I found that primal part of the human spirit that just wants to keep on living,no matter what the cost. Thanks honey,but...
I found that primal part of the human spirit that just wants to keep on living,no matter what the cost. Thanks honey,but...
I don’t hold you responsible for your behavior, because, see, from an evolutionary standpoint you’re merely ...
I have stomach, I get hungry; I have genitals, I have the potential for sexual arousal; A cross we all must bear. You ko...
He is a cornucopia of social awkwardness. 他就是社交无能的集合体。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect,like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slav...
You’re like a dog with a bone,aren’t you? 你就是得理不饶人是吧? 《生活大爆炸第一季》
The only flaw in an otherwise perfect plan. 智者千虑必有一失。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
We worked so hard,sometimes,it’s nice to goof off and do something silly. 我们工作这么辛苦,有时候出来,混混日子干点傻事挺好的。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
You’re soft. This world’s going to chew you up spit you out. 你太善良了,这个世界会把你啃得尸骨无存。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
也像蜡烛没灯芯A candle without a wick 沃森没了克里克A Watson without a Crick 《生活大爆炸第一季》