The Second Test –He Wei 🔥背景知识:《第二次考试》是散文家何为(1922- )的前期代表作,1956年12月26日在《人民日报》上发表后,立刻博得好评。此文以情节取胜,构思精巧,寓意深邃,乃一篇玲珑剔透的成功之作。著名的声乐专家苏林教授发现了一件奇怪的事情:在这次参加考试的二百多名合唱训练班学生中间,有一个二十岁的女生陈伊玲,初试时的成绩十分优异:声乐、视唱、练耳和乐理等课目都列入优等,Professor Su Lin, a well-known expert on vocal music, found something very puzzling. Twenty-year-old girl Chen Yiling from Chorus Training Class of more than 200 students had come out exceedingly well in the preliminary test, scoring high marks in vocal music, sightsinging, ear training and music theory.🎈「这次考试」译为in the preliminary test,指明是「初试」,表意更清晰。🎈表现突出/优异come out exceedingly well🎈视唱是sightsinging;视译是sight interpreting尤其是她的音色美丽和音域宽广令人赞叹。而复试时却使人大失所望。Her beautiful tone color and broad range, in particular, won high praise. But, to the great disappointment of everybody, she failed the second test.🎈英文单词往往一词多义,在不同语境中体现不同的意思,要根据上下文定位释义。如此处range就专指音乐术语:音域。🎈表示考「试失败/挂科」①fail+考试 ②flunk+科目苏林教授一生桃李满天下,他的学生中间不少是有国际声誉的,但是这样年青而又有才华的学生却还是第一个,这样的事情也还是第一次碰到。那次公开的考试是在那间古色古香的大厅里举行的。The professor, who had trained a large number of students, many of them now of international fame, had never seen a young girl with a brilliant talent. And the above strange happening was something he had never known before. The preliminary test took place in a spacious hall of antique style.🎈many of them now of international fame是独立主格结构。其中,「of+抽象名词」相当于adj.🎈happening是可数名词,意为「发生的事情,意外事件,难以解释的事」当陈伊玲镇静地站在考试委员会里几位有名的声乐专家面前,唱完了冼星海的那支有名的“二月里来”,门外窗外挤挤挨挨的都站满了人,甚至连不带任何表情的教授们也不免暗暗递了个眼色。Chen Yiling stood calmly before the eminent vocal music experts on the Test Committee. When she finished singing Xian Xinghai’s famous When February Comes, throngs of listeners could be seen standing entranced outside the doors and windows, and even the professors, who usually wore an air of casual indifference, could not help exchanging knowing looks at one another.🎈人群throngs of people= crowds of people 🎈standing entranced outside the doors and windows 中,entranced 作伴随状语。🎈「不带任何表情」意即「表情冷漠」,现译为wore an air of casual indifference。🎈「不免暗暗递了个眼色」→「心照不宣地交换眼神、会意地」,故译为exchanging knowing looks at one another。按照规定,应试者还要唱一支外国歌曲,她演唱了意大利歌剧“蝴蝶夫人”中的咏叹调“有一个良辰佳日”,以她灿烂的音色和深沉的理解惊动四座,一向以要求严格闻名的苏林教授也不由颔首表示赞许,在他严峻的眼光下,隐藏着一丝微笑。As it was required of each candidate to sing a foreign song as well, Chen sang the aria Un bel di from the Italian opera Madama Butterfly. The audience were amazed by her splendid tone color and deep comprehension. Even Professor Su, known for his strict demands, also nodded his approval, his stern eyes twinkling with delight.🎈「蝴蝶夫人」为意大利著名歌剧作曲家普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)的作品,共三幕,于1904年2月17日在意大利米兰首演。原名为Madama Butterfly或Madame Butterfly。 🎈「有一个良辰佳日」为意大利歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》中的著名女高音独唱曲。原名为Un bel di或Un bel di vedremo。另一中文译名为《晴朗的一天》。🎈颔首/点头表示赞许to nod one’s approval🎈his stern eyes twinkling with delight是独立主格结构。大家都默无一言地注视陈伊玲:嫩绿色的绒线上衣,一条贴身的咖啡西裤,宛如春天早晨一株亭亭玉立的小树。众目睽睽下,这个本来笑容自若的姑娘也不禁微微困惑了。Chen, wearing a light green woollen sweater and close-fitting brown trousers, stood there like a graceful tree on a spring morning. However, under the silent stare of so many eyes, the smiling girl appeared somewhat ill at ease. 🎈However补充逻辑关系。🎈不好意思,尴尬,不自在 ill at ease 🎈《枣核》中:朋友有点不好意思地解释说,……。My friend looked somewhat ill at ease when he told me this: …。复试是在一星期后举行的。录取与否都取决于此。这时将决定一个人终生的事业。The second test came to pass a week later. The result of this test was to determine each candidate’s fate— accepted or otherwise, and what his or her future career would be like.🎈初试the preliminary test复试the second test🎈accepted or otherwise, and what his or her future career would be like是对fate一词的解释说明。经过初试这一关,剩下的人现在已是寥寥无几;而复试将是各方面更其严格的要求下进行的,本市有名的音乐界人士都到了。With most of the candidates already eliminated by the preliminary test, this second test was even more demanding in every respect. All celebrated local musicians were present.🎈独立主格结构中的逻辑主语前有事可以加with或without,作伴随状语或定语。🎈present为形容词,意为「出席的,在场的」这些考试委员和旁听者在评选时几乎都带着苛刻的挑剔神气。但是全体对陈伊玲都留下这样一个印象:如果合乎录取条件的只有一个人,那么这唯一的一个人无疑应该是陈伊玲。During the test almost all Test Committee members and visitors wore a harsh and nitpicking look. Nevertheless, they were all under the impression that of all the remaining candidates Chen would undoubtedly be the last one to fail the second test.🎈带着苛刻的挑剔神气wore a harsh and nitpicking look。译法与上文「不带任何表情」wore an air of casual indifference一致。🎈of+… 限定一个范围。🎈be the last…可暗含否定意义。例句①They were the last things Jon wanted to hear. 正是他此刻最不想听的靡靡之音。②But unknown to him, moments from now, food will be the last thing on his mind. 不过它不知道,此后不久,食物是它最不用担心的东西。谁知道事实却出乎意料之外。陈伊玲是参加复试的最后一个人,唱的还是那两支歌,可是声音发涩,毫无光彩,听起来前后判若两人。Unfortunately, the result was contrary to everybody’s expectation. When Chen’s turn came last, she sang the same two songs, but her voice was unpleasant and utterly lacklustre as if she were no longer her old self.🎈Unfortunately除了「不幸」之外,还可表示「遗憾的是、令人失望的是」🎈出乎意料 contrary to one’s expectation🎈were no longer her old self即前后判若两人,「以前的自己」old self。 例句But I’m just now getting back to my old self.但是我正在努力变回原来的自己。是因为怯场、心慌,还是由于身体不适,影响声音?人们甚至怀疑到她的生活作风上是否有不够慎重的地方!在座的人面面相觑,大家带着询问和疑惑的眼光举目望她。Was it due to stage fright, nervousness or indisposition? People even suspected some sort of impropriety in her private life. They stared at each other in speechless despair and eyed her questioningly. 🎈怯场 stage fright/camera shy恐高 fear of heights或be afraid/scared of heights🎈suspect和doubt区别
1、怀疑的结果不同doubt的意思是「疑为非」,suspect的意思是「疑为是」例句I doubt that he is the criminal. (实指:我不相信她是罪犯。)例句I suspect that she is the criminal. (实指:我怀疑她是罪犯。)
🎈「她的生活作风上是否有不够慎重的地方」指「她在私生活方面恐有不够检点之处」,故译为some sort of impropriety in her private life,其中impropriety意为「不正当的行为」或「不合适的举止」虽然她掩饰不住自己脸上的困倦,一双聪颖的眼睛显得黯然无神,那顽皮的嘴角也流露出一种无可诉说的焦急,可是就整个看来,她通体是明朗的,坦率的,可以使人信任的;Weariness was written all over her face. Her bright eyes now looked dejected and dull. And the corners of her otherwise playful mouth wore an expression of unspeakable anxiety. But, as a whole, she was bright, candid and trustworthy.🎈otherwise是副词,表示「与之不同地,相反地」。例句All photographs are by the author unless otherwise stated.若无特殊说明,所有照片均出自该作者。仅仅只因为一点意外的事故使她遭受挫折,而这正是人们感到不解之处。她抱歉地对大家笑笑,于是飘然走了。苏林教授显然是大为生气了。People just could not understand what little accident, if any, had been the cause of her frustration. She smiled apologetically and disappeared out of the room. Professor Su was obviously upset.🎈如果有的话 if any,《我若为王》中:我若为王,我的儿子,假如我有儿子,就是太子或王子了。If I were king, my son, if any, would be crown prince or prince.他从来认为,要做一个真正为人民所爱戴的艺术家,首先要做一个各方面都能成为表率的人,一个高尚的人!歌唱家又何尝能例外!可是这样一个自暴自弃的女孩子,永远也不能成为一个有成就的歌唱家!He had always believed that to win people’s genuine love and esteem, an artist must first of all be exemplary in every way, first of all a noble-minded person. A singer was of course no exception. But a girl like Chen, who had no urge for self-improvement, would never become a successful singer. 🎈各方面,全方位,彻头彻尾in every way 《我若为王》中:「一无所知,一无所能的白痴」译为be ignorant or worthless in every way like an idiot🎈 first of all a noble-minded person省略相同成分must be。first of all作保留是为了突出强调,增强语气。他生气地侧过头去望向窗外。这个城市刚刚受到一次今年最严重的台风的袭击,窗外断枝残叶狼藉满地,整排竹篱委身在满是积水的地上,一片惨淡的景象。He turned in anger to look out of the window. The town had just been hit by the worst typhoon of the year. The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves. Fallen bamboo fences on the sodden ground. What a pitiful sight! Q:「整排竹篱委身在满是积水的地上」翻译为Fallen bamboo fences on the sodden ground对吗?🎈我个人建议大家把这一句处理成独立主格结构,或者以一个「结构完整」的句子译出。这句话可能涉及「可单独成句的成分」的语法点,但我以现有的语法储存理解不了张老先生对此处译文的处理。如果把fence当做动词,会出现意思偏离+时态矛盾;fence作名词,这个「句子」又光秃秃的只剩一个主语。诚请诸位翻译大佬指点!评论区见!考试委员会对陈伊玲有两种意见:一种认为从两次考试可以看出陈伊玲的声音极不稳固,不扎实,很难造就;另一种则认为给她机会,让她再试一次。The Test Committee were divided in their opinions about Chen. Some held out little hope of her achieving success as a vocalist, saying that the two tests had shown her voice far from able to hold its own. Others wanted to give her an opportunity for another try. 🎈「声音极不稳固,不扎实」译为her voice far from able to hold its own, 其中to hold its own是习语,意为「维持原有的状态」或「不衰退」苏林教授有他自己的看法,他觉得重要的是为什么造成她先后两次声音悬殊的根本原因,Professor Su, however, had a view of his own. He thought it important to find the root cause of her failure in the second test.🎈希望大家也凡事不拘于表象,善于find root cause如果问题在于她对事业和生活的态度,尽管声音的禀赋再好,也不能录取她!这是一切条件中的首要条件!He maintained that if her failure was due to her questionable attitude towards her career and life, she should on no account be admitted no matter how highly gifted she was. That, he said, should be the first and foremost of all things to be considered. 🎈绝不,切勿 on no account例句When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative.当你被问及对目前工作的看法时,绝不要表现得消极。🎈「no matter+疑问词(who, what, where, when, how)」引导让步状语从句,表示「无论,不管」,相当于「疑问词+ever」。注意:「疑问词+ever」引导名词性从句时,不可用「no matter+疑问词」互换。如:I’ll eat whatever (≠no matter what) you give me.可是究竟是什么原因呢?苏林教授从秘书那里取去了陈伊玲的报名单,在填着地址的那一栏上,他用红铅笔划了一条粗线。Now what on earth was the cause of her failure? Professor Su got Chen’s application form for enrollment from his secretary and underlined in red pencil the address she had put down on it.🎈写下,记录 put sth. down表格上的那张报名照片是一张叫人喜欢的脸,小而好看的嘴,明快单纯的眼睛,笑起来鼻翼稍稍皱起的鼻子,The photo attached to the form showed a very cute face with a pretty little mouth, lucid guiltless eyes and a nose which would pucker up a little bit whenever she smiled.🎈attach可用来表示「附上(额外信息)」例句It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail.可以在电子邮件里附上可执行程序文件。🎈积累描写人物外貌的表达。这一切都像是在提醒那位有名的声乐专家,不能用任何简单的方式对待一个人——一个有生命有思想有感情的人。至少眼前这个姑娘的某些具体情况是这张简单的表格上所看不到的。All that seemed to warn the professor against treating a person in a simplistic way— a person alive with thought and emotion. There must be certain practical aspects of the young girl which the simple application form made no mention of.🎈警告某人不要做某事 warn sb. against doing sth.🎈alive作person的后置定语。由前缀a-构成的形容词作定语时要求后置,例如afraid, alone, alike, ashamed, asleep, afloat, awake等。🎈「至少眼前这个姑娘的某些具体情况是这张简单的表格上所看不到的」也可以直接译成Some certain practical aspects of the young girl must be invisible on the simple application.句式选择因人而异。如果这一次落选了,也许这个人终其一生就和音乐分手了。她的天才可能从此就被埋没。而作为一个以培养学生为责任的音乐教授,情况如果是这样,那他是绝对不能原谅自己的。Her failure to pass the second test might mean her life-long divorce from music and hence a permanent stifling of her musical talent. Should that be the case, the professor, whose duty it was to foster young musical talents, would never forgive himself. 🎈此处stifling是动名词形式,即具有名词性质。🎈Should that be the case是省略if的虚拟条件句:在虚拟条件句中,如果从句中含有were/had/should等词时,可将if省去,把were/had/should提到主语之前,引起倒装;若句中无were/had/should等词,则不能省略if,也不能用倒装结构。Q: whose duty it was to…是嘛玩意儿?🎈whose引导定语从句,既可指人也可指物。whose还常在定语从句中同it连用,it起形式主语的作用,表示强调。例如:A teacher is a person whose duty is to teach.和 A teacher is a person whose duty it is to teach.两个句子意思完全相同,只是结构有所不同。whose duty it is to teach中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to teach,是从强调结构it is his duty to teach演变而来的。第二天,苏林教授乘早上第一班电车出发。根据报名单上的地址,好容易找到了在杨树浦的那条僻静的马路,进了弄堂,蓦地不由吃了一惊。The next morning, Professor Su took the first tram of the day. Thanks to the address given on the application form, he finally managed to find the secluded street in Yangshupu. The moment he stepped into the lane, he was taken aback by what he saw.🎈「杨树浦」位于上海市东北部,濒临黄浦江,旧时为贫民区。有次老师上课给我们分享听三口录音的事情:我就不知道为什么好多人直接把Huangpu River翻成了「黄埔河」?难道因为它没Yangtse River出名吗?🎈「根据报名单上的地址」译作thanks to…,并无不妥。这句话呈现的意思本来就是「多亏名单上的地址,才能找到(不好找)的马路」🎈吃惊 be taken aback例句But leaders here in South Korea were taken aback.但是最近韩国领导人感到震惊.那弄堂里有些墙垣都已倾塌,烧焦的栋梁呈现一片可怕的黑色,断瓦残垣中间时或露出枯黄的破布碎片,所有这些说明了这条弄堂不仅受到台风破坏,而且显然发生过火灾。就在这灾区的瓦砾场上,有些人大清早就在忙碌着张罗。There were broken walls, charred beams of a ghastly black and scorched rags here and there among debris—all telling of the destruction wrought by the recent typhoon and the ensuing fire. Since early in the morning, some people had already been busying themselves amongst the rubble.🎈显示,表明 tell of sth.英义to make something known; to give an account of something🎈all telling of…是独立主格结构。独立主格结构一般用逗号与主句分开(有时也用破折号)。例句The room was in chaos—dirty clothes strewn on the floor, cosmetics scattered over the dresser, empty bottles and cans everywhere。房间一片混乱,脏衣服扔在地板上,化妆品散乱在梳妆台上,空的瓶瓶罐罐到处都是。🎈busy可作动词。忙于……busy oneself with sth. 例句He busied himself with the camera. 他忙着摆弄那个相机。苏林教授手持纸条,不知从何处找起,忽然听见对屋的楼窗上,有一个孩子有事没事地张口叫着: “咪——咿——咿——咿——,吗——啊——啊——啊——”仿佛歌唱家在练声的样子。Professor Su, with a slip of paper in hand, was wondering where to find the address when all of a sudden he heard a child crying out randomly from an upstairs window of the opposite building, like a singer practising his voice: “Mi—yi—yi—yi—, ma—ah—ah—ah—”🎈「有事没事地」意即「任意地」或「胡乱地」,故译为randomly。🎈忽然,突然 all of a sudden🎈where根据不同语境可译作不同意思。文中译作「地方」,但其他语境中也可译作「时间」例句Okay, so we’ve cleared up where to use apostrophe and where to use apostrophe S. 好吧,我们现在对什么时候用省字符,什么时候用省字符加S就清晰了。苏林教授不禁为之微笑,他猜对了,那孩子敢情就是陈伊玲的弟弟,正在若有其事地学着他姊姊练声的姿势呢。The professor could not help smiling. He guessed right that the kid was Chen’s younger brother affectedly parroting his elder sister’s voice. 🎈「若有其事地学着他姊姊练声的姿势呢」译为affectedly parroting his elder sister’s voice。其中affectedly指以一种不自然的方式,parrot指鹦鹉学舌般地模仿。从孩子口里知道:他的姊姊是个转业军人,从文工团回来的,到上海后就被分配到工厂里担任行政工作。The professor then learned from the child that his elder sister Chen, ex-member of a PLA art troupe, was now on the administrative staff of a factory after being transferred from the army to civilian work in Shanghai.🎈前缀ex-表示前XX。分享一句自己最近看到的翻译:the only ex I miss is ex-tra money 值得怀念的不是有前任的日子,是有钱任性的日子。🎈中国人民解放军 PLA(Chinese People’s Liberation Army)公务员 a civil servant她是个青年团员,——一个积极而热心的人,不管厂里也好,里弄也好,有事找陈伊玲准没有错!As a Youth Leaguer, she was enthusiastic and earnest. Whenever the factory or her neighborhood was in need of some help, she was always considered the right person to approach.🎈……是正确的人选/选择 be considered the right person. 其中,省略了as。 consider… (to be/as) …这种结构在现代英语,尤其美式英语法中,to be 和 as经常可以省略。还是在二三天前,这里附近因为台风而造成电线走火,好多人家流离失所,Just a couple of days before, the neighborhood had caught fire as a result of electric wire sparking caused by the typhoon. Consequently, many families were left homeless.🎈见到数字可以考虑couple,dozen,decade,fortnight等词。🎈此处为表示因果关系选用了as a result of和consequently。陈伊玲就为了安置灾民,忙得整夜没有睡,终于影响了嗓子。第二天刚好是她去复试的日子,她说声“糟糕”,还是去参加考试了。 Chen spent a sleepless night caring for the disaster victims, which in turn affected her voice. The next day, when it occurred to her that it was the very day for the second test, she blurted out, “Oh, my!” Yet, she went to the test all the same. 🎈in turn有多个意思: 「依次」「轮流」「反过来」例句Let’s look at each of these in turn.让我们依次看看这些。例句In turn, they exacerbate global warming.反过来它们加剧全球变暖。🎈the very day:very一词强调这一天,意思就是「这一天」这就是全部经过。 “瞧,她还在那儿忙着哪!”孩子向窗外扬了扬手说,“我叫她!我去叫她!” That was the whole story. “Look, she’s still busy working over there!” exclaimed the child from the window, gesticulating with his raised hand. “Let me call her! I’ll go and call her!”🎈story用的就很妙。除此以外,story还有n多含义,简直「小小的身体,大大的能量」,感兴趣可以自己搜索一下。“不。只要告诉你姊姊:她的第二次考试已经录取了!她完全有条件成为一个优秀的歌唱家,不是吗?我几乎犯了一个错误!” “No, don’t. But just tell your sister that she’s been admitted after passing the second test! She has every qualification for being a superb singer, hasn’t she? I’ve almost made a mistake!” 🎈具备……的各个条件/各种资格;完全有条件…… has every qualification for🎈hasn’t she?是反意疑问句,也叫附加疑问句(Tag Question),主要由「陈述部分+附加疑问部分」构成。苏林教授从陈伊玲家里出来,走得很快。是的,这天早晨有什么使人感动的东西充溢在他胸口,他想赶紧回去把他发现的这个音乐学生和她的故事告诉每一个人。The professor walked away from Chen’s house, and that very quickly. Yes, his bosom swelling with a thrill, he wanted to hurry back to let everybody know of the music student he had discovered and the whole story about her. Q: 「and that very quickly」是什么语法点?🎈“…, and that…”是一种习惯用法。that 在这里的用法是「用于强调先前表达过的词或短语的意思」,其前的 and 用于承前启后。and that 在此可翻译成「而且」例句She came at midnight, and that alone. (and that=and she came at midnight)。同理,此处可以理解成:that相当于把「The professor walked away from Chen’s house」又复制粘贴了过来,只是多了very quickly的成分。各句里的and that都加重后面的语气。🎈 his bosom swelling with a thrill是独立主格结构。🔥必背词汇preliminary adj.预备的,初步的英义Preliminary activities or discussions take place at the beginning of an event, often as a form of preparation.例句Preliminary talks on the future of the bases began yesterday.昨天开始了关于基地未来的初步讨论。score v.(考试等中)得分英义If you score a particular number or amount, for example as a mark in a test, you achieve that number or amount.例句Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低。impropriety n.不合适举止;不正当行为英义Impropriety is improper behaviour.例句He resigned amid allegations of financial impropriety.他在财务作假的质疑声中辞职了。spacious adj.广阔的;宽敞的英义A spacious room or other place is large in size or area, so that you can move around freely in it. 例句The house has a spacious kitchen and dining area.这座房子有一个宽敞的厨房和用餐区。happening cn.发生的事情,意外事件,难以解释的事英义Happenings are things that happen, often in a way that is unexpected or hard to explain.例句The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings.布达佩斯办事处计划聘用自由撰稿记者来报道最近发生的一些事件。throngs cn.一大群人,人群英义A throng is a large crowd of people. 例句An official pushed through the throng.一名官员费力地挤过人群。aria cn.咏叹调英义An aria is a song for one of the leading singers in an opera or choral work.例句an aria from Bach’s St Matthew Passion巴赫所作马太福音受难曲中的一支咏叹调eliminate v.消除,剔除,根除(尤指不需要之物)英义To eliminate something, especially something you do not want or need, means to remove it completely.例句The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment…《反性别歧视法》并未根除工作中的歧视。lacklustre adj.无生气的,无活力的,单调乏味的英义If you describe something or someone as lacklustre, you mean that they are not exciting or energetic.例句He has already been blamed for his party’s lackluster performance during the election campaign.他的政党在竞选活动中表现平平,他因此已受到指责。nitpicking adj.挑剔的;(尤指)吹毛求疵的英义often finding small mistakes in somebody’s work or paying too much attention to small details that are not important; showing this tendency.例句nitpicking objections挑剔的反对意见🔥重点表达著名的声乐专家a well-known expert on vocal music表现突出/优异come out exceedingly well音色tone color音域宽广broad range令人赞叹won high praise考试失败/挂科 fail+考试/flunk+科目使人大失所望to the great disappointment of everybody初试the preliminary test复试the second test……也还是第一次碰到was something he had never known before古色古香的大厅a spacious hall of antique style人群throngs of people= crowds of people不带任何表情wore an air of casual indifference带着苛刻的挑剔神气wore a harsh and nitpicking look蝴蝶夫人Madama Butterfly颔首表示赞许nodded his approval不好意思,尴尬,不自在 ill at ease各方面有更其严格的要求more demanding in every respect出乎意料 contrary to one’s expectation前后判若两人be no longer her old self 怯场 stage fright/camera shy恐高 fear of heights或be afraid/scared of heights就整个看来as a whole真正为人民所爱戴win people’s genuine love and esteem各方面,全方位,彻头彻尾in every way首先,首要first of all又何尝能例外was of course no exception自暴自弃had no urge for self-improvement断枝残叶狼藉满地The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves.意见不同were divided in their opinions about对……抱(巨大)希望hold out (high) hope of…“维持原有的状态”或“不衰退”to hold its own根本原因root cause绝不;切勿on no account是一切条件中的首要条件should be the first and foremost of all things to be considered报名单application form for enrollment可是究竟是什么原因呢?Now what on earth was the cause of…?写下,记录 put sth. down小而好看的嘴a pretty little mouth明快单纯的眼睛lucid guiltless eyes笑起来鼻翼稍稍皱起的鼻子a nose which would pucker up a little bit whenever she smiled警告某人不要做某事 warn sb. against doing sth.一个有生命有思想有感情的人a person alive with thought and emotion情况如果是这样Should that be the case,吃惊 be taken aback显示,表明tell of sth.忙于……busy oneself with sth.忽然,突然 all of a sudden文工团a PLA art troupe担任行政工作on the administrative staff (of…)中国人民解放军 PLA(Chinese People’s Liberation Army)公务员 a civil servant……是正确的人选/选择 be considered the right person着火catch fire因为台风而造成电线走火as a result of electric wire sparking caused by the typhoon流离失所were left homeless安置灾民caring for the disaster victims依次、轮流、 反过来in turn 仍然 all the same这就是全部经过That was the whole story.录取be admitted具备……的各个条件/各种资格;完全有条件……has every qualification for听说know of🔥复盘测试著名的声乐专家表现突出/优异音色音域宽广令人赞叹考试失败/挂科 使人大失所望初试复试……也还是第一次碰到古色古香的大厅人群不带任何表情带着苛刻的挑剔神气蝴蝶夫人颔首表示赞许不好意思,尴尬,不自在各方面有更其严格的要求出乎意料前后判若两人怯场恐高就整个看来真正为人民所爱戴各方面,全方位,彻头彻尾首先,首要又何尝能例外自暴自弃断枝残叶狼藉满地意见不同对……抱(巨大)希望「维持原有的状态」或「不衰退」绝不;切勿是一切条件中的首要条件报名单可是究竟是什么原因呢?写下,记录小而好看的嘴明快单纯的眼睛笑起来鼻翼稍稍皱起的鼻子警告某人不要做某事一个有生命有思想有感情的人情况如果是这样吃惊显示,表明忙于……忽然,突然文工团担任行政工作中国人民解放军公务员……是正确的人选/选择 着火因为台风而造成电线走火流离失所安置灾民依次、轮流、 反过来仍然这就是全部经过录取具备……的各个条件/各种资格;完全有条件……听说🔥表达对比「充满,满是,挤满」有几种表达?窗外断枝残叶狼藉「满地」The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves.当她唱完了冼星海的那支有名的“二月里来”,门外窗外「挤挤挨挨的都站满了人」When she finished singing Xian Xinghai’s famous When February Comes, throngs of listeners could be seen standing entranced outside the doors and windows.我在他桌子深处找到一张皱巴巴的「满是泪迹」的纸。 I found a crumpled tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk.麦克斯韦尔半转过身,双手「满是纸张」和写着股票行情的纸带。“什么职位?”他皱着眉头问道。 Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape. “What position?” he asked, with a frown.他脸上「满是皱纹」,放在床单上的手也是。 His face was covered with wrinkles, and so were his hands that were resting on top of his sheets.河岸上「充满生机」,超乎我的想象。The banks teem with more life than I thought possible.