珍禽血雉China’s Native Pheasant🔥提示:标题“珍禽血雉”译作China’s Native Pheasant,既没有用珍禽(rare bird),也未用血雉曾用过的译名Temminck’s tragopan。原因是在介绍动植物、鸟类时rare这个词用得较多,看了给人以似曾相识的感觉。而Temminck’s tragopan这个学名一般读者不懂,何况用在这里也不确切。这种血雉是中国所特有的,出产在秦岭,所以标题译作China’s Native Pheasant,文章里干脆用Qinling Blood Pheasant。在陕西省西部,有一山高林密、生物资源丰富的太白山,海拔3,767米,是秦岭山脉的主峰。我国特有的秦岭血雉就主要出产在这里,故又称太白鸡。The Qinling blood pheasant, also known as the Taibai chicken, lives mostly in the dense forests of the 3, 767-meter-high Taibai Mountain—the main peak of the Qinling Mountain Range.🎈这一段第一面话“在陕西省西部……主峰”占整段文字的一大半。译文中把它放到次要地位,而把本文要介绍的血雉放在主要地位。The Qinling blood pheasant, also known as the Taibai chicken, lives mostly in… 这样既符合英语习惯,也简明易懂,而且全句内容也都有了。秦岭血雉成形似家鸡而略小。The bird is a bit smaller than a chicken.🎈这里秦岭血雉用the bird表达,一是为了避免重复,二是为了把珍禽的禽字带出来,但珍字还不便提。雄鸟头部褐中杂灰,部分羽毛向后延伸成羽冠;The head of the male bird is covered with brown and gray feathers, which extend backwards to form a crest. 🎈雄/雌鸟male/female bird🎈羽冠一般指鸟类羽冠,亦称冠羽、冠毛。鸟冠的一种,为突出于各种鸟类头顶之总状、扇状等羽毛束或头顶上面特别延长或耸起的羽毛。常为性征。是鸟类最流行的装饰,几乎绝大多数鸟类都有其明显或不明显的羽冠,尤其是雄鸟,羽冠成为炫耀的最佳武器。下胸是鲜草绿色,尾羽因部位而异,有褐灰、绯红、灰白、褐黑等多种色彩。Its chest is grass-green and its tail varies from brown to crimson, grayish white, and black.🎈积累颜色词:草绿色grass-green、(褐)灰brown、绯红crimson、灰白grayish white、(褐)黑black。雌鸟则以褐色为主。The female bird’s plumage is predominantly brown.🎈以……为主predominantly/be predominated by我们之前见过predominate:郁达夫《故都的秋》……所以中国的诗文里,颂赞秋的文字<特别的多>。…which accounts for predominance of Chinese works singing the praises of autumn.它们生活在高寒山区,常分布于海拔1,800-3, 200米的针阔混交林和针叶林中;结群性较强,少时6-8只,入冬则结成40-50只的大群;见人不惧,常在林间羊肠小道上昂首阔步。Qinling blood pheasants are usually found in the pine forests of the frigid alpine belt 1,800 to 3,200 meters above sea level. They move in groups of at least six or eight birds, and in winter a flock may have as many as 40 or 50 pheasants. They are not afraid of people, and sometimes they can be found strolling along forest trails.🎈这句话太长,翻译时分为三句:1.Qinling blood pheasants are usually found…above sea level.这里将”生活在……”和“分布于……”合在一起用are usually found表达,因为第一段已用了live这个词,再用就乏味了。2.这里将原文“结群性较如”和“结成40-50只的大群”译成move in groups和a flock may have as many as…这样比较通俗易懂,这种地方应该避免死译。3.这里将“在林间羊肠小道上昂首阔步”译成strolling along forest trails。中文常出现一些十分夸张的形容词,译成英文往往不合适,这里用stroll(漫步)也就足够了。每年四月底至七月初是繁殖期,这时秦岭血雉筑巢于高山草丛或石洞中,每窝产卵18枚,孵化期29天。Mating season runs from late April to early July. The pheasants build their nests in alpine meadows or in caves, and after laying six to eight eggs, the female bird begins to brood for 29 days.🎈X月底 late+月份;X月初 early+月份🎈“孵化期”也可译作hatching time或incubation time。雏鸟出壳后,跟随亲鸟生活,直到冬天。血雉活动范围随季节变化而做有规律的迁移,不善飞行但奔跑疾速,夜间在树上过夜。它们的食物在夏秋是莎草科和禾本科的草叶、种子,忍冬的花朵,金背杜鹃的花以及蘑菇和少量昆虫等; The young birds live with their parents until winter, then the family makes its seasonal migration. The bird does not fly well, but it runs very fast. It sleeps in trees and feeds during summer and autumn on leaves and sedge or grass seeds, honeysuckle and azalea flowers, mushrooms, and a few insects.🎈“血雉活动范围随季节变化而做有规律的迁移”这句话简译成…makes its seasonal migration,因为seasonal(季节性的),自然是有规律的。至于“活动范围”几个字译出来就有些画蛇添足了。冬春二季因冰雪覆盖,以苔藓为主。In winter and spring, when the alpine belt is icebound, it mostly eats moss.🎈when引导定从;it顺承上文,仍指代“血雉the bird”。秦岭血雉是我国珍贵的保护鸟类之一,羽毛美丽,可供观赏。由于数量稀少,环境适应性差,目前国内外动物园中还未见饲养展出。The Qinling blood pheasant is listed as a rare bird under special protection. Despite its beautiful plumage, the bird has never been displayed in zoos because of its scarcity and inability to adapt to new environments.🎈“是我国珍贵的保护鸟类之一”→被列为……,译作is listed as…🎈Despite是增译成分,显示出译者逻辑思维的强大。🎈最后一段译文中终于把rare bird(珍禽)用上了,全文中只出现一次,在这里画龙点睛,恰到好处,因为血雉为什么是珍贵的保护鸟类,是在这里才说明的。🔥必背词汇pheasant cn.雉,野鸡英义A pheasant is a bird with a long tail. Pheasants are often shot as a sport and then eaten.例句roast pheasant烤雉肉crest cn.鸟冠,羽冠英义A bird’s crest is a group of upright feathers on the top of its head.例句Both birds had a dark blue crest.两种鸟都长着深蓝色的羽冠。alpine adj.尤指位于瑞士的高山的英义Alpine means existing in or relating to mountains, especially the ones in Switzerland. 🔥重点表达秦岭山脉的主峰the main peak of the Qinling Mountain Range雄/雌鸟male/female bird羽冠crest草绿色grass-green绯红crimson灰白grayish white以……为主predominantly高寒山区the frigid alpine belt见人不惧are not afraid of people在林间羊肠小道上昂首阔步strolling along forest trails繁殖期Mating season高山草丛alpine meadows产卵lay eggs雏鸟The young birds不善飞行does not fly well是我国珍贵的保护鸟类之一is listed as a rare bird under special protection羽毛feather/plumage数量稀少scarcity环境适应性差inability to adapt to new environments🔥复盘测试秦岭山脉的主峰雄/雌鸟羽冠草绿色绯红灰白以……为主高寒山区见人不惧在林间羊肠小道上昂首阔步繁殖期高山草丛产卵雏鸟不善飞行是我国珍贵的保护鸟类之一羽毛数量稀少环境适应性差🔥表达对比不同的“走”They are not afraid of people, and sometimes they can be found strolling along forest trails.见人不惧,常在林间羊肠小道上(昂首阔步)。She turned and walked away.她转身走开了。The boy staggered and fell under the heavy load of books.这男孩沉重书籍的负担而(蹒跚)跌倒。He trudged the last two miles to the town.他(步履艰难地走)完最后两英里到了城里。