《许渊冲译长生殿》第五本第一出 陷关 -《长生殿》英译-《长生殿》中英双语赏析


第一出 陷关[1]











































[1] 天宝十四载十一月,安禄山在范阳起兵,在次年六月初八日攻破潼关。

[2] 殽函:即函谷关,在潼关的东面。安禄山要攻占长安,函谷关是必经之地。

[3] 精兵百万:安禄山起兵时有十五万军队,号称二十万。

[4] 安禄山以天宝十四载十一月甲子日在范阳起兵。这一段自述,和正史的有关记载是相符的。

[5] 哥舒老将:哥舒翰原任河西、陇右两镇节度使。

Scene 1 The Fall of the Pass

(Enter An Lushan with two Tartar generals and four soldiers carrying flags.)

An (Singing to the tune of “A Skyful of Apricots”):

As wolf or tiger I can do no wrong.

From Yuyang my army of a million strong

To Western Pass drives along.

When victory is won, we’ll sing our triumphant song.

I, An Lushang, have contrived with Northern tribes and rallied all rebels on the frontier since I came to Yuyang. Now I have an army of a million strong and may start my great career. But since the emperor has done me high favor, I could not start it until his death.

Then what could I do when the prime minister warned the emperor again and again that my intention to revolt was evident and he proposed to put me to death? Though his proposal was rejected, yet he is in the court while I am far away on the frontier. If I do not start before his proposal is adopted, I may sufer great harm. So I cannot but forge a secret imperial decree, ordering my army to march in secret to the capital to rid of the treacherous prime minister. How can I not take the advantage to seize the capital and overthrow the empire so as to fulfill my life-long ambition. Today will bring me good fortune. My dear generals, let us start the march!

(They march with trumpets blowing.)

An (Singing to the tune of “The Leopard’s Song”):

When in the court a treacherous premier appears,

How can we not rise in arms on the frontiers!

All: We’ll sweep the towns and kill the foe,

Let the dead piled up and blood flow.

We’d burn and rape along the way we go.

(Marching of with war cries)

(Enter old General Geshu Han with two soldiers.)

Geshu: I am not old,

Just eighty and no more.

From Yuyang come the rebels bold,

But I am still to the fore.

I am old General Geshu Han in charge of the defence of the Western Pass. Now An Lushan with his army in revolt is marching against us. I planned to strengthen our defence, but the army inspector from the court insisted that we should come out of the Pass to fight them. What can I do but give in to him?

Now soldiers, let us fight with might and main!

Soldiers: Yes, sir, we will. (Marching forward)

(An Lushan comes in with his army. They fight. Geshu Han is defeated and captured.)

An: Bring the old general here. (To Geshu): I will spare your life if you surrender the Pass.

Geshu: Things being so, what can I do but surrender?

(Pushed of with his men.)

An: Now the Pass in is my hands. Having defeated the old general as easily as splitting the bamboo, now we may drive on to the capital.

All (Marching on while shouting): Galloping forward, we brandish our spears

With a million soldiers and cavaliers.

How can mountain and river

Under our feet not shiver!


Epilogue of the Scene

From dawn to dusk we fight all day long,

The sky trembles at drum beats and war song.

Tartars rejoice to win the Pass,

They drink, golden whip in hand, alas!

未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 《许渊冲译长生殿》第五本第一出 陷关
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