《许渊冲译长生殿》第三本第五出 进果 -《长生殿》英译-《长生殿》中英双语赏析

第五出 进果











































































































































[1] 离支:荔枝。因为要用平声字,所以改了。

[2] 涪(fú)州:即今四川涪陵县。

[3] 也么:有声无义的语词。

[4] 细看流年与五星:“流年”“五星”是星相学的术语。流年,一年所行的运;五星,金、木、水、火、土,星相家根据一个人出生时所值的星位,来推算他的禄命。

[5] 铁口:说自己算命很准。

[6] 鬼门:即古门,戏场上演员的出入口。

[7] 地方:地保。

[8] 福:妇女向人敛袵致敬叫福,即万福。

[9] 做一家儿:做夫妻。

[10] 诨:打诨,调笑。

[11] 马膫(diǎo):马屌,牡马的生殖器。

[12] 腌(ā)臜(zɑ):肮脏。

[13] 上:皇帝。

[14] 台下:对官长的尊称。和“阁下”的意思相近。

[15] 纽:即扭,扭打。

[16] 黄纸:唐代用黄麻纸写的皇帝敕令。

[17] 砉(huā):形容动作迅疾。

Scene 5 The Feast

(Enter the first envoy on horse with a basketful of lychee fruit suspended from a pole.)

First Envoy (Singing to the tune of “Fish under Willows”):

For miles and miles I come on horse;

The hard rough journey’s spent my force.

To obey orders is not a pleasure,

I don’t prefer fortune to leisure.

Arrived after these hard long miles,

Could the fruit win Lady Yang’s smiles?

I’m an envoy from the Western District rich in lychee, favorite fruit of Lady Yang. The Emperor has ordered to send it as tribute every year. As the weather is hot and the journey long, I must endure the hardship and speed up all the way to the capital.

(He gallops while singing):

Arrived after these hard long miles,

Could the fruit win Lady Yang’s smiles?

(Enter a second envoy on horse, with a basketful of lychee fruit.) Second Envoy (Singing to the tune of “Mountain-Shaking Song”):

The lychee’s sweetest in the Southern Capital,

And Lady Yang likes it the best of all.

When gathered, it is wrapped in leaves

And sent in a basket by the horse which heaves,

While I gallop all the way night and day

From one station to another without delay.

I am an envoy of the Southern Seaside Capital. Since Lady Yang loves to eat fresh lychee and the fruit grown in the south is even better than that of the west, we are ordered to send it to the capital. But it is a longer journey to go from the south than from the west. As the fruit would lose its flavor seven days after it’s picked from the tree, so I have to hurry up.

(Galloping off while singing):

While I gallop all the way night and day

From one station to another without delay.

(Enter an old Peasant.)

Peasant (Singing to the tune of “Ten Drumbeats”):

How hard is a peasant’s lot on the plain!

We worry about drought and heavy rain.

From year to year we live on little grain which grows,

But half of our harvest for taxes goes.

How much is left our hunger to stay?

What we can do is but to pray

Heaven to ripen it each day.

I am an old peasant of the eastern village of the Golden County and have to feed a family of eight mouths. It is said that the envoys carrying lychee fruit would take a shortcut across the fields, careless of trampling and damaging the crop under their horsehoofs. So I have come here to guard my crop. (Looking around) Here are two fortune-tellers coming this way.

(Enter a blind man with clappers in hand and a blind woman with a stringed instrument.)

Blind Man and Woman Together (Singing to the tune of “Young Moth” ):

Coming from the west, to the east we go;

Judging by stars, we can foretell how years will flow.

We know how long you’ll live and when you’ll die;

Our prophesy is wellknown far and nigh.

Blind as we are,

We can see from afar.

We’re like immortals old.

Would you please have your fortune told?

Woman: My old man, we have traveled so long today that my feet are aching now. I can’t go any farther. I’m afraid we cannot foretell how long people can live but how soon we’ll die.

Blind Man: Dear Ma, I hear someone speaking. Let us ask him.(Speaking to the peasant):

Will you please tell us where we are?

Peasant: This is the eastern village of the Golden County, next to the westerm village of the Riverside Town.

Blind Man (Bowing): Thank you very much, sir.

(Bells around the neck of the horse are heard.)

Peasant (Looking around): Oh! Here comes a troop of horsemen.(Calling out) My respectable cavaliers, will you please keep to the highway lest you trample on the grain?

Blind Man (to Woman): Dear Ma, it’s not far from the capital now.I’ll go ahead to hire a donkey for you. (Singing)

We’re like immortals old.

Would you please have your fortune told?

(He walks on while the first envoy comes up, whipping his horse.)

First Envoy (Singing): Arrived after these hard long miles,

Could the fruit win Lady Yang’s smiles?

(Knocking down the blind man, he gallops off. Immediately after comes the second envoy.)

Second Envoy (Singing): While I gallop all the way night and day From one station to another without delay.

(Trampling the blind man to death, he gallops of.)

Peasant (Stamping and wailing): O Heaven! My paddy field is trampled.How can I get grain enough to eat and to feed my family? What is more, I still have to pay the taxes. How can I afford it!

Woman (Crawling on the ground): Alas! I am trampled down and badly hurt. Where are you, my old man? (She gropes for the blind man.) O here is my old man. Why don’t you answer me? Have you fainted? (She passes her hand over him.) Why, your head is wet.

(She feels him again.) His brain is crushed.

(She cries.) O Heaven! O Earth! Who would come to help us?

Peasant (Looking around): Oh! A blind fortune-teller is killed.

Woman (Getting up): To whom can I appeal? How can I stop the riders to pay my old man’s life?

Peasant: Ah! The riders are sending lychee fruit for Lady Yang. They have trampled many people without paying any one. How can they pay you a blind woman?

Woman: What can I do now? (Crying) Oh! My old man! I fore told you would die by the roadside. Now you are dead. How can I get you buried?

Peasant: How could you find any one in charge to help you? Let me help you to bury him.

Woman: Oh! Thank you so much. Could I stay here with you? (Weeping)(They carry the dead body off.)

(Enter a groom from the posting station.)

Groom (Singing the “Prologue”):

The station master’s fled.

The station master’s tied.

No horse is left but the dead.

No man is left but me the groom.

No money is left in the room.

I’m often whipped;

With curse I’m often tipped

How can I stand their whip?

How can my blood not drip?

I am a groom at the posting station of the Riverside Town. The first day of the sixth moon is the birthday of Lady Yang. She is so fond of eating lychee fruit that the envoys sending it from the west and from the south must reach the capital by that day and they will pass here. But the station master has fled for fear of being beaten by the envoys. He has left the charge to me without money but a lean horse. What can I do when come the envoys? But this can’t be helped.

(Enter the first envoy galloping up.)

First Envoy (Singing to the tune of “Hastening Song”):

The sun sinks amid dust and cloud;

It seems pecked by mountains proud.

Make haste, make haste, make haste,

Before I reach the capital.

I have no time to waste,

No time to waste at all.

(He alights.) Station master, prepare a new horse for me as soon as possible!

(The groom takes his reins while the envoy puts down his basket and dusts his clothes.)

(Enter the second envoy galloping.)

Second Envoy (Singing):

My aching limbs are wet

With drenching sweat.

I must gallop with all my force

And race to change my horse.

(He alights.) Station master, change the horse for me at once!

(The groom takes his reins while the second envoy puts down his fruit basket and greets the first envoy.)Good day, sir. Are you sending lychee to the capital too?

First Envoy: Yes, I am.

Second Envoy: Is our meal ready?

Groom: Not yet.

First Envoy: If not, I won’t eat. But bring out the horse for me!

Groom: My dear sir, there is only one horse left in the stable. Either of you may have it as you will.

Second Envoy: What! Only one horse in such a big station! Call out your rogue of a station master. Let him tell us where have gone the horses!

Groom: Oh! Our horses have been ridden to death by senders of lychee fruit these years. The station master knew not what to do and ran away.

Second Envoy: If the station master is not here, we can only demand horses from you.

Groom (Pointing to the stable): There is the horse you need.

First Envoy: I got here first so I will have it.

Second Envoy: I come from the southern seaside farther away than you, so let me have it!

First Envoy (Turning to the stable and singing to the tune of“Pockmarked Face”):

I’m going to change my horse.

To argue with you I have no force.

Second Envoy (Pulling him back):

Do not to force appeal,

Or it’s my fist you’ll feel.

First Envoy: How dare you upset my lychee fruit! (He picks up his basket.)

Second Envoy: How dare you damage my basket of bamboo! (He picks up his basket.)

Groom (Pleading): Do not be angry nor use force! Would you ride together this lean horse?

Second Envoy (Putting down his basket and beating the groom):How dare you say that!

(Singing to the tune of “Pockmarked Face”):

I’ll beat you out of breath;

I’ll beat you till your death.

First Envoy (Putting down his basket to beat the groom too):

I’ll beat you too,

You rascal, you!

Second Envoy: How can I not use force!

You have stolen the horse.

First Envoy: O how dare you delay

The envoy on his way! (They beat the groom.)

Envoys: We’ll use our whips

Or kick your hips.

When you go out of force,

You will bring out a horse.

Groom (Kowtowing, he sings to the tune of“Pockmarked Face”):

I beg you not to beat

Nor kick me with your feet!

Envoys: If you are afraid of being beaten, bring out the horse at once!

Groom: In the stable there is only one horse.

Envoys: We need two.

Groom: I cannot get two horses though you use force.

Envoys: Then we’ll beat you again.

Groom: Don’t beat me, masters mine,

I’ll take of my coat for you to buy wine. (He takes off his coat.)

First Envoy: Who needs your dirty coat?

Second Envoy (Checking up the coat and putting it on): All right, I must hurry up to change my horse at the next station.

(He picks up his basket, mounts his horse and rides off, singing.)

While I gallop all the way night and day,

From one station to another without delay.

First Envoy: Bring me the new horse at once!

Groom: Here it is.

First Envoy (Singing): Arrived after these hard long miles,Could the fruit win Lady Yang’s smiles? (He rides off.)

Groom: Oh! Lady Yang, Lady Yang! This is all for your lychee fruit.

Epilogue of the Scene

To pass the iron doors and golden gates we’re free,

On yellow paper written the royal decree.

Whipping the steed at top of speed forward we go.

O How much weal and woe brings the fruit, do you know?


未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 《许渊冲译长生殿》第三本第五出 进果
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