《许渊冲译长生殿》第五本第三出 埋玉 -《长生殿》英译-《长生殿》中英双语赏析

第三出 埋玉





























































































































































































[1] 拥旄(máo)仗钺(yuè):旄,旄节,毛编成竹节的样子;钺,大斧。两者都是古代帝王、元帅、将军所有,象征权威。

[2] 定夺:决定。

[3] 京华:京都。

[4] 波查:波折。

[5] 官家:皇帝。

[6] 难禁架:难受,难以对付。

[7] 堂堂天子贵,不及莫愁家:爱上皇帝,不及莫愁那样爱上一个普通的人,相爱到老。

[8] 若是再禁加:如果军队再闹下去。

[9] 宗社:宗庙、社稷,两者是封建主义国家的象征。宗社,即国家。

[10] 将来:拿来。

[11] 黄旗下:指天子的行踪。

[12] 兀的不:表示惊叹的语气,犹如岂不、怎么不。兀的,本身没有意义。

[13] 淹:迟留,在路上走得缓慢。

[14] 回将凤阙瞻:回过头来看宫殿。

[15] 翠华:装饰着翠鸟羽毛的旗子,天子所用。

[16] 九鼎:相传夏禹铸的九鼎是历代传国之宝。此指国家。

[17] 蝉鬓:古代妇女鬓发的一种式样,梳起来像蝉翼一样薄。此指杨贵妃。

Scene3 Death of Lady Yang

(Enter General Chen Yuanli with troops.)

Chen (Singing to the tune of “Golden Flowers”):

With flags and spears,

We march ahead with cavaliers.

We are vanguard

Of the Imperial Guard

To protect His Majesty

From the revolting enemy.

In haste we go on rugged way

To escape from the foe without delay.

When can we reach the West

To have a rest?

I am General Chen Yuanli, commander of the right wing of the Imperial Guards. As An Lushan’s revolting army has taken the Western Pass, the emperor is going to Chengdu in the West so as not to be endangered by the disaster. Ordered to escort the imperial convoy, we have had a hard journey and here we are at the Horse-Halting Slope.

(Shouting is heard offstage) Where comes the uproar?

Voice off: An Lushan in revolt has forced His Majesty to leave the capital. Who should take the blame but the prime minister Yang Guozhong? If he were not put to death, how could we obey the order to protect His Majesty?

Chen: Do not make such a hue and cry but pitch your camp at once. I shall report to His Majesty, and we should wait for the imperial decision. (A shout of assent is heard.)

In haste we go on rugged way

To escape from the foe without delay.

When can we reach the West

To have a rest? (Exeunt.)

(Enter the emperor and Lady Yang on horse, followed by her two maids and Gao Lishi.)

Emperor (Singing to the tune of “Rosy-faced Child”):

In haste we left the capital in tears,

With only half of our equipage and cavaliers.

How sad and drear

Do we appear!

Chengdu seems to our eyes

As far as the blue skies.

We go farther and farther away

From the capital each day.

In front lie scattered hills and lonely streams

And two or three empty houses with broken beams.

Gao: Here we are at the Horse-Halting Slope. May it please Your Majesty to alight?

(The emperor and Lady Yang alight, enter the station and sit down.)

Emperor: I was unwise to trust that rebellious general. But it is now too late to regret.

(To Lady Yang): What can I do now that I have involved you in this trouble, my dear?

Lady Yang: I will follow Your Majesty wherever you go. How dare I shrink from any hardship? I only hope that the rebels will soon be beaten so that Your Majesty may return to the capital with me.

Voices off (Shouting): It is Yang Guozhong who has got us into trouble. How can we serve one who has secretly schemed with the Western tribesmen? How can we live under such a treacherous minister! Come with us if you want to put him to death!

(Yang Guozhong runs in, pursued by guards armed with swords. Running around, the prime minister is caught and put to death at last. Soldiers go of with a shout of triumph.)

Emperor (Startled): Why are the soldiers shouting? Call General Chen Yunali at once!

Gao: Yes, Your Majesty.

(Hearing the order, General Chen enters.)

Chen (Saluting the emperor): General Chen pays homage to Your Majesty.

Emperor: Why are the soldiers shouting?

Chen: Would Your Majesty allow me to report? On discover-ing the prime minister was to blame for An Lushan’s revolt, soldiers rose against him; on learning his intrigue with the Western tribesmen, they put him to death.

Emperor (Startled): How could this have happened!

(Lady Yang turns her head to wipe away tears.)

Emperor (After a moment’s reflection): This is done against my will.Give order that the army should go on pursuing the journey.

Chen: His Majesty pardons the guards who have put the prime minsiter to death, and orders the army to go on the journey.

Shouts off: Lady Yang is still at the emperor’s side after the death of Yang Guozhong. How could we allow her to revenge on us!We demand her death at once.

Chen (To the emperor): Soldiers say that they would not go on until Lady Yang is put to death. I beg Your Majesty to consider their demand.

Emperor (Greatly alarmed): How can they make such a rebel-lious demand!

(Lady Yang, frightened, takes hold of the emperor’s sleeves.) Emperor (Singing to the tune of “Red Peony”):

If the prime minister is guilty at all,

He’s punished with his death.

But Lady Yang serves me in inner palace hall,

Why should the army take away her breath?

Chen: Your Majesty is fair and square. But what to do with a furious army beyond reason!

Emperor: Dear General, go at once to tell the throng

What is right above what is wrong! (Shouts are heard off stage.)

Chen: Your Majesty,

The army rise in disorder.

How could they listen to my order!

Lady Yang (Weeping): Your Majesty.

(Singing to the tune of “Playing a Child”):

What a surprise

To know my cousin dies!

Even I’m implicated;

To sufer I seem fated.

I beg Your Majesty

To abandon poor me.

I have only a word to say on my part,

Though it should break my heart.

Emperor: Wait a moment, my dear. Let me think it over.

Shouts off: If Lady Yang is still protected, how could we protect His Majesty?

Chen: Though Lady Yang is blameless, Your Majesty, yet the prime minister is her cousin. How could the army feel secure with her at Your Majesty’s side? How could Your Majesty feel secure if the army feel not? I beg Your Majesty to consider it again.

Emperor (Reflecting and singing to the tune of “Gothering in Heyang”):

I meditate, wordless,

With my mind in a mess.

Lady Yang (Clinging to the emperor’s robe and crying):

Dry sorrow gnaws my heart.

How can I from you part?

Together: Like a pair of love-birds in stormy turbulence,

How can we sufer such violence!

(An uproar of threatening shouts is heard again.)

Lady Yang: They threaten me with death.

Emperor (Catching hold of her and bursting in tears): What can I do against their violence, my darling!

(Soldiers burst in shouting, walk around to show the station besieged and then withdraw.)

Gao: Your Majesty, the station is besieged. If no action is taken,things may turn worse. What could be done?

Emperor: General Chen, go and try to dissuade the army while I’ll think of a way out.

Chen: Yes, Your Majesty. (Exit.)

(The emperor and ladying Yang cling to each other in tears.) Lady Yang (Singing to the tune of “Thread on Thread of Gold”):

My soul has fled

While tears are shed.

Emperor: High as Imperial Majesty,

From grief I am not free.

Together (In tears): How can I forget

In love I owe you a debt!

Lady Yang (Kneeling): I have received so much imperial favor that it cannot be repaid with my life. Now the danger is imminent,I beg Your Majesty to allow me to commit suicide so that the army may be pacified. When Your Majesty has arrived safely at the Western capital, I would feel more comforted to be dead than alive. (Singing)

There’s no way to satisfy their demand

But to sacrifice my life at your command,

But to sacrifice my life at your command.

(Crying with her head in his lap)

Emperor: How could you say that, my love! Without you by my side, what is the use of the throne? I would lose the empire rather than you.

(Singing to the tune of “Embroidered Carpet”)

Their shout and clamor I won’t hear,

But only turn them a deaf ear.

It is all my fault, how can I bear a flower

To be destroyed by roaring wind and shower!

If the army should still rebellious stand,

Instead of you, I would be buried in the sand.

Lady Yang: Your Majesty is lavish with your love and favor, but the situation is desperate. You cannot sacrifice a jade for a stone,or a greater blame would lie on me. Please give me up for the empire’s sake.

Gao (Wiping tears away and kneeling): Since Her Ladyship is so gracious as to sacrifice her own life, I beg Your Majesty to grant her request for the empire’s sake. (Shouts are heard offstage.)

Emperor (Stamping his feet in tears): What could I do if she insists?Gao Lishi, let Her Ladyship do what she wishes. (Sobbing, he covers his face and withdraws.)

Lady Yang (Sobbing and bowing): Long live Your Majesty! (Falling down in tears)

Gao (Calling to the soldiers outside): Listen! His Majesty has ordered Lady Yang’s death.

Shouts of: Long, long live the emperor!

(Gao helps Lady Yang to rise.)

Gao: Please come this way, Your Ladyship.

(Helping her along.)

Lady Yang (Singing in tears to the tune of “Lovesickness”):

In a moment I’ll bid an eternal adieu

To my lord for whom I’d lose my rosy hue. (They halt.) Gao: Here is a shrine.

Lady Yang (Standing before the shrine): Wait! Let me worship the Buddha! (Bowing)

O Great Buddha, so sinful am I,

Would you pardon me after I die?

Gao (Bowing): May Your Ladyship go up to Heaven!

(Lady Yang rises weeping, and Gao kneels in tears)

Have Your Ladyship anything to confide to me?

Lady Yang: Gao Lishi, His Majesty is growing old. You are the only one after me who can understand His Majesty. Would you take good care of him and tell him to forget me?

Gao (Weeping): I know what I should do.

Lady Yang: I have something else to tell you. (Unfastening the hairpin from her hair and taking out a jewel box) The twin hairpin and the jewel box are given to pledge His Majesty’s love for me. Be sure to bury them with me and do not forget it!

Gao (Taking them): Yes, it shall be done as Your Ladyship wishes.

Lady Yang (Singing in tears): Heart-broken in distress,

My grief is too deep to express.

Chen (Hurrying in with soldiers): By imperial decree, Lady Yang should commit suicide.

How could she still be here to delay His Majesty’s journey?

(Soldiers shout and Gao tries to stop them.)

Gao: Keep back! Lady Yang is going to return to Heaven.

Lady Yang: Ah! Chen Yuanli, Chen Yuanli!

Why, should you bring no rebels’ death,

But take away my breath?

(Soldiers shout again in uproar.)

Gao: Alas! The soldiers are breaking in.

Lady Yang (Looking around): What can I do but end my life on this pear tree!

(Taking off her white silk girdle and curtseying to the distance) I kowtow in thanks for the royal favor conferred on his humble maid. I’m afraid we’ll never see each other again in this life.(Gao weeps.)

Lady Yang (Preparing in tears to hang herself): Your Majesty,I’ll end my life and go to underground stream.

My soul will never leave Your Majesty’s dream. (Exit.)

Gao (To soldiers): Don’t break in now! Lady Yang is gone!

(Soldiers withdraw.)

Gao (In tears): Alas! Your Ladyship! (Exit.)

(The emperor enters.)

Emperor: Six armies—what could be done?—would not march with speed

Unless my Lady Yang be killed before their steed.

(Gao re-enters with the white silk girdle and presents it to the emperor.)

Gao: Your Majesty, Lady Yang is gone.

(The emperor, terror-stricken, remains wordless.)

Lady Yang is gone. Here is the silk girdle with which she hanged herself.

Emperor (Looking at the girdle and crying bitterly): Alas! My love, my love! How can my heart not be broken! (Stagger-ing,supported by Gao)

(Singing to the tune of “Embroidered Red Shoes”):

Then fair as peach blossom was she,

as peach blossom was she!

Gao: Now she is dead under a pear tree,

dead under a pear tree.

(Showing the hairpin and the jewel box)

The hairpin and the jewel box, Her Ladyship told me to bury them together with her remains.

Emperor (Looking at them in tears):

The hairpin and jewel box are root of evils all.

How much joy we knew in the Long-life Hall!

Now at Horse-Halting Slope,

Our love ends without any hope.

Gao: How could we prepare in such a hurry a coffin fit for Her Ladyship?

Emperor: Since it is impossible to do anything fit, you may wrap her up in a silk quilt and mark the burial place so that her remains may be removed later. The hairpin and the jewel box may be put into her clothes.

Gao: Yes. Your Majesty’s order shall be executed.


Emperor (Singing to the tune of “The Epilogue in tears”):

Her warm fragrance and jade-white beauty have passed away.

Where could I find her in the world of today?

(General Chen enters and kneels to the emperor.)

Chen: Will it please Your Majesty to go on the journey to the West?

Emperor (Stamping): What do I care for the Western journey!(Trumpets blow and the guards march in.)

(Gao Lishi re-enters to lead the emperor to his horse.)

All (Singing to the tune of “Paying the Homage”):

Mist veils the sky;

The cold wind blows and flags and banners fly.

The way is long,

And dust-covered the throng.

Who could anticipate the emperor

Should brave the danger with his minister?

We hate the rebels putting the country on fire

With flames rising higher and higher.

When will end the times hard?

When shall we quell rebellious tiger and pard?

Far, far away the Western Mountain towers.

Looking back, we can’t find the palace bowers

But floating clouds so white

With the capital lost to sight,

And the capital lost to sight.

Epilogue of the Scene

With royal banners sweeping west clouds westwards fly;

The capital in danger darkens earth and sky.

The lord can’t find the rosy face of his fair bride;

In vain he sighs for love-birds swimming side by side.

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