Life Begins at 80冰心Bing XinBeijing HospitalOctober 29, 1980🔥背景知识:冰心(1900年10月5日-1999年2月28日),女,原名谢婉莹,福建省长乐市(今福州市长乐区)人 ,中国民主促进会(民进)成员。中国诗人,现代作家、翻译家、儿童文学作家、社会活动家、散文家。笔名冰心取自「一片冰心在玉壶」。冰心1923年夏毕业于燕京大学,同年8月赴美留学,前后共三年,在此期间,她写了散文《再寄小读者》,内有29篇通讯,除8篇写于国内,其余21篇都写于赴美的船上和美国。这些通讯最初陆续发表在《晨报副刊》的「儿童世界」栏内,1026年结集出了出了单行本。新中国成立后,她继续写了两集。本篇通讯发表在《再寄小读者》中,为该集的代序。 亲爱的小朋友:我每天在病榻上躺着,面对一幅极好看的画。这是一个满面笑容,穿着红兜肚,背上扛着一对大红桃的孩子,旁边写着“冰心同志八十大寿”,底下落款是“一九八○年十月《儿童文学》敬祝”。Dear Little Friends,Every day I lie facing a lovely picture from my sickbed—the picture of a smiling little child wearing a doudu and carrying two big red peaches on the shoulder. It bears the inscriptions “On the 80th birthday of Comrade Bing Xin”and “With best wishes from the Children’s Literature, October 1980 on the margin and at the bottom, respectively. 🎈facing a lovely picture from my sickbed作伴随状语。🎈lie这个不及物动词应该与及物动词lay相区别。问题出在lie「躺下」「躺着」的过去式是lay(过去分词是lain),同lay动词原形重合(lay的过去式和过去分词都是laid),所以容易混淆(lie如果作「说谎」解,则属规则动词,过去式和过去分词都是lied)🎈「红兜肚」是中国特有,为了便于外国读者理解,除了翻译成doudu外应作适当的注释。🎈「旁边写着」「底下落款」「敬祝」三处的翻译,译入语中选用了It bears the inscription…on the margin and at the bottom, respectively这样的词语和句式结构,准确传达,使西方读者能够较为清楚地明白原文所要表达的概念。其中,it指the picture,bear的选词值得我们学习借鉴。🎈「敬祝」译为with the best wishes,不仅有效地传达了原文概念且符合英文书信体用语习惯,从译入语场景来看也很贴合。🎈原文中用了五个逗号两个句号,句式结构短小而又松散,属于中式散文文体结构。而在译文中,为了使其语义连贯,译者采用了语法衔接中的照应、省略、替代和连接等手段将原文组成了两个英文长句,使其语义概念在译文中流畅地表达了出来。🎈纵观译文,译者多处对原文的句式结构进行了修改,并且灵活运用了语法衔接和词汇衔接手段,使译文文章读起来自然流畅。每天早晨醒来,在灿烂的阳光下看着它,使我快乐,使我鼓舞,但是“八十”这两个字,总不能使我相信我竟然已经八十岁了!Every morning, when I wake up, it gives me great joy and encouragement to see the picture in the bright sunshine. But the birthday gift hasn’t brought me to realize that I am already 80 years old!🎈「灿烂的阳光」译作the bright sunshine,请注意「灿烂的」这个译法。🎈「使我…,使我…」这样的排比句式译文仅用了一个动词gives连接,请注意中英之间这种表达习惯的差异。🎈‘八十’这两个字”译者根据自己对上下文的理解转译为「生日礼物(birthday gift)」,此做法在翻译实践中可参考。🎈「使我相信」这里应理解为「使我明白或意识到…」,所以译作brought me to realize。我病后有许多老朋友来信,又是安慰又是责难,说:“你以后千万不能再不服老了!” Since I fell ill, many old friends have written to express their sympathy for me and meanwhile warn me never again to work so hard without regard for my old age. 🎈「安慰」此处译作express one’s sympathy for…(表达对某人的同情之心)🎈「责难」这里作「善意地责备」之意,译作warn me…🎈「不服老」这里应理解为「不顾年迈而…(做某事)」,译作without regard for my old age。所以,我在复一位朋友的信里说:“孔子说他常觉得‘不知老之将至’,我是‘无知’到了不知老之已至的地步!”So, in reply to a friend’s letter, I said, “While Confucius refers to himself as often being ‘unaware of approaching old age’, I am, however, unaware that I am already old!”🎈「孔子说他常觉得‘不知老之将至’」译作Confucius refers to himself as often being ‘unaware of approaching old age’。其中refer to … (as…)是固定搭配,表示「谈及、提起」。(as 经常跟「观点」类动词连用,表示「作为……,是……,以……方式」例句The job was seen as being very tough.这活儿被认为很棘手。🎈「不知老之将至」应理解为「没有意识到自己即将步入老年」,译作unaware of approaching old age。梁实秋《学问与趣味》)…不知老之将至。…forgets his approaching old age。🎈while一词含对比意味,however一词的运用,不仅进行了有效的衔接,也是一种为了表达作者不顾年迈积极投身于写作事业顽强而又乐观的积极精神的「突出」形式,准确传达了原文的语气特征。这无知要感谢我的千千万万的小读者!For this unawareness, I owe a debt of gratitude to millions upon millions of my little readers!🎈此处的「无知」是指作者「没有意识到自己已经步入年迈之年」,所以译作unawareness,切勿望字生意译作innocent。🎈「这无知要感谢我的千千万万的小读者」原文中的这句话体现了笔者对小读者由衷的感激之情,而译者抓住了原作者想要表达的语气,在译文中用了a debt of gratitude这样强烈的感激之词,类似于我们常说的「人情债」指「觉得亏欠了对某人的感恩或感激」,准确而又生动地传达了原文的语气。自从我二十三岁起写《寄小读者》以来,断断续续地写了将近六十年。It is about 60 years since I began at the age of 23 to write intermittently Letters to Little Readers. 🎈intermittent表示「间歇的、断断续续的」。intermittently是其副词形式。例句The talks went on intermittently for three years.会谈开开停停地进行了 3 年。正是许多小读者们读《寄小读者》后的来信,这热情的回响,使我永远觉得年轻!The warm response expressed by many of my little friends after reading my letters has given me a perpetual feeling of being young!🎈此段中the warm response用了warm这一修饰词来表达热情的意思,体现了原文要表达的温暖情感。🎈A perpetual feeling of being young中的perpetual一词经常会出现在译入语的散文中,此语的使用较为符合文体。我在病中不但得到《中国少年报》编辑部的赠花,并给我拍了照,也得到许多慰问的信,因为这些信的祝福都使我相信我会很快康复起来。During my illness, the editorial department of the China Juvenile Daily sent me flowers and took my picture. I also received many letters of sympathy from my friends and readers, whose good wishes inspired me with confidence in my speedy recovery.🎈请注意报刊名称《中国少年报》的译法China Juvenile Daily,对于知名度较高的专有名词一般都有固定外文翻译平时需注意积累。而非知名的一类,亦可参考借鉴,符合文体及充分考虑场景很重要。🎈「慰问信」译作letters of sympathy,后边常常接介词from表明慰问的发出人。🎈「祝福」此译作good wishes,即「美好的愿望、期盼」🎈「使我相信」正确的理解应该是「给予我信心或激励我从而使得我充满信心」,所以译作inspired me with confidence。🎈「早日康复」译作speedy recovery,常用语请注意记忆。我的病是在得了“脑血栓”之后,又把右胯骨摔折。My illness started with cerebral thrombosis, and later I suffered a fracture in my right hipbone. 🎈此句句式是「…得了…之后,又…」,英文对应译出started with…,and later I suffered…,行文非常流畅,这种衔接的方式值得借鉴。🎈四处走动get around例句She gets around with the help of a stick.她拄着拐杖四处走动。因此行动、写字都很困难。As a result, I had difficulty getting around and writing by hand.🎈译文用 had difficulty名词的形式翻译原文中的形容词「…很困难」,词性转换后更便于连接展述接下来的内容。写这几百字几乎用了半个小时,但我希望在一九八一年我完全康复之后,再努力给小朋友们写些东西。You can imagine how it took me almost half an hour to finish writing this short note of only a few hundred words!🎈「写这几百字几乎用了半个小时」原文属于陈述语气,并没有以感叹句的形式出现,而译文却用了感叹句,那是不是没有达到功能对等的效果呢?其实不然,增译You can imagine how…加强了语气及后边感叹号的使用,都是为了说明作者不顾自己的年老和病痛,为了感谢小朋友读者们的支持,坚持写出了这篇小短文,表现了其顽强的拼搏精神。西谚云“生命从四十岁开始”。我想从一九八一年起,病好后再好好练习写字,练习走路。As a Western saying goes, “Life begins at 40.”I hope that, starting from 1981,I’ll be able to try my hand at writing and moving around after my recovery. 🎈「西谚云」偏文言。即「西方国家有一句名言是这样说的」,所以译作As a Western saying goes。又,我们常说的「俗话说」译作As a saying goes…🎈「好好练字」及「练习走路」分别译作try my hand at writing(锻炼一下我的手写写字),moving around(走动),都是根据上下文病后康复期肢体尚未灵便的情况给出的准确翻译。“生命从八十岁开始”,努力和小朋友们一同前进!Life begins at 80. Let me strive to forge ahead with all my little friends!🎈「努力和小朋友们一同前进」译作Let me strive to forge ahead with all my little friends,译文准确传达了原文的概念意义,尤其要指出的是 strive to forge ahead的翻译,从感情色彩来说译文的表达较原文要更加强烈,表达了一种顽强,努力进取的积极精神。strive to do sth.及 strive for sth.是固定搭配,指「努力追求」「为某事或目标而奋斗」🎈Forge ahead指「继续推进(某事)」,及「(不断)进步」的意思。祝 你们健康快乐With every good wish,你们的热情的朋友 冰心一九八○年十月二十九日于北京医院Bing Xin, Your loving friend🎈日期和地址信息,已于文章开头译出。🔥必背词汇forge v.取得进展,稳步推进英义If you forge ahead with something, you continue with it and make a lot of progress with it. 例句He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.他再次承诺会稳步推进自己的改革计划。perpetual adj.不间断的,不变的,持续的,长久的英义A perpetual feeling, state, or quality is one that never ends or changes. the creation of a perpetual union永久联盟的创立intermittent adj.间歇的,断断续续的英义Something that is intermittent happens occasionally rather than continuously.例句After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.3 个小时断断续续的降雨之后,比赛取消了。debt cn.(表示感激) 我欠你个人情/我受你的恩惠英义You use debt in expressions such as I owe you a debt or I am in your debt when you are expressing gratitude for something that someone has done for you.例句He was so good to me that I can never repay the debt I owe him.他对我太好了,我永远也还不清这份人情。margin cn.页边空白,页边,白边英义The margin of a written or printed page is the empty space at the side of the page.例句She added her comments in the margin.她在页边的空白处写下了评语。inscription cn.题词,题赠英义An inscription is something written by hand in the front of a book or on a photograph.例句The inscription reads: ‘To Emma, with love from Harry’.题赠写着:“献给爱玛,爱你的哈里”。🔥重点表达敬祝With the best wishes底下落款It bears the inscriptions at the bottom灿烂的阳光the bright sunshine使我相信brought me to realize安慰express one’s sympathy for…不服老without regard for my old age不知老之将至unaware of approaching old age感谢a debt of gratitude断断续续intermittently永远觉得年轻a perpetual feeling of being young慰问信letters of sympathy祝福good wishes早日康复speedy recovery脑血栓cerebral thrombosis胯骨摔折a fracture in the hipbone西谚云As a Western saying goes为某目标而努力奋斗strive to do sth.不断进步forge ahead🔥复盘测试敬祝 底下落款 灿烂的阳光 使我相信 安慰 不服老 不知老之将至 感谢 断断续续 永远觉得年轻 慰问信 祝福 早日康复脑血栓胯骨摔折 西谚云 为某目标而努力奋斗 不断进步 🔥表达对比「努力、奋斗」有几种译法?Let me strive to forge ahead with all my little friends!努力和小朋友们一同前进!We must try to minimize environmental degradation.我们必需(努力)将环境退化最小化。Some people work hard at suppressing their emotions.有些人(努力)压抑自己的情绪。I think I always geared towards that side.也一直朝着这方面(努力)。