Hunger谢冰莹Xie Bingying🔥背景知识:谢冰莹(1906-2000),湖南新化人,是我国现代杰出女作家,以丰硕的散文创作著称。她曾两度从军,经历坎坷,不愧为一代奇女,其散文真切热情、大胆粗朴,始终充满时代精神——反旧礼教、反对封建势力、反帝国主义、同情劳苦大众。1948年她去台湾师范学院任教,从此一直在海外漂流。新中国成立以来,大陆广大青年读者对这位蜚声中外的“女兵”作家却知之甚少。现把她的《饥饿》一文译为英文,以飨读者。此文描述她在1928年因逃婚而只身从家乡到上海卖文为生,随后入大学,经常身无分文,但斗志弥坚。说出来,有谁相信呢?我已经四天没吃饭了。Believe it or not, I’ve been starving for four days on end.🎈「说出来,有谁相信呢」意同「信不信由你」,故借用英语成语Believe it or not表达,贴切利落。🎈on end 连续地例句I received the scholarship 3 times on end.我连续3年获得了奖学金。起初是一天吃四个烧饼,或者两个小面包;后来由四个减成两个,再由两个减成一个,最后简直穷得连买开水的一个铜板也没有了。At first, I ate nothing but four baked cakes or two small buns per day, then I cut them down by half and then by another half, until I didn’t even own a copper for buying boiled water.🎈ate nothing but意为什么都没吃,除了。此处but意为除了。这样的表达比At first I ate four baked cakes or two small buns per day地道。例句Who but Rosa could think of something like that? 除了罗莎,谁会想得到那种事?🎈「由四个减成两个,再由两个减成一个」译为cut them down by half and then by another half,此处用half和another half表示两个和一个。在外刊中,经常用a decade, two decades表示十年,二十年。🎈「最后」译为until,可以替代常用的finally等词。口渴时就张开嘴来,站在自来水管的龙头下,一扭开来,就让水灌进嘴里,When I was thirsty, I would stand under a tap and let its running water pour down my throat through my wide-open mouth.🎈此句中有很多的动作,但是译者并没有将所有的动作译出,比如「一扭开来」就没有译出,而是通过let its running water pour down my throat through my wide-open mouth来体现这层含义。running water为流水之意。🎈「张开嘴」进行了偏正转换,译为wide-open mouth张开的嘴。喝得肚子胀得饱饱的,又冷又痛,那滋味真有说不出的难受。I felt bloated. There was a pain and chill in my stomach. I cannot tell you enough how miserable I was.🎈「那滋味真有说不出的难受」意即「我无法告诉你当时我有多难受」,故译为I cannot tell you enough how miserable I was,enough则强调了难受的程度。为什么会穷到这个地步呢?How did it come that I had been reduced to such poverty?🎈be reduced to 沦为……地步例句They were reduced to extreme poverty…他们陷入极端贫困的状态。那时学校里发生了问题,许多同学被抓进捕房去了,It was because the school where I studied had got into trouble. Many students had been arrested and taken to the police station. 🎈where I studied为定语从句,修饰the school,此处where等于in which。许多同学搬了家,也有些回去了的,厨房不肯赊账,他再不愿意开饭给我们吃了。Some students had moved house and some had gone home. The school canteen was closed because it refused to serve meals on credit.🎈赊账:on credit例句He bought the furniture on credit.他赊账买了这家具。我那时一面还进行援救被捕同学的工作,一面又要筹备自己的生活费,真是忙得头昏眼花。While trying to rescue the arrested fellow students, I meanwhile had to find enough money to pay my living expenses. So I was terribly busy.🎈「被捕同学」译为the arrested fellow students,此处直接用arrested作为前置定语修饰fellow students,而不是用后置的定语从句,十分简洁。🎈「真是忙得头昏眼花」译为I was terribly busy,用terribly来修饰忙的程度。例句The experiment went terribly wrong. 这次实验出了大问题。实在饿得不能忍受了,才每天跑去春潮书店借钱。Pressed by hunger, I would visit Chunchao Bookstore every day to seek a loan of money.🎈此处press含有「逼迫」之意,表达「实在饿得不能忍受了」,简洁地道。如果遇到康农和抚华两人在,还可借给我三元五元,When Kang Nong or Fu Hua was there, I would have no problem in borrowing a couple of silver dollars through them.🎈「三元五元」意即「几元」或「两三元」,不宜按字面直译为three or five dollars。现译为a couple of silver dollars,其中a couple of的意思是a few 或several。又「元」旧时常指「银元」,故译为silver dollars,但在现代文中,碰到「元」要译为yuan,而非dollar。但他们在店里的日子是很少的,伙计们自然不敢做主,因此去十次总有九次落空的。But I seldom found them in the store and the clerks of course had no say in this matter. Therefore, in nine times out of ten nothing would come of my visit there.🎈Come of意为由……引起,来自……。例句He went abroad, and soon news came of his death.他出了国,不久就有消息说他已去世了。那是我最快乐的一天,《从军日记》出版了!I was beside myself with joy the day when I found my book The Diary of a Woman Soldier published at long last.🎈《从军日记》是由我写的,所以要加上my,以便让读者了解此书。此处需要在翻译时了解原作者的相关背景。🎈Be beside myself with joy 意为欣喜若狂。春潮书店的大门口贴着一张用各种不同颜色写的又鲜明又动人的广告,Pasted up at the door of the bookstore was an eye-catching colourful poster advertising the book. 🎈此句为完全倒装句。还原过来应是An eye-catching colourful poster advertising the book was pasted up at the door of the bookstore. 「advertising the book」作为非谓语动词修饰poster。我怀着一颗好奇心走了进去,也像顾客一般,从书架上抽出来一本封面鲜红、是丰子恺先生的女公子画的小兵骑牛的《从军日记》来看。I went into the store full of curiosity, and, as an ordinary customer would do, took from the shelf a copy of the book, which had on its bright-red front cover a cartoon by Feng Zikai’s daughter portraying a little woman soldier riding on a cow.🎈which had on its bright-red front cover a cartoon by Feng Zikai’s daughter portraying a little woman soldier riding on a cow此句为非限制性定语从句,由于宾语a cartoon by Feng Zikai’s daughter portraying a little woman soldier riding on a cow过长,所以放在句末。但我没有买它,因为我知道,至少可以无条件地得到十本的。I didn’t buy it for I knew I was entitled as its author to at least ten complimentary copies.🎈「因为我知道,至少可以无条件地得到十本的」意即「因为我知道,我可得到免费赠送的十册」,故译为for I knew I was entitled as its author to at least ten complimentary copies,其中entitled to作「应得」解,又as its author意即「身为此书作者」,是译文中添加的成分。“我没有钱用了,请你付几元钱的版税给我好吗?”“I need money badly. May I have a few dollars now out of the royalties on my book?”🎈此处badly意为「很,非常」。例句The building is badly in need of repair.这栋楼急需维修。 🎈Royalty除「王室」之意外,还有「版税」的含义。趁着店里没有买主的时候,我这样含羞地轻声问那位管账的。Seeing no customers around, I whispered to the cashier with embarrassment.🎈「含羞地」意即「尴尬地」,而非shyly,故译为with embarrassment。“不能,版税一年只能结算两次,现在还不到时候,我怎好付给你呢?”“No, not now. Royalty payments are made only twice a year. How could I pay you ahead of time?”🎈「版税一年只能结算两次」中的「结算」在此的意思是「发放(稿费)」,故译为Royalty payments are made only twice a year,不能把它译为settle accounts。“我等不到结算版税的时候了,今天非预支几元不可。“I just can’t wait. Today you’ve got to give me an advance of a few dollars.🎈「预支几元」中的「预知」由动词转为名词,译为an advance of a few dollars。我如果不到万不得已的时候,也决不会催讨的。I wouldn’t be here bothering you if I could help it.🎈「如果不到万不得已的时候」换种说法就是「如果我可以解决这件事」,故译为 if I could help it,此句使用了虚拟语气。🎈「催讨」意即「打扰你」,并未按字面意思直译,故译为I wouldn’t be here bothering you。你不信,我连回去搭电车的钱都没有,来的时候也是跑路的。”Believe me, I can’t even afford the streetcar fare going back home. I came here on foot.”🎈「你不信」一词与开头的「说出来,有谁相信呢」一样,可译为Believe me。🎈going back home为非谓语动词作后置定语修饰the streetcar fare。饥饿之火在我的腹内燃烧着,我忘记了什么是羞耻,这样诉苦时,好像一点也不觉得难为情。The uncontrollable desire for food burning within me, I ignored all propriety and poured out my complaints without feeling ashamed.🎈The uncontrollable desire for food burning within me为独立主格结构,逻辑主语为The uncontrollable desire for food,因与主句主语I不一致,故不能省略。🎈「我忘记了什么是羞耻」实际上指「我顾不得是否得体」,英译时可结合上下文,针对内涵,把它译为I ignored all propriety。如直译为I lost all sense of shame,失之过重,有损原意。此处propriety为「得体的举止」。例句Nobody questioned the propriety of her being there alone. 没人认为她只身出现在那里不得体。 但对方只是冷冷地一笑,似乎并不同情我,倒是一个小伙计对我很好,他说:The cashier seemed apathetic, smiling a sardonic smile. A young clerk, however, was kind enough to tell me,🎈「冷冷地一笑」译为smiling a sardonic smile,为非谓语动词表伴随。“你多等一会儿吧,买你的书的人一定不少,等下收进多少钱,你就通通拿去好了。”“You just need to wait a little while. I’m sure your book will sell quick. Soon you can take all the money that comes from today’s sale of it.”🎈「买你的书的人一定不少」意即「你的书肯定会卖的快一点」,故译为I’m sure your book will sell quick。🎈that comes from today’s sale of it作为定语从句,修饰money。管账的用着怒眼斜视着小伙计,但因我在旁边,他没有说什么,只是重重地打着算盘。The cashier cast an angry sidelong glance at the young clerk, but he had to keep silent in my presence and worked his abacus with a vengeance.🎈「重重地打着算盘」意即「狠狠地打着算盘」,故译为and worked his abacus with a vengeance,其中with a vengeance是成语,作「猛烈地」解。我们发现中文中的副词经常会译成「with+名词」的形式,比如上文中的「含羞地」就译为with embarrassment。我充当临时的店员,进来买《从军日记》的青年,我都愿意亲自将书递给他。I volunteered to serve as a temporary clerk, ready to hand the book in person to any young customer who wanted to buy it.🎈「充当」便是不是真正的员工,故译为volunteer to do。🎈hand the book in person:亲自递书但对方并不知道我就是那本书的作者,有几个顾客嫌我包的书不好,表示很生气的样子,They often had no idea that I was the author of the book. Some didn’t like the way I did the wrapping and looked somewhat displeased. 🎈that I was the author of the book为同位语从句,修饰idea。小伙计正想告诉他我是谁时,我连忙使了个眼色制止了他,The young clerk was about to tell a customer who I was when I immediately stopped him by tipping him a wink. 🎈「连忙使了个眼色制止了他」一句中出现了多个动词,因此在翻译中通过方式状语by tipping him a wink来转化一个动词。弄得那位青年莫名其妙地打量了我很久,然后悻悻然地离去。The young man was confused and, after looking me up and down for a while, walked off in sulky silence.🎈打量:look me up and down🎈悻悻然:in sulky silence快到黄昏的时候,我居然拿到了五元钱。To my great surprise, I got as much as five dollars towards evening.🎈快到黄昏的时候:towards evening towards除了“朝,向”之意外,还有“接近,将近(某一时间)”之意。例句towards the end of April 将近四月底 归来,我不再搭三等车了,趾高气扬地跑进了头等车,那位售票员忙指着前面一节车说:“到三等车去吧!”On my way home, I travelled first class in a streetcar instead of third class. The moment I stepped into it, chin up and chest out, the conductor barked pointing to the front compartment, “Third class in the front!”🎈趾高气扬:chin up and chest out🎈「到三等车去吧」结合了「那位售票员忙指着前面一节车」,译为Third class in the front。他大概看见我穿的衣服太破旧,以为一定是个坐不起头等车的穷光蛋。Judging by the way I was dressed, he must have thought I was too poor to travel first class.🎈「看见我穿的衣服太破旧」使用了judging by词组,而非seeing,译出了「判断」之意,而不仅仅是「看见」。我忙把五块钱的钞票拿在手里,故意向他示威:I quickly showed him the fiver in my hand and demanded by way of a protest,🎈「五块钱的钞票」译为a fiver,意即a five-dollar bill或a five-dollar bank note。“喂,找钱来吧!”他这才低下头不做声了。“Hey, give me my change!” He was silent, lowering his head.🎈之前也学到了一个「低头」,那就是hang。意外地遇到一个青年拿了一本《从军日记》坐在我的旁边看,他竟大胆地向我宣传,要我去买一本来看看,A young man sitting beside me happened to be reading my The Diary of a Woman Soldier. He boldly recommended me the book and advised me to go and buy a copy for myself.🎈sitting beside me作为后置定语,修饰a young man。我回答他:“我不赞成女人当兵,所以也不喜欢看这本书。”I replied, “I don’t like this book because I don’t think it’s good for a woman to be a soldier.”🎈I don’t think it’s good for a woman to be a soldier涉及否定转移,转移后的情况应是I think it is not good for a woman to be a soldier。他听了非常不高兴,竟骂我思想顽固。He was much annoyed at my remark and called me a diehard.🎈骂我思想顽固:call me a diehard“廿世纪时代的女性不应该这样开倒车的!”他气愤愤地说。“A 20th century woman shouldn’t go against the trend of the times!” said he angrily.🎈「开倒车」意即「与时代的方向相反」,故译为go against the trend of the times。我故意和他辩论了很久,惹得全车厢的人都注意起来。I purposely kept up the argument till it attracted the attention of all passengers.🎈it指的是argument。🎈「注意」由动词变为名词attention。车子驶到卡德路,我就下来了。怀着一颗兴奋的心,跑去找光光。After I got off the streetcar at the Carter Road stop, I hurried excitedly to call on Guang Guang.🎈Call on意为拜访,看望。她和元真正穷得没法过日子,见我去时很高兴,猜想我一定拿到了钱,连忙向我瓜分。Being hard up, she and Yuan Zhen were immensely pleased to see me, guessing I must have brought some money with me to share with them.🎈Being hard up为非谓语动词作原因状语,因为真的很穷,所以他们看见我过去很高兴。🎈guessing I must have brought some money with me to share with them为非谓语动词作行为方式状语,分词所表示的动作和谓语所表示的动作是同时发生的。我立刻给了她们两元,其余的两元多,就花在请她们吃饭的小馆子里,等到回去,又只剩几毛钱了。I quickly gave them two dollars and spent the remaining two dollars and something treating them to dinner at a small eatery. I returned home with only a few cents left.🎈两元多:two dollars and something但我并不难受,我觉得吃了一顿饱饭,至少可以挨饿三天。But I didn’t care, because I knew I had had a full meal to last me three days without feeling hungry.🎈此处last意为维持。学会喝酒,也是在这个时候。It was also at this time that I started to take to drinking.🎈此句为强调句,强调内容为also at this time,就是在这个时候。一个人到了越穷困的时候,对于金钱便越视为粪土,我常常奇怪一钱如命的守财奴,为什么要这样刻苦自己,半文钱也不肯花。The poorer one is, the more he looks upon money as dirt. I often wonder why a miser should be so rigid in self-denial, even grudging to spend every single cent for himself.🎈The +比较级,the+比较级 越……,就越……🎈「刻苦自己」意即「克制自己」,故译为self-denial。例句Should motherhood necessarily mean sacrifice and self-denial?做母亲就一定要牺牲和忘我吗?我只要精神痛快,物质生活哪怕再苦些,也不能丝毫影响我的思想和意志。All I seek is inner joy. The material life, however hard it is, will never affect my mind and will.🎈however hard it is为让步状语从句,尽管物质生活很苦。有钱时我分些给穷朋友用,或者跑到馆子里大吃大喝一顿,或者买许多我爱吃的虾米、牛肉干、鸭肫肝和糖果回来;When I have money, I’ll share it with friends in need, or go to a restaurant to eat and drink to my heart’s content, or buy and bring home many things I like to eat, such as dried shrimps, dried roast beef, salted duck’s gizzard and liver, candies.🎈to my heart’s content:心满意足地🎈像这样有很多例子的句子,往往前面会有一个总的概括,如many things I like to eat,然后再举例such as dried shrimps, dried roast beef, salted duck’s gizzard and liver, candies。穷困时,就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风,躲在亭子间里喝自来水,或者索性蒙在被窝里睡两天,看看有趣的小说,以消磨这可怕的长日。When I’m broke, I’ll go strolling around the streets alone on an empty stomach, or shut myself up in my small room with nothing to eat, or lie in bed sleeping for a couple of days or reading an interesting novel, just to while away the terrible long days.🎈「就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风」意即「独自饿着肚子逛马路」,译为I’ll go strolling around the streets alone on an empty stomach,其中on an empty stomach是成语,作「饿着肚子」解。🎈「躲在亭子间里喝自来水」意即「躲在亭子间里挨饿」,现译为shut myself up in my small room with nothing to eat。译文对「亭子间」未作解释,仅以my small room表达即可。「喝自来水」意即「饿着肚子」,故译为介词短语with nothing to eat。🎈「两天」并未译为字面意思,而是译为几天a couple of days。🎈此句中while away是一个词组,意为消磨时间。如果有人问我:“饥饿的滋味怎样?”我立刻干脆地回答他:“朋友,请你四天不吃一点东西,饿一下试试吧。”If I’m asked what it is like to go hungry, my answer is prompt and clear-cut, “Keep starving yourself for four days, my dear friend, and you’ll know.” 🎈「如果有人问我:‘饥饿的滋味怎样?’」译为If I’m asked what it is like to go hungry,其中what it is like to… 是英语成语,用以表达做某事你该知道是什么感受。老实说,饥饿的确比死还要难受,比受了任何巨大深刻的痛苦还要苦。Honestly, hunger is even more painful than death. It is the greatest of all human sufferings.🎈老实说:honestly, to be honest, to tell the truth🎈「比受了任何巨大深刻的痛苦还要苦」即「人世间最大的痛苦」,故译为the greatest of all human sufferings。当你听到肠子饿得咕咕地叫时,好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般;When you hear your own stomach rumbling with hunger, you’ll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly.🎈Hear sb doing 听见某人正在做某事🎈「好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般」使用虚拟语气,译为you’ll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly。有时你饿得头昏眼花,坐起来又倒下去了,想要走路,一双腿是酸软的,拖也拖不动;Sometimes, you feel so giddy that you cannot rise from your bed no matter how hard you try to, and your legs feel like jelly so that you cannot walk.🎈no matter how hard you try to为让步状语从句,不管你多努力。有时一口口的酸水从肚子里翻上来,使你呕吐,但又吐不出半点东西;Sometimes, you feel nauseous, but you throw up nothing but the gastric juice.🎈feel nauseous和throw up都是呕吐,恶心的含义。此句意即「你想呕吐,但除了酸水,吐不出别的东西」。更有时饿得实在不能忍受了,就想在自己的胳膀上咬下一块肉来吞下去,You may even feel like gulping down a piece of flesh bitten off your own arm so as to appease your unbearable hunger.🎈「自己的胳膀上咬下一块肉来吞下去」译为gulp down a piece of flesh bitten off your own arm,因为肉是被咬下来的,所以用的是完成时bitten。🎈此句译文先翻「想在自己的胳膀上咬下一块肉来吞下去」,这样做的目的是缓解无法忍受的饥饿so as to appease your unbearable hunger。这时我才相信古时“易子而食”和现在有些地方把死人的肉煮来当饭吃的惨事是真的。That made me believe as true the tragic story of ancients driven by hunger “to eat the flesh of each other’s son” and victims of some calamity-stricken areas cooking corpses as food.🎈ancient不再为形容词,而是名词「古人」。🎈「易子而食」意即「交换儿子来吃」,故译为to eat the flesh of each other’s son。🎈cooking corpses as food作为后置定语来修饰victims of some calamity-stricken areas。虽然这样穷困,但我这副硬骨头始终不屈服,不向有钱的人低头,更不像别人认为女人的出路是找个有钱的丈夫。Destitute as I am, I can bear my privation with great fortitude. I never yield, never bow to the rich, never think that a woman’s way out is to marry a wealthy man.🎈Destitute as I am为倒装的让步状语从句。🎈The rich意为有钱人。The+形容词表示一类人。如the elder 老年人饥饿只有加深我对现社会的认识,只有加强我生的勇气,Hunger deepens my knowledge of present-day society and gives me more courage to live.🎈「加强我生的勇气」意即「给我更多生活的勇气」,故译为give me more courage to live。从此我更要奋斗,为了自己,也为了万万千千和我同样在饥饿线上挣扎着的青年男女。From now on, I’m going to redouble my efforts to struggle not only for myself, but also for thousands upon thousands of young men and women who, like me, are on the brink of starvation.🎈万万千千:thousands upon thousands🎈who, like me, are on the brink of starvation为定语从句,修饰young men and women。🔥必背生词bloated adj.饮食过度的;胃胀的英义full of food and feeling uncomfortable 例句I felt bloated after the huge meal they’d served. 吃过他们提供的大餐后,我觉得肚子胀得很。portray v. 描绘;描画;描写英义to show sb / sth in a picture; to describe sb / sth in a piece of writing例句the landscape as portrayed by painters such as Claude and Poussin.克劳德和普桑等画家所描绘的风景royalty n. 版税英义a sum of money that is paid to sb who has written a book, piece of music, etc. each time that it is sold or performed例句All royalties from the album will go to charity. 这张音乐专辑的全部版税收入将捐给慈善机构。 propriety n. 得体的举止;有分寸的行为英义moral and social behaviour that is considered to be correct and acceptable例句Nobody questioned the propriety of her being there alone. 没人认为她只身出现在那里不得体。 apathetic adj. 冷漠;淡漠;无动于衷英义showing no interest or enthusiasm 例句The illness made her apathetic and unwilling to meet people. 疾病使她冷漠,不愿见人。 sardonic adj. 轻慢的;轻蔑的;嘲弄的英义showing that you think that you are better than other people and do not take them seriously 例句a sardonic smile 讪笑 vengeance n. 程度更深地;出乎意料地英义with a ‘vengeance (informal): to a greater degree than is expected or usual例句She set to work with a vengeance. 她加倍努力地工作起来。sulky adj. 面有愠色的;生闷气的英义bad-tempered or not speaking because you are angry about sth例句Sarah had looked sulky all morning. 萨拉一上午都不高兴地板着脸。 bark v. 厉声发令;厉声质问英义to give orders, ask questions, etc. in a loud, unfriendly way例句She barked out an order. 她厉声宣布命令。 self-denial n. 〔出于道德或宗教原因的〕克己,苦行英义when you do not do or have the things you enjoy for moral or religious reasons例句an unprecedented act of self-denial.闻所未闻的克己行为privation n. 贫困;匮乏;艰难英义a lack of the basic things that people need for living 例句the privations of poverty 艰难困苦 fortitude n. 毅力,坚忍,刚毅,毅勇英义courage shown when you are in great pain or experiencing a lot of trouble例句Winnie is a woman of quiet fortitude who has endured a lot of suffering.温妮是个坚强寡言的女子,她忍受了许多痛苦。🔥重点词组四天没吃饭 starve for four days on end起初 at first一天吃四个烧饼或两个小面包 eat nothing but four baked cakes or two small buns per day连买开水的一个铜板也没有 don’t even own a copper for buying boiled water 胃又冷又痛 a pain and chill in my stomach有问题 get into trouble被抓进捕房里去 be arrested and taken to the police station不肯赊账吃饭 refuse to serve meals on credit援救被捕同学 rescue the arrested fellow students筹备自己的生活费 find enough money to pay my living expenses借钱 seek a loan of money三元五元 a couple of silver dollars不敢做主 have no say in this matter欣喜若狂 be beside oneself with joy最后 at long last鲜明动人的广告 an eye-watching colourful poster怀着一颗好奇心走进去 go into the store full of curiosity像顾客一般 as an ordinary customer从书架上抽出一本 take from the shelf a copy of the book 鲜红的封面a bright-red front cover画了小兵骑牛 portray a little woman soldier riding on a cow无条件得到十本 be entitled to at least ten complimentary copies含羞地轻声问那位管账的 whisper to the cashier with embarrassment结算版税 make royalty payments预支几元 give me an advance of a few dollars连回去搭电车的钱也没有 can’t even afford the streetcar fare going back home忘记羞耻 ignore all propriety一点也不难为情地诉苦 pour out my complaints without feeling ashamed冷冷一笑 smile a sardonic smile用着怒眼斜视着小伙计 cast an angry sidelong glance at the young clerk重重着打着算盘 work his abacus with a vengeance充当临时店员 volunteer to serve as a temporary clerk使了个眼色制止他 stop him by tipping hime a wink打量我 look me up and down 悻悻然地离去 walk off in sulky silence居然 to one’s great surprise趾高气昂 chin up and chest out故意向他示威 demand by way of a protest低头 lower one’s head骂我思想顽固 call me a diehard开倒车 go against the trend of the times用剩下的两元多请她们在馆里吃饭 spend the remaining two dollars and something treating them at a small eatery至少可以挨饿三天 last me three days without feeling hungry学会喝酒 take to drinking视金钱为粪土 look upon money as dirt半文钱也不愿为自己花 grudge to spend every single cent for oneself影响我的思想和意志 affect my mind and will把钱分给穷朋友用 share money with friends in need跑到馆子里大吃大喝一顿 go to a restaurant to eat and drink to my heart’s content一个人跑到马路上喝西北风 go strolling around the streets alone on an empty stomach躲在亭子间里喝自来水 shut oneself up in one’s small room with nothing to eat蒙在被窝里睡两天 lie in bed sleeping for a couple of days消磨可怕的长日 while away the terrible long days听到肠子饿得咕咕叫 hear one’s own stomach rumbling with hunger易子而食 eat the flesh of each other’s son加深我对现社会的认识 deepen my knowledge of present-day society加强我生的勇气 give me more courage to live万万千千 thousands upon thousands在饥饿线上挣扎 on the brink of starvation 🔥复盘测试四天没吃饭起初一天吃四个烧饼或两个小面包连买开水的一个铜板也没有胃又冷又痛有问题被抓进捕房里去不肯赊账吃饭援救被捕同学筹备自己的生活费借钱三元五元不敢做主欣喜若狂最后鲜明动人的广告怀着一颗好奇心走进去像顾客一般从书架上抽出一本鲜红的封面画了小兵骑牛无条件得到十本含羞地轻声问那位管账的结算版税预支几元连回去搭电车的钱也没有忘记羞耻一点也不难为情地诉苦冷冷一笑用着怒眼斜视着小伙计重重着打着算盘充当临时店员使了个眼色制止他打量我悻悻然地离去居然趾高气昂故意向他示威低头骂我思想顽固开倒车用剩下的两元多请她们在馆里吃饭至少可以挨饿三天学会喝酒视金钱为粪土半文钱也不愿为自己花影响我的思想和意志把钱分给穷朋友用跑到馆子里大吃大喝一顿一个人跑到马路上喝西北风躲在亭子间里喝自来水蒙在被窝里睡两天消磨可怕的长日听到肠子饿得咕咕叫易子而食加深我对现社会的认识加强我生的勇气万万千千在饥饿线上挣扎🔥表达对比关于「没钱,贫穷」的表达起初是一天吃四个烧饼,或者两个小面包;后来由四个减成两个,再由两个减成一个,最后简直穷得连买开水的一个铜板也没有了。At first, I ate nothing but four baked cakes or two small buns per day, then I cut them down by half and then by another half, until I didn’t even own a copper for buying boiled water.“我没有钱用了,请你付几元钱的版税给我好吗?”“I need money badly. May I have a few dollars now out of the royalties on my book?”你不信,我连回去搭电车的钱都没有,来的时候也是跑路的。”Believe me, I can’t even afford the streetcar fare going back home. I came here on foot.”穷困时,就一个人跑去马路上喝西北风,躲在亭子间里喝自来水,或者索性蒙在被窝里睡两天,看看有趣的小说,以消磨这可怕的长日。When I’m broke, I’ll go strolling around the streets alone on an empty stomach, or shut myself up in my small room with nothing to eat, or lie in bed sleeping for a couple of days or reading an interesting novel, just to while away the terrible long days.虽然这样穷困,但我这副硬骨头始终不屈服,不向有钱的人低头,更不像别人认为女人的出路是找个有钱的丈夫。Destitute as I am, I can bear my privation with great fortitude. I never yield, never bow to the rich, never think that a woman’s way out is to marry a wealthy man.