The Dog巴金Ba Jin🔥背景知识:巴金的随笔《狗》是另一篇脍炙人口的名篇。文章写于1941年7月24日,后编入散文集《龙·虎·狗》。作者托物寓志,揭示了这样一个道理:一切邪恶都是纸老虎,必须奋力反抗,才能伸张正气,不应畏惧退缩。小时候我害怕狗。I used to be afraid of dogs when I was a child.🎈「小时候」故用used to do sth记得有一回在新年里,我到二伯父家去玩。在他那个花园内,一条大黑狗追赶我,One day during lunar new year, I remember, I happened to be chased after by a big black dog while I was playing about in the garden of Second Uncle’s home.🎈新年:lunar new year🎈追赶:chase after跑过几块花圃。后来我上了洋楼,才躲过这一场灾难,没有让狗嘴咬坏我的腿。Fortunately, after running past several flower beds, I gave him the slip by rushing upstairs in a storeyed building, thus avoiding the mishap of having my legs bitten by the fierce animal.🎈「才躲过这一场灾难」译为Fortunately… I gave him the slip,是按「幸而把狗甩掉了」的意思加以表达的,等于Fortunately… I succeeded in escaping from him,其中to give one the slip是成语,作「趁…不备时溜掉」或「把……甩掉」🎈此处「狗」译为the fierce animal,代替上文用的dog。以后见着狗,我总是逃,它也总是追,而且屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠。From then on, I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer. He would bark furiously at the sight of me.🎈「以后见着狗」意即「从此以后」,故译为From then on。🎈「我总是逃,它也总是追」意即「我总是作为逃跑者,狗总是作为追赶者」,此处保持前后一致,故译为I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer,后面省略了played。🎈「屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠」意即「屡屡看见我就凶恶地吠叫」,故译为He would bark furiously at the sight of me。译文中用he,不用it,来称呼「狗」,是为了使之拟人化。我愈怕,狗愈凶。And the more scared I was, the fiercer he became.🎈此句「愈…就…」即「the+比较级,the+比较级」句式。怕狗成了我的一种病。I developed a canine phobia.🎈此句不宜直译,现译为I developed a canine phobia.(或a phobia about dogs),其中phobia的意思是「恐惧症」a morbid or unreasonable fear of something我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog.🎈「渐渐地」通过「be动词+doing」表达出来了。🎈「有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得」译为one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that…,其中用somehow表达「不知道因为什么」,等于for some reason that was not clear”或“for some reason or other。看见狗我便站住,不再逃避。Hence instead of shying away in fear, I stood confronting him.🎈「不再逃避」译为instead of shying away in fear,增补出in fear(因为恐惧)。to shy away from作「避开」「躲开」解,与to start aside同义。我站住,狗也就站住。I stood firm and so did he.🎈站住:stand firm🎈「狗也就站住」译为so did he,用了倒装句式。与其相似的表达为so he did,表强调,意为「他的确是」它望着我狂吠,它张大嘴,它做出要扑过来的样子。He barked angrily with his mouth wide open as if he were about to run at me.🎈with his mouth wide open为独立主格结构,his mouth wide为逻辑主语,省略be动词。🎈run at 冲过去袭击但是它并不朝着我前进一步。But, nevertheless, he never moved a single step towards me.🎈朝着我前进一步: move a single step towards me它用怒目看我,我便也用怒目看它。He glowered at me, and so did I at him.🎈用怒目看我 glower at me它始终保持着我和它中间的距离。But he always kept the same distance between us.🎈「始终保持着我和它中间的距离」意即「始终保持一致的距离」,故译为he always kept the same distance between us。🎈but为上下文的隐含之意,它怒瞪着我,但还是保持着距离。这样地过了一阵子,我便转身走了。狗立刻追上来。After a time, the minute my back was turned he immediately followed in pursuit.🎈「我便转身走了。狗立刻追上来」意即「我一转身走,狗就追上来」,用了the minute一…就…句型,故译为the minute my back was turned he immediately followed in pursuit。🎈In pursuit 紧追不舍我回过头。狗马上站住了。它望着我恶叫,却不敢朝我扑过来。However, as I looked back he stopped right away and stood barking at me savagely, but dared not attack me.🎈barking at me savagely为非谓语动词作伴随状语。🎈「不敢朝我扑过来」即「不敢攻击我」,故译为dared not attack me。“你的本事不过这一点点,”我这样想着,觉得胆子更大了。“Aha, he’s now used up all his tricks!” said I to myself, feeling much more emboldened.🎈「你的本事不过这一点点」可译为Aha, he’s now used up all his tricks或So that’s all he can do、See he’s at the end of his resources、Now he’s exhausted all his tricks。感叹词Aha(啊哈)是增益成分,表示得意、看透等心情。🎈feeling much more emboldened为非谓语动词作结果状语,这样想着,因此胆子更大了。我用轻蔑的眼光看它,我顿脚,我对它吐出骂语。I stared at him scornfully, stamped my feet and shouted vicious abuse.🎈此处为一连串的动作,「看」「顿脚」「骂」,所以以逗号和and连接即可。它后退两步,这次倒是它露出了害怕的表情。He backed up a few steps, it being his turn to show signs of inner fear.🎈「这次倒是它露出了害怕的表情」意同「现在轮到它流露出内心的恐惧」,故译为it being his turn to show signs of inner fear。它仍然汪汪地叫,可是叫声却不像先前那样地“恶”了。He kept barking but with reduced savagery.🎈「却不像先前那样地‘恶’了」意即「减少了凶恶程度」,故译为with reduced savagery。我讨厌这种纠缠不清的叫声。我在地上拾起一块石子,就对准狗打过去。石子打在狗的身上,Disgusted with the din of barks, I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it right at him. It hit him on the back. 🎈din意为a loud, unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time,故「纠缠不清的叫声」译为the din of barks。🎈「石子打在狗的身上」不宜译为It hit him on the body,因body指「躯体」或「躯干」,意思太泛,故改译It hit him on the back。狗哀叫一声,似乎什么地方痛了。它马上掉转身子夹着尾巴就跑,并不等我的第二块石子落到它的头上。He let out a piteous cry apparently with pain and, before my second stone was to fall upon his head, quickly turned round to run away with the tail between the legs.🎈before my second stone was to fall upon his head为时间状语从句。🎈quickly turned round to run away with the tail between the legs和前面He let out a piteous cry apparently with pain为并列句。我望着逃去了的狗影,轻蔑地冷笑两声。I gazed after the fleeing animal and gave a disdainful laugh.🎈「轻蔑地冷笑两声」此处「轻蔑地」由副词转为形容词disdainful。从此狗碰到我的石子就逃。Thenceforth he would promptly take to his heels whenever he saw me with a stone in my hand.🎈take to one’s heels 溜之大吉🎈with a stone in my hand为独立主格,表伴随状态。🔥必背词汇slip n. 摆脱某人的追踪;甩掉某人的跟踪 英义give sb the slip: to escape or get away from sb who is following or chasing you例句He gave reporters the slip by leaving at midnight.他在午夜时分离开,避开了记者的追踪。mishap n. 小事故,晦气英义a small accident or piece of bad luck that does not have serious results例句I managed to get home without mishap.我总算平安回到了家。canine adj. 狗的,犬科动物的英义relating to dogs例句canine diseases犬类疾病phobia n. 恐怖症,恐惧症(无名的极度恐惧)英义a strong unreasonable fear of sth例句He has a phobia about flying.他对飞行有恐惧症。 glower v. 怒视;虎视眈眈;咄咄逼人地盯着英义to look in an angry, aggressive way例句He glowered at me but said nothing…他怒视着我,却一言不发。embolden v. 使增加勇气;使更有胆量;使更有信心英义to make sb feel braver or more confident例句Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her. 他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。 savagery n.残暴行为 英义behaviour that is very cruel and violent例句The police were shocked by the savagery of the attacks. 警察对这些惨无人道的袭击感到震惊。din n. 喧嚣声;嘈杂声;吵闹声 英义a loud, unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time例句The children were making an awful din. 孩子们吵得厉害。piteous adj. 可怜的;令人怜悯的;令人同情的英义deserving or causing pity例句a piteous cry / sight 可怜的哭声 / 景象 🔥重点词组害怕狗 be afraid of dogs新年里 during lunar new year被一条大黑狗追 be chased after by a big black dog跑过几块花圃 run past several flower beds上了洋楼 rush upstairs in a storeyed building躲过这一场灾难,没有让狗嘴咬坏我的腿 avoid the mishap of having my legs bitten by the fierce animal屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠 bark furiously at the sight of me我忽然觉得 it suddenly dawns on me逃避 shy away 扑过来 run at 朝我前进一步 move a single step towards me用怒目看我 glower at me始终保持我和它中间的距离 always keep the same distance between us追上来 follow in pursuit望着我恶叫 bark at me savagely 觉得胆子更大了 feel much more emboldened用轻蔑的眼光看它 stare at him scornfully顿脚 stamp my feet对它吐出骂语 shout vicious abuse露出害怕的表情 show signs of inner fear讨厌纠缠不清的叫声 be disgusted with the din of barks从地上拾起一块石子 pick up a stone from the ground 哀叫一声 let out a piteous cry夹着尾巴跑 run away with the tail between the legs轻蔑地冷笑两声 give a disdainful laugh🔥复盘测试害怕狗新年里被一条大黑狗追跑过几块花圃上了洋楼躲过这一场灾难,没有让狗嘴咬坏我的腿屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠我忽然觉得逃避扑过来朝我前进一步用怒目看我始终保持我和它中间的距离追上来望着我恶叫觉得胆子更大了用轻蔑的眼光看它顿脚对它吐出骂语露出害怕的表情讨厌纠缠不清的叫声从地上拾起一块石子哀叫一声夹着尾巴跑轻蔑地冷笑两声🔥表达对比关于「凶狠、凶恶」的不同表达而且屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠。He would bark furiously at the sight of me.我愈怕,狗愈凶。And the more scared I was, the fiercer he became.它望着我狂吠,它张大嘴,它做出要扑过来的样子。He barked angrily with his mouth wide open as if he were about to run at me.它用怒目看我,我便也用怒目看它。He glowered at me, and so did I at him.我回过头。狗马上站住了。它望着我恶叫,却不敢朝我扑过来。However, as I looked back he stopped right away and stood barking at me savagely, but dared not attack me.它仍然汪汪地叫,可是叫声却不像先前那样地“恶”了。He kept barking but with reduced savagery.这样,竟使他变做一个非常凶狠而暴躁的男子,and he became vicious and bad-tempered.它们的耐力是坚强的,漫卷的黄沙和凶猛的台风在它们面前,都为之失色……Their endurance is such as to put to shame both the raging sandstorm and the violent typhoon.