
《夜莺之眼》,by A. S. Byatt

——“Have you remarked, where a fast-flowing stream comes to a little fall, how the racing water becomes glassy smooth and under it the long fine threads of the water-weed are drawn along in its still-seeming race, trembling a little, but stretched out in the flow? So under the surface of the thick glass lay a mass of long gold threads, filling in the whole cavity of the box with their turns and tumbles, so that at first the little tailor thought he had come upon a box full of spun gold, to make cloth of gold.”
The Sun’s uprise majestical;

Gathering round with wings all hoar

Through the dewy mist they soar

Like gray shades till the eastern heaven

Bursts, and then, as clouds of even

Flecked with fire and azure lie

In the unfathomable sky

So their plumes16 of purple grain

Starred with drops of golden rain

Gleam above the sunlight woods

As in silent multitudes

On the morning’s fitful gale

Through the broken mist they sail,

And the vapours cloven and gleaming

Follow, down the dark steep streaming

Till all is bright, and clear, and still,

Round the solitary hill.

——“The Forest stretched along the Road. Pale green glades along its edges, deeper rides, and dark tangled patches beyond these.”
——“The village was on the lower slopes of the mountains, and in the deep bowl of the valley was a lake, clear as crystal on its shores, and black as ink in its unplumbed centre. Thick pine forest grew in the shadow of the mountain ridges, but the village stood amongst flowery meadows and orchards and cornfields, not luscious, but sufficient fro the needs of the villagers.”
I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host,of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the Milky Way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

我最喜欢第三个故事:The Story of the Eldest Princess。
——“There is always an old woman ahead of you on a journey, and there is always an old woman behind you too. And they are not always the same, and may be fearful or kindly, dangerous or delightful, as the road shifts, and you speed along it. Certainly I was ahead of you, and behind you too, but not only I and not only as I am now.”
Maybe not that old…maybe they are just a bit elder, but, they are there, that’s very grateful. Thank you for being there.
最后一篇是这本集子的正题,The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye,如果按字面直译应该是《夜莺之眼中的精灵》。精灵就是《一千零一夜》的那个精灵,只不过他既不住在油灯里,也不住在陶罐里。
”What do women most desire?”

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