Grandpa and Nightly Blackout –Bing Xin一九一一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。在还乡的路上,母亲和父亲一再地嘱咐我,“回到福州住在大家庭里,不能再像野孩子似的了,一切都要小心。对长辈们不能没大没小的。祖父是一家之主,尤其要尊敬……” In the autumn of 1911, we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou. While on the way, my parents warned me again and again, “Since we’ll be living in a big family in Fuzhou, remember always to behave properly and never act like a naughty child. Show respect for your elders, particularly your grandpa, who is head of the family…” Q:“一再嘱咐我”的“warn”可以用enjoin或者exhort吗?🎈可以,但是warn比enjoined 或exhorted更加通俗。Q:“野孩子”可否译为“wild child”?🎈不建议,wild意为“野外/野生”,而这里的“野孩子”指的是孩子过于调皮,不服管教。所以用naughty这个词。🎈“灯火管制”本指战时防空停电,作者用它指每夜定时关灯,有些俏皮。译文结合文章内容增添Nightly一词。在英语中,blackout一词既可指“战时灯火管制”,也可一般的“停电”,译文所指是后者。blackout也可换用power cut或power failure等。 到了福州,在大家庭里住了下来,我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。祖父、伯父母、叔父母和堂姐妹兄弟,都没有把我当作野孩子,大家也都很亲昵平等,并没有什么“规矩”。After settling down in the big family in Fuzhou, however, I found that my previous worries on the way turned out to be unfounded. My grandpa, uncles, aunties and cousins never thought me a naughty child. We treated each other lovingly and equally. There never existed anything like “family rules of good behaviour”. Q:“unfounded”怎么理解?🎈英义:not based on reason or fact,没有理由或者依据的,这里引申为“多余的”。Q:“伯父母、叔父母”怎么翻译?🎈在英语中不分“爸爸方亲戚”和“妈妈方亲戚”,所以这里用uncles和aunties两词概括即可。“堂姐妹兄弟”在英语中就可以用cousins一词概括。 我还觉得我们这个大家庭是几个小家庭的很松散的组合。每个小家庭都是各住各的,各吃各的,各自有自己的亲戚朋友,比如说,我们就各自有自己的“外婆家”! I also found that the big family was a loose community of several smaller ones, which lived and ate separately. They each had their own relatives and friends, for example, their own in-laws. Q:为什么“外婆家”译为in-laws?🎈“外婆家”指由婚姻而结成的亲戚,类似“妈妈这边的亲戚”,如岳父母、妻子的兄弟姐妹等等,所以这里以in-laws一词概括。🎈“几个小家庭的很松散的组合”译为a loose community of several smaller ones,其中不妨以community代替combination;community为近代英语所常用。 就在这一年,也许是第二年吧,福州有了电灯公司。我们这所大房子里也安上电灯,这在福州也是一件新鲜事,我们这班孩子跟着安装的工人们满房子跑,非常地兴奋欢喜!That year, or the year after, Fuzhou began to have its own power company and electric lights were to be installed in our big house too. That was something new in our home town. We kids, wild with excitement and joy, ran here and there in the house at the heels of the electricians. Q:这里的“wild”是什么意思?🎈英义:full of very strong feeling感情炽烈的。Q:“跟着安装工人”能否译为“follow closely”?🎈不算错,但是译文中的表达更贴切,且地道形象。At the heels of原本就表示“紧跟着”,原文虽无“紧”字,但有其意。🎈We kids, wild with excitement and joy, ran here and there in the house at the heels of the electricians. 译文结构,we主语,kids同位语,wild with…定语,ran谓语,here and there in the house地点状语,at the heels…方式状语。🔥必背词汇unfounded adj. 莫须有的;无端的;没理由的;不依据事实的英义not based on reason or fact例句Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded. 有关离婚的猜测证实纯属无稽之谈。install v.安装;设置英义to fix equipment or furniture into position so that it can be used例句He’s getting a phone installed tomorrow. 他明天要装电话。🔥重点表达从A地回到B地return from A to B一再嘱咐某人warn sb. again and again一家之主head of the family野孩子naughty child规矩family rules of good behaviour电灯公司power company新鲜事something new🔥句子回译1、回到福州住在大家庭里,不能再像野孩子似的,一切都要小心。对长辈们不能没大没小的。2、我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。3、我们这班孩子跟着安装的工人们满房子跑,非常地兴奋欢喜!🔥表达对比「嘱咐」在不同的语境中还可以怎么翻译?1、“告诉他,他是团队的一员,”特朗普「嘱咐」道。“Tell him he’s part of the team,” Mr. Trump instructed.2、所以就告诉了他各种鸟的性格和有关瞄准与射击的一些知识,并且「嘱咐」他必须寻找各种鸟去练习。So he told him the different characteristics of various birds as well as how to aim and shoot. He also advised him to practice shooting on various kinds of birds.3、只有我急得要哭,母亲却竭力的「嘱咐」我,说万不能装模装样,怕又招外祖母生气,又不准和别人一同去,说是怕外祖母要担心。But I was nearly in tears from disappointment, and mother did her best to impress on me that no matter what, I must not make a scene, because it would upset my grandmother; and I mustn’t go with other people either, for then grandmother would be worried.