第六出 舞盘
[1] 紫气东来:相传函谷关吏尹喜,有一天看见有紫气从东方过来,知道就要有“真人”来了,果然遇到了老子。
[2] 瑶池西望,翩翩青鸟庭前降:传说西王母住在瑶池。她来看汉武帝时,先有一只青鸟飞来报信。
[3] 帨(shuì):佩巾。
[4] 紫云深处婺光明:喻贵妃在宫庭里得宠,并且含有祝贺的意思。婺光,女宿(一个星座)的亮光。
[5] 初度:生日。
[6] 一叶阶蓂:蓂荚,生在阶前。
[7] 果合欢桃生千岁,花并蒂莲开十丈:两个果结在一起,即一个果实有两个果仁,叫合欢果,此指桃子;两朵花开在一个蒂上,叫并蒂花,此指莲花。
[8] 正逢瑶圃千秋宴:瑶圃,传说是仙人住的地方,这里指宫殿;千秋宴,指贵妃的寿筵。
[9] 进到炎州十八娘:炎州,南方;十八娘,荔枝的著名品种之一。
[10] 黄封:此作黄袱包裹解。
[11] 浓染红绡,薄裹晶丸:红绡,荔枝的果皮;晶丸,鲜荔枝的白色果肉。
[12] 火棘、交梨:神仙果,据说吃了可以上天。
[13] 瑶池阿母:西王母,此借喻贵妃。
[14] 筝排柱:筝,乐器,有十三根弦线固定在小柱上;排柱,演奏前,把弦调好的动作。
[15] 柘(zhé)枝:柘枝的色素所染成的黄颜色,此指乐人的冠色。
[16] 叠:即遍,也即下文所说“六奏”的奏。这是“叠”的原来解释。
[17] 歇拍:歇拍及下文提到的流拍、促拍都是用来表明节拍速度的古代音乐术语。
[18] 其时未有舞态:中序已有舞态,洪昇的这个说法不知有什么根据。
[19] 飞绕虹梁:形容乐声悠扬,余音绕梁。
[20] 饰奏:据现存文献,《霓裳羽衣》第三大段不叫“饰奏”。
[21] 慢声、缠声、衮声,入破、摊破、出破,花犯、道和、傍拍、间拍、催拍、偷拍等都是古代音乐的术语。
[22] 慢声、缠声、衮声,入破、摊破、出破,花犯、道和、傍拍、间拍、催拍、偷拍等都是古代音乐的术语。
[23] 氍毹:地毯,全句形容地毯上演员的舞态。
[24] 慢声、缠声、衮声,入破、摊破、出破,花犯、道和、傍拍、间拍、催拍、偷拍等都是古代音乐的术语。
[25] 重结束:重新穿戴起来。
[26] 朕亲以羯鼓节之:羯鼓,一种乐器,从“羯”族传来。
[27] 一朵红云自空漾:指贵妃。以下两曲都用来描写她的舞态。
[28] 高骞(qiān):高飞。骞,飞举。
[29] 齐作留仙想:一次,赵飞燕舞蹈时,几乎乘风飞去,汉成帝叫左右拖住她的裙子。这条裙子后来就叫留仙裙。
[30] 山呼:高呼万岁,祝颂皇帝。据说汉武帝登嵩山,臣下听见空中有呼“万岁”的声音三次。
[31] 劳攘:辛苦。
[32] 丽水紫磨金步摇一事:一事,一件。丽水紫磨金,最好的金子。丽水,即金沙江。
[33] 缠头:赏给歌伎的财物。
[34] 未央:没有完,此指年寿。
Scene6 The Round Dance
(Enter the emperor accompanied by two attendants and the eunuch Gao Lishi.)
Emperor (Singing to the tune of “Spring Coming in Time”) :
On long, long day in quiet halls the light breeze blows.
High above the palace hall the fiery cloud glows.
From the east comes the purple light;
Gazing westwards you’ll catch the sight
Of the fairy blue birds in flight,
Coming from the Celestial Height.
The first of the sixth moon is the birthday of my dear Lady Yang, who is enjoying the cool with me in the summer palace. I have ordered a feast in the Long-life Hall and the new “Rainbow Dress” to be performed for the celebration. Gao Lishi, pass on the order to the inner palace requesting Her Ladyshi’s presence.
Gao: Yes, Your Majesty. (He gives the order and is answered.)
(Enter Lady Yang in splendid dress accompanied by Ever Fresh and Mindful Maid.)
Lady Yang sings to the tune of “More Sugar”:
The sun shines into my sweet-scented bower,
My window screen caressed by twigs of flower.
A yellow silken curtain hangs over the door.
A pair of embroidered phoenixes seem to soar
Above the cloud high and far.
(Curtseying) Long live Your Majesty!
Emperor: I’d enjoy my long life together with you. (Lady Yang sits down.)
Deep in the purple clouds shines the Lady Star.
Lady Yang: Peach blossoms steeped in dew take splendid hue.
Maids: You won’t grow old before the flower.
Together: Life will be long in Long-life Bower.
Emperor: Today is your birthday and I have prepared a feast to celebrate it and we’ll enjoy the pleasure all day long.
Lady Yang: How could my humble birthday be worth Your royal favor? I would drink to Your Majesty’s health and wish you a long long life.
Gao: The wine is served.
(Lady Yang curtseys and offers wine to the emperor, who then passes her the cup. She kneels to drink so as to show her gratitude and then sits down.)
Emperor sings to the tune of “The Eight Immortals Meeting on the Sea”:The breeze is warm and the sun bright;
The leaves in the courtyard shiver in burning light.
A splendid feast is opened up.
The Southern Hills infuse long, long life in your cup.
Together sing to the tune of “Fairy Lanterns”:
With double kernel peaches grow from year to year;
Lotus flowers in pairs for miles and miles appear.
(Changing to the tune of Moonrise over Crabapple)
It pleases all
To enjoy in the Long-life Hall
As in celestial sphere.
(A eunuch enters with a scroll.)
Eunuch: With golden-flowered crimson scroll in hand,
Out of the palace all congratulators stand.
I beg to report to Your Majesty and Your Ladyship that the prime minister and the three duchesses are waiting outside with their gifts and congratulations for the happy birthday.
(Presenting the scroll)
Emperor: Give them our thanks. The prime minister need not stand on ceremony. He may withdraw to his office. The three duchesses may wait to feast with us in the palace.
Eunuch: Your Majesty’s orders shall be obeyed. (Exit.)
(Another eunuch enters carying lichee fruit covered with yellow silk.)
Second Eunuch: On this happy birthday divine
Comes from the south lychee fruit fine.
May it please Your Majesty that the fresh lychee fruit from the west and the southern seaside has arrived.
Emperor: Bring it up.
(Gao Lishi receives the fruit and removes the cover.)
(To Lady Yang): Knowing your love for the fruit, I have ordered local governments to send it by express. It has just arrived in time before your birthday feast begins. Let us drink to your happy birthday, my love.
Lady Yang: A million thanks to Your Majesty.
Emperor: Fill the cups, maids.
(Ever Fresh and Mindful Maid fill their cups.)
Lady Yang sings to the tune of “Long Life in the Cup”:
A basketful
Of fruit so beautiful,
The yellow-covered lychee blest
Comes afar from south and west.
I love its crimson shell
And crystal fruit so well.
It makes my hand so sweet
And chills my teeth so neat.
Together sing to the tune of “Prelude to Long Life”:
It is redder than the date and whiter than the pear,
In royal feast beyond compare,
As good as a nectar divine
Or the Goddess’ favorite wine.
Emperor: Now Gao Lishi, order Li Guinian and his orchestra to play music in the hall.
Gao: As Your Majesty commands. (Giving orders)
(Enter Li Guinian with other musicians in livery and bright cap.)
Musicians: With red clapper and thirteen pegs of string,
In crimson silk we come to dancing feast to sing.
We enter in yellow hats high and new
And halt when royal steps are in view.
Li Guinian: Your humble servant Li Guinian and his orchestra salute Your Majesty and Your Ladyship.
Emperor: Li Guinian, you played the overture of “Rainbow Dance”yesterday. Are you ready to play the first movement for today?
Li Guinian: May it please Your Majesty, we are.
Emperor: See it well played.
Li Guinian: Yes, Your Majesty. (Exit with his orchestra.)
Lady Yang: May I take the liberty to remind Your Majesty that six stanzas of the overture contain no flowing rhythm but pausing beats and that six stanzas of the central move-ment contain flowing rhythm but no hastening beats, for at that time the music was not made for dancing.
(Singing to the tune of “Eight Immortals Meeting on the Sea”):
The music opens with a flourish loud
To arrest along the rainbow the rosy cloud.
When it comes to the third stanza of “Feathered Coat”,
Each dancing motion is hinted at by each note.
It may slow down, linger or roll in sound,
Like a string of pearls clear and round.
It may enter, outspread and go out,
And you see dance on the carpet or thereabout.
There are side beats intermittent;
Hastening or stolen, they are different.
There dance and music blend
To delight us without an end.
Emperor: You have well explained the music and dance.
Lady Yang: I have had an emerald disklike carpet made, and I would like to dance on it for Your Majesty’s pleasure.
Emperor: I have never seen your enchanting dance. I would like to see the performance accompanied by your maids Ever Fresh,Mindful Maid, Zheng Guanyin and Xie Aman.
Maids: Yes, Your Majesty.
Lady Yang: May I withdraw to change into the dancing costume?
After changing my dress, I’ll take my place
On the emerald plate with grace. (Exit with her maids.)
Emperor: Gao Lishi, order Li Guinian and his orchestra to play the music according to the score. I myself will beat the rhythm on the drum.
Gao: Yes, Your Majesty. (Giving the order)
(The emperor retires to change his dress. Music is played inside.
An emerald plate is placed on the stage. Lady Yang reenters crowned with flowers, in embroidered white dress with tassels and green sleeves, a cap designed with rain-bow cloud and a crimson dancing skirt. The four maids in dancing dress and white robe,holding rainbow cloud banners and peacock-embroidered fans to hide Lady Yang from view when she has stepped to the centre of the plate. The music stops, the fans slowly part to disclose Lady Yang dancing on the plate. The four maids begin to sing. Gao Lishi kneels to hold the foreign drum. The emperor reenters,sits in the middle of the stage and begins to beat the drum while musicians play their own instruments to accompany the dance.) All sing to the tune of the“Second Movement of the Feathered Coat”:
In silken dress adorned with flowers fair,
A rosy cloud seems floating in the air.
See rainbow banners wave far and nigh,
And fragrant petals fall from on high.
Tranquil, the parted fans reveal a beauty still
Like Moon Goddess coming down in a light feathered gown,
Her rainbow sleeves outspread,
to show the skill she’s led.
She flutters in the breeze as lotus sways with ease.
Like quivering green leaves float her winglike sleeves.
From side to side she sways;
O what grace she displays!
(The music quickens.)
She whirls, rises and falls like blooming sprays,
Or a quivering willow tree,
Or a phoenix flying with glee.
Beyond description her grace,
The wind blows from on high,
All music echoes far and nigh.
Hear ice crackle with her pace,
And tinkling strings tightened by pegs of jade,
When flutes and pipes are played.
The drum beats out the time so low
That the new melody will clearer grow.
Her gilded skirt would fly on high
If not detained by dancers nearby.
(The emperor stops playing the drum and Gao Lishi carries it off.)
She dances her fill; her rainbow dress is still.
(Lady Yang curtseys to the emperor.)
She lowers her song to wish him a life long.
(The maids help Lady Yang come down from the emerald plate.
Gao and others retire.)
Emperor (Rising to take her hands): What a wonderful dance!Nothing is so charming and fascinating. It is like snow wafting in the breeze, swallow flying or dragon swimming in the sky that has never been seen before. Maids, bring the wine and I will offer her a cup.
(The Maids bring the wine and the emperor holds the cup) Smiling, I hold the golden goblet fine
And hope your sweet lips will sweeten the wine.
(Giving it to her) Drink the wine up! Leave nothing in the cup!
I thank you for your dance so tender
And the fatigue of your waist so slender.
Lady Yang (Receiving the cup and curtseying): Long live Your Majesty!(Singing to the tune of “Rainbow Dress”)
Your Majesty drink to me this cupful of wine.
How can I be worthy of this favor divine!
Emperor (Gazing at her):
Seeing the way you hold your cup, lam all eyes
To find ten thousand bewitching charms arise.
I will give you ten silk rolls embroidered with golden lovebirds and a golden tierce to show my love for your fairy dance.
(Taking out a scented pouch) And I give you this jewelled pouch containing ambergris, which I wear myself, for you to dance as with a pendant.
Lady Yang (Taking the pouch and curtseying): Long live Your Majesty!
Emperor (Taking Lady Yang by the hand and singing to the tune of“Epilogue”):
As the Rainbow Dance will be loved from year to year,I wish you forever young, beautiful and dear.
Lady Yang (singing to the tune of “Epilogue”) :How fortunate to be steeped in royal dew!
I am perfumed through and through.
Epilogue of the Scene
Emperor: The Long-life Hall stands as high as the azure sky.
Lady Yang: My happy birthday wine is distributed far and nigh.
Emperor:After drinking, I love your dance with rainbow sleeves.
Lady Yang: Five clouds are sweetened as if they were azure leaves.