译为lest they should run up on rocks in the dark sea,简洁明了。我爱海,我愿意将来有那么一天,筑两间茅屋在海滨,整天听柔风和海涛蜜语,看海水吻着海滩;I love the sea. I wish I could some day live by the sea in a thatched cottage of my own so that I could all day listen to the soft breeze and the sea communicating with each other in sweet whispers and watch the rolling waves kissing the beach.🎈「筑两间茅屋在海滨」意即「住在海边的茅屋里」,故译为live by the sea in a thatched cottage of my own。🎈communicating with each other in sweet whispers为非谓语动词作伴随状语。如果那时我还有痛苦的话,(其实,我知道,痛苦会永远地跟随着我的。)我可以悄悄地投进海的怀抱,让雄壮的海涛,为我奏着挽歌,If I should then have great sufferings (as a matter of fact, I know I can never steer clear of sufferings), I’ll quietly plunge myself into the bosom of the sea, and let the mighty waves strike up a funeral hymn for me,🎈「痛苦会永远地跟随着我的」译为I can never steer clear of sufferings,其中steer clear of是成语,作「避开」解。🎈「挽歌」即哀悼死者的歌,故译为a funeral hymn。温柔的海风,轻轻地抚摸着我浮在碧波上的尸体;月儿和星星放出慈祥的光辉为我追悼。the gentle sea breezes softly caress my dead body floating about on the blue waters, and the moon and stars mourn over my death with their tender light.🎈float about 漂浮例句And this is why, in rockets and space capsules, weightless astronauts and objects float about in the air. 这就是为什么在火箭和宇宙飞船里,失重的宇航员和物体会在空中漂浮。🎈「放出慈祥的光辉」译为with their tender light,动词「放出」转为介词with。就这样,悄悄地没有一个人知道,除了月亮,星光,风和海,我离开了这苦恼的人间,该是多么美,多么快乐……How wonderful it will be for me quietly to take leave of this afflicted mortal world without the knowledge of anyone except the moon and stars, and the wind and sea!🎈「悄悄地没有一个人知道」此处在句中作为状语使用,译为without the knowledge of anyone except the moon and stars, and the wind and sea。knowledge意为「知道」。🎈「悄悄地」修饰后面的「离开」,译为quietly to take leave of🔥必背词汇spongy adj. 海绵似的;柔软吸水的 英义soft and able to absorb water easily like a sponge 例句The bread had a spongy texture. 那种麪包很松软。 billow n. 波涛; 巨浪英义literary a wave, especially a very large one例句The billows heave on the sea.海上波涛翻腾。unbosom v. 吐露,透露例句She unbosomed herself to a trusty female friend.她对可信任女友倾诉衷肠。meek adj. 温顺的;谦恭的;驯服的 英义quiet, gentle, and always ready to do what other people want without expressing your own opinion 例句They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild.他们称她为”鼠小姐”,因为她总是那么懦弱谦和。 picturesque adj. 优美的;古色古香的英义pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned例句a picturesque cottage / setting / village 画儿一般的小屋 / 环境 / 村落 saunter v. 悠闲地走;漫步;闲逛 英义to walk in a slow relaxed way 例句He sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world. 他悠闲地走过,彷佛时间对他来说是无穷无尽的。 dabble v. 玩水,嬉水英义to move your hands, feet, etc. around in water例句She dabbled her toes in the stream. 她把脚趾浸在小河里嬉水。bask v. 晒太阳;取暖英义to enjoy sitting or lying in the heat or light of sth, especially the sun 例句We sat basking in the warm sunshine. 我们坐着享受温暖的阳光。 bulge v.充满,塞满(某物)英义to be completely full (of sth) 例句Her pockets were bulging with presents. 她的口袋里装满了礼物。 twilight n. 暮色;薄暮;黄昏英义the faint light or the period of time at the end of the day after the sun has gone down例句It was hard to see him clearly in the twilight.在朦胧的暮色中很难看清他。 🔥重点词汇对大自然的爱是多方面的 love diverse aspects of Mother Nature几乎天天都要到海滨去散步 be in the habit of going for a walk along the seashore almost every day踏在细软的沙滩上 step on the spongy fine sand有一种说不出的舒适感 an indescribable pleasant sensation卷起雪浪来袭击海岸时 dash the snow-white billows against the beach在美丽的浪花里 from among the brilliant spray 拾到许多小巧玲珑的贝壳和五彩斑斓的小石子 pick up many pretty shells and colourful pebbles更爱躺在结晶轻柔的细沙上 be more inclined to lie on the clean and soft sandy beach静听着海潮的倾诉 listen quietly to the sea unbosoming itself微风轻轻地从我身边掠过 feel the cool gentle sea breeze brushing past me海的伟大 the mightiness of the sea藏在海底那许多有趣的玩艺儿 many intriguing objects hidden deep underneath the sea胸襟广阔 be broaden and liberal 化污秽为清洁 turn the foul into the pure容纳无数的细流 accommodate numerous small rivers立刻变成碧绿 instantly take on the green colour代表和平和静美 signify peace and tranquility如虎狼般凶暴的脾气 a terrifying hot temper 常住在海滨 a long stay by the seashore心胸狭隘的人 a narrow-minded person常与海做朋友 keep company with the sea变成豪爽,痛快的性格 become tolerant and open-minded四周被海怀抱 be surrounded by the sea on all sides一天换一个地方游览 tour a different place of interest each day有许多巧事 happen by mere coincidence一种意外的收获 an unexpected piece of luck建筑在高高的山坡上 be located high up on a mountain slope信步走进去 go sauntering into 对待同事很热情 treat all the teaching staff with warmth of heart洗海水浴 go seabathing差一点我被海浪卷去了生命 end up in my narrow escape from the surging waves想下水去练习练习 have a go at dabbling in the sea海水越来越深 in an increasingly rough sea失去了控制能力 lose all control over himself 初下水的人 an absolute beginner in the art of swimming把我拖到海滩上 drag me onto the beach再也不敢尝试游泳了 never dare to have a go at swimming静静地一个人坐在沙滩上看书,晒太阳或拾贝壳 sit quietly on the beach reading and basking in the sunshine, or go collecting shells 奔向海滨 hasten to the seashore迎接血红的太阳从海边升起 greet the blood-red sun rising from the distant edge of the sea在阳光将要落山的时候领略海滩的黄昏滋味 go to the beach at sunset for the special purpose of enjoying the twilight scene更爱看矗立在海中央的灯塔 be more fascinated by the lighthouse standing in the middle of the sea触礁 run up on rocks 筑两间茅屋在海滨 live by the sea in a thatched cottage of mine听柔风和海涛蜜语 listen to the soft breeze and the sea communicating with each other看海水吻着海滩 watch the rolling waves kissing the beach永远有痛苦 never steer clear of sufferings悄悄投进海的怀抱 quietly plunge myself into the bosom of the sea为我奏着挽歌 strike up a funeral hymn for me轻轻抚摸着我浮在碧波上的尸体 softly caress my dead body floating about on the blue waters放出慈祥的光为我追悼 mourn over my death with their tender light苦恼的人间 the afflicted mortal world🔥复盘测试对大自然的爱是多方面的几乎天天都要到海滨去散步踏在细软的沙滩上有一种说不出的舒适感卷起雪浪来袭击海岸时在美丽的浪花里拾到许多小巧玲珑的贝壳和五彩斑斓的小石子更爱躺在结晶轻柔的细沙上静听着海潮的倾诉微风轻轻地从我身边掠过海的伟大藏在海底那许多有趣的玩艺儿胸襟广阔化污秽为清洁容纳无数的细流立刻变成碧绿代表和平和静美如虎狼般凶暴的脾气常住在海滨的人心胸狭隘的人常与海做朋友变成豪爽,痛快的性格四周被海怀抱一天换一个地方游览有许多巧事一种意外的收获建筑在高高的山坡上信步走进去对待同事很热情洗海水浴差一点我被海浪卷去了生命想下水去练习练习海水越来越深失去了控制能力初下水的人把我拖到海滩上再也不敢尝试游泳了静静地一个人坐在沙滩上看书,晒太阳或拾贝壳奔向海滨迎接血红的太阳从海边升起在阳光将要落山的时候领略海滩的黄昏滋味更爱看矗立在海中央的灯塔触礁筑两间茅屋在海滨听柔风和海涛蜜语看海水吻着海滩永远有痛苦悄悄投进海的怀抱为我奏着挽歌轻轻抚摸着我浮在碧波上的尸体放出慈祥的光为我追悼苦恼的人间🔥表达对比关于「海浪、海水」的不同译法正是热得要命的时候,庄先生夫妇约我去洗海水浴,It was unbearably hot, so Mr. Zhuang and his wife invited me to go seabathing with them. 差一点我被海浪卷去了生命。But surprisingly it ended up in my narrow escape from the surging waves.没想到海浪是这么可怕的,它突然袭来,我被卷去了丈多远,口里灌进去很多海水,咸得我大声叫喊“救命呀!救命呀!”Suddenly the violent waves came upon me and carried me quite a few metres away. “Help! Help!”海水越来越深,连最会游泳的都失去了控制的能力,何况我是个初下水的人?In an increasingly rough sea, even a good swimmer may lose all control over himself, let alone me, an absolute beginner in the art of swimming.我爱海,我愿意将来有那么一天,筑两间茅屋在海滨,整天听柔风和海涛蜜语,看海水吻着海滩;如果那时我还有痛苦的话,(其实,我知道,痛苦会永远地跟随着我的。I love the sea. I wish I could some day live by the sea in a thatched cottage of my own so that I could all day listen to the soft breeze and the sea communicating with each other in sweet whispers and watch the rolling waves kissing the beach.这时候发亮的不仅是太阳、云和海水,连我自己也成了明亮的了。At the moment, apart from the sun, the clouds and the seawater, I too was luminous.鸽子横渡海洋,白天和黑夜都不停地飞行。在海面上没有什么可吃的,海水也是不能喝的,半途也没有地方歇息,要是有岩石的地方,那已是到了海的那一边了……While in flight over the sea, it finds nothing edible or drinkable, nor a place for taking a rest until a rocky spot is in sight, which means it is nearing the other side of the sea…