About Hong Kong ——Xiao Qian🔥背景知识:萧乾(1910-1999),北京人,著名老报人、作家、翻译家,1935年毕业于燕京大学新闻系,先后主编过天津、上海、香港等地《大公报》文艺副刊。所著《说起香港》乃一篇香港回归祖国感言,历数作者在英、日长期结盟的年代身受英国政府种种刁难与歧视。除非是研究近代史的,很少人会知道中俄战争后,从本世纪初英国即与日本结为同盟。Most people, apart from those familiar with modern history, are unaware that as early as the turn of the century (after the Sino-Russian War), Britain entered into alliance with Japan.🎈「很少人会知道」按「大多数人都不知道」之意译作Most people are unaware that。译作Few people are aware that也可。🎈结为同盟A entered into alliance with B这一特殊关系一直延续到一九四一年的“珍珠港事变”。The special relationship lasted until the outbreak of the Pearl Harbor Incident in 1941.🎈outbreak可用于「(战争)爆发、(疾病)发作」等例句the outbreak of the COVI-19 pandemic新冠疫情的爆发。🎈珍珠港事变the Pearl Harbor Incident:1941年12月7日,日本帝国海军偷袭美国,轰炸了夏威夷珍珠港的战舰和军事目标。350余架日本飞机对珍珠港海军基地实施了两波攻击,投下穿甲炸弹,并向美国的战列舰和巡洋舰发射鱼雷。美军毫无防备,他们在爆炸的巨响中醒来,仓促进行自卫。整场先发制人的袭击在90分钟内结束,彼时,日本炸沉了四艘战列舰和两艘驱逐舰,炸毁188架飞机,受损的建筑、船只和飞机则更多。攻击中约有2400名美国人丧生;另有1250人受伤,这是对美国一个巨大的震骇。攻击过后,日本正式向美国宣战,次日,美国总统罗斯福发表了著名的「国耻」演讲,他随后签署了对日本帝国的正式宣战声明。几日之内,纳粹德国与意大利向美国宣战,而美国也迅即予以了宣战回应。这期间,英国老百姓自然始终坚定地站在中国一边。Meanwhile, however, the British people remained firm in siding with China.🎈「始终」以remain一词译出,remain+ in n./V-ing表示某种状态的保持。🎈「站在中国一边」译作siding with China。side with表示「支持、站在…的一边」例句The U.S. government has sided with the pro-Europe Ukrainians.美国政府已经站在了亲欧乌克兰人民的一边。我先是在“七七事变”头一年就有所察觉。It was in the year when the July 7 Incident broke out that I first became aware of the said alliance between Britain and Japan.🎈(七七事变)The July 7 Incident (also known as (he Lugouqiao Incident) of 1937 was an incident staged at Lugouqiao, Beijing on July 7, 1937, by the Japanese imperialists, which marked the beginning of an all-out war of aggression against China by Japan.🎈 It was in the year when the July 7 Incident broke out that…:此句为强调句结构(it was…that…),其中,when引导定语从句,先行词是year。🎈「就有所察觉」指「察觉」什么呢?为帮助理解,译文增译the said alliance between Britain and Japan。其中,the said表示「上述的」,said是形容词。董鼎山《美国编辑的基本常识》那位青年编辑的不解此词用意,令我憾惜……The young American editor’s failure to understand the said phrase made me lament …当时上海还有租界,而大公报馆无论在津、沪、港,都始终位于洋人管辖的地方。In those days, there were foreign settlements in Shanghai. And The Dagong Bao had its office successively located in the foreign-controlled districts of Tianjin, Shanghai and Hong Kong.🎈当时,在过去的日子里,在那些天 In those days 外国人居留区、租界 foreign settlements🎈The Dagong Bao (formerly known as L’impartial), a Chinese newspaper first published on June 17, 1902 in Tianjin, later in Beijing on October 1, 1956 and now in Hong Kong known as The Tak Kung Pao.🎈had its office successively located in是have…done结构。其中,successively(接连)对应的是原文中的「都(理解为相继)」事变前的一年——一九三六年,《大公报》就由于我发表的陈白尘一个剧本中多处提到“X洋人”(“X”是编者打的)而三次被英、日控制的工部局传到法院,In 1936, one year before the July 7 Incident, because I had one of Chen Baichen’s plays published, in which there appeared several times the expression “X foreigner” (the cross X had been added by the editor), I was summoned to court by the Shanghai Municipal Council under British and Japanese control.🎈Chen Baichen (1908-1994), born in Huaiyin, Jiangsu Province, was a well known playwright and novelist. In the 1960s, he was vice editor-in-chief of the magazine People’s Literature.🎈one of Chen Baichen’s plays published, in which there appeared…中,published作plays的后置定语,后接which引导的非限制性定从,此处in which也可写作where。🎈「工部局」即the Municipal Council of the International Settlement,「被英、日控制的工部局」应译为the Shanghai Municipal Council under British and Japanese control。最终还是由于事先打了叉叉而没坐牢。Finally, thanks to the cross put into the manuscript, I was exempted from imprisonment.🎈此处「由于」译作thanks to,带有「多亏、幸亏」的含义,比due to、because of等更为准确。🎈免除了我的牢狱之灾was exempted from imprisonment。学习积累exempt(常与from搭配)。同时,推荐大家把这个词与exonerate(使免于罪责,证明…无罪,宣布…无罪)(也常与from搭配)联系在一起记忆,毕竟这两个词长的有点相似,搭配的介词也相似。例句Men in college were exempt from military service.大学在校男生免服兵役。An investigation exonerated the school from any blame.一项调查证明该学校没有任何过失。三八年至三九年间,我在香港《大公报》编文艺副刊时,因所登的稿件而与英国新闻审查官起冲突的事,更是屡见不鲜。说是“冲突”,其实,他是主子。From 1938 to 1939, when I was in charge of editing the Art and Literature Supplement of The Dagong Bao, I often got into disputes with British censors (or rather with my masters) over manuscripts.🎈take charge of与in charge of区别一、含义不同take charge of 照管,监理,担任in charge of 负责,主管二、侧重不同take charge of 是「开始 管理,接管」的意思,侧重动作。in charge of表示「某人负责或照管某人/物」,侧重状态。🎈与……起冲突got into disputes with sb🎈「其实,他是主子」译为or rather with my masters,其中or rather(或rather)作「更确切地说」解。在送审的校样上他随便打个红叉,我就只好抽掉。When a British censor put in a red cross at will, all I could do was withdraw the entire manuscript.🎈把…写进,添上,插入 put in🎈任意,随意at will例句They were able to come and go at will.他们能够来去自由。🎈注意all I could do was withdraw中是withdraw而不是to withdraw,大家只需记住一句口诀:前有do后省to。可临时补稿不方便,我就索性让版面“开天窗”,空白着。Sometimes, being hard pressed to find a replacement for it, I had to leave a blank on the page to show that something had been suppressed by censorship.🎈「可临时补稿不方便」意即「因临时更换稿子有困难」,可译为being hard pressed to find a replacement,在句子中原因状语。其中to be hard pressed to …(或for…)作「缺少」「找不到」解。🎈to show that something had been suppressed by censorship是译者根据自己的理解所增译的成分,用以反映一种「我不满这种压迫」的心态。如果翻阅那一时期的香港《大公报》,天窗是不少的。Take a look at The Dagong Bao published in Hong Kong in those days, and you’ll find lots of blanks.🎈Take a look at The Dagong Bao published in Hong Kong in those days, and you’ll find…是「祈使句,+ and + 陈述句」句式。此时祈使句相当于if 引导的条件状语从句(此时去掉and)例句Give me one more hour, and I’ll get the work finished.→ If you give me one more hour, I’ll get the work finished.有一回审查官甚至把半个版面全给枪毙了。Once the British censor even had half a page killed.🎈「有一回审查官甚至把半个版面全给枪毙了」译为Once the British censor even had half a page killed,其中用to kill 表达「删除」「不予刊用」等,是国外新闻出版界常用口语,现与原文中的「枪毙」不谋而合。为什么?因为中日虽在开战,英、日仍在结盟。Why? Because China and Japan were at war, and Britain and Japan were allies.🎈 交战、处于交战状态at war/be at war with…🎈 and Britain…处的and也可译作while,表示一种对比关系。香港殖民当局不许在它管辖的地方对日军的在华暴行进行抗议。The Hong Kong colonial authorities prohibited any protest staged in a region under their jurisdiction against the atrocities of the Japanese troops in China.🎈 any protest staged in a region中,staged in a region是后置定语,其中stage是动词,表示「组织(活动或仪式)」例句Russian workers have staged a number of strikes in protest at the republic’s declaration of independence.俄罗斯工人已经举行了数次罢工,抗议该共和国宣布独立。统治者说了算,没什么道理可讲!Their word was law. There was no reasoning with them!🎈「统治者说了算」即「统治者的话便是王法」,故译作Their word was law。🎈「没什么道理可讲!」译为There was no reasoning with them!,意同No use reasoning with them!或It was impossible to reason with them!三九年秋,我应伦敦大学东方学院之邀,赴英教书。In the autumn of 1939, I went to England to teach at the invitation of the College of Oriental Studies of the University of London.🎈应……的邀请at the invitation of例句I paid my first State Visit to your country at the invitation of President Eisenhower.当年,应艾森豪威尔总统的邀请,我对贵国进行了首次国事访问。坐的是法国轮船。I sailed on a French steamer.🎈英译中还不明显,而中译英时大家往往会发现:我们读中文时酣畅淋漓,逻辑一气呵成,非常明了,但在译成英文时,却总发现需要增补逻辑、增补主语等。此处便是一个很好的例子。行至西贡,轮船被征调。其他国家的客人均可自觅旅馆,惟独几十名中国旅客,被押往集中营。When the ship arrived at Saigon, it was requisitioned and all passengers were to look for hotels for themselves except the several scores of Chinese who were escorted to concentration camps.🎈「轮船被征调」之后,「其他国家的客人」可以去「自觅旅馆」,这是一个「轮船被征调」时还未发生的动作,故译作were to look for hotels for themselves。🎈集中营concentration camps例句The train took the Wiesel family to the Auschwitz concentration camp.火车把威塞尔一家送到了奥斯威辛集中营。(小声bb:「奥斯威辛集中营」是去年南开MTI基英一篇阅读的主题)幸而我在途中托人给当地总领事(我的燕京同学)送去一名片,才又改为软禁。Luckily, I was instead put under house arrest after I asked somebody to pass on my visiting card to the local Chinese consul general, who happened to be a former schoolmate of mine at Yenching University, Beijing.🎈软禁、幽禁was put under house arrest🎈名片visiting card(尤指旧时访客留下或其他人用以表示到访的名片)🎈happened to be表示「恰巧」之意,是作者的增译成分。经过多方周折,我于十月最终来到英国港口福克斯通办理登陆手续时,官员发给我的竟是一纸“敌性外侨”的入境证。After going through a lot of trouble, I finally arrived at the port of Folkestone, England. But, while going through entry formalities, the entry certificate issued to me by the British officials turned out to be one for an “enemy national residing abroad.”🎈入港/入境(申报)手续entry formalities例句How exactly should I go through the entry formality?究竟该如何办理入境手续呢?🎈入境证明 the entry certificate🎈(事实证明)是…… turn out to be 夏衍《野草》结果,这一切答案完全不对 All the answers turned out to be wide of the mark.我向主管人质问,回答得简单:中、日在交战,而英、日是同盟国,因此,只能那样定性。When I asked the official in charge for the reason why, the answer he gave was very simple, “China and Japan are at war while Britain and Japan are allies. So, that’s that!”🎈the reason why后不缺从句,可以这样使用,也表示「原因」,是一种惯用表达。例句Let me give you the reasons why.让我来告诉你原因。🎈「因此,只能那样定性」可按「因此,就是这样,没有什么可多讲的」译为So, that’s that 或So, that’s it。这黑锅我一直背到一九四一年“珍珠港事变”。一天之内,我又成为“伟大盟友”了。I remained a scapegoat until 1941 when I became a “great ally” overnight at the outbreak of the Pearl Harbor Incident.🎈中文中的「背黑锅」「当替罪羊」是类似的意思,此处译为a scapegoat。英、日缔结的盟约,随着太平洋上的烽火自然也就烟消云散了。The alliance between Britain and Japan then vanished into the air with the flames of war raging over the Pacific.🎈烟消云散vanished into the air🎈「随着太平洋上的烽火」即指随着英日在太平洋开战。「烽火」即「战火」,译作the flames of war,raging over the Pacific是后置定语。对香港本身,我当然有许多美好的记忆。As to Hong Kong, I of course cherish many beautiful memories.🎈至于、关于 as to/for🎈「有许多美好的记忆」译作cherish many beautiful memories,积累cherish一词的用法,可以把have换下来了。我在那岛上恋爱过,在浅水滩柔软的沙滩上翻滚过,我曾多次登山看夜景,I had my love affair on that island, I played on the fine sands of its beaches, I many times climbed up its mountains to watch the night scenes.🎈风流韵事;私通love affair(多为贬义)🎈三个小短句之间没有出现连词,常见于文学翻译。但自己翻译时,建议保证基本语法的正确。尤其八六年至八七年我还以访问学人身份在沙田中文大学(世界上最美丽的大学)有过一段难忘的勾留。From 1986 to 1987, in particular, I spent a period of unforgettable days as a visiting scholar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, which had the most picturesque campus in the world.🎈a period of+时长/n./time,就表示「(多久的)时间/时光/时代」例句The study was conducted over a period of decades.研究进行了数十年。Madeline was living in a period of racism.马德琳生活在种族主义猖獗的时代。My watch was disassembled for a period of time.我的手表在一段时间内被拆分了。🎈 New Territories指「新界」(是中国香港三大地理分区之一。新界的名称是于公元1898年6月9日,英国政府与清政府在北京签订《展拓香港界址专条》而来。由于新租借的土地并没有统一名称,可指为「新的租界」之意。)关于译文中的地点描述,大家看个专门描述地点的例句:Please send to “Inter-University Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong”.请寄予本院总办事处,邮寄地址为「香港新界沙田香港中文大学博文苑」也正因为如此,我对香港的回归祖国,倍感欣悦。All that accounted for my redoubled joy over the return of Hong Kong to our motherland.🎈导致、解释account for。除此之外,本文还出现了thanks to表原因的表达。🎈「倍感欣悦」译作my redoubled joy over…,积累redoubled的用法。🔥必背词汇alliance cn.联合,结盟英义An alliance is a relationship in which two countries, political parties, or organizations work together for some purpose.例句They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party.他们现在可以选择与自由民主党人或绿党结盟来执掌国家政权。incident cn.事件,事故英义An incident is something that happens, often something that is unpleasant.例句These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between the two nations.这些事件是两国一系列争端中最近发生的几起。side v.支持/共同反对英义If one person or country sides with another, they support them in an argument or a war. If people or countries side against another person or country, they support each other against them.例句There has been much speculation that America might be siding with the rebels.有很多猜测认为美国会支持叛乱者。settlement cn.定居点,聚居地英义A settlement is a place where people have come to live and have built homes.例句The village is a settlement of just fifty houses.这个村子里只住了 50户人。censor cn.(书刊、戏剧或电影)审查官,检查员英义A censor is a person who has been officially appointed to examine plays, films, and books and to cut out any parts that are considered to be immoral.例句the British Board of Film Censors英国电影审查委员会summon v.召唤,传唤,召见英义If you summon someone, you order them to come to you.例句Howe summoned a doctor and hurried over.豪叫了医生,然后匆忙赶了过来。exempt v.免除,豁免英义To exempt a person or thing from a particular rule, duty, or obligation means to state officially that they are not bound or affected by it.例句South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law.南卡罗来纳州声称有权力免除该州公民遵守联邦法规的义务。🔥重点表达很少人会知道Most people are unaware that中俄战争the Sino-Russian War结为同盟A entered into alliance with B珍珠港事变the Pearl Harbor Incident始终坚定地站在中国一边remained firm in siding with China上述的the said当时;在过去的日子里;在那些天In those days租界foreign settlements工部局the Municipal Council of the International Settlement负责;主管in charge of把…写进;添上;插入put in任意;随意at will缺少、找不到to be hard pressed to …(或for…)甚至把半个版面全给枪毙了even had half a page killed交战、处于交战状态at war/be at war with………说了算 …’s word was law. 没什么道理可讲!There was no reasoning with them!应……的邀请at the invitation of集中营concentration camps软禁、幽禁was put under house arrest名片visiting card入港/入境(申报)手续entry formalities入境证明 the entry certificate烟消云散vanished into the air有许多美好的记忆cherish many beautiful memories 新界New Territories导致、解释account for🔥复盘测试很少人会知道中俄战争结为同盟珍珠港事变始终坚定地站在中国一边上述的当时;在过去的日子里;在那些天租界工部局负责;主管把…写进;添上;插入任意;随意缺少、找不到甚至把半个版面全给枪毙了交战、处于交战状态……说了算 没什么道理可讲!应……的邀请集中营软禁、幽禁名片入港/入境(申报)手续入境证明烟消云散有许多美好的记忆新界导致、解释🔥表达对比「烟消云散」有几种表达?英、日缔结的盟约,随着太平洋上的烽火自然也就(烟消云散)了。 The alliance between Britain and Japan then vanished into the air with the flames of war raging over the Pacific.但她一按下录音键,我的一切窘迫就(烟消云散)了。 But as soon as she pressed record, it all drifted away.我的烦恼不会一夜之间(烟消云散),托比。 My issues are not gonna go away overnight, Toby.我说有顾虑,现在既然Mike被逮捕,顾虑也就(烟消云散)了。I said I had concerns, concerns that have disappeared now that Mike has been arrested.随着时间的推移,这些宏大的谜团也都会(烟消云散)。 These grand mysteries will evaporate over time.