侯宝林I Might Have Come from TianjinHou Baolin还是从火车上说起吧!大约在我四岁多的时候,我坐过火车。Let me begin with my trip on the train. When I was about four years old I had traveled by train.🎈“还是从火车上说起吧”不能译作Let me begin from the train,因为这样译不能把作者的意思说清楚。当时带我坐车的人,是我的舅舅,叫张全斌。The man I traveled with was my uncle Zhang Quanbin.🎈“带我坐车”按“和我一起、我身边的”之意理解译作I traveled with…我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽的,穿着蓝布大褂、小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed—in a blue cloth gown with a short sleeveless jacket over it and a scullcap on the head.🎈 the way I was dressed(从我的打扮看来)意同the way in which I was dressed,先行词是the way 时,定语从句的关系词有三种选择1.省略 2.that 3.in which。那时候,小孩儿打扮成那个样子,够不错了。In those days it was decent enough for small kids to be dressed like that.🎈当时;在过去的日子里;在那些天In those days朱德《母亲的回忆》在这样的年月里,我家也遭受更多的困难……In those days, my family also met with increasing difficulties.在我的童年中,也就只有过这么一次。However, it was my only experience to boast about in my childhood.🎈夸耀、吹嘘、值得说道 boast about例句I speak proudly – I boast about – Neymar, veterans like Ronaldo, Bebeto.我很骄傲地讲,我要夸一下内马尔, 退伍军人罗纳尔多, 贝贝多。在火车上,因为小,没坐过火车,也很少见过家里以外的人,觉得挺新鲜。As I had never traveled by train or met anyone outside my family before, I felt everything on the train was new to me.🎈此句意为:因为小,……家里以外的人,所以觉得火车上的一切都很新鲜。As引导原因状从。也许人在幼年时代终归想要些温暖吧! Probably in childhood, one always needs some comfort.🎈“温暖”译作comfort,大家可以想下小孩子最想要什么?答案是关注度/宠爱/陪伴/想要大人哄哄自己之类的。所以个人觉得“温暖”直译也好,意译也罢,根据个人理解不同,最后的译文呈现是不同的。那时舅舅抱着我,哄着我,我觉得很温暖。Sitting in my uncle’s lap, being humored all the way, I was very happy.🎈此句译文以“我”为主语,并用两个分词短语,这样句子简洁。—路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一会儿觉,就到了北京。We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing.🎈“吃、睡、到达”三个动作处理成了并列形式。根据这个情况,现在估计起来,我可能是从天津来的。With the hints mentioned above I assume I might have come from Tianjin.🎈“根据这个情况”即“根据(上文提到的)回忆里的模糊印象”,现译作With the hints mentioned above。我现在对我原来的父母还有个模糊不清的印象,父亲、母亲的形象还能回忆起一点儿,但很模糊。Even today I can recollect what my own parents looked like but, of course, my impression is already very vague.🎈“对我原来的父母还有个模糊不清的印象”和“父亲、母亲的形象还能回忆起一点儿”意思类似,只需译出核心意:只记得一点父母亲的形象。然后捋顺这句话的逻辑,原文提到了“但”,译文处理为of course(虽然记得点,但肯定是记不清了)也是可以的。究竟家里姓什么?哪里人?不知道。As for what my family name was and where my parents came from, I really don’t know. 🎈“家里姓什么”(根据传统)指的是男方家族的姓氏,也就是家族姓氏。我只知道自己的生日和乳名。I only remember my birthday and my infant name.🎈乳名(infant name),又称小名,意为孩子出生后在吃奶时期,父母给孩子起的昵称,与学名不同,并不正式。生日是自己长大以后听家里大人说的,是农历10月15酉时生人。I was told about my birthday by my foster parents when I grew up. I was born in the “you” period (between 5—7 pm), 15th of the tenth lunar month.🎈“生日是自己长大以后听家里大人说的”这句选“生日”或“我”作主语均可。这里说明一点,“家里大人”译作了foster parents,是译者在了解作者的早年经历之后做出的决定。(百度百科:侯宝林,男,满族,1917年11月29日出生于天津市,其家境并不富裕,5岁时被亲戚带到北京,送到一户侯姓人家做养子,其养父是一位厨师,但收入很微薄,所以年幼的侯宝林很早就体会到了社会的艰辛与人情的冷暖。)🎈“酉时”译作in the “you” period (between 5—7 pm),小括号里的内容是一定要加的,一是区分单词“you(你)”,二是使文章更易于理解,保证外国读者不会因专属于中国文化的时间名词感到困惑。所以我的乳名叫“酉”,北京人的习惯爱用儿化韵,前面加个小,后面加“儿”,就叫“小酉儿”。So I was named You. Prefixed with xiao—young, and suffixed with a diminutive er—an intimate way of addressing young and small things by Beijingers, my name, therefore, became Xiao You’r.🎈“北京人的……就叫‘小酉儿’”,这一句涉及到中国文化问题,应交代清楚。🎈address有“给…冠以某种称呼”之意,常用搭配为address sb. as ….关于我个人的历史情况,我就知道这一些,再多一点都记不起来了。This is all I know about my childhood and beyond that I do not remember much else.🎈“关于我个人的历史情况”本译作This is all about my childhood,现将“我就知道这一些”的意思加了进来,处理成了all (that) I know about my childhood,较为简洁。又,“再多一点”即指“除此之外的情况”,活用了beyond一词,值得学习。🔥必背词汇suffix cn.后缀,词尾英义A suffix is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘-ly’ or ‘-ness’, which is added to the end of a word in order to form a different word, often of a different word class. For example, the suffix ‘-ly’ is added to ‘quick’ to form ‘quickly’.例句The suffix “ist” can be added to “sex” to form the word “sexist”.后缀ist加在sex之后可构成sexist一词。diminutive cn.(单词,尤指名字的)非正式缩略形式英义a short informal form of a word, especially a name 例句‘Nick’ is a common diminutive of ‘Nicholas’.Nick 是 Nicholas 的常用简称。chestnut cn.栗子英义Chestnuts are the reddish-brown nuts that grow on chestnut trees. You can eat chestnuts.例句roast chestnuts炒板栗🔥重点表达坐过火车had traveled by train当时;在过去的日子里;在那些天In those days夸耀、吹嘘、值得说道boast about在幼年时代in childhood半斤炒栗子half a jin of roast chestnuts乳名infant name养父母foster parents酉时in the “you” period (between 5—7 pm)🔥复盘测试坐过火车当时;在过去的日子里;在那些天夸耀、吹嘘、值得说道在幼年时代半斤炒栗子乳名养父母酉时🔥表达对比「迹象」有几种表达?With the hints mentioned above I assume I might have come from Tianjin.根据这个情况,现在估计起来,我可能是从天津来的。My sensor is detecting signs of life.传感器检测到了(生命迹象)。She doesn’t have any evidence of the tumor whatsoever.她没有任何肿瘤的(迹象)。Every indication is continuing to get stronger.不断有(迹象)表明飓风即将来临。