1,300 Yuan一个朋友在西关宴客邀了我去。同去的连主人一共是七位。I was asked to a dinner party in Xiguan given by a friend of mine. There were seven of us going together, including the host.Q:「一个朋友在西关宴客邀了我去」怎么翻译?🎈「一个朋友在西关宴客邀了我去」译作I was asked to a dinner party in Xiguan given by a friend of mine.也可以译作A friend of mine invited me to dinner at a restaurant in Xiguan,其中a restaurant是添加词。🎈「同去的连主人一共是七位」译作There were seven of us going together, including the host.其中现在分词短语going together相当于一个定语从句,修饰seven of us。我早就听说西关是一个很热闹的地方。那里还是许多旧式大家庭的根据地。As has long been known to me, Xiguan is a busy downtown area in Guangzhou — a place inhabited by many old-fashioned big families.Q:「那里还是许多旧式大家庭的根据地」怎么翻译?🎈「那里还是许多旧式大家庭的根据地」可以理解为「许多旧式大家庭都住在那里」,译作a place inhabited by many old-fashioned big families。🎈As has long been known to me是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰全句。马路宽阔,但也有不少的窄巷和石板铺的小路。在那些密集的房屋里面隐藏着种种神秘的事情。The streets are wide, but there are quite a few narrow lanes and flagstones too. Hidden in the tightly packed dwellings were unfathomable mysteries of all sorts.Q:「石板铺的小路」怎么翻译?🎈「石板铺的小路」译作narrow flagstones,flagstones本指铺路用的石板,复数flagstones指石板路。🎈「在那些密集的房屋里面隐藏着种种神秘的事情」译作Hidden in the tightly packed dwellings were unfathomable mysteries of all sorts.对「种种神秘的事情」进行强调,同时也有开启下文内容的作用。此外,「种种神秘的事情」译作unfathomable mysteries of all sorts,其中unfathomable是译文中的添加词,用来强调神秘感。每天下午马路上出现了许多服饰华丽的年轻女人,后面还跟着女佣。Every afternoon many gaudily dressed young women will be seen parading through the streets, escorted by their maid servants.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句本来可译作Every afternoon there will appear on the streets many young women in their gaudy dresses, followed by their maid servants,在这里译作Every afternoon many gaudily dressed young women will be seen parading through the streets, escorted by their maid servants.其中parading through有「招摇」和「自我展示」的含义。「服饰华丽」在此有「艳丽而俗气」的含义,因此译作gaudily dressed。此外,escorted除「陪伴」外,还有「护送」的意思。据说这些女人都是大家庭里的姨太太。她们的主人因为害怕她们逃走,专门雇了女佣来监视她们。It is said that they are concubines of big families and that the maid servants have been hired by their masters specially to keep watch on the young women in case they should run away.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「她们的主人因为害怕她们逃走,专门雇了女佣来监视她们」译作the maid servants have been hired by their masters specially to keep watch on the young women in case they should run away,为了避免指代不清,「监视她们」中的「她们」译作the young women。🎈「姨太太」即旧时某些社会里的妾,译作concubines。我们的汽车停在大马路上。我们下了车,走进一条窄巷,路是石板铺砌的,两旁是些矮小的房屋。After parking our car by the side of a big street, we alighted and walked into a narrow flagged lane lined with small houses.Q:「一条窄巷,路是石板铺砌的,两旁是些矮小的房屋」怎么翻译?🎈「一条窄巷,路是石板铺砌的,两旁是些矮小的房屋」译作a narrow flagged lane lined with small houses,其中「两旁是些矮小的房屋」译作过去分词短语lined with small houses,其作用相当于定语从句。我们转了一个弯,走到一座大酒楼的门前。这样漂亮的酒楼立在这条街上就像一个奇迹,实在叫人不能相信。We came to a big restaurant after taking a turning. The gorgeous restaurant, standing in such a lowly place, struck us as unusual and fantastic.Q:「在这条街上」怎么翻译?🎈「在这条街上」并没有按照字面直译,而是根据上下文译作in such a lowly place(在这低下的地方)。酒楼里面很宽敞,是旧式的建筑,有楼,有阁,有廊,有厅,有天井,有树木,又像一个大公馆。It was quite roomy inside. An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees, it also looked like a VIP private mansion.Q:An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees在译文句子中充当什么成分?🎈结合上下文,在An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees, it also looked like a VIP private mansion中,An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees是下文的it的同位语成分,被放置在了句子开头处。我们在里面走了一转,就登楼,在一个名称很美的房间里坐了下来。主人点了菜。我们嗑着瓜子饮茶谈话。After walking about for a while, we went upstairs and took our seats at table in a beautifully-named room. The host having ordered food, we sat chatting and cracking melon seeds.Q:「在里面走了一转」怎么翻译?🎈「在里面走了一转」意即「在里边走了一会儿」,译作walking about for a while。🎈「我们嗑着瓜子饮茶谈话」译作we sat chatting and cracking melon seeds,其中现在分词短语chatting and cracking melon seeds充当伴随状语。楼房很大,还开着电风扇。露台上摆了好几盆鲜花。The room was quite spacious. The electric fan kept rotating. The balcony was decorated with potted flowers.Q:「露台上摆了好几盆鲜花」怎么翻译?🎈「露台上摆了好几盆鲜花」除了使用there be句型表示「存在」以外,还可译作The balcony was decorated with potted flowers.表达更为具体。檐下垂着竹帘,遮住了阳光。从外面不时送来鸟声。这个地方倒还清静。A bamboo shade under the eaves kept off the sun. Birds were heard again and again singing outside. The whole place was nice and quiet.Q:「从外面不时送来鸟声」怎么翻译?🎈「从外面不时送来鸟声」可以理解为「鸟叫声不断被听到」,译作Birds were heard again and again singing outside.🎈「这个地方倒还清静」译作The whole place was nice and quiet.其中nice是添加词,符合原文语意。一个五十多岁的黄脸女人拿着一把伞在楼房门口出现了。她起先在门外徘徊了一阵,然后走进来,对我们说了几句话。A sallow-faced woman in her early fifties appeared at the door of our room, umbrella in hand. She paced about for a while before she came in and said a few words to all of us.Q:「一个五十多岁的黄脸女人拿着一把伞在楼房门口出现了」怎么翻译?🎈「一个五十多岁的黄脸女人拿着一把伞在楼房门口出现了」译作A sallow-faced woman in her early fifties appeared at the door of our room, umbrella in hand.其中umbrella in hand是「名词+介词短语」形式的独立主格结构,表伴随。🎈「她起先在门外徘徊了一阵,然后走进来」译作She paced about for a while before she came in,使用时间连词before提示动作发生的先后次序。我不懂她的意思。一个本地的客人和她问答了几句,她便走了。I couldn’t make out what she said. Then she left after exchanging a few words with one of us, who was a native of Guangzhou.Q:「一个本地的客人」怎么翻译?🎈「一个本地的客人」意即「一个广州籍的客人」或「一个广州人」,译作a native of Guangzhou。🎈「我不懂她的意思」是指「我没明白她所说的话」,译作I couldn’t make out what she said.他们在笑,我想我懂得他们笑的原因。等一会儿那个女人又来了。在她后面跟着一个年轻姑娘和一个中年妇人。My friends laughed and I thought I knew why they laughed. The woman reappeared shortly, with a young girl and a middle-aged woman following after her.Q:原文该怎么翻译?🎈「在她后面跟着一个年轻姑娘和一个中年妇人」译作with a young girl and a middle-aged woman following after her,是由with引导的独立主格结构,表伴随。姑娘相貌平常,却打扮得很漂亮。The young girl, though nicely dressed, was plain-looking.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈原文含有明显的让步语气,因此译作The young girl, though nicely dressed, was plain-looking.其中plain-looking对应原文中的「相貌平常」,表达简洁地道。她坐下来,并不说一句话。她垂下眼皮,手里拿着一把折扇不停地挥着。她在众人的陌生的眼光下有点害羞。She sat down without saying a word, and having her eyes dropped, kept waving a folding fan. She looked embarrassed with all eyes centered on her.Q:原文怎么翻译?🎈and having her eyes dropped, kept waving a folding fan中,现在分词短语having her eyes dropped是kept waving a folding fan的伴随状语成分。🎈「在众人的陌生的眼光下」译作with all eyes centered on her,意为「所有人的目光聚焦在她的身上」。没有人讲话,主人也显得不好意思了。后来还是那个本地的客人和那个老妇人问答了几句。他们的谈话我也懂得一点。The silence among all made the host feel rather uncomfortable until the Guangzhou man and the old woman exchanged a few words which, however, I could understood a bit.Q:「没有人讲话,主人也显得不好意思了」怎么翻译?🎈「没有人讲话,主人也显得不好意思了」译作The silence among all made the host feel rather uncomfortable,其中The silence among all对应原文中的「没有人讲话」🎈「他们的谈话我也懂得一点」译作which, however, I could understood a bit,「他们的谈话」即上文的「问答了几句」,因此这一句可以直接处理为定语从句形式。他问她多少价钱,老妇人回答说,一千三百圆。我现在才知道这是怎么一回事情。He wanted to know what price she was asking and the answer was, “1,300 yuan.” It was not until then that I realized what it was all about.Q:「他问她多少价钱」怎么翻译?🎈「他问她多少价钱」意即「他问她要价是多少钱」,译作He wanted to know what price she was asking,其中ask有「要价」「索价」的意思。🎈「我现在才知道这是怎么一回事情」译作It was not until then that I realized what it was all about.意为「直到那时候我才知道这是怎么一回事情」姑娘不过是一个候补姨太太,等待合意的主顾来把她买去。The young girl was a potential concubine, waiting for a prospective buyer.Q:「候补姨太太」怎么翻译?🎈「候补姨太太」可以理解为「未来的姨太太」,译作a potential concubine或a would-be concubine。大家没有话说了。于是那个老妇人接了两毫银角,把姑娘带走了。All kept silent. The old woman accepted a 20-cent silver coin and then left with the young girl.Q:「两毫银角」怎么翻译?🎈「两毫银角」即「二十分钱」,译作a 20-cent silver coin。走出房门,姑娘还回转身向我们微微鞠躬。On leaving the room, the latter turned round to make a slight bow to us.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「走出房门」译作On leaving the room,是介词短语作状语,其从句形式为When she left the room。过了一会儿,我们正在吃菜的时候,那个老妇人又来了。这次她带了两个姑娘进来。A moment later, while we were eating, the old woman came again, this time bringing with her two young girls.Q:「这次她带了两个姑娘进来」怎么翻译?🎈「这次她带了两个姑娘进来」是对上文「那个老妇人又来了」的补充说明,可以处理为伴随状语成分,译作this time bringing with her two young girls。一个年纪很轻,据她说只有十六岁,颈后拖着一根辫子。一个年纪大一点,头发剪短了,据说只有十八岁,实际的年龄恐怕已经超过二十了。One, wearing a braid at the back of her head, was very young, said to be only 16. The other, with bobbed hair, was older and said to be only 18, but her real age was probably over 20.Q:「颈后拖着一根辫子」怎么翻译?🎈「颈后拖着一根辫子」可以理解为「在背后留着一根辫子」,译作wearing a braid at the back of her head。🎈「头发剪短了」即「留着短头发」,译作with bobbed hair。这两个姑娘就在旁边的靠背椅上坐下。两个人都不停地摇着折扇,大概因为手闲着没有事情做的缘故吧,或者是被人看得有些不好意思了。The girls both sat down in a chair, waving a folding fan all the time, probably because they wanted to keep their idle hands occupied or because they were fidgety beneath the gaze of so many eyes.Q:「大概因为手闲着没有事情做的缘故吧」怎么翻译?🎈「大概因为手闲着没有事情做的缘故吧」译作probably because they wanted to keep their idle hands occupied,有「反话正译」的意味,意即「大概因为向让自己的手有事可做」🎈「或者是被人看得有些不好意思了」译作or because they were fidgety beneath the gaze of so many eyes,其中beneath the gaze of so many eyes对应原文中的「被人看」她们也不说话,只有那个本地客人直接问起她们的姓名时,她们才开了口。They kept quiet until the Guangzhou man asked them their names.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句的意思是「直到那个本地客人问起她们的姓名,她们才开口」,译作They kept quiet until the Guangzhou man asked them their names.其中They kept quiet与They didn’t say a word同意。她们的相貌显然比先前的一个漂亮,身价也就贵了许多。年纪小的一个要价一千五百圆,年纪较大的索价到一千八百圆。The two girls were more nice-looking than the previous one, hence their higher selling prices. 1,500 and 1,800 yuan were the prices asked for the two girls respectively.Q:「身价也就贵了许多」怎么翻译?🎈「身价也就贵了许多」译作hence their higher selling prices,「hence+名词短语」表「结果」之意。🎈「年纪小的一个要价一千五百圆,年纪较大的索价到一千八百圆」前后两句的意义相同,因此整合译作1,500 and 1,800 yuan were the prices asked for the two girls respectively,简洁地道。一个朋友嫌身价太高,老妇人就得意地说她们两个都读过书认识字。When one of my friends said the old woman was asking too much, she replied complacently that the two girls had got some schooling and knew how to read and write.Q:「一个朋友嫌身价太高」怎么翻译?🎈「一个朋友嫌身价太高」译作one of my friends said the old woman was asking too much,还可以译作one of my friends called(considered) the prices too high,但并不如前者干脆利落,并表示是直接对老妇人说的话。🎈「她们两个都读过书认识字」译作the two girls had got some schooling and knew how to read and write,其中「认识字」译作knew how to read and write,意即「识字和会写字」她还到外面去找了纸笔来,放在茶几上。年纪较大的姑娘便侧着身子拿起笔写出自己的姓氏。她写完就把笔递给垂着辫子的姑娘,那个少女也写了自己的姓名。Then she fetched from outside the room two slips of paper and a pen and put them on a tea table. Thereupon, the older girl turned sideways to pick up the pen and write down her name, and then handed the pen to the girl with the braid, who also wrote down her name.Q:原文该怎么翻译?🎈「她写完就把笔递给垂着辫子的姑娘,那个少女也写了自己的姓名」译作and then handed the pen to the girl with the braid, who also wrote down her name,要比直接译作单独小句更为简洁。🎈译文中的Thereupon是添加词,使上下文语意连贯,不显突兀。老妇人把两张纸条都送到我们的席上来。我们依次传观。第一张纸上的字比较好一点,是“黄旭贞”三个端端正正的字。The old woman brought the two slips of paper to our table and we took a look at them in turn. The three neatly written characters Huang Xu Zhen on one slip showed that the older girl wrote a slightly better hand.Q:原文该怎么翻译?🎈「第一张纸上的字比较好一点,是“黄旭贞”三个端端正正的字」并未按照字面直译,而是根据下文内容译作The three neatly written characters Huang Xu Zhen on one slip showed that the older girl wrote a slightly better hand.向读者表明「第一张纸上的字」是年纪稍大一点的姑娘写的。另一张是那个十六岁的姑娘写的,她的姓名是“李盼好”。虽然两个姑娘都会写自己的姓名,结果依旧是各人拿了两毫银角走了。The other slip was written by the 16-year-old girl, whose name was Li Pan Hao. However, despite their ability to write their own names, the two girls were turned down and left after each receiving a 20-cent silver coin.Q:「结果依旧是各人拿了两毫银角走了」怎么翻译?🎈「结果依旧是各人拿了两毫银角走了」译作the two girls were turned down and left after each receiving a 20-cent silver coin,其中were turned down意为「被拒绝」,原文虽无其词但有其意。走出楼房门口,她们也回转身给我们行礼。客人们继续在谈笑。They also turned about to bow to us. My friends continued to chat and laugh.Q:「她们也回转身给我们行礼」怎么翻译?🎈「她们也回转身给我们行礼」译作They also turned about to bow to us.其中turned about意为「转过头」客人们继续在谈笑。他们还说,他们选定在西关吃饭,是为了给我找小说材料。My friends continued to chat and laugh. They said the reason why they had chosen to eat at Xiguan was to find me some materials for writing fiction.Q:原文该怎么翻译?🎈「他们选定在西关吃饭,是为了给我找小说材料」译作the reason why they had chosen to eat at Xiguan was to find me some materials for writing fiction,因「选定在西关吃饭」发生在当时说话之前,因此要使用过去完成时态。此外,「找小说材料」意即「寻找写小说的材料」,译作find me some materials for writing fiction。他们的话也许是真的。他们都是研究自然科学的人,对于文学并没有兴趣。They may have told the truth. But, being students of natural science, they had little interest in literature.Q:「他们都是研究自然科学的人,对于文学并没有兴趣」怎么翻译?🎈这一句译作But, being students of natural science, they had little interest in literature.其中But是对原文暗含语意的显化。他们只知道我会写小说,却不曾读过我的作品,即使有机会读到它们,也未必会赞美。They knew I was a novelist, but they had never read any of my works, and even if they had, they probably wouldn’t have appreciated them.Q:「他们只知道我会写小说」怎么翻译?🎈「他们只知道我会写小说」译作They knew I was a novelist,不拘泥于原文字面。🎈「即使有机会读到它们」译作and even if they had,其完整形式为and even if they had read my works。我自然感激他们。但是他们完全不了解我。我的心里并不快乐。Nevertheless I was grateful to them. But they didn’t know how sorry I felt.Q:「我自然感激他们」怎么翻译?🎈结合上文,这一句可以理解为「尽管如此,我还是感激他们」,译作Nevertheless I was grateful to them.🎈「他们完全不了解我。我的心里并不快乐」译作they didn’t know how sorry I felt,意即「他们并不知道我心里不快乐」方才见到的一切似乎放了一块石头在我的心上。What I had just seen seemed to weigh heavily on my mind like a solid stone.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「似乎放了一块石头在我的心上」可以理解为「使我的心情变得沉重」,译作seemed to weigh heavily on my mind like a solid stone。我不敢想象那三个少女离开房间时行礼的一瞬间的心情。难道她们已经习惯了这种事情?I couldn’t imagine how the three girls had felt the moment they bowed to us on leaving the room. Had they accustomed themselves to such dealings?Q:「难道她们已经习惯了这种事情」怎么翻译?🎈「难道她们已经习惯了这种事情」译作Had they accustomed themselves to such dealings?其中原文中的「这种事情」即上文所述的交易,因此译作such dealings。🎈「那三个少女离开房间时行礼的一瞬间的心情」译作how the three girls had felt the moment they bowed to us on leaving the room,其中how the three girls had felt对应原文中的「心情」自然买卖人口并不是一件新奇的事情。我知道它也是我们的畸形的社会制度的一个产物。Human trafficking is nothing new. I know it is one of the outcomes of our morbid social system.Q:「我们的畸形的社会制度」怎么翻译?🎈「我们的畸形的社会制度」本可译作our abnormal social system,在这里译作our morbid social system,其中morbid意为「病态的」🎈「并不是一件新奇的事情」译作is nothing new,用否定代词表达否定含义。每天每天在各个地方都有许多这样的被称为“女人”的生物让人们当作商品来买卖。From day to day, a great many living things named “women” are being bought and sold across the land as commodities.Q:「许多这样的被称为‘女人’的生物」怎么翻译?🎈「许多这样的被称为‘女人’的生物」在原文中带有一定的讽刺意味,在翻译时为了与原作风格保持一致,不妨进行直译a great many living things named “women”。我的祖父买过姨太太,我的叔父买过姨太太,我的舅父也买过姨太太,我的一些同辈还准备学他们长辈的“榜样”。My grandpa bought a concubine, so did my father’s brother and my mother’s brother. And some of my generation are going to follow the example of their elders.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈为避免表达重复,「我的祖父买过姨太太,我的叔父买过姨太太,我的舅父也买过姨太太」可译作My grandpa bought a concubine, so did my father’s brother and my mother’s brother.其中so did my father’s brother and my mother’s brother意为「我的叔父和舅父也…」关于这件事我知道得很多,很多。I know of just too many instances of concubinage.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句可以理解为「我知道很多有关蓄妾的事例」,译作I know of just too many instances of concubinage.将原文的「这件事」具体化。但是公开地在茶馆酒楼把女人当一件商品来招揽主顾,当面讲价钱(而且据说讲定身价付了定钱以后,还得由主顾把她的全身自习检查一遍),这在我还是第一次看见。But it was the first time for me to see women openly offered for sale at a restaurant like they were commodities, and prices negotiated in their presence. It was said that after the bargain was struck and the deposit paid, the customer would go so far as to scrutinize the woman he had bought physically from top to toe.Q:「还得由主顾把她的全身自习检查一遍」怎么翻译?🎈go so far as to意为「竟然」,是译文中的添加词,原文虽无其词但有其意。🎈scrutinize作「细看」解,意思等同于to examine closely;from top to toe本意为「从头到脚」,在这里用以表达「全身」🎈「公开地在茶馆酒楼把女人当一件商品来招揽主顾,当面讲价钱,…,这在我还是第一次看见」译作it was the first time for me to see women openly offered for sale at a restaurant like they were commodities, and prices negotiated in their presence.其中过去分词短语openly offered for sale和negotiated in their presence分别修饰women和prices。对这样的事情我不能没有愤怒!I could not help feeling most indignant about all that.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一双重否定句可以理解为「这样的事情使我极为愤怒」,译作I could not help feeling most indignant about all that.其中most在这里是副词,修饰indignant,意为「非常地」🔥必背词汇unfathomable adj.难以理解的;莫测高深的英义too strange or difficult to be understood 例句His feeling was confused and drifting, but deep unfathomable. 这思绪是散乱而飘浮的, 又是幽深而莫测的。gaudy adj.俗艳的;花哨的英义(disapproving) too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste 例句She was tricked out in gaudy dress. 她穿得华丽而俗气。concubine n.(尤指旧时某些社会里的)妾,姨太太,小老婆英义(especially in some societies in the past) a woman who lives with a man, often in addition to his wife or wives, but who is less important than they are 例句She is an imperial concubine and one of the emperor’s favorites. 她是皇帝的倢伃,十分受皇帝宠信。alight v.下(火车、公共汽车等) 英义When you alight from a train, bus, or other vehicle, you get out of it after a journey.例句Two men alighted from the vehicle. 两个男人从车上下来。fidgety adj.坐立不安的英义(informal) (of a person) unable to remain still or quiet, usually because of being bored or nervous 例句He felt fidgety and immersed his head in the cold water. 他觉得很烦躁,把头伸进了冷水中。morbid adj.病态的;不正常的英义having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or death 例句He had a morbid fascination with blood. 他对血有着一种病态的喜好。indignant adj.愤慨的;愤怒的;义愤的英义feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly 例句She didn’t know whether to feel flattered or indignant. 她不知道应该感到高兴还是愤怒。🔥重点表达种种… …of all sorts服饰华丽的 gaudily dressed转了一个弯 take a turning徘徊了一阵 pace about for a while和…问答了几句 exchange a few words with相貌平常 plain-looking垂下眼皮 have one’s eyes dropped在众人的陌生的眼光下 with all eyes centered on微微鞠躬 make a slight bow to头发剪短了 with bobbed hair被人看 beneath the gaze of many eyes读过书 have got some schooling侧着身子 turn sideways端端正正的字 neatly written characters买卖人口 human trafficking畸形的社会制度 morbid social system🔥复盘测试种种…服饰华丽的转了一个弯徘徊了一阵和…问答了几句相貌平常垂下眼皮在众人的陌生的眼光下微微鞠躬头发剪短了被人看读过书侧着身子端端正正的字买卖人口畸形的社会制度🔥表达对比有关「懂得」的不同说法不过,不求甚解,总该懂得大意。But on the other hand, you should catch the general drift.石榴花,你个小精灵,我可是读懂了你!Pomegranate flowers, you adorable little spirits, it’s me who knows you well!一条的路你来往走了几万遍,凑成了万里这个数目,只要你真用了你的眼睛,你就可以算是懂得人生的人了。You can notch up you ten thousand miles by travelling the same stretch of road ten thousand times, and as long as you really use your eyes, I guarantee you will equally count as someone who has seen the world.我还没有修持到能听懂书的语言的水平。I’m sorry I haven’t cultivated myself long enough to understand the language of the book world.我不懂她的意思。I couldn’t make out what she said.