The Wise Man, the Fool and the Slave鲁迅Lu Xun🔥背景知识:《聪明人和傻子和奴才》是鲁迅(1881-1936)写于1925年12月的一篇短文,选自他的散文诗集《野草》。正如该书其他一些篇章,此文也以揭露和冷讽社会相为特点,刻画聪明人的刁巧与奴才之不可救药。奴才总不过是寻人诉苦。What a slave did was just to look for someone to listen to his own grievances.🎈「寻人诉苦」意为找个人说说自己的痛苦,在这译者表达为look for someone to listen to his own grievance。🎈在翻译文章时,我们最好要将「总不过」这类加强语气或者表达人物情感、树立人物形象的词翻译出来。在这句句子中,大家可以试着把just去掉,细细品一品,是不是发现当把just去掉后,译文所传达的意思就缺了「总不过」的意味了?所以写完译文后,再检查一遍,是否做到了「信」,是否可以进一步向「达」「雅」靠拢呢?只要这样,也只能这样。That was the only thing he wanted to do and also the only thing he could do.🎈对于这句话的翻译,我们需要知道的翻译概念是形合与意合。首先,形合是什么意思呢?所谓形合,指的是词语或分句之间用语言形式手段(如关联词)连接起来,表达语法意义和逻辑关系。然后,我们再来看一下意合的概念,词语或分句之间不用语言形式手段连接,其中的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语或分句的含义表达。看完这两个名词的解释,小伙伴们知道中英文分别属于什么了吧?没错,英文属于形合,而中文属于意合。英语句子中不可缺少诸如主谓宾等语法成分;而中文则不必,一个句子里不出现主语也没关系,只要听的人看的人懂了就行。在这句话中,我们发现如果从英语语法角度来看,缺乏主语。所以,汉译英时,我们要补充主语「奴才」,因为上文说的就是他,所以我们这里可以用代词he。有一日,他遇到一个聪明人。One day he came across a wise man.🎈come across 意为「遇到」「偶遇」 同义词组:run into= run up against= encounter sb.=meet with“先生!”他悲哀地说,眼泪联成一线,就从眼角上直流下来。“Sir!” said he sadly, tears trickling down from the corners of his eyes.🎈对于「眼泪联成一线,就从眼角上直流下来」的翻译,有小伙伴译成tears falling down in a string from the corners of his eyes吗?这边我们可以看一下参考译文中运用的trickle down一词,该词表达了「一连串落下」或「一滴一滴流下」之意,所以我们就直接可以写成tears trickling down from the corners of his eyes是不是简洁很多呢?“你知道的。我所过的简直不是人的生活。“As you can see, I lead a subhuman life.🎈在这句话中,「简直不是人的生活」就是「非人生活」的意思,所以直接就可以用subhuman一词。当然了,这句话也可以译为I lead a dog’s life(奴才说我活的跟狗一样…)。Lead一词也用的很妙,可以在词语解析里看一下它的用法。吃的是一天未必有一餐,这一餐又不过是高粱皮,连猪狗都不要吃的,尚且只有一小碗……”I’m not even assured of a single meal a day. If I have one, it’s only a small bowl of kaoliang husks, which even a pig or dog would disdain to eat …”🎈这句原文是典型的中文语序,但翻译的时候,我们就要整合一些信息,以及补充主语。整理后的意思应该是「我一天未必有一餐。如果我有,这会是一小碗连猪狗都不要吃的高粱皮」。实际操作时,我们可能又会发现一个问题——高粱皮的前置定语太长,所以我们就可以把「连猪狗都不愿吃」当作后置定语。🎈此处「高粱」没有按拼音gaoliang来译,而是采用威妥玛氏拼音法译为kaoliang。那我们来看几个威妥玛仕拼音的例子北京大学 Peking University蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek 长江 Yangtze River“这实在令人同情。”聪明人也惨然说。“What a wretched life you lead!” the wise man replied with pity.🎈「这实在令人同情」同情的是什么?同情的是奴才的悲惨生活,所以这里就使用了一个感叹句What a wretched life you lead!来表达聪明人的情感,这句翻译就体现了「雅」的高境界。一开始翻译时,可能无法想到这样的话,那就要尽量做到「信」和「达」。🎈「惨然」在此应作「怜悯地」解,故译with pity。“可不是么!”他高兴了。“Isn’t it?” the slave followed up with exaltation.🎈「高兴」此处由动词转换为名词,译为follow up with exaltation。词性转换在汉译英与英译汉都非常常见哦,大家可以注意一下,灵活运用这一小技巧~“可是做工是昼夜无休息的:清早担水晚烧饭,上午跑街夜磨面,晴洗衣裳雨张伞,冬烧汽炉夏打扇。“And I toil day and night without rest. I carry water at dawn and cook dinner at dusk. I run errands all morning and grind wheat at night. I wash the clothes when it’s fine and hold an umbrella for my master when it’s rainy. I take care of the heating stove in winter and keep cooling my master with a fan in summer.🎈这一句话照例是要添加主语I。「清早……打扇」的译文可以和参考译文一样用句号隔开,也可以用分号来连接句子。我们在政府工作报告中会经常看见像这样长的句子,所以要学会适当断句。🎈若开始描述不同的事件时,就可以考虑一下要不要断个句。虽然英文喜欢使用长难句,但是如果使用过多的长难句,也会使人视觉疲劳,没有读下去的欲望,所以也要适时断句,长短结合哦!🎈这一句话的译文十分工整,例如「清早担水晚烧饭」,谓语动词+宾语+时间状语,小伙伴们可以好好学习一下哦!在不出现语法词汇错误的基础上,努力提升译文质量~半夜要煨银耳,侍候主人耍钱;头钱从来没分,有时还挨皮鞭……”I boil white fungus for him late at night. I wait on him at his gambling table without ever getting a tip. Instead I sometimes get a good thrashing …”🎈译者在处理这句话时,改变了一下断句,将「侍候主人耍钱;头钱从来没分」变成一句,其他两短句单独成句,分成「煨银耳」「伺候赌钱」「挨打」三层。🎈「伺候主人耍钱」意为「伺候主人赌钱」,故译为I wait on him at his gambling table(或mah-jong table、gambling parties等)“唉唉……”聪明人叹息着,眼圈有些发红,似乎要下泪。“Oh, dear!”the wise man said with a sigh, the rims of his eyes looking somewhat red as if he were about to shed tears.🎈「眼圈有些发红,似乎要下泪」译为the rims of his eyes looking somewhat red as if he were about to shed tears,在译文中属于独立主格结构,小伙伴们在翻译中也可以试着用这个语法哦,这样会显得你的翻译高级许多,当然,前提是保证没有语法错误哦!“先生!我这样是敷衍不下去的。“Sir! I can’t put up with it any more.🎈「我这样是敷衍不下去的」意即「我无法凑合下去了」或「我不能再忍受了」,故译为I can’t put up with it any more.我总得另外想法子。I’ve got to find a way out.🎈「想法子」即「找一条出路」,故译为find a way out。可是什么法子呢?……”But what can I do?…”🎈「可是什么法子呢」意即「可是我能怎么办呢?」,故译为What can I do?“我想,你总会好起来……”“I’m sure you’ll pull through sooner or later …”🎈「我想,你总会好起来……」意即「我想你总会渡过难关的……」,故译为I’m sure you’ll pull through sooner or later …,或者 I believe things will improve eventually…。“是么?但愿如此。可是我对先生诉了冤苦,又得你的同情和慰安,已经舒坦得不少了。“Really? I hope so. But, sir, I already feel much better now as you’ve given me sympathy and encouragement after listening to my grievances.🎈对于这句话,我们要先了解一个小规律,中文先事实后评论,英文先评论后事实,所以翻译时我们要先表达「舒坦不少」,再表达「诉冤和博得同情和安慰」。例句胡锦涛主席对奥巴马总统的来访表示热烈欢迎。评论词为「表示热烈欢迎」,事实为「奥巴马总统的来访」。所以译文为 President Hu Jintao warmly welcomes Obama’s visit.可见天理没有灭绝……”It’s thus clear that Heaven always upholds justice …”🎈「天理没有灭绝」意即「世间公道尚存」,故译Heaven always upholds justice。但是,不几日,他又不平起来了,仍然寻人去诉苦。A few days later, however, he again began to grumble and look for somebody to listen to his complaints.🎈「他又不平起来了」意即「他又开始抱怨了」,译者在这里选用了grumble,既避免和后面的诉苦complaint重复,又形象地刻画奴才嘟嘟囔囔的样子。“先生!”他流着眼泪说,“你知道的。“Sir!” he cried out tearfully.“You know,🎈「流着眼泪」此处又进行了词性转换,将名词转换为副词,译为cry out tearfully。我住的简直比猪窠还不如。 I live in a place even lousier than a pigsty.🎈「我住的简直比猪窠还不如」意即「我住的(地方)比猪窝还要(脏)」。原文虽然没有脏乱差的文字,但是翻译时要补充出来,译为I live in a place even lousier than a pigsty。主人并不将我当人;他对他的叭儿狗还要好到几万倍……”My master treats me like dirt. He treats his Pekinese ten thousand times better …”🎈「主人并不将我当人」可译为My master treats me like dirt.或者My master doesn’t treat me like a human being.参考译文采用了意译,不把我当人就是看不起我,treat sb like dirt是固定词组,视…如草芥;瞧不起;轻视例句People think they can treat me like dirt!人们以为可以视我为草芥!🎈「叭儿狗」意即「哈巴狗」,译为Pekinese。“混账!”那人大叫起来,使他吃惊了。“Damn it!” the listener swore in such a loud voice as to make the slave start.Q:「大叫」为何不用shout或者scream呢?🎈swear意为to use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry,所以有「咒骂,诅咒,说脏话」的含义,符合说Damn it的人设,Swear一词比shout和scream更能表现人物性格。🎈start此处出现了一个僻意,意为「惊吓,吓一跳,激灵」,可作名词可以做动词。例句He gave a start of surprise and astonishment.他被惊得浑身一激灵。那人是一个傻子。This man was a fool.Q:「那人」为什么不译为that man?🎈「那人」指的是刚刚说话的傻子,所以用this代指上文所提到的人。🎈对比「this」「that」作为代词时的用法this:用作代词可以指叙述中的人或事物,即指前面提到过的人或事物或下文提及的事物;this一般作主语时才指人;在电话中,this用来指代自己。that:用作指示代词的意思是「那个」,可指前面提到的那件事,也可指在空间或时间上较另一事物远的事物或人,还可指要表明或要提及的事物、想法等。“先生,我住的只是一间破小屋,又湿,又阴,满是臭虫,睡下去就咬得真可以。“Sir, I live in a run-down small hut which is wet, dingy, stinking and full of bedbugs. They bite me all over when I lie down to sleep.🎈「我住的只是一间破小屋,又湿,又阴,满是臭虫」又是一连串的形容词,继续采用前置定语与后置定语的修饰方法,译为a run-down small hut which is wet, dingy, stinking and full of bedbugs。🎈「咬得真可以」意即「浑身都被咬了」,译为They bite me all over… 秽气冲着鼻子,四面又没有一个窗……”And the place doesn’t even have a single window …”🎈译者没有翻译「秽气冲着鼻子」,是因为读者可以体会出这一场景。但是,我们在翻译的时候还达不到大师的水平,可能无法正确判断出这样的情况,所以个人建议,原文有的就翻译出来,首先做到「信」。“你不会要你的主人开一个窗的么?”“Why not ask your master to have a window made?”🎈have sth. done的相关用法1.安排某人做某事,使某事物被处理,即「让某事被某人做」。例句Last year, we had the house rebuilt. 去年,我们的房子翻新过了。(翻新房子的不是我们,而是建筑工人)2.遭遇到某事。往往指令人不快的事情,多指「某人偷了,或弄坏了属于你的东西」。例句She’s had her wallet taken.她的钱包被偷了。3.处于某种状态。此时,可以将其中的done改为形容词或介词短语。例句I had my eyes half-closed. 我半闭着眼睛。“这怎么行?……” “那么,你带我去看去!”“How can I do that? …” “OK, you show me around!”🎈「带我去看」即show me around。傻子跟奴才到他屋外,动手就砸那泥墙。As soon as they came to the slave’s dwelling, the fool started to pound its mud wall.🎈译者在翻译这句话时补充了一个时间状语as soon as,傻子一到屋外,就砸墙。此处需要注意,若直接按原文翻译,不加连接词,就会出现两个动词的语法错误,所以翻译时,我们需要适当添加连接词,或是直接断句。“先生!你干什么?”他大惊地说。“What the hell are you doing, sir?” the slave yelled with alarm.🎈「the hell」是西方人惯用的表达愤怒、惊讶等情绪的词。“我给你打开一个窗洞来。”“I’m trying to knock a hole to make a window for you.”🎈「我给你打开…」此时的语境是「我正试着开个洞,给你做个窗户」,故译为trying to…。“这不行!主人要骂的!”“No, you can’t do that! The master will be mad at me!”🎈「主人要骂的」可按「主人会对我大发脾气」之意译为The master will be mad at me。也可直译为The master will curse me或The master will swear me。🌵“管他呢!”他仍然砸。“To hell with your master!” The fool continued pounding away.🎈继续做某事:continue doing sth.对比continue to do 和continue doingcontinue to do sth. (做完了一件事)开始做另一件事例句We have done our homework. Now let’s continue to play football.功课做完了,我们去踢足球吧。continue doing sth. 继续做先前做的事情例句Now let’s continue talking about our travel plan. 现在我们继续讨论旅游计划。“来人呀!强盗在毁咱们的屋子了!快来呀!迟一点可要打出窟窿来了!……”“Help! A robber is breaking down our house! Hurry up, or he’ll knock a big hole in the wall! …”🎈「毁屋子」意即「捣毁房子」「拆除房子」的意思,译为break down our house。他哭嚷着,在地上团团地打滚。Sobbing and shouting at the top of his voice, the slave rolled round and round on the ground.🎈此处译者增译了at the top of his voice,增强了哭嚷的程度。小伙伴们若是能够做出这样的增译,就很棒了!一群奴才都出来了,将傻子赶走。Thereupon, a whole troop of slaves arrived on the scene and drove away the fool.🎈「一群奴才都出来了」译为a whole troop of slaves arrived on the scene,其中troop比group可取,因为前者有「一起行动」的含义。听到了喊声,慢慢地最后出来的是主人。The last one that came out unhurriedly on hearing the commotion was the master.🎈虽然这句中文比较简单,但是英文译法十分高级,有倒装有定语从句。正常语序是:On hearing the commotion, the master was the last one that came out unhurriedly. 自信的小伙伴可以试着使用倒装句~“有强盗要来毁咱们的屋子,我首先叫喊起来,大家一同把他赶走了。”他恭敬而得胜地说。“A robber came to smash up our house,” the slave spoke respectfully and smugly. “I was the first to shout the alarm.We together drove him away.”🎈这句译文中的「毁」变成了smash up,该词的破坏程度远大于break down,由此可以看出奴才夸张了傻子的行为,也能让读者看出他的为人。🎈「他恭敬而得胜地说」意即「他恭敬而沾沾自喜地说」,译为the slave spoke respectfully and smugly.“你不错。”主人这样夸奖他。这一天就来了许多慰问的人,聪明人也在内。“You did well,” the master praised him. A great many people came that day to express their solicitude, among them the wise man.🎈among them the wise man为独立主格结构,省略了动词is。“先生。这回因为我有功,主人夸奖了我了。你先前说我总会好起来,实在是有先见之明……”他大有希望似的高兴地说。“Sir, I’ve just been praised by my master for my meritorious service,” the slave said to the wise man very happily and hopefully.“I remember you said the other day that I would pull through sooner or later. So you’re really a man of foresight …”🎈「有功」意即「有价值的服务,优质的服务」,故译为meritorious service。🎈「大有希望似的」由形容词转为副词,译为happily and hopefully。🎈此处「总会」意为「早晚有一天」,故译为sooner or later。“可不是么……”聪明人也代为高兴似的回答他。“Oh, yeah …” replied the wise man as if he, too, were happy for the sake of the slave.🎈as if he were happy…使用虚拟语气,表达「代为高兴似的」之意。be动词在虚拟语态下为were。🔥必背单词grievance n. 不平的事,委屈,抱怨,牢骚英义something that you think is unfair and that you complain or protest about例句Parents were invited to air their grievances(= express them)at the meeting.家长们应邀在会上诉说他们的苦衷。 subhuman adj. 非人的,不齿于人类的,不适合人类的英义not working or behaving like a normal human; not fit for humans例句subhuman behaviour 不齿于人类的行为disdain v. 不屑(做某事)英义to refuse to do sth because you think that you are too important to do it例句He disdained to turn to his son for advice. 他不屑向自己的儿子请教。wretched adj. 恶劣的,低劣的英义literary extremely bad or unpleasant近义词miserable例句I was shocked to see their wretched living conditions.看到他们恶劣的生活条件我很震惊。toil v. 长时间地苦干,辛苦劳作英义also toil away to work very hard for a long period of time例句I’ve been toiling away at this essay all weekend.我整个周末都在埋头写这篇论文。errand n. 差使,差事英义a job that you do for sb that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy sth, deliver goods, etc. 例句He often runs errands for his grandmother.他经常给他的祖母跑腿儿。grind v. 磨碎,碾碎,把…磨成粉英义to break or crush sth into very small pieces between ten hard surfaces or using a special machine 例句to grind coffee / corn 将咖啡 / 谷粒磨成粉shed v. 流泪英义shed tears especially literary to cry例句She had not shed a single tear during the funeral.在葬礼上她没流一滴眼泪。swear v. 咒骂,诅咒,说脏话英义to use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry例句She fell over and swore loudly. 她摔倒了,大骂了一声。pound v. 连续重击,猛打英义hit something very hard several times and make a lot of noise, damage it, break it into smaller pieces etc例句He began pounding the keyboard of his computer.他开始猛敲计算机键盘。commotion n. 突然的混乱,喧闹英义sudden noisy activity例句They heard a commotion downstairs.他们听见楼下一阵骚动。smugly adv. 沾沾自喜地,自鸣得意地例句I’m the new Slytherin Seeker, Weasley, said Malfoy, smugly.我是斯莱特林队的新找球手,韦斯莱,马尔福洋洋自得地说。solicitude n. 关怀,关切,牵挂英义care and concern for someone’s health, safety etc例句She was grateful to him for his solicitude.她十分感激他的关切。meritorious adj. 值得赞扬的英义deserving praise例句I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service.我之所以得到提拔是由于立下了所谓的英勇卓越的功勋。🔥重点词组寻人诉苦 look for someone to listen to his own grievances/ complaints偶遇 come across一连串落下 trickle down过着非人的生活 lead a subhuman life= lead a dog’s life相信,确信 be assured of 生活悲惨 lead a wretched life 同情地 with pity 昼夜无休 toil day and night without rest清早担水 carry water at dawn 上午跑街 run errands all morning夜磨面 grind wheat at night冬烧汽炉 take care of the heating stove in winter夏打扇 keep cooling my master with a fan in summer 挨皮鞭 get a good thrashing落泪 shed tears 另想法子 find a way out熬过,渡过 pull through 天理没有灭绝 Heaven always uphold justice. 表达慰问 express one’s solicitude 看不起,视…如草芥 treat sb. like dirt大叫起来 swear in a loud voice 大惊地说 yell with alarm开窗 have a window made在地上团团打滚 roll round and round on the ground一群奴才 a whole troop of slaves出来 arrive on the scene恭敬而得胜地说 speak respectfully and smugly叫喊起来 shout the alarm有远见的人 a man of foresight优质服务 meritorious service 🔥复盘测试寻人诉苦偶遇 一连串落下 过着非人的生活 相信,确信 生活悲惨 同情地 昼夜无休 清早担水 上午跑街 夜磨面 冬烧汽炉 夏打扇 挨皮鞭 落泪另想法子熬过,渡过 天理没有灭绝 表达慰问 看不起,视…如草芥大叫起来大惊地说 开窗 在地上团团打滚 一群奴才出来 恭敬而得胜地说 叫喊起来 有远见的人优质服务 🔥表达对比细数文中对于「哭」的描写“先生!”他悲哀地说,眼泪联成一线,就从眼角上直流下来。“Sir!” said he sadly, tears trickling down from the corners of his eyes.“唉唉……”聪明人叹息着,眼圈有些发红,似乎要下泪。“Oh, dear!”the wise man said with a sigh, the rims of his eyes looking somewhat red as if he were about to shed tears.“先生!”他流着眼泪说,“你知道的。“Sir!” he cried out tearfully.“You know,他哭嚷着,在地上团团地打滚。Sobbing and shouting at the top of his voice, the slave rolled round and round on the ground.「毁」有多少种表达?傻子跟奴才到他屋外,动手就砸那泥墙。As soon as they came to the slave’s dwelling, the fool started to pound its mud wall.“管他呢!”他仍然砸。“To hell with your master!” The fool continued pounding away.强盗在毁咱们的屋子了!Help! A robber is breaking down our house! 有强盗要来毁咱们的屋子A robber came to smash up our house