【译文1】Winter in White Horse Lake
【译文2】Baima Lake Winters
Xia Mianzun
🎈白马湖属地名,更具体来说是一个湖的名字。对于地名这一类的翻译通常采用音译(可译为Bai Ma Lake)或意译,这里采用的是后者。在实践中,采用哪种方式主要取决于该地名是否有实际含义、译后是否更符合母语阅读习惯及语境等。一些特别简单或者没有什么特别含义的地名采用音译,比如:甲乙路。而类似 「白马湖」本身就有意象且译后也符合目标语人士的习惯,所以英译为White Horse Lake
【译文1】I am now over forty, but it was not until ten years ago that I got a feel of what winter was really like soon after I had moved my residence to White Horse Lake, a place beyond my home town.
【译文2】Ten years ago when we first moved to Baima Lake, I experienced the most memorable winter of in the 40 years of my life.
🎈“冬的情味尝得最深刻的”,并没有拘泥于原来固有的句式,英译为I got a feel of what winter was really like…。实则是将原句转换成“令我真正体会冬天的…”,feel这里为名词,应理解为「体验」,这是在充分理解原文的基础上作出的翻译,这点非常值得借鉴。中文的正式文体中时常省略主语,做英译时要找到句中的逻辑主语根据情况补充完整例如本句中的I…
🎈「要算…的时候了」用了常见句式It was not until…that…→直到…才。
🎈「移居」这里并没有单用move一词来表达,一方面moved my residence to更符合原文体行文风格,另一方面考虑到后文所提到的笔者是举家定居在湖的另一面。
🎈a place beyond my home town在此处属于增译法的运用,文章的首段第一次出现了“白马湖”这个地方。“移居”一词表明此地并非作者的家乡,“a place beyond my home town”不仅准确传达了原文的信息,也与下文字里行间流露出对白马湖家乡般的留恋之情有了呼应,不是家乡却胜似家乡,充分体现了作者对家乡的热爱,非常符合上下文。这也是出于让读者更好地理解译文的目的,通过增加原文所没有的句子来进行补充说明,准确的增译会比加译注使得文章更流畅。
【译文1】Since then, however, it has grown into quite a village, but it was an expanse of wilderness at the time when I moved in.
【译文2】Over the years the lake has grown into a tiny village, but back then it was pure wilderness.
Q:「一片荒野」为什么译成 an expanse of wilderness ?
🎈A: 如果只翻译成wilderness很难让人产生「空旷辽远」的感觉,而expanse正好弥补了这一缺失给读者呈现出了“广阔、辽阔”的景象,这就是翻译理论中说的译得充分、译得饱满。
【译文1】The new buildings of Chun Hui Middle School then stood tall on the other side of the Lake while on this side were several newly-built small one-storey houses tucked away at the foot of a mountain where lived two families separately, the family of mine and that of Liu Xinru. The neighborhood was totally unpopulated far and wide except for the two households.
【译文2】You could see the new buildings of Chunhui School on the other side of the lake, but on this side, except for a few newly set up bungalows nestled at the foot of the mountain,where my family and that of Liu Xinru’s lived, there was not a single soul to be seen within two or three kilometers of this place.
Q:译文中的tucked away该如何理解?
🎈A: 译文中的tucked away为增译成分。tuck意指「隐藏在…」,而原文并没有这一文字的表述。译者增加了这一个成分不仅没有破坏原文的表达内容,而是把原文的味道译出来了。因为这一词组的增加更加强调了其四周的僻静及荒无人烟,与原文的抒情基调一致。又,tuck sth away (be tucked away)英义为 if a place is tucked away, it is in a quiet area〔某处所〕隐藏在〔寂静的地方〕。例如:The village of Eyam is tucked away behind the hills.伊爱姆村就隐藏在山后。
🎈“此外两三里内没有人烟”:译者选择“The neighborhood(这片居住区域)”作为主语,紧扣接下来展开的描述。
🎈文中所用的 “两三里”意在表达“大的范围都很荒凉”,照顾到译入语的表达习惯,这里并没有直接用数字对应翻译为距离范围,而是用更贴切的far and wide。
【译文1】Having moved from Hangzhou to this desolate countryside late in the eleventh moon of the lunar year, we felt like getting bogged down in a polar region.
【译文2】When my family moved to these backwoods from the bustling town of Hangzhou in the depths of winter, it seemed that we had moved to polar land.
🎈请注意整个英译句式的语法结构Having moved…, …felt like….,对于处理一前一后发生且有因果逻辑关系的长句特别常见。中文句间的逻辑关系多体现在 「意」,而英文则多体现在「形」上。
🎈「投身于…」根据语境译为getting bogged down in…(深陷于…)体现了译者选词的准确。
🎈此外,英语人士对“极地”的印象都是「环境恶劣、艰苦」,译文直接译为polar region也很准确。
【译文1】The wind there blew almost everyday, howling like a tiger’s roaring.
【译文2】The icy wind roared like a tiger almost every day.
bee 蜜蜂 buzz
bird 鸟 tweet
cat 猫 meow
hen 母鸡 cluck
cow 奶牛 moo
cuckoo 布谷鸟 cuckoo
dog 狗 woof
duck 鸭子 quack
frog 青蛙 croak
horse 马 neigh
lion/tiger 狮子 roar
pig 猪 oink
raven 鸦 caw
turkey 火鸡 gobble
【译文1】The new houses were of poor quality, with a biting wind coming in through every chink in the doors and windows. And our efforts to have all the cracks sealed with paper nevertheless failed to stop it from breaking into the house.
【译文2】The houses were newly built, but extremely rough. This wind pierced the cracks in the doors and windows, and even after we stuffed the crevices, it still penetrated through the chinks in the beams.
🎈“风从门窗隙缝中来,分外尖削”意为“凛冽的风从缝隙中吹来”,biting wind简洁生动。其中biting一词传神地表达了风的“尖削”之意,体现了英语简洁性的特点。
🎈粗率→粗略草率,不精确,不周到,描述房屋可译为were of poor quality。
【译文1】When it was very windy, all we could do was shut the front door before dark and go to bed after supper, listening quietly to the whistling of the sharp wind and the surging of the Lake waters.
【译文2】When at its worst, we would shut the gate even before dusk and run for cover in our beds, listening silently to the howling of the cold wind and the surging waves of the lake on the shore.
🎈「天未夜」即「天黑之前」,译作before dark。before表示(时间上的)前后的用法非常常见。
🎈listening quietly to…作伴随状语。
【译文1】In the small rear-room close to the mountain, which, least affected by the wind, was my study, I often worked by the light of an oil lamp late into the night, with my woolen cap pulled down, while the pines were soughing in the wind, the white moon shining on the window, and hungry rats squeaking and scurrying in the neighborhood of the ceilings.
【译文2】My study, a small room on the other side of the house facing the hills, was least affected by these wintry blasts. I would pull my Russian cap down over my ears and work by the kerosene lamp far into the night. Gusts of wind howled through the pines, a frosty moon stared down into my window, and starving rats scurried overhead squeaking continually.
🎈靠山的小后轩,算是我的书斋,在全屋子中风最少的一间 译作In the small rear-room close to the mountain, which, least affected by the wind, was my study, I often worked by the light of an oil lamp late into the night, with my woolen cap pulled down。
🎈当窗→正对着窗户:shining on the window,翻译中对原文的准确理解是基础即便母语也是如此。
🎈饥鼠吱吱地在承尘上奔窜译作and hungry rats squeaking and scurrying in the neighborhood of the ceilings:此处用了翻译理论中的文化意象的转换。民国时期有些地区没有天花板,房梁横木之上用遮布挡灰,名曰“承尘”,属于我国特有的文化词之一。如果直译恐怕外国人不知所云,译者在这里用了the neighborhood of the ceiling,语义清晰明了。此意象转换也可视为归化法。
【译文1】Seized with a poetic mood generated by the scene of bleakness, I would stay up late and sit alone poking the charcoal fire, imaging myself a figure in a traditional Chinese landscape painting and indulging in deep reveries.
【译文2】At times like this, a desolate poetic call would rise in my heart, and in the solitary cold I would poke the fire in the stove and aimlessly stir the ashes, attempting to hold off slumber as long as possible. And I would imagine myself inside a landscape painting, indulging in wild reveries.
🎈把自己拟诸山水画中的人物,作种种幽邈的遐想→想象自己是山水画中的人物,并沉浸在自己的遐想中译为imaging myself a figure in a traditional Chinese landscape painting and indulging in deep reveries.
【译文1】White Horse Lake is now rich in vegetation while at that time it was totally treeless.
【译文2】These days, trees can be seen in clusters around the lake, but when I first came here not a single tree could be seen.
🎈A: 此处的 vegetation 指“植被(Plants, trees, and flowers)”是包括树木在内的总称,为概略化的转换;「树木」亦可直译为trees,比如 grown with trees或者 covered with trees。作者之所以此处译为vegetation,是在充分理解上下文做出的翻译选择,意在强调此地植被繁盛.有英文散文的韵味。
【译文1】When the sun shone bright on a windless day, it would be nice and warm.
【译文2】When the sun shone bright and warm and the wind minded her manners, we would feel no sting from winter.
🎈「太阳好的时候,只要不刮风,那真和暖得不像冬天」整合句意为「没有风的日子,阳光是很温暖的」,在翻译实践中重新梳理逻辑、整理句式的能力很重要,此句中的「只要不刮风」译为 a windless day,「那真和暖得不像冬天」为it would be nice and warm,而整句为When the sun shone bright on a windless day, it would be nice and warm.就是此种能力的体现。(ps:逐字的对译看似是严格遵守原文,却是最不提倡甚至不负责任的,每一位翻译初学者都应记于心的一条基本原则。)
【译文1】The whole family would then sit in the courtyard to bask in the sun, and even have lunch in the open air like we did in summer.
【译文2】The whole family would sit in the courtyard enjoying the sunshine, even having lunch in the open air just as we ate dinner in summer.
🎈「曝日」即「晒太阳」,现译作bask in the sun(沐浴阳光)
🎈在户外、露天in the open air
例如:She gave a free concert in the open air, near the Lincoln memorial.
【译文1】Where there was sunshine, there we would move our chairs. When the cold wind came, however, we would scamper indoors like refugees, each carrying a chair or stool and hastily closing the doors behind us.
【译文2】Where the sun shone, we would move with it like shadows, carrying our stools in its path. When a frigid gale invaded, we would take our chairs and run into the house, slamming the door behind us as if escaping some disaster.
🎈「日光晒到哪里,就把椅凳移到哪里」即「哪里有阳光,我们就把椅子移到那里」译为Where there was sunshine, there we would move our chairs.这个句式类似于Where there’s a will, there’s a way.(有志者事竟成)。请注意这里“晒”并没有拘泥原文而翻译成相应的动词,取而代之的是更为地道英文中本来就有的句式,这样读起来不仅更原汁原味而且避开了动词直译的处理难度。
🎈When the cold wind came, however…中的however是增译成分,提醒读者接下来叙述的事情与之前不同,也从侧面对「日光浴下的惬意」与「避风时的狼狈」两种状态进行对比。又,each carrying a chair or stool and hastily closing the doors behind us是独立主格结构。
【译文1】The wind usually began to howl towards evening and last until midnight.
【译文2】As a rule, the wind stirred up as night approached, then subsided at midnight.
🎈风来(towards),半夜即停(last until)这些动作的描述主要通过howl(咆哮,怒吼)来贯穿。
【译文1】In the case of a severe storm, it would rage for two to three days and nights on end.
【译文2】When a storm struck, it would howl non-stop around the clock, often continuing for two or three days.
🎈on end表示「连续地、不断地」
例如:He would disappear for weeks on end.
【译文1】At the height of the bitter cold, the fields would for several days look deathly pale like cement, the mountains would turn dirty purple with cold, and the ripples of the Lake would be of a deep blue.
【译文2】On the coldest days, the earth floor looked deathly pale like cement, the mountain changed to indigo, and water in the lake turned to the same blue as it was in its darkest depth.
🎈「最严寒的几天」译为At the height of the bitter cold是一个很出彩的表达,bitter cold增加了bitter(刺骨的)一词更充分地表达处于「严寒」的感受,透过文字即可体验到这种刺骨寒意。
🎈「惨白如水门汀」译为deathly pale like cement,“水门汀”即“混凝土”,“惨白”即“deadly pale” ,其中deathly(死人一般地)也可换为deadly,ghastly。“水门汀”指水泥,是英语cement的音译。译者在译文中加deathly一词,意思为 “死人一般地”,将水泥地的惨白形容得惟妙惟肖,进一步烘托了寒风的凛冽,更加符合原文的韵味。
🎈山色冻得发紫而黯→山因寒冷而变为暗紫色,译为the mountains would turn dirty purple with cold;湖波泛深蓝色→湖泊的涟漪呈现出深蓝色,译为the ripples of the Lake would be of a deep blue。
【译文1】I had no aversion to snowfall because it was very much brightened up my room, so much so that I could almost do without lamplight at night.
【译文2】Snow was actually my winter pleasure. On snowy days, the house was illuminated by the white snow and in the night I could even do without a lamp.
🎈「晚上差不多不用燃灯」译为I could almost do without lamplight at night,do without意为「没有…也行」,原文可视为否定句,而译文却转换了句式。
🎈so much…that和so much so that比so…that和so that在语气上更强。
I was so much tired that I couldn’t walk on.
She is hungry, so much so that she had to go begging.
【译文1】The distant mountains would remain snow-capped for at least half a month — a scene I could easily enjoy from my window.
【译文2】As snow built up on the distant hill, it became a feast for my eyes, and could be enjoyed for perhaps half a month through my window.
🎈远山积雪足供半个月的观看,举头即可从窗中望见。→远山的积雪可持续半个月,这是我一抬头就能看见的风景,译为The distant mountains would remain snow-capped for at least half a month—a scene I could easily enjoy from my window.
【译文1】However, it was a pity that, living in the south, we could have snowfall only once or twice each winter.
【译文2】But we were at the time living in the south, where it only snowed once or twice a year.
🎈可是究竟是南方,每冬下雪不过一二次。译However, it was a pity that, living in the south, we could have snowfall only once or twice each winter.译者根据上下文补充主语we,原文逻辑上隐含。
🎈「可是究竟」译为 however, it was a pity that,加强了惋惜的感情色彩。
【译文1】Hence it was from the wind only that I could in my daily life get a taste of winter.
【译文2】Instead of these views, my winter impressions are mainly of wind.
🎈「领略的冬的情味」译为get a taste of winter,taste在英文中也具有抽象的用法此处就是一个例子,抒情类的文章a taste of…使用较多,意为「领略…(风光)」或者「感受…(情味/风情等)」
White Horse Lake is windy for geographical reasons.
🎈「地理上的原因」译为for geographical reasons,很简洁。
【译文1】The place is surrounded by mountains except in the north where there is a gap as wide as one fourth of a kilometer, like the wide open mouth of a bag, ready to accept the wind.
【译文2】Baima Lake is synonymous with wind. It is surrounded with mountains except for a huge gap that opens on the northern side, as if a bag squared its mouth to catch wintry blasts.
🎈半里→250米,译为one fourth of a kilometer。
🎈as wide as one fourth of a kilometer作gap的后置定语。
【译文1】It is the wind that differentiates White Horse Lake from other scenic spots.
【译文2】The landscape around the lake is not so different from a thousand other places, but the wind makes it unique.
🎈本段的主要描述对象是风,所以译者使用了强调句式It is the wind that…展开描述,亦与「唯有风」对应。
【译文1】Anybody who has been to the place can tell how frequent and violent the wind is there.
【译文2】Its abundance and power will be memorable to any visitor.
【译文1】The wind has, since time immemorial, been an important factor in characterizing winter, particularly so in White Horse Lake.
【译文2】Throughout time, of all the impressions of winter, it has been the wind that has dominated man’s mind. Nowhere is this truer than at the Baima Lake.
🎈「风在冬季的感觉中, 自古占着重要的因素…」意为「风是凸显冬季特色的一个重要因素」,译为The wind has, since time immemorial, been an important factor in characterizing winter
🎈「而白马湖的风尤其特别」按「白马湖尤为如此」之意译作particularly so in White Horse Lake,相当于(which is) particularly so in White Horse Lake,是补充语,对信息进一步补充说明。
其中so意为(指某一情况)就是这样,事实如此,例如:It is strange to think that he held strong views on many things, but it must have been so.现在想来,当时他在许多事情上的观点都非常强硬,真是不可思议——可情况确实如此。particularly so指「尤为如此」,例如:This autumn, however, it is <particularly so>. 然而今年秋天更是如此。
🎈额外说明一下,译文2中的最后一句Nowhere is this truer than at the Baima Lake中nowhere在句首,句子倒装。举个别的例子:Nowhere is language a more serious issue than in Hawaii. 没有哪个地方像夏威夷那样,语言成了如此重要的问题。那么,此处的译文同理可以理解成:没有哪个地方像白马湖一样,“风在冬季的感觉中,自古占着重要的因素”这句话(this)是如此适用(truer)
【译文1】Now it is quite a few days since I and my family moved to Shanghai. Whenever the wind blows in the stillness of the night, we will all mention White Horse Lake, saying, “White Horse Lake must be terribly windy tonight!”
【译文2】We have settled down in Shanghai for some time now. When we occasionally hear the sound of wind in the depth of night, we often say to each other, “Imagine how strong the wind is blowing over Baima Lake tonight! ”
🎈白马湖不知今夜又刮得怎样厉害哩!意即白马湖今夜想必又刮大风了」,译为White Horse Lake must be terribly windy tonight!原文中用了“不知”二字,表面上是对白马湖刮风的猜测,但实际上作者是想表达「白马湖今夜想必又刮大风了」之意。译者用must be这一词组对其进行了肯定的猜测,不仅表达了其言外之意,呈现出作者对白马湖非常之了解,同时流露出了作者对白马湖的思念之情。
…之冬 Winter in…
冬的情味 what Winter was
(体验)最深刻 was really like
移居 had moved my residence to
已成为… has grown into…
一片荒野 an expanse of wilderness
移居 moved in
巍然矗立于 stood tall on…
平屋 one-storey houses
没有人烟 totally unpopulated far and wide
荒凉的山野 desolate countryside
阴历… of the lunar year
…的下旬 late…
虎吼 howling like a tiger’s roaring
粗率 of poor quality
尖削 biting wind
椽缝 cracks
寒风的怒号 the whistling of the sharp wind
湖水的澎湃 the surging of the Lake waters
书斋 study
罗宋帽 woolen cap
松涛如吼 the pines were soughing in the wind
霜月当窗 the white moon shining on the window
承尘 the neighborhood of the ceiling
诗趣 poetic mood
山水画 traditional Chinese landscape painting
幽邈的遐想 indulging in deep reveries
到处都是… be rich in…
(树木)都未种 be totally treeless
只要不刮风 a windless day
那真和暖得不像冬天 it would be nice and warm
曝日 bask in the sun
把门关上closing the doors behind us
风来 The wind began to howl towards…
最严寒的 At the height of the bitter cold
不用… could do without…
积雪 snow-capped
举头即可 easily (enjoy)
可是究竟 However
领略的冬的情味 get a taste of winter
…的情味 a taste of…
地理上的原因 for geographical reasons
唯有风 It is the wind that…
风的多和大how frequent and violent the wind is there
自古以来 since time immemorial
僦居 moved to…
刮(风) blows
夜深人静 the stillness of the night