Getting Married at 81张恨水Zhang Henshui🔥背景知识:张恨水(1895年5月18日-1967年2月15日),原名张心远,安徽安庆潜山县人。他是著名章回小说家,鸳鸯蝴蝶派代表作家,被尊称为现代文学史上的“章回小说大家”。他一生创作了100多部中长篇通俗小说,其中《啼笑因缘》、《春明外史》、《金粉世家》、《八十一梦》等长篇小说影响尤为深远,在我国文学史上有着重要的地位。他是中国20世纪创作数量最多,最受读者欢迎的作家之一。老舍曾称他是「国内唯一的妇孺皆知的老作家」。但由于历史原因,建国后他在国内却一直遭到冷落,变得默默无闻。张恨水还是一位优秀的散文家,本文就是其散文小品。本篇篇幅很短,但文学性稍强,尤其是四字词和古文的穿插,译起来需要一番功夫。金圣叹说过:“人生三十不仕,不当再仕,五十不娶,不当再娶。何则?用非其时也。”Jin Shengtan says, “People over 30 should not become an official, and people over 50 should not get married. Why? Because otherwise they would be doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.”🎈Jin Shengtan(1608-1661), a native of Wuxian, Jiangsu Province, was a remarkable scholar in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, known for his creative thinking in literary criticism.🎈文中所引用的是清朝年间学者金圣叹(1608-1661)的原话,有文言成分,理解原文有一定难度,所以作为译者应涉猎广、古今人文历史都应有所了解。🎈「金圣叹说过…」中的「说过」可译为says或said,前者通常指有书面记载的言论。🎈「生三十不仕,不当再仕,五十不娶,不当再娶」理解成白话文:若你你年过三十,在仕途上还没有混到个一官半职,那你便可以不再谋仕途,该走其他的路;若你年过五十,还没有结婚的话,那你便不要再结婚。🎈用非其时也→因为时间不对/「因为那是在错误的时间做错误的事情」译为:Because otherwise they would be doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. 欣赏此处otherwise的妙用。这一种说法,可代表中国人一般的普通思想。That is representative of the mentality of people at large in China.🎈at large(用于名词后),意为「整个,全部,总地,一般地」例句the opinion of the public at large普通大众的意见🎈代表be representative of例句The dove is representative of peace.鸽子代表和平。中国人的事业观,最羡慕“少年得志”,最伤感“大器晚成”。According to the Chinese outlook on life, it is most enviable “to achieve success in one’s early years” but most sorrowful “to fail to achieve it until one’s old age”.🎈Outlook是指人生观,文中的「事业观」也可译得更具体view on one’s career,但我们在谈论翻译的时候主要指的是「意译」而并非字面的「对译」。又,介词on表示「观点等涉及…」🎈少年得志→to achieve success in one’s early years,而「大器晚成」→to fail to achieve it until one’s old age,类似这样的固定表达可重点积累。为了这个原因,便是有所成就的人,到了五十以上,便有退休的意思。Hence, even a successful man will feel like going into retirement when he is on the wrong side of 50.🎈为了这个原因→Hence(因此…)🎈有…的意思→有了…的想法/想要…feel like …例句I sometimes feel like screaming with frustration.我有时苦恼得真想要大喊大叫。🎈On the wrong side of→ …岁以上,过了…岁on the right side of →在…岁以下六十七十的人若还在事业上努力,就有抽身不得的慨叹了。And those who continue to work out of necessity in their sixties or seventies must bemoan their plight.🎈「还在事业上努力」并非指主观上乐呵呵地继续工作,而是指形势所迫,故译作continue to work out of necessity。其中out of necessity(出于必要性)是增译成分。🎈out of在不同语境中可以有不同的译法。此处,out of意为「出于」「由于」,后面的名词由具体事物转为某种心态或条件。例句out of fear出于害怕 out of habit按照习惯out of pity出于怜悯心🎈就有抽身不得的慨叹了→想必会为自己的处境叫苦/就会感叹自己的苦境了bemoan their plight。为更符合译入语表达习惯,翻译中常常需要换一种思维方式进行表达。照人生上寿不过八十而言,为私人作一番打算,这种作风好像也有点道理。However, considering that men seldom live up to the age of 80, their personal concerns may seem to be impeccable.🎈这里加译关系衔接词However,让逻辑更紧密,行文更流畅。🎈人生上寿不过八十→人很少有活过八十岁的men seldom live //(up to) the age of 80🎈「这种作风」即指上文所描述的情景,故译作their personal concerns(他们的担忧)🎈有道理→impeccable是指某个人的行为或做法不可挑剔、并没有可责怪的地方,符合原文作者的表达意图,修饰对象是「作风」也很切合这个词的用法。只是就事业的观点上说,就不对。But, from the standpoint of a worthy cause, they are wrong. 🎈「就事业的观点上说」译为from the standpoint of a worthy cause,其中worthy意为「有意义的,有价值的」,是根据原文充分表达情绪需要的增词。🎈cause是指孜孜不倦追求的人生事业或目标,这样的「大」词是在准确地理解原文基础上斟酌的结果。因为越是有年纪的人,他的学识经验也就越丰富,大事业正需要这种人撑持。Because the older one is, the more knowledgeable and experienced he is and therefore the more indispensable he is to a great cause.🎈越…就越…→the more…the more…而且为人作事,也必须有个自信心。Moreover, one should conduct oneself with self-confidence.🎈「为人作事」译作conduct oneself(为人处世)。conduct一词指以某种方式或行为模式去做事情。「有信心」译作do sth. with self-confidence。一老就觉得自己不行,那也透着我们生命力不强。Calling yourself a good-for-nothing on account of age manifests your lack of vitality.🎈一老就觉得自己不行→「因为年迈就觉得自己一无是处」译为Calling yourself a good-for-nothing on account of age。其中,Good-for-nothing是英文固定表达,是指人或物一无是处、无用。🎈On account of是固定表达,「由于…」的意思。 🎈「透着」实则是「显现出(品格),呈现出(某种状态)」,所以译文用manifest一词。「生命力」即「活力、精力充沛或有生机」,译为vitality。扩而充之,整个民族如此,那是我们一种自馁精神,对民族兴衰大有关系。The same is true of a nation. Self-confidence has a lot to do with its rise and fall. 🎈「扩而充之」在The same is true…(…也是如此/同理)中已经体现,所以不必单独译出。🎈「自馁」即「丧失勇气和信心」,译者并没有将「自馁精神」直接译作losing confidence,而是转换角度,将整句话处理为「信心对民族兴衰有很大关系」🎈rise and fall可指「起伏」,也可引申为「兴衰」例句Intonation is the rise and fall in one’s voice when speaking.语调是说话时声音的起伏。The truth of the library’s rise and fall is much more complex.其实,图书馆崛起和衰落的真相更为复杂。欧美人之成大事业总在晚年,恰与我们的观点相反。Unlike us Chinese, Westerners usually go in for great undertakings in late life. 🎈「恰与我们的观点相反」根据译入语习惯放置句首,处理成副词短语Unlike us Chinese。其中,为了便于译文读者理解,增译Chinese(作同位语)使得句意更清晰。最近有两个老人的行为,值得借鉴,正可给我们打一针兴奋剂。The recent cases of two Western senior politicians set a good example for us and serve to give us a shot in the arm.🎈「值得借鉴」即指西方两位老人给我们树立了榜样,故译set a good example for(为…树立了榜样),这里切勿望文生义误译成as reference(参考)🎈「正可给我们打一针兴奋剂」译为serve to give us a shot in the arm,其中to give one’s a shot in the arm意为「给某人打气(或刺激,鼓励等)」第一是美国务卿赫尔,以七十二岁之年,飞莫斯科开那全球注意的三国会议。One was 72-year-old US secretary of state Cordell Hull, who went to Moscow to attend the 3-power conference in the limelight of the world. 🎈72-year-old是复合形容词,其结构为「基数词+名词+形容词」。注意,此时要用year而非years,这是惯用表达。🎈美国国务卿US secretary of state🎈limelight指「公众注意的中心」,那么「全球注意的」便可译作in the limelight of the world。 第二是前英国首相劳合•乔治,八十一岁结婚。The other was former British prime minister Lloyd George, who got married at the age of 81. 🎈注意此句和上句共用的结构是:One….The other…。又,两位人物的主要「事迹」用了who引导的定语从句展开描述,不仅体现了行文逻辑层次也很好地处理了原文的「散装」短句。遇到人物事迹描述尤其较长内容时,可借鉴此类处理方式。🎈关于大小写问题,个人建议:个人的头衔应该小写,如the prime minister of Canada(加拿大总理);用在人名之前的头衔应该大写,如Prime Minister Justin Trudeau(贾斯汀·特鲁多总理)。这可以证明他们的生命力强,也可以证明他们精神毫不衰老。Their activities afforded proof of their vitality and youthful spirit.🎈「证明」译afforded proof of,「生命力」译vitality,「精神不衰老」译youthful spirit,这些选词都值得学习。老了还活泼的干,不必退休去等死,这人生才有意味,才没枉过“吾生也有涯”的岁月。The way to live a meaningful life and fully utilize the transient days of one’s life is by continuing to work vigorously in old age rather than retire.🎈老了还活泼的干,不必退休去等死,这人生才有意味,才没枉过‘吾生也有涯’的岁月。可看作一个「事实+评论」句,按英文的「先评论后事实」的行文顺序进行组织,译为The way to live a meaningful life and fully utilize the transient days of one’s life is by continuing to work vigorously in old age rather than retire.体现中英文语序差异:中文将最不重要的成分放在重要成分前面进行表达,英文是把主要内容全部表达清楚再表达其他成分。
🎈没枉过‘吾生也有涯’的岁月→充实度过短暂的一生,采用反话正说的手法,译为fully utilize the transient days of one’s life。现在我国的事业,多半在四五十岁的中年人手上。Our national cause now rests, for the most part, on the shoulders of our middle-aged men—men in their forties or fifties. 🎈大部分,大体上,很大程度上 for the most part🎈「在…手上」即「肩负着…(责任)」,译rest on the shoulder of🎈破折号后是同位语成分。中年人干吧,我们的前途还遥远着呢!Middle-aged fellow countrymen, roll up your sleeves to strive for our ultimate goal!🎈「中年人干吧」译Middle-aged fellow countrymen, roll up your sleeves。其中fellow countrymen中的fellow一词是形容词,表示“同为…的”。例句fellow students同学们 fellow workers工友们fellow sufferer难友fellow countrymen同胞fellow Democrats民主党党友fellow Socialists社会党党友fellow passenger旅伴这样的结构,前面可以加上主有形容词。例句my fellow countrymen我的本国同胞。又,roll up your sleeves是英文固定词组,意即「大干一场」🔥必背词汇mentality cn.心态,思维方式英义Your mentality is your attitudes and your way of thinking.例句Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.经营企业所要求具备的心态和上班族的心态截然不同。outlook cn.世界观,人生观,对生活的观点,看法英义Your outlook is your general attitude towards life.例句The illness had a profound effect on his outlook.这场病对他的人生观产生了深刻的影响。bemoan v.悲叹,叹息,埋怨英义If you bemoan something, you express sorrow or dissatisfaction about it.例句Universities and other research establishments bemoan their lack of funds.高校及其他研究机构抱怨经费不足。plight cn.困境,苦境英义If you refer to someone’s plight, you mean that they are in a difficult or distressing situation that is full of problems.例句the worsening plight of Third World countries plagued by debts受债务困扰的第三世界国家日益加深的苦境impeccable adj. 无瑕疵的,无可挑剔的英义If you describe something such as someone’s behaviour or appearance as impeccable, you are emphasizing that it is perfect and has no faults.例句She had impeccable taste in clothes.她的穿衣品位无可挑剔。🔥重点表达不仕 (should) not become an official 用非其时也 doing the wrong thing at the wrong time一般的普通思想 mentality of people at large少年得志 to achieve success in one’s early years大器晚成 to fail to achieve it until one’s old age…(岁)以上 on the wrong side of…有抽身不得的慨叹 bemoan their plight上寿不过八十 live up to the age of 80…的观点上说from the standpoint of大事业 great cause为人作事 conduct oneself不行,无用 good-for-nothing生命力不强 lack of vitality…(也)如此 The same is true…(民族)兴衰 rise and fall大事业great undertakings值得借鉴set a good example for精神不衰老youthful spirit打一针兴奋剂 give sb. a shot in the arm活泼的干work vigorously在…手上 rest on the shoulder of干吧 roll up your sleeves🔥复盘测试不仕 用非其时也 一般的普通思想少年得志大器晚成…(岁)以上 有抽身不得的慨叹上寿不过八十…的观点上说大事业 为人作事不行,无用 生命力不强…(也)如此 (民族)兴衰 大事业 值得借鉴 精神不衰老打一针兴奋剂活泼的干在…手上 干吧 🔥表达对比「代表」有几种译法?这一种说法,可代表中国人一般的普通思想。That is representative of the mentality of people at large in China.但它是否真的能够真正(代表)国家的牙齿健康,英国的人口,或未经证实的方便声明?But is it a true representation of the state of dental health in the UK population, or an unsubstantiated convenient statement?所有这些由或者(代表)议会制定的法律,汇集在一起,总称为制定法。All this law made by or on behalf of Parliament, taken together, is called legislation.他(代表)了我所希望成为的那种人。He’ll stand for what I’d like to be.