《许渊冲译牡丹亭》第四本 第四出 冥判 -《牡丹亭》英译-《牡丹亭》中英双语赏析

第四出 冥判

















































































Scene 4 The Infernal Judge

(Enter the infernal judge, followed by the soul of Belle.)


Judge (Singing to the tune of Cherubic Song):

With rosy cheeks so tender

And waist so slender,

Were you while alive as fair as a flower,

Or a companion in a drinking hour?

With a hairpin slanting in the air,

Were you a songstress fair

Or a dancer beyond compare?

A smile hangs on your face,

Where was your dwelling place?

How could you have so much grace?

Of what illness did you die?

Were you from a family ranking high?

Your color look unlike infernal dye.

Belle’s Soul:I am not wed,

Nor drunken dead.

But only naturally rosy and red.

I dreamed of a young scholar asking me

To write a verse in praise of the willow tree.

He was so passionate

That when awake, I could not but meditate

What to write. Then two lines appear:

“If the Moon Goddess be a bride,

She would stand by the willow’s side.”

I felt so sad and drear,

No to find my dear.

Judge: Are you not lying? How could lovesickness kill?

(Singing to the tune of Magpie on the Branch):

You are so young a maiden fair.

How can you trust in dreaming affair?

Of dreams come true I’ve never heard,

Nor fortune told by splitting word.

Oh! How could a scholar win

Your heart? How could a dream be trusted in?

Belle’s Soul:I dare not say how winning is he.

I only woke to see a flower fall on me.

Judge: Send for the floral fairy of the Nan’an Prefectural garden.

(Enter the Floral Fairy at call.)

Fairy (Singing):Spring wanes, with rosy rain falling in showers.

The mountain fragrant with songs of falling flowers.

Salute, Your Lordship. (Saluting him)

Judge: Floral Fairy, this maiden’s soul said that she died when startled awake from her dream by a falling flower in the back garden of Nan’an Prefecture. Was it true?

Fairy: It was true. While dreaming of a tryst with a young scholar in the prefectural garden. she was startled by the fall of a flower and died of lovesickness.

Judge: Were you transformed into a young scholar to seduce this fair maiden?

Fairy: What could induce me to seduce her?

Judge: Do you think that we in the infernal world could be fooled by your tales?


The maiden died of lovesickness. Let her be transformed into a swallow or an oriole!

Fairy: Your Lordship, this maiden was guilty in a dream as whimsical as the morning breeze or the waning moon. Besides, her father is an upright official who has only one daughter. So will it please Your Lordship to remit her punishment?

Judge (To Belle): Who is your father?

Belle: My father is Du Bao, former prefect of Nan’an County and now promoted to governor of Huaiyang.

Judge: So you are a noble maiden. All right. On account of your father, I shall submit a report to the celestial court and then pass my sentence on you.

Belle: May I ask a favor of Your Lordship to find out the cause of my lovesickness?

Judge: That can be found out inTheBook of Broken Hearts.

Belle: Would you please do me another favor to find out who is my husband-to-be? Is he called Liu the Dreamer of Willow or Lover of Mume Flower?

Judge: Let me consultTheBook of Marriage. (Turning aside) Here it is. Liu the Dreamer of Willow or Lover of Mume Flower, who will soon win the laurel crown in the recent civil service examinations. His wife will be Du the Belle, who trysted with him at first and will be married to him in the end. But this should be kept secret.

(Turning around) Yes, there is Liu the Dreamer who will take you to wife. Now I will release you as guiltless. You may leave the infernal town and go with the wind to find Liu the Dreamer.

Fairy (To Belle): You should thank His Lordship for the favor he has shown you.

Belle: Thank Your Lordship for giving me a second life.


Epilogue of the Scene

Fairy:Drunken, I slant my black cap over my hair gray;

Belle:The wonder-working wind won’t swell the flag all day.

Judge:I fairly judge human affairs from year to year,

Together:Waiting for Minister Xiao to be my compeer.

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