第四出 侦报
[1] 黄堂:太守。
[2] 将军令阃(kǔn)外唓(chē)嗻(zhè):阃,郭门门槛。都城之外都是将军所管,用来形容他的威权之大。唓嗻,厉害,了不起。
[3] 行藏:行为。
[4] 万岁爷暗遣中使……瞰其动静:天宝十四载二月,宰相韦见素、杨国忠奏告安禄山有反叛的阴谋。唐明皇派中使辅璆琳以赐安禄山柑子为名,去察看他的动静。璆琳收受贿赂,竭力为他辩解。于是,明皇对安禄山更加信任不疑。
[5] 邸抄:邸,唐代藩镇在京师的留守处。邸中传抄诏、令、奏章等传送给藩镇,这种抄件叫邸抄,一名邸报。
[6] 杨丞相要激禄山速反:《通鉴》天宝十四载十月条:“杨国忠与禄山不相悦,屡言禄山且反,上不听。国忠数以事激之,欲其速反,以取信于上。”
[7] 塘报:驿报。塘,古代官设的通信站。
[8] 魆地里思抄窃:企图暗中偷袭。魆地里,暗暗地;抄窃,绕道袭击。
[9] 西京:唐以洛阳为东都,因此京师长安也称西京。
[10] 这本方才进去,尚未取旨:《通鉴》天宝十四载七月条:“禄山表献马三千匹,每匹执控夫二人,遣蕃将二十二人部送。河南尹达奚珣疑有变,奏请谕禄山,以进车马宜俟至冬,官自给夫,无烦本军。于是上稍寤,始有疑禄山之意。”
[11] 逗的:到,等到。
[12] 白羽:羽檄,古代征调军队的文书。
Scene4 The Scout’s Report
(Enter General Guo Ziyi with his lieutenant and four armed attendants.)
Guo: Guarding the border
And cities under my order,
How often have I heard
From the frontier alarming word.
How can my hair not turn more white
To worry for the empire’s plight!
I, Guo Ziyi, governor of Lingwu Province appointed by His Majesty, have foreseen, judging by his behavior, that An Lushan must be a rebel and that he would plot against the empire.
But, unexpectedly he was appointed governor of Fanyang,which amounts to a tiger released to the mountains. Then he was allowed to replace Han generals with Tartar chiefs, which would mean the tiger is now added with two wings. Since my promotion from Jiande District, I have been worrying about this day and night. Lingwu is an important strategic point which must be well guarded. I have sent scouts to Fanyang to gather more information from there. I am waiting for their return so that I may make a better decision.
(A scout enters with a small red flag in hand.)
Scout (Singing to the tune of “Night Sailing Boat”):
Swift as a shooting star
Or lightning flash my two legs are.
I’ve learned what’s happening on the frontier,
And left the Northern Mountain to come here.
(Kneeling on one knee to salute the gerneral)
I should report in Yellow Hall as loud
As thunder from the cloud
Guo: So you are back.
Scout (Bowing): On my shoulder a small flag red,
As swift as wind night and day I hurried ahead.
Knowing what’s happening on the frontier,
I hasten to report for you to hear.
Guo: Close the gate.
(The attendants go out to close the gate.)
Now tell me, scout, what An Lushan is doing in Fanyang. How strong is his army? Come forward and tell me in full.
Scout: I beg your lordship to listen what happened in Fanyang when I reached there.
(Singing to the tune of “The Brushwood”):
I saw but snow-bright swords and spears
And tent on tent full of armed cavaliers.
At his military order
Would tremble all the border.
Who would listen to the crown?
All would obey him up and down.
Guo: What is An Lushan doing there now?
Scout: He has replaced Han generals with
His Tartarian chiefs low and high.
They hunt and bend their bows from day to day,
And put their skill on full display.
Guo: What elae?
Scout (Singing to the tune of “Fallen Mume Blossoms”):
What they have done’s beyond belief;
What they plot about would bring grief.
They gathered together men in force
And rallied outlaws on horse,
Like those who plot and hide
In their lair side by side.
Guo: Why is there none to inform the court?
Scout: It was said in the capital one month ago that An Lushan was accused of plotting rebellion and the emperor sent secretly an envoy to Fanyang to watch what happened there. On seeing the envoy,
(Singing to the tune of “Wind Soughing throug Pines”)
An Lushan pretended to know nothing and tried
To be polite and bribed him to hide
The fact so that the envoy came back in time
To clear An Lushan of any crime.
The emperor believed,
The envoy deceived,
While the informer was sent
To An’s camp for punishment.
He can do what he pleases with his men.
Who dare inform the court of anything since then?
Guo: What should and could be done?
Scout: The prime minister has recently made a proposal to the emperor to put An Lushan to death for it is evident that he will revolt one day. On hearing of this,
(Singing to the tune of “The Unbroken String”)
An Lushan would stumble and sigh,
Afraid his end was nigh,
But the emperor believed him sincere
And told the minister not to fear.
An Lushan burst into laughter:
What could the minister do after?
He swore with clenched teeth
To put the prime minister underneath.
To take revenge is his desire,
Which bursts out into fire.
Guo: Would it not be rebellion to plot to put down the prime minister? How could I know nothing of the prime minister’s proposal?
Scout: The proposal should be kept as a top secret. Since the prime minister would excite An Lushan to rebellion, he had a copy sent to him on purpose.
Guo (Angrily): A rebellious general without and a treacherous prime minister within. How could my hair not stand on end!
Scout: What is more, An Lushan had a scheme of presenting horses to the court.
(Singing to the tune of “Leaving the Pavilion”):
Under the pretext of presenting horses
He plots to attack the capital with armed forces.
Guo: How so? Explainly clearly.
Scout: He sent General He Qiannian with a proposal to present to the throne three thousand horses, each accompanied with two armed guards, two horsemen and one groom so that there would be fifteen thousand armed men sent to the capital. With armed forces and strong horses, they
Would make great trouble all the way.
How to refrain those soldiers in disorder
And the untractable horses from the border?
Who could bar their way to the capital
And stop their horses under the city wall?
When they arrive at the imperial town,
They would turn all things upside down.
Guo (Startled): Ah, if his plan were carried out, the capital would be in danger.
Scout: An’s proposal has just been submitted and not yet approved.
But it is clear that An Lushan plots to deceive the emperor.
Even if the horse plan failed to be carried out,
There would be a wolf’s plot he’s thinking about.
Do not wait till he beats the war drum
To announce his army’s come.
My lord may make preparations beforehand
So that I may report your victory through the land.
Guo: Well, you will be rewarded with a jar of wine, one sheep and fifty taels of silver and granted one month’s leave. You may go now.
Scout (Bowing): Thank you, my lord.
Guo: Open the gate, attendants.
(The attendants come in to open the gate and let the scout withdraw.) Lieutenant!
Lieutenant: Here, my lord.
Guo: Give orders to hold maneuvers tomorrow and feast our men with wine and meat.
Lieutenant: Yes, my lord, your order shall be executed.
Epilogue of the Scene
Guo: My scouts come back from the frontier on horse:
Like wind and thunder fight my men in force.
Having my plan to pacify the border,
I’ll drink to men in arms under my order.