第一出 合围
[1] 何千年、崔乾祐、高秀岩都是安禄山部下的将官。东、西、南、北路将官用来概括安禄山的所有部将,并不是真正的官街。史思明,突厥人。他和安禄山是同乡,原来同是张守珪的部下。在天宝十年,他已经做到平卢兵马使,次年兼北平太守,充卢龙军使。他的地位显然比何千年等人高得多。至德二载,安庆绪杀死他的父亲安禄山而自立。乾元二年,史思明又杀安庆绪而自立。《长生殿》在安禄山被刺之后,就不再写到安庆绪、史思明、史朝义等人的继续叛乱。
[2] 先把这四周围爪牙迭办:爪牙,指何千年等人;迭办,办到,准备好,布置好。
[3] 只因一向在朝:安禄山是节度使,一向在范阳。“只因一向在朝”,是《长生殿》对这个人物的新的处理,和本出以前的情节有关系。
[4] 叵(pǒ)耐:无奈,可以作可恨讲。
[5] 一概俱用番将:《通鉴》卷二一七天宝十四载条:“二月,辛亥,安禄山使副将何千年入奏,请以蕃将三十二人代汉将。上命立进画(立刻送皇帝签字批准),给告身(委任状)。”
[6] 这喒:这时。
[7] 较猎:角猎,比赛谁野兽打得多。
[8] 骗上马:疾跳上马。
[9] 没揣的动龙蛇:没揣的,无端,有“忽然”之意。龙蛇,措旗上的图案;下接“一直的通霄汉”,龙蛇又用作安禄山的野心的象征,是双关语。
[10] 按奇门布下了九连环:奇门,即奇门遁甲,一种神秘的术数。九连环,九宫连环八卦阵。
[11] 莽兀剌拳毛:兀剌,用来加强语气,本身无意义。拳毛:鬈发。
[12] 恶支沙雕目胡颜:恶支沙,凶狠的;支沙,本身无意义。雕,即鵰,一种猛禽。胡颜,外族人的脸相。
[13] 显英雄天可汗:安禄山以天可汗自居。天可汗,唐代时外族尊称中国皇帝为天可汗。
[14] 折末的:不管。
[15] 赸(shàn):跳跃。
[16] 踠(wǎn)跧(quán):屈伏。
[17] 玉爪:指猎鹰。下文金獒(áo),指猎犬。
[18] 献杀:献猎获物。
[19] 洒落:不拘束。
[20] 浑不是:乐器名,一作吴拨四。
[21] 太平鼓板:疑是太平宴时奏的乐曲,以它的主要乐器鼓板而得名。
[22] 《菩萨蛮》:唐代教坊曲调的名称。
[23] 汛地:军队驻防的地方。
[24] 轻儇(xuān):轻快。
[25] 轓(fān):车旁障泥板。
[26] 把渔阳凝盼:静待安禄山的命令。渔阳即范阳,指节度使安禄山。
[27] 没照会,先去了那掣肘汉家官:除去了汉人官员的牵制,朝廷上就不知道己方的动静了。照会,对勘,有“知道”的意思。
[28] 六州番落:六州的番人部落。六州,伊州(今新疆维吾尔自治区哈密县境)、梁州(凉州,今甘肃武威)、甘州(今甘肃张掖)、石州(今山西离石)、胡渭州、氐州(都在甘肃境内);这里泛指安禄山所统辖的各部落。
Scene 1 The Hunt
(Enter four Tartar Generals He, Cui, Gao and Shi.)
Ho: My three-foot sword shines bright as snow.
Cui: My waist is girt with crescent bow.
Gao: I’m fond of drinking my red wine.
Shi: My sable cap becomes this suit of mine.
Ho: I am General He of the eastern front.
Cui: I am General Cui of the western front.
Gao: I am General Gao of the southern front.
Shi: I am General Shi of the northern front.
All (Greeting each other): Good morning, generals. Ordered yesterday by the Governor to muster, now we are in his camp.Here comes His Highness.
(Trumpets blow and all shout.)
(An Lushan enters in military dress with Tartar maids and soldiers.)
An sings to the tune of “Violet Flowers”:
I have the frontier at command:
Tartars and Hans I understand.
I’ll hold the kingdom in my hand.
First, I’ll control the nearby land.
I have been ambitious for long. Appointed at court Lord of the East, I was an imcomparable favorite of the emperor.
Though fairly satisfied, I was at odds with Prime Minister Yang Guozhong. So I am pleased to be appointed Governor of Fanyang, where I may do as I will. Formerly I had under me thirty-two generals, on whom I could hardly rely, for there were Hans mingled with Tartars. So I requested to have only Tartar generals under me, and now they were all my tribesmen.
(Laughing) I can do what I like without restraint. Yester-day I summoned my generals to come to my camp and they should be here by now.
(The generals bow to him.)
Generals: Your thirty-two generals salute Your Highness.
An: You may not stand on ceremony.
Generals: May we ask why we are summoned to come here?
An: Autumn is the best time for us to practise our military arts when horses are strong and sturdy. So I have summoned you to share my pleasure of hunting on the sandy plain.
Generals: Yes, we shall do as you will, Your Highness.
An: Let us mount our saddled horses and ride forward!
(They mount their horses.)
All: Holding the purple reins in hand,
To saddled horses we go,
Our tasselled helmets low.
(Riding forward.)
Our banners flutter like snake or dragon proud,
Twisting and turning like crimson cloud.
The nine rings we deploy seem to reach the blue sky;
We belittle the Central Plain before the eye.
How could the Huns withstand our Tartar army grand!
(They gather around An Lushan.)
An (Pointing to one general after another):
The first general is brave and bright;
The second dressed in armor tight;
The third with curly hair and a nose high;
The fourth with bristled beard and eagle eye;
The fifth like the full moon can stretch his bow;
The sixth can whirl his mace and make it glow;
The seventh wields his spear with might and main;
The eighth shoots his arrows as thick as rain;
All of them like tigers leaving mountains high
Could make me heroic khan under the sky.
(They ride on.)
All: We beat the drums to show
Our might and main, and strike fear into the foe.
We blow the horn on steed;
Both man and horse run in array at full speed.
We roar like thunder from the sky,
And run like billows surging high.
There is no stronghold nor iron wall
We cannot conquer at all.
An: The sandy plain is wide and flat here. Let us begin our hunt now.
(Standing with Tartar maids on high ground while gener-als ride of to hunt)
They bend the bow,
And twanging its string they go.
On sandy plain hares and deer try to run away,
But finding no escape, trembling they stay.
(Generals ride in shooting at the games.)
Unleash the hounds and hawks.
(Generals ride of while unleashing them.)
Above the taloned eagles fly
To scrape the sky;
Below the golden hounds bar the way
To let nor hare nor deer run away.
Soon generals vie
To pile up games mountain-high.
(Generals present the games.)
Generals: Will it please Your Highness to see the games?
An: Feast on the games with our warriors! Let them rest with their horses on the slope while meat is roasted and wine warmed!Let songstresses sing and dancers dance to the fill!
Generals: It shall be done, Your Highness.
(They sit on the ground. Tartar maids offer wine to An.Generals cut meat with sword and drink from the pot. Tartar musicians play their lutes and guitars and beat peace-time tambourines.)
All: Let us fill our golden goblets with wine,
And on bleeding meat let us dine!
Let us embrace our beauties’ rosy cheeks in laughter,
And play the lute and sing the “Buddhist Dancers’ Song” after!An (Rising): We have eaten and drunk our fill. Now the day is growing late. You may go back to your garrisons and keep your men and arms and horses ready for further orders.
All: It shall be done as you wish.
(They mount their horses, blow their horns, tilt their caps,wave their hands and ride round.)
Ordered to get ready our forces,
Swiftly we leap to our saddled horses,
With our headdress askew,
We wave our hands to bid adieu.
Back to our posts, with flags and banners in flight,
We’ll wait for the summons to fight.
When Heaven makes us brave,
On earth will surge up wave on wave.
The Tang Empire will fall;
We’re prompt to answer the call
Of our high-hearted lord
To employ our spear and sword. (Exeunt.)
An: Now that my Tartar generals are all mighty and ready, you may say I am already fully fledged.
(Laughing) Ah! Tang Emperor, Tang Emperor, what could you do against me?
(Singing to the tune of “Epilogue”)
Without arousing his suspicion at all,
I’ve got rid of one after another Han General,
And replaced them then
With my own tribesmen.
You may dance to your Rainbow Dress song
All the day long;
I will beat my drum of revolt as high
As a bolt from the sky. (Exit.)
Epilogue of the Scene
My tribesmen of six states rise in campaign;
Our war steeds neigh on the vast Central Plain.
Like a gust of strong wind our winged troops will spread;
Hills and streams with bloodshed will be dyed red.