梭罗《冬日漫步》 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析


But now, while we have loitered, the clouds have gathered again, and a few straggling snowflakes are beginning to descend. Faster and faster they fall, shutting out the distant objects from sight. The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten; by the river and the pond, on the hill and in the valley. Quadrupeds are confined to their coverts and the birds sit upon their perches this peaceful hour. There is not so much sound as in fair weather, but silently and gradually every slope, and the gray walls and fences, and the polished ice, and the sere leaves, which were not buried before, are concealed, and the tracks of men and beasts are lost. With so litle effort does nature reassert her rule and blot out the traces of men.





the clouds have gathered 投稿译文「片片云朵向中心聚拢」,意思没错,但可更加精简些,故处理为「阴云密布」


The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten; by the river and the pond, on the hill and in the valley. 投稿译文「雪填满了所有的缝隙,落到了每一棵树木,每一片田野,落到了河畔,池边,落到了山丘和峡谷中」,意思没错,但还可以改得更优美些,故处理为「雪花的足迹遍布每个角落,树木田野,河畔池边、山丘峡谷」,先说「遍布每个角落」,后列出具体得哪些地方,均处理为四字格,对仗工整。


There is not so much sound as in fair weather, but silently投稿译文「气氛宁静,仍比不上晴天来得静」,这里属于错译,根据原文直译,应该是「气氛宁静,比晴天更安静」,因此处理成「周围环境安静,没有晴天那么多声息」。遇到比较难理解得句子时,不要一步到位,先按字面意思直译,再改到通顺,一步到位容易错译。


which were not buried before投稿者漏译,非常不应该。

Hear how Homer had described the same: “The snowflakes fall thick and fast on a winter’s day. The winds are lulled. And the snow falls incessant, covering the tops of the mountains, and the hills, and the plains where the lotus tree grows, and the cultivated fields, and they are falling by the inlets and shores of the foaming sea, but are silently dissolved by the waves. “The snow levels all things, and infolds them deeper in the bosom of nature, as, in the slow summer, vegetation creeps up to the entablature of the temple, and the turrets of the castle, and helps her to prevail over art.






the snowflakes fall thick and fast on a winter’s day.投稿译文「冬日,雪花下得密,疾」,读起来很拗口,不符合中文语言习惯。如何修改自己的译文,其中一个方法就是朗读,读出声音来,更能发现自己译文的毛病,尤其是读起来喘不过气的长句子,光看很难发现问题,朗读能培养语感。原创译文「冬天,雪花飘落,又密又快」


covering the tops of the mountains, and the hills, and the plains where the lotus tree grows, and the cultivated fields 投稿译文「覆盖了山峰,山丘,荷花生长着的平原,耕地」,这里原创译文调整了原文的顺序,也就是and the cultivated fields提到前面,covering the tops of the mountains, and the hills,and the cultivated fields,and the plains where the lotus tree grows. 原因有二,第一:避免造成歧义,我们看原文可以知道,where the lotus tree grows只是修饰the plains,而投稿译文「荷花生长着的平原,耕地」,很容易让读者以为where the lotus tree grows修饰的是the plains and the cultivated fields。第二:为了结构优美,因此原创译文处理成「覆盖了山峰、丘陵和耕地,覆盖了长着无忧树的平原」,前面的「山峰、丘陵和耕地」都是两个字,那就放在一起。在之前的批改中有提过,尽量不动原文结构,如果非得动,必须有充分的理由。英汉批改Day11 | 2015中国地质大学


lotus-eater意为浑噩度日的人。该词源出荷马著名史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)中的一个故事。希腊英雄奥德修斯( Odysseus)和他的部下来到北非利比亚海岸一个名叫Lotus Iand的地方,因当地有一种树叫lotus tree。这里的lotus不指「莲」,而是一种神奇的植物,有人译之为「落拓枣」。据传,食了落拓枣后即做极乐梦,并忘却尘世痛苦。奥德修斯发现当地民族,即所谓lotus-eaters,因食此枣懒散、倦慵,贪图安逸,不思不虑,而外来者食了此果就会忘却家人和亲朋,迷恋他乡而不思返家。Lotus Iand常译作「安逸乡」或「安乐乡」, lotus tree则译为「忘忧树」,而lotus-eater则直译作「食落拓枣的人」或「食忘忧果者」。根据以上故事,后人便用lotus-eater一词来喻指「安逸度日的人」或「浑噩度日的人」。这个词跟咱们的成语「乐不思蜀」有异曲同工之妙。


prevail over

( ideas, opinions, etc. 思想、观点等) to be accepted, especially after a struggle or an argument 被接受,战胜,压倒


Justice will prevail over tyranny.




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