何为Memories of a Historic Scene—On the Nanjing ceremony of Japanese surrender 40 years agoHe Wei🔥背景知识:《回忆一个历史镜头》是当代著名作家何为写于1985年9月的一篇回忆录。在中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利四十周年的纪念日子里,我想起四十年前的一个历史镜头。On the 40th anniversary of the victory of China’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the world war against fascism, a historic scene of 40 years ago came back to my mind.🎈「中国抗日战争」通常译为China’s war of resistance against Japanese aggression,也有人把它译为China’s anti-Japanese war,虽较简短,但欠周全,未能充分传递原意。🎈historical指历史上的;historic指具有重大历史意义的。那是一九四五年九月九日,日军对华投降仪式的一次采访。It was on September 9, 1945 that I was sent to cover the Japanese surrender ceremony at Nanjing.🎈译文整体结构为it’s…that…的强调句。🎈I was sent to(我被派去)是增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。🎈cover the Japanese surrender ceremony:cover熟词僻义,此处表示「报道」例句The US news media will cover the trial closely.美国新闻媒体将对该审判进行追踪报道。抗战刚刚结束,一个炎夏日子,柯灵同志介绍我在复刊后的上海文汇报工作。On a hot summer day at the end of the anti-Japanese war, I got a job through Ke Ling as a staff member of the Shanghai Wen Hui Bao, a newspaper that had just resumed publication.🎈the anti-Japanese war:此处并非文中首次出现「抗日战争」,故后面可以选择简单译法。🎈「柯灵同志介绍我在……上海文汇报工作」译为I got a job through Ke Ling as a staff member of the Shanghai Wen Hui Bao,其中through一词作「经……介绍」解,意同on the recommendation of。🎈Ke Ling (1909-2000), renowned contemporary Chinese essayist, playwright and literary critic.🎈Wen Hui Bao, Chinese daily newspaper first published in 1938 in Shanghai.🎈工作人员、职员、员工a staff member我很幸运,到职后约一个月,便以该报特派记者身份,去南京采访那个历史时刻的现场实景,Luckily, I was sent to Nanjing about a month later to report on the historic event in my capacity as special correspondent.🎈Luckily也可换做Fortunately。🎈capacity不指能力,而是作「身份、职位」讲。例句Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef…哈利韦尔女士以联合国儿童基金会特别代表的身份访问了菲律宾。🎈特派记者special correspondent,其前不加冠词。同行的是摄影记者穆一龙。I was accompanied by press photographer Mu Yilong.🎈「同行的是摄影记者穆一龙」即「与我同行的是……」,欣赏译者译时对主语的选择。🎈摄影记者 press photographer车抵南京,费了一番周折,办妥了入场采访的各项手续,终于在日军投降签字仪式举行前及时赶到,得以目击这一历史性的场面。After arriving in Nanjing by train, with elaborate formalities gone through, we came just in time for the opening of the surrender ceremony.🎈「办妥了入场采访的各项手续」译作with elaborate formalities gone through。该结构为with复合结构。其在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常做伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。常见形式有七种,with+名词/代词+介词短语(形容词/副词/名词/done/-ing分词/to do)🎈形式主义 the practice of formalities for formalities’ sake是日,南京黄埔路“中国陆军司令部”大门外的广场上,来往军人骤增。The day witnessed a sudden increase of armymen hurrying to and fro on the square in front of the gate of the Chinese Army Headquarters on Huangpu Road, Nanjing.🎈注意句式The day witnessed……,非常高级:未俗套地选用「来往军人」作主语,而是灵活处理为The day witnessed……。我们在翻译类似xx时间/xx地点(发生了什么事)就可套用此表达,译作:时间/地点+witness/see等……。例如:传统产业加快升级可译作traditional industrials saw faster upgrading🎈往返地;来回地 to and fro冰心《再寄小读者》这里没有车马,只有往来如织的大小汽艇,代替了公共汽车和小卧车……There are no motor vehicles. In place of buses and motor cars, motorboats of various descriptions speed to and fro on the congested waterways.到处可见大写V字,即英文Victory (胜利)的第一个字母也。The capital letter V, signifying Victory, was in sight here and there.🎈大写字母capital letter到处可见was in sight here and there消失在视野中/看不见out of sight 🎈即英文Victory (胜利)的第一个字母也未按字母意思译作the first letter of…,而是译出其真正想说明的含义:V=victory,故译作signifying Victory。通向大礼堂的甬道两侧,全部美式配备的岗哨林立,吉普车往来不绝。Lining the paved path leading to the assembly hall were numerous sentries fully armed with US-made equipment and jeeps kept zooming up and down.🎈Lining the paved path (leading to the assembly hall作path的后置定语)were…: 英语中,有些倒装是出于语法上的需要,非用倒装语序不可,具有强制性;有些则是为了达到某种修辞效果,如强调、平衡、衔接等。🎈「往来不绝」译作zooming up and down,其中zoom意为「快速移动」zoom in放大zoom out缩小zoom off迅速离开间或可见三三两两的美国宪兵协助警戒。Occasionally, US MPs were seen assisting in keeping watch in twos and threes.🎈间或、偶尔、有时Occasionally看守;值班;放哨keep watch🎈宪兵(英文military policeman,简称MP,军事警察),与装甲兵、航空兵一样,是世界上多数国家军队的正规常设兵种。主要负责维持军队纪律,保障军队命令的执行,组织军事法庭。是名副其实的军队中的警察。🎈三三两两、零零星星in twos and threes柔石《为奴隶的母亲》……(互祝着好话),从两两三三的灯笼光影中,走散了。 …… bidding one another farewell, they dispersed in twos and threes, carrying lighted lanterns in their hands.景象森严,气氛肃穆,确是一个不同寻常的日子。It was indeed an unusual day characterized by utmost vigilance and solemn atmosphere.🎈characterized by也可换作featuring。按照印发的时间表,仪式于上午九时举行,“投降代表务必于八时五十二分到会场”,实际上是八时五十五分到场的,迟了三分钟。According to the printed timetable distributed to the public, the surrender ceremony was to begin at 9:00 a.m. and the Japanese surrender delegation had to show up by 8:52 a.m., but they arrived at 8:55 a.m., that is, 3 minutes late.🎈「印发的时间表」→印+发,故译作the printed timetable distributed to the public。🎈如约赶到、出现、露面show up例句It was getting late when she finally showed up.天色已晚,她终于赶到了。代表投降一方的是驻华日军最高指挥官陆军大将冈村宁次,偕同其高级幕僚共七人,The Japanese delegation consisted of General Yasuji Okamura, supreme commander of the Japanese invading forces in China, and six of his senior aides.🎈consist of :「组成、构成」有很多表达,平时注意积累。Venice is a port composed of more than 100 small islands cut by a broad winding waterway serving as its avenue and numerous small crisscross water courses serving as its alleys.威尼斯却是由一百多个小岛(组成)的,一条较宽的曲折的水道,就算是大街,其余许许多多纵横交织的小水道,就算是小巷。🎈驻华日军最高指挥官陆军大将冈村宁次本可译Yasuji Okamura, commanding general of the Japanese ground forces on the China mainland或General Yasuji Okamura, commander-in-chief of the Japanese army in China等,均欠妥切,现译 General Yasuji Okamura, supreme commander of the Japanese invading forces in China(或the Japanese forces of aggression in China)。在一名国民党上校军官带领下,乘车到达。聚集在门前的上百名中外记者,纷纷摄取这一情景。As they arrived by car under the guidance of a KMT colonel, over a hundred Chinese and foreign newsmen gathered at the gate hastened to click their cameras.🎈欣赏译文中as的选用,将中文中以句号分割的两个句子连接了起来,且并不违和。🎈over … newsmen gathered at the gate hastened to click their cameras:个人建议将gathered改为gathering,此时,gathered at the gate就作newsmen的后置定语。此时在大礼堂内,一片凝固的沉默。There was a sustained utter silence in the hall.🎈「一片凝固的沉默」译作a sustained utter silence。其中sustained和utter都修饰silence,强调「静默」的程度。礼堂中央的一侧,设一较小的长条案,为日军投降代表席,其后站立十二名全副武装的士兵。In the center of it, there was on one side a smaller long table for seating the Japanese delegates, with 12 fully-armed Chinese soldiers lining up behind.🎈 In the center of it:英文善用代词,如此句中的「礼堂」并未再次译作hall,而是用it代指。🎈on one side是地点状语,位置灵活,可放在句中,也可放在句尾。🎈line up指排成行、列队。lining up behind的描述符合军队作风。与投降席相对,另一侧的条桌宽长得多,这边是国民党高级将领及中国记者席。On the other side, there was another table, much longer and wider, for seating the KMT high-ranking officers and Chinese newsmen.🎈much longer and wider是table的修饰成分。补充语包括插入语在内,但不限于插入语。非限制性定语、非限制性同位语、分词作状语等都囊括在补充语的项下。其特征是有逗号与句子隔开,其功能是对句子中的某个词、短语或整个句子做补充解释。补充语本身可以是名次词组、形容词词组,也可以是一个分句。国民党陆军一级上将何应钦代表中国接受降书。KMT General He Ying-qin was to accept the surrender on behalf of China.🎈代表中国on behalf of China。其中on behalf of(代表)是献花词中的常用语。介乎两桌之间的边侧置有一长桌,乃盟国代表和外国记者坐席。Still another long table stood in between for Allied representatives and foreign correspondents.🎈「介乎两桌之间」译作in between,简洁准确。我们不是第一次见这个表达。郑振铎《离别》与岸间的水面渐渐的阔了leaving a widening expanse of water in between朱自清《匆匆》去来的中间,又怎样地匆匆呢? How swift is the transition in between!桌上都铺着白桌布。The tables were all covered with a white cloth.🎈列举cover的部分用法。1、覆盖。如:都铺着白桌布were all covered with a white cloth2、掩护。如:在夜色的掩护下under cover of night3、报道。如:采访过滇缅路covering the Yunnan-Burmese Road4、封面。如:我少有全体读完的大部的书I seldom read a thick book from cover to cover所有参与其盛的人员均依次坐定,默默等待着那庄严时刻的到来,等待着日军降将进入大厅。All personnel then took their seats one after another, quietly awaiting the solemn hour and the appearance of the Japanese delegation.🎈就座;坐下take one’s seat 一个接一个地;陆续地one after another🎈quietly awaiting…作伴随状语。在这一瞬间,我的思潮翻腾。At this very moment, my mind was occupied with teeming thoughts.🎈「在这一瞬间」译作At this very moment,其中very是形容词,与名词连用,起强调作用。例如:History is taking place before your very eyes.历史就在你的眼前发生。八年抗战的灾难日子,任人宰割的中华民族,国土沦丧的屈辱生活,从此一去不复返了。The disastrous days of the 8-year war of resistance were gone for ever. The Chinese people would never again be subjected to the humiliation of being annexed and subjugated.🎈for ever意同forever。🎈受到,经受,面临be subjected to使经受;使遭受subject sb to sth例句The city was subjected to heavy bombing.那座城市遭受猛烈轰炸。然而内战的乌云笼罩着中国疆土之上,中国人民真正站起来的日子还有所待。However, since the country was then enveloped in the dark clouds of civil war, it would be quite some time before the Chinese people could really rise to their feet.🎈 since the country was then enveloped in the dark clouds of civil war:since引导原因状语从句。🎈大量;众多quite some很久quite some time例句She hasn’t been seen for quite some time.好久没人看见她了。🎈 to one’s feet站起来(常与 bound, dart, jump, start 等连用)rise to one’s feet站起来drop to one’s knee跪下不过我深信,这个日子将不是很远了。Nevertheless, I firmly believed that such a day would not be far off.🎈我深信/我坚信 I firmly/deeply/strongly believed that…🎈积累such的用法。这个日子(这样的日子)such a day如此之境地such a pass这时我注意到,日军代表的投降席条案上摆着一台小时钟,还有一套纸墨笔砚。I noticed that there was on the table of the Japanese delegates a little clock in addition to paper, ink, writing brush and inkstone.🎈纸墨笔砚paper, ink, writing brush and inkstone文具当然是签降书用的,至于小时钟的用意则就不得而知了。The stationery was of course to be used for signing the surrender documents, but what about the little clock?🎈stationery n.[U]文具stationary a.静止的🎈至于小时钟的用意则就不得而知了译作what about the little clock?简洁明了。🎈What about,是用来询问与前一个事物相关的另一个事物的状态;How about,多数是用来征求别人的意见,问别人是否能够接受另一个选择。八时五十八分,礼堂内灯光闪亮,摄影机纷纷开动。At 8:58 a.m., the hall was ablaze with lights and cameras started clicking.🎈灯光闪亮was ablaze with lights冰心《祖父和灯火管制》第一夜亮起来时,真是(灯火辉煌)……The first evening when they were turned on, the whole house was suddenly ablaze with lights. 众目睽睽下,日军投降代表被引导入场,先站在规定的地位,立正,然后向何总司令鞠躬。The Japanese delegates were led in under the gaze of watchful eyes. They walked on until they reached the prescribed place, then stood at attention and bowed to General He.🎈众目睽睽下under the gaze of watchful eyes在…的引导下under the guidance of🎈立正stand at attention敬礼salute几个军事操练口令(Drill commands)
1、Attention!(喊成a-ttennnn-tion!)立正!2、(Stand) at ease!(左脚前出)稍息!3、Dress right/left, Dress!向右/左看齐!4、Ready, Front!向前看!5、About, Face!向后-转!6、Forward, March!起步走!7、Squad, Halt!立定!8、Left, left, left right left.左,左,左右左(一,一,一二一)!
何矜持地示意他们可入席坐下,便转向中外记者宣布,距签字式只有“最后五分钟”了。General He reservedly motioned them to their seats, and then turned to the newsmen with the announcement that the surrender ceremony was to begin in five minutes.🎈was to begin in five minutes :in+一段时间可以表示在一段时间之内也可以表示在一段时间之后,可以与现在时,过去时和将来时连用。①现在时。The plane takes off in 10 minutes.飞机在十分钟内起飞。表示在10分钟之内,飞机就会起飞,用现在时态。②过去时。He learned to drive in three weeks.他用了三个星期学会了开车。学会开车这件事发生在过去的时间段,所以本句中用了过去时。③将来时。He will arrive in Beijing in 3 days.他将在3天后到北京。到达北京这件事还没有发生,所以就用了将来时。于是中外记者一阵忙乱,场子里一阵响动。Thereupon, there was a sudden flurry among the newsmen plus the sound of something astir throughout the hall.🎈场子里(大厅里)throughout the hall全市throughout the city🎈something astir:something的定语全部后置。又,astir指骚动的九时零四分,何总司令站在盟国国旗下主持受降式,令冈村宁次大将递上证明文件。At 9:04 a.m., General He, standing under the Allied flags to accept the surrender, ordered Yasuji Okamura to submit his certificates.🎈命令某人做某事order sb to do sth🎈上交证明文件submit his certificates冈村一身戎装,脸色铁青,毫无表情,The latter, in full military attire, looked ghastly pale and expressionless.🎈The latter即指上句话中出现的「后者」,也就是冈村。坐在其旁的驻华日军总参谋长陆军中将小林浅三郎,持证明文件走过来,经何应钦验阅后将文件留下。Lieutenant-General Asasaburo Kobayashi, Chief of General Staff of the Japanese forces of aggression in China, who had been sitting next to Okamura, came up to hand over the certificates to General He, who kept them after looking them over.🎈虽然这句话很长,但主干很简单:Asasaburo Kobayashi came up to hand over the certificates to General He。又,注意英文中表某人称谓、职位的词语的位置。紧接着,两份日军降书中文本,交由小林参谋长转给位于投降席居中的冈村宁次。冈村起立,双手接过降书,取用案上的毛笔签字盖章。Then Kobayashi was given two copies of the instrument of surrender, both in Chinese, to be passed on to Okamura, who rose to take them with both hands and then picked up the writing brush from the table to sign his name and affix his seal on either copy.🎈 instrument可指「法律文件」🎈中文本copies in Chinese。同理,英文本可以说copies in English。其中一份命小林参谋长交于冈村。Kobayashi was then ordered to hand over one copy to Okamura.🎈交给,递给hand over sth to sb投降签字的过程约五分钟。仪式历时二十分钟,日军投降代表随即被引导退出。Altogether it took about five minutes to finish signing the surrender and twenty minutes for the ceremony to last until the Japanese were led out of the hall.🎈这句没什么好说的。 it took about five minutes to finish signing the surrender and (it took) twenty minutes for the ceremony to last until the Japanese were led out of the hall.有一个细节不妨一记:我从旁观察何应钦向其僚属低语,原来他要那支有历史意义的毛笔留作纪念。There is a titbit I would like to share with you, that is, I noticed General He whispering to his subordinates that he personally would like to keep the writing brush as a memento.🎈有一个细节不妨一记可按不妨谈谈一个花絮译为There is a titbit I would like to share with you,其中titbit作小趣闻、花絮等解。风云变幻数十年,当年的日军投降书早已存入历史的档案,Now, the surrender documents have long since been consigned to the historical archives.🎈很久以前long since例句This kind of textile machines has long since been out of use.这种纺织机械早已不用了。用于投降书上签署的那支毛笔大概也不知去向。And no one knows what has become of the writing brush that was used to sign the documents.🎈使遭遇…,…降临于;发生…情况become of之前见过多次的固定句型:如果…,……会变成怎样? What would/will become of…if…?聂绀弩《我若为王》我想,自己如果作了王,这世界会成为一种怎样的光景呢?I wonder what would become of this world if I myself were king.🎈此句也可译为And nobody knows the whereabouts of the writing brush (that was) used to sign the documents.历史是无情的,有它自己的轨迹和方向,History is inexorable, moving ahead according to its own course and direction.🎈无情的译作inexorable。何为《困水记》被无情的岁月推入老龄社会的众多老者,过着凡夫俗子的生活,Many who have been forced into the ageing society by inexorable time are now living the life of common people.伟大的中国人民抗日民族自卫战争终于胜利了。The great people of China have won the victory of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression and self-defence.🎈胜利win the victory🎈自卫self-defenceself-自勉自励self-encouragement自我防卫 self-defense means自暴自弃had no urge for self-improvement沾沾自喜feel very self-satisfied (或smug)舍己为公self-sacrifice自我反省self-examining日本军国主义者以战败而告终。Japanese militarism has ended in total defeat.🎈end in sth ①以 … 结尾;末端是例句The word I’m thinking of ends in ‘-ous’.我想到的这个词以 ous 结尾。②以 … 为结果;以 … 告终例句Their long struggle ended in failure.他们的长期努力以失败告终。侵略者在中国大地上留下的那一段血腥的罪恶历史,任何人都无法篡改,更不容抹煞。The history of bloody crimes committed by the aggressors on Chinese soil shall never be falsified, let alone blotted out.🎈犯罪 commit a crime🎈let alone是成语,作「更不必说」解,意同成语much less。历史只能还它本来的面目。History should be shown in its true colors.🎈显示本来面目be shown in its true colors四年前我在日本旅行的时候,广泛接触到日本各阶层的人民,Four years ago, while traveling in Japan, I came into wide contact with Japanese people of various strata.🎈 广泛接触到came into wide contact with何为《照片上的童年》那也是我最早(接触到)的文学作品。They became, as it were, the first literary works that I ever came into contact with in my life.🎈各阶层的of various strata形形色色的、各式各样的、各种类型的of various descriptions他们对过去日本军国主义者侵占中国领土,都抱有沉重的赎罪心情。They all felt deeply sorry for the Japanese militarists’ aggressive acts against China.🎈 felt deeply sorry for如译作apologized for…也可以,只是程度轻重有所不同。有一回,北海道的一户牧场主看见我们伏地便拜。这是我亲眼目睹的事实。Once, I saw with my own eyes how the owner of a livestock farm in Hokkaido threw himself on the ground before us to show his remorse for the Japanese invasion of China.🎈亲眼目睹saw with my own eyes一户牧场主the owner of a livestock farm跪地伏拜throw oneself on the ground(扑倒在地)🎈to show his remorse for the Japanese invasion of China是增益成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。我能够理解日本人民的感情。I well understood the feelings of the Japanese people.🎈well是增译成分。他们也是军国主义的受害者。They, too, were victims of Japanese militarism.🎈 -ism: (用于构成不可数名词)表示…主义,…学说,…信仰,…运动。如:佛教Buddhism、民族主义nationalism、军国主义militarism。从一九四五年九月九日到一九八五年九月九日,整整四十年过去了。It is now forty years to a day from September 9, 1945 to September 9, 1985.🎈「四十年」可译作forty years,也可译作four decades。🎈恰好,一天也不差to a day (有时也说 to the day)例句It is five years to a day since they parted.他们分手整整5年了。回忆四十年前的那次釆访,使我得以重温历史的一页,也促使我进一步对历史的回忆和思考。Recalling my news-gathering of forty years ago has enabled me to review the past. It has also deepened my thoughts on history.🎈news-gathering:(尤指电视或报纸的)新闻采集🎈重温历史review the past何为《照片上的童年》重温童年旧梦译作reliving my childhood🔥必背词汇fascism un.法西斯主义,军事独裁主义英义Fascism is a set of right-wing political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, a powerful role for the armed forces, and the stopping of political opposition.例句And they supported artists fighting against fascism in Europe.他们还支持艺术家在欧洲抗击法西斯主义。resume v.使重新开始,使继续进行英义If you resume an activity or if it resumes, it begins again. 例句The search is expected to resume early today.预计搜寻工作会于今天早些时候重新开始。correspondent cn.(尤指专门报道某一类新闻的)记者,通讯员英义A correspondent is a newspaper or television journalist, especially one who specializes in a particular type of news.例句our Diplomatic Correspondent Mark Brayne.我们的外交通讯员马克·布雷恩capacity cn.身份,职责,职位英义If you do something in a particular capacity, you do it as part of a particular job or duty, or because you are representing a particular organization 例句This article is written in a personal capacity.本文是以个人名义所写。🔥重点表达中国抗日战争China’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression/ the anti-Japanese war世界反法西斯战争the world war against fascism胜利四十周年the 40th anniversary of the victory of…我想起… …came back to my mind投降仪式surrender ceremony工作人员、职员、员工a staff member特派记者special correspondent摄影记者 press photographer大写字母capital letter到处可见was in sight here and there往返地;来回地 to and fro…往来不绝…kept zooming up and down间或、偶尔、有时Occasionally看守;值班;放哨keep watch三三两两、零零星星in twos and threes如约赶到、出现、露面show up上校colonel国民党KMT中外记者Chinese and foreign newsmen排成行、列队line up介乎(二者)之间in between就座;坐下take one’s seat 一个接一个地;陆续地one after another受到,经受,面临be subjected to很久quite some time站起来rise to one’s feet 我深信/我坚信 I firmly/deeply/strongly believed that…纸墨笔砚paper, ink, writing brush and inkstone众目睽睽下under the gaze of watchful eyes在…的引导下under the guidance of立正stand at attention命令某人做某事order sb to do sth上交证明文件submit his certificates一身戎装in full military attire全副武装中文本copies in Chinese交给;递给hand over sth to sb很久以前long since胜利win the victory自卫self-defence以 … 为结果;以 … 告终end in sth犯罪 commit a crime更不必说let alone显示本来面目be shown in its true colors广泛接触到came into wide contact with各阶层的of various strata亲眼目睹saw with my own eyes一户牧场主the owner of a livestock farm跪地伏拜throw oneself on the ground恰好,一天也不差to a day重温历史review the past🔥复盘测试中国抗日战争世界反法西斯战争胜利四十周年我想起… …投降仪式工作人员、职员、员工特派记者摄影记者大写字母到处可见往返地;来回地…往来不绝…间或、偶尔、有时看守;值班;放哨三三两两、零零星星如约赶到、出现、露面上校国民党中外记者排成行、列队介乎(二者)之间就座;坐下一个接一个地;陆续地受到,经受,面临很久站起来我深信/我坚信 纸墨笔砚众目睽睽下在…的引导下立正命令某人做某事上交证明文件一身戎装全副武装中文本交给;递给很久以前胜利自卫以 … 为结果;以 … 告终犯罪更不必说显示本来面目广泛接触到各阶层的亲眼目睹一户牧场主跪地伏拜恰好,一天也不差重温历史🔥表达对比「到处、处处」有几种译法?(到处)可见大写V字,即英文Victory (胜利)的第一个字母也。The capital letter V, signifying Victory, was in sight here and there.可是,如果把它普遍化起来,(到处)搬弄,甚至于以此为专长,那就相当可怕了。But it would be extremely terrible to popularize it, flaunt it everywhere, or even regard it as one’s special skill.在夏天,婴儿底头上生了一个疮,有时身体稍稍发些热,于是这位老妇人就(到处地)问菩萨,求佛药,给婴儿敷在疮上,或灌下肚里,Every time Qiu Bao had a pimple on his head or a slight fever, the scholar’s wife would go around praying to Buddha and bring back Buddha’s medicine in the form of incense ash which she applied to the baby’s pimple or dissolved in water for him to drink. 他的名誉越传(越远),越久越大。His name has spread far and wide and become more and more celebrated with the passing of time.我们(到处)找那枚戒指。We looked all over for the ring.