Tidings of Spring坐在书桌旁往外看,我的窗外周围只是一座一座的长长方方的宿舍楼,楼与楼之间没有一棵树木!Whenever I looked out of the window sitting at my desk, what stuck my eye at once would be a cluster of rectangular dormitory buildings standing side by side without a single tree in-between.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈原文所描述的是作者的一种生活常态,因此,这里的「坐在书桌旁往外看」含有「无论何时…」的意味,译作Whenever I looked out of the window sitting at my desk,其中sitting at my desk在这一分句中充当时间状语。窗前一大片的空地上,历年来堆放着许多长长的生了锈的钢筋——这是为建筑附近几座新宿舍楼用的——真是一片荒凉沉寂。The wide open ground beyond my window, which had been for years piled with rusty long steel bars—building materials for some new dormitories to be put up nearby, was a scene of desolation.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「历年来堆放着许多长长的生了锈的钢筋」是对前文内容的补充说明,译作which had been for years piled with rusty long steel bars,是一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句。🎈「这是为建筑附近几座新宿舍楼用的」译作building materials for some new dormitories to be put up nearby,其中building materials是根据原文内容进行的补充。外边看不到什么颜色,我只好在屋子里“创造”些颜色。Disappointed at the drab surroundings, I had to turn to “creating” colour under my roof.Q:「外边看不到什么颜色」怎么翻译?🎈根据上文描述,这里的「外边看不到什么颜色」可以理解为「窗外的环境颜色暗淡」,译作Disappointed at the drab surroundings,其中Disappointed at是根据原文内容做出的增益,原文虽无其词但有其意。drab surroundings意为「色调灰暗的环境」,与「外边看不到什么颜色」内涵一致。🎈「我只好在屋子里‘创造’些颜色」译作I had to turn to “creating” colour under my roof.其中turn to是成语,意为「致力于(to apply oneself to)」我在堂屋里挂上绿色的窗帘,铺上绿色的桌布,窗台上摆些朋友送的一品红、仙客来,和孩子们自己种的吊兰。I decorated my room with green-coloured window curtains, spread a green cloth on the table, placed on the windowsills some poinsettias and, cyclamens given by a friend and some diaolan planted by my children.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈原文中的动词「挂上」「铺上」和「摆」之间并无明显的主次关系,在翻译时可以直接译作并列成分,即I decorated…, spread…, placed…。在墙上挂的总理油画前,供上一瓶玫瑰花、菊花、石竹花或十姊妹。那是北方玫瑰花公司应我之请,按着时节,每星期送来的。A vase filled with roses, chrysanthemums, carnations or multiflora roses was placed before an oil portrait of Zhou Enlai hanging on the wall. These flowers, when in season, were sent me weekly by Northern Rose Company at my request.Q:原文该怎么翻译?🎈「在墙上挂的总理油画前,供上一瓶玫瑰花、菊花、石竹花或十姊妹」译作A vase filled with roses, chrysanthemums, carnations or multiflora roses was placed before an oil portrait of Zhou Enlai hanging on the wall.此处在翻译时转换了表达视角,以花瓶为主语。🎈「那是北方玫瑰花公司应我之请」中的主语是上文提及的各种鲜花,译作These flowers…我的书桌旁边的窗台上摆着一盆朋友送的还没有开过花的君子兰。有时也放上一瓶玫瑰。On the windowsill beside my desk was a potted tender kaffir lily given me by a friend or sometimes a vase of roses.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「有时也放上一瓶玫瑰」的谓语与前面一致,因此翻译时可以省略,直接译作…or sometimes a vase of roses🎈「一盆朋友送的还没有开过花的君子兰」译作a potted tender kaffir lily given me by a friend,其中tender对应原文中的「还没有开过花的」,意为「年幼的」,potted则意为「盆装的」这一丝丝的绿意,或是说春意吧,都是“慰情聊胜无”的。The consolation I derive from things green or from the vague hint of spring, though very small, is better than none.Q:「慰情聊胜无」怎么翻译?🎈这里是指「从这些绿意或春意中获得的慰藉虽然很少,但却总比完全没有要强。」译作The consolation I derive from things green or from the vague hint of spring, though very small, is better than none.我想起我窗前的那片空地,从前堆放钢筋的地方,每到春来,从钢筋的空隙中总会长出十分翠绿的草。Every year, I remember, when spring came, emerald-green grass would start shooting up from among the steel bars.Q:「长出十分翠绿的草」怎么翻译?🎈「长出十分翠绿的草」译作emerald-green grass would start shooting up,其中shooting up是成语,意思等同于growing rapidly。夏雨来时,它便怒长起来,蔓延到钢条周围。那勃勃的生机,是钢铁也压不住的。It grew still faster under the summer rain until it enveloped all the steel bars, which were unable to arrest its exuberance.Q:「蔓延到钢条周围」怎么翻译?🎈「蔓延到钢条周围」译作it enveloped all the steel bars,其中动词envelop意为「包住」「裹住」,用在此处形象准确。🎈「那勃勃的生机,是钢铁也压不住的」可以理解为「钢铁也阻挡不了它的勃勃生机」,译作…all the steel bars, which were unable to arrest its exuberance如今,这些钢条都搬走了,又听说我们楼前这一块空地将要种上花草。Now the steel bars have been removed and I hear that the vacant lot will be planted with flowers.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈根据开头的时间提示词「如今」可知,原文作者从上文的回忆又再次回到了对当前状况的描述,因此在翻译时要注意时态切换。其中「这些钢条都搬走了」译作the steel bars have been removed,使用现在完成时态。前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑声,惊动了我。往外看时,原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢!Several days ago, I was suddenly disturbed by a joyous din from outside the window. Looking out of it, I saw scores of boy and girl students in the middle of tidying up the open ground.Q:「原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢」怎么翻译?🎈「原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢」译作scores of boy and girl students in the middle of tidying up the open ground,其中in the middle of是成语,意为「正在」「正忙于」女学生穿的羽绒衣、毛衣,红红绿绿的;男学生有的穿绿军装,有的穿深色的衣服。The girls were in colourful down jackets or woolen sweaters, and the boys were in green army uniforms or dark-coloured jackets.Q:「女学生穿的羽绒衣、毛衣,红红绿绿的」怎么翻译?🎈此处可以理解为「女学生穿着颜色多样的羽绒服、毛衣」,译作The girls were in colourful down jackets or woolen sweaters,将后置定语「红红绿绿的」提前译出。他们拿着种种工具,锄土的锄土,铲土的铲土,安放矮栏的就在场地边上安插下小铁栏杆。They worked with hoes or shovels. Some were busy fencing off the land with iron-bar railings.Q:「他们拿着种种工具,锄土的锄土,铲土的铲土」怎么翻译?🎈这里的意思是「他们在用锄头和铁铲劳动」,译作They worked with hoes or shovels.不拘泥于原文字面,但却表达出了原文语意。看来我们楼前这一大片土地,将会被这群青年人整治成一座绿草成茵、繁花似锦的公园……Evidently, they were trying to turn the wide open ground in front of our building into a garden bright with lush green grass and blooming flowers.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句译作they were trying to turn the wide open ground in front of our building into a garden…,其中原文中的「整治」在这里译作turn…into…,符合原文语意。窗外是微阴的天,这群年轻人仍在忙忙地劳动着。It became somewhat gloomy, but the young people didn’t slack off their efforts.Q:「这群年轻人仍在忙忙地劳动着」怎么翻译?🎈这一句可译作the young people didn’t slack off their efforts,意思等同于the young people kept on working hard。今天暖气停了,我脱下毛衣换上棉袄,但我的心里却是暖烘烘的,因为我得到了春的消息!Today I took off my woolen sweater and put on a cotton-padded jacket instead because the central heating in our dormitory buildings had stopped as scheduled. Nevertheless, thanks to the tidings of spring, I’m warm at heart.Q:这一句怎么翻译?🎈「但我的心里却是暖烘烘的,因为我得到了春的消息」译作Nevertheless, thanks to the tidings of spring, I’m warm at heart.其中Nevertheless有加强语气的效果。🔥必背词汇tidings n.消息;音讯;音信英义(old-fashioned,or humorous) news 例句I am the bearer of good tidings . 我带来了好消息。desolation n.废墟;荒芜;凄凉英义the state of a place that is ruined or destroyed and offers no joy or hope to people 例句We looked out upon a scene of desolation and ruin. 我们放眼望去,眼前是一片荒凉的废墟。drab adj.单调乏味的;无光彩的;无生气的英义without interest or colour; dull and boring 例句Flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room. 鲜花给单调沉闷的房间增添了一丝愉快的气氛。portrait n.肖像;半身画像;半身照英义a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders 例句He had his portrait painted in uniform. 他让人画了一幅身着制服的画像。tender adj.易损坏的;纤弱的;脆弱的英义easily hurt or damaged 例句Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour. 嫩菜豆口感细腻,味道清香、淡雅。slack n.懈怠;怠惰;偷懒英义to work less hard than you usually do or should do 例句He had never let a foreman see him slacking. 他从未在哪个工头面前表现出丝毫懈怠。🔥重点表达一片荒凉沉寂 a scene of desolation应…之请 at one’s request春意 the hint of spring翠绿的 emerald-green长出 shoot up绿草成茵、繁花似锦的 with lush green grass and blooming flowers春的消息 the tidings of spring🔥复盘测试一片荒凉沉寂应…之请春意翠绿的长出绿草成茵、繁花似锦的春的消息🔥表达对比有关「想起…」的不同说法今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,This evening, as I sat in my courtyard enjoying the cool night air, I suddenly thought of the lotus pond along which I was used to taking daily walks,忽然想起采莲的事情来了。All of a sudden, I was reminded of lotus gathering.到徐州见着父亲,看见满院狼藉的东西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼泪。When I joined him in Xuzhou I found the courtyard strewn with things and could not help shedding tears at the thought of granny.有时夜深,我会突然想起那些高原上的原住民…Sometimes in the depth of night the images of the aboriginal inhabitants of the highlands would pop into my head…冬夜的晚上,从爆白果的馨香里,我有一句没一句的想起来了。I often try to recall them on many a winter night, and they flash in my mind amidst the crackling of gingko seeds being roasted in a pan.你想起一个普通而平凡的女性。Now your mind turns to an ordinary woman…我想起我窗前的那片空地,从前堆放钢筋的地方,每到春来,从钢筋的空隙中总会长出十分翠绿的草。Every year, I remember, when spring came, emerald-green grass would start shooting up from among the steel bars.