First Love节录日记中的断片—Fragments from My Diary一九二六年九月七日下午二时September 7, 1926, 2:00 pm我真太自苦了,太自寻烦恼了!I’m being too hard on myself! I’m suffering a self-inflicted torment!Q:「太自寻烦恼了」怎么翻译?🎈「太自寻烦恼了」中的「烦恼」在此指「精神上的痛苦」,因此译作I’m suffering a self-inflicted torment,而未译作I’m just asking for trouble。脑海中为什么只有他的影了呢?How come his is the only image rising in my mind?Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句译作How come his is the only image rising in my mind?,其中his指代「他的影」,因后文出现了the only image,故此处省略了image。此外,rising与appearing同义,但rising含有「浮现」的意思,较为生动。眼睛所看到的,好像尽是他的笑容;耳中所听到的,好像尽是他的声音。It seems that I see nothing but his smile and hear nothing but his voice.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈原文两个分句所表达的意思相同,可以理解为「眼睛除了他的笑容什么都看不到,耳朵也除了他的声音什么都听不到」,整合译作It seems that I see nothing but his smile and hear nothing but his voice.别人写来的信,也当做是他的,看了一遍又是一遍,整个的心完全被他占有了!I take the sender of any letter I receive for him and then read it over again and again. I’m completely preoccupied with thoughts of him.Q:「别人写来的信,也当做是他的」怎么翻译?🎈「别人写来的信,也当做是他的」译作I take the sender of any letter I receive for him,意即「我把其他寄信人也当做是他」,其中take…for…有「以为」「当做」之意。🎈「整个的心完全被他占有了」译作I’m completely preoccupied with thoughts of him,意即「我总在想着他」唉,这怎么好呢?我一点事也不想做,而且也不能做;我无论在上课,吃饭,行坐,睡眠的时候,总是想着他。Oh, my! I’m not in a mood to do anything, nor am I able to. Whether in class or at table, walking or sitting, asleep or awake, I can never banish him from my mind.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「唉,这怎么好呢?」译作Oh, my!,表达感叹语气,符合原文语意。🎈「我一点事也不想做」意即「我没有心情做事」,译作I’m not in a mood to do anything,其中in a mood to意为「有心情做…」🎈「我无论在上课,吃饭,行坐,睡眠的时候」译作Whether in class or at table, walking or sitting, asleep or awake,其中asleep or awake既与前文结构保持一致,也符合原文语意。听讲,一句也听不进,看书,一个字也看不懂;总之,什么事都不能做,除了静坐着想他而外。I fail to concentrate when I listen to a talk or read a book. In short, I just sit about thinking of him.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「听讲,一句也听不进,看书,一个字也看不懂」意即「在听讲和看书时我都无法集中精力」,译作I fail to concentrate when I listen to a talk or read a book.🎈「总之,什么事都不能做,除了静坐着想他而外」译作In short, I just sit about thinking of him.这里并未将「什么事都不能做」译出,这是因为sit about的意思就是sit doing nothing或lounge idly,即「懒洋洋闲坐着」的意思。同年九月十五夜September 15, 1926, evening我真不知道,“爱”是什么东西,它是什么组织成的?我没有尝过爱的滋味——除了父母之爱——不知爱的味道是苦,是甜,是酸还是辣?I really don’t know what love is and what it is made up of. I don’t know what love is like, except parental love. I don’t know whether it tastes bitter or sweet, sour or pungent.Q:「我没有尝过爱的滋味」怎么翻译?🎈「我没有尝过爱的滋味」不宜按照字面直译,译作I don’t know what love is like更为贴切,意即「我不知道爱是什么样子的」我只知道对他发生了一种很神秘很深刻的情感,难道这种情感就是爱吗?But I know I’ve developed a very mysterious and deep feeling for him. Isn’t that feeling named love?Q:「我只知道对他发生了一种很神秘很深刻的情感」怎么翻译?🎈「我只知道对他发生了一种很神秘很深刻的情感」译作I know I’ve developed a very mysterious and deep feeling for him.原文所表达的是已发生的事情,因此翻译时要使用现在完成时态。在我第一次和他见面的时候,他的视线和我的视线互相接触的一刹那,他便撒下了爱的种子在我的心田;同时像磁吸引铁似的,把我的心和灵魂,都吸进他的心内去了。During my first encounter with him, the moment we had an eye contact, he instantly sowed a seed of love in my heart and magnetically attracted my heart and soul.Q:「他的视线和我的视线互相接触的一刹那」怎么翻译?🎈「他的视线和我的视线互相接触的一刹那」译作the moment we had an eye contact,也可译作the moment our eyes met或the moment I met his eyes。🎈「同时像磁吸引铁似的,把我的心和灵魂,都吸进他的心内去了」译作magnetically attracted my heart and soul,意即「像磁铁一般吸引着我的心和灵魂」从这时起,我开始对于异性发生了情感。From then on, I began to have a soft spot in my heart for the opposite sex.Q:「我开始对于异性发生了情感」怎么翻译?🎈「我开始对于异性发生了情感」译作I began to have a soft spot in my heart for the opposite sex,其中to have a soft spot for是成语,意为「喜欢某人」「对某人产生好感」,相当于to become especially fond of…或to feel attracted by…。以前,我真是个天真烂漫的孩子,每逢同学们谈到恋爱问题的时候,我便“呸”的一声跑开了。Formerly, I was so naive as to run away from my schoolmates with a loud “Bah!” whenever they chatted about the question of love.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「我真是个天真烂漫的孩子,每逢…」,译作I was so naive as to run away from my schoolmates with a loud “Bah!” whenever they chatted about the question of love.其中was so naive as to有加强语气的效果,同时也便于与后文衔接。她们都说我是个未谙世故的小孩,我希望我永远不谙世故;然而现在有一种不知名的痛苦居然降临到我身上来了,天呵,这是怎么一回事呢?They called me simple-minded, but I would rather be always like this. Now I’m experiencing a nameless agony. Oh, my goodness! I really don’t know why!Q:「然而现在有一种不知名的痛苦居然降临到我身上来了」怎么翻译?🎈「然而现在有一种不知名的痛苦居然降临到我身上来了」可以理解为「我现在正在体验一种不知名的痛苦」,译作Now I’m experiencing a nameless agony.我不知道这是一种什么心理,爱他而绝不让他知道。I can’t explain psychologically why I love him and yet completely keep him in the dark about it.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句译作I can’t explain psychologically why I love him and yet completely keep him in the dark about it.其中I can’t explain psychologically对应原文中的「我不知道这是一种什么心理」,意即「我不知道从心理学角度该怎么解释」。此外,keep him in the dark about it,意为「不让某人知道」,是一种形象说法。我要保守着秘密,一直到永远!不使对方知道自己在热烈地爱着他,这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀!I want to keep it secret forever and ever. What a mysterious and inconceivable behaviour!Q:「不使对方知道自己在热烈地爱着他,这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀!」怎么翻译?🎈「不使对方知道自己在热烈地爱着他,这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀!」译作What a mysterious and inconceivable behaviour!,这是因为上文已经提及I love him and yet completely keep him in the dark about it,因此这里就不再重复。🎈此外,「这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀」译作感叹句What a mysterious and inconceivable behaviour!,意即「这是一种多么神秘而不可思议的行为啊!」,符合原文语意。痛苦,痛苦,我欢迎你,绝不躲避你,人生只有在痛苦的时候才有意义!Pain, pain, I welcome you. I’ll never shy away from you. Life will be insignificant without pain.Q:「人生只有在痛苦的时候才有意义」怎么翻译?🎈「人生只有在痛苦的时候才有意义」译作Life will be insignificant without pain,此处用到了「正话反译」的翻译手法,有加强语气的效果。厨川白村说得好:“恋爱在痛苦与流泪的时候,才有价值;等到结婚,便成为恋爱的坟墓了。”Kuriyagawa Hakuson says aptly, “Anguish and tears make love worthwhile. Marriage is the grave of love.”Q:「恋爱在痛苦与流泪的时候,才有价值」怎么翻译?🎈「恋爱在痛苦与流泪的时候,才有价值」译作Anguish and tears make love worthwhile.意即「痛苦和眼泪让恋爱变得有意义」🎈「厨川白村」译作Kuriyagawa Hakuson。此人(1880-1923)原名辰夫,毕业于日本东京帝国大学,留学美国,回国后任京都帝国大学教授,是著名日本文艺评论家。该死,我为什么要引他的话呢?一个天真纯洁的女孩子,不应该尝到爱的苦味的。Damn it, why should I quote him? An innocent and artless girl like me shouldn’t get a foretaste of bitter love.Q:「一个天真纯洁的女孩子,不应该尝到爱的苦味的」怎么翻译?🎈「一个天真纯洁的女孩子,不应该尝到爱的苦味的」译作An innocent and artless girl like me shouldn’t get a foretaste of bitter love.其中like me是根据原文语意做出的补充,便于国外读者理解。当我生平第一次遇到有一个异性的影子,闯进我的脑海里来时,简直痛苦得想要自杀!When for the first time in my life my mind was haunted by the image of a member of the other sex, I was so much distressed that I felt like committing suicide. Q:「当我生平第一次遇到有一个异性的影子,闯进我的脑海里来时」怎么翻译?🎈「当我生平第一次遇到有一个异性的影子,闯进我的脑海里来时」译作When for the first time in my life my mind was haunted by the image of a member of the other sex,其中haunted有「萦绕于脑际」「难以忘却」之意,符合原文作者所要表达的心情。我恨他,也恨介绍我和他认识的三哥,我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能;我常在半夜三更,从凄凉可怕的梦境里惊醒来时,就用力捶着自己的脑袋骂着:——你这无用的东西,赶快去死掉吧!I hated him. And I also hated my third brother who had introduced him to me. I tried to destroy the image, but in vain. Often in the depth of night, on waking up from a dreadful nightmare, I would thump my head with my fist and curse: – You good-for-nothing, go to hell!Q:「我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能」怎么翻译?🎈「我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能」译作I tried to destroy the image, but in vain.其中in vain对应原文中的「不可能」,意为「徒劳的」🎈「你这无用的东西」译作You good-for-nothing,其中good-for-nothing意为「无用的人」高洁的少女心里,为什么要藏着一个异性的影子呢?那是多么不幸的事呀!Why should the unsullied mind of a young girl be haunted by a member of the opposite sex? O what a misfortune!Q:「高洁的少女心里,为什么要藏着一个异性的影子呢」怎么翻译?🎈「高洁的少女心里,为什么要藏着一个异性的影子呢」译作Why should the unsullied mind of a young girl be haunted by a member of the opposite sex?其中unsullied意为「纯洁的」「未被玷污的」你的前途,将要被那个影子,像旋风似的卷去了,你的生命,将要被那个影子,像猛兽似的吞没了,多么危险呀!……The image, like a whirlwind, will sweep away your future, and, like a beast of prey, will devour your life. Ah, you’re in great danger!Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句译作The image, like a whirlwind, will sweep away your future, and, like a beast of prey, will devour your life. Ah, you’re in great danger!将原文的被动语态转换为主动语态表达,自然顺畅。苦海茫茫,回头是岸;再不觉悟,你的一生就这样完了!It is, however, never too late to mend your way. You’ll be done for unless you become awakened to the danger facing you.Q:「苦海茫茫,回头是岸」怎么翻译?🎈「苦海茫茫,回头是岸」在此无须逐字直译,现按照「改过不嫌晚」用谚语It is never too late to mend your way.来表达。🎈「你的一生就这样完了」译作You’ll be done for,其中be done for是成语,意为「完蛋了」,相当于be ruined。尽管理智怎样责备情感,但情感还是得着了胜利。Much as emotion was condemned by reason, the former, nevertheless, got the upper hand.Q:「但情感还是得着了胜利」怎么翻译?🎈「但情感还是得着了胜利」译作the former, nevertheless, got the upper hand,其中got the upper hand本意为「占上风」,用在此处符合原文语意。那影子不但没有消灭,反而一天比一天更活鲜鲜地在脑海里跳跃起来。Instead of disappearing, the image of the young man became with each passing day even more vigorous in my mind’s eye.Q:「一天比一天更活鲜鲜地在脑海里跳跃起来」怎么翻译?🎈「一天比一天更活鲜鲜地在脑海里跳跃起来」译作the image of the young man became with each passing day even more vigorous in my mind’s eye,其中with each passing day意为「日渐」「日益」,对应原文中的「一天比一天…」在那种苦痛的心情之下,我却绝不愿意流露丝毫给对方知道,和他通了一年多的信,从没有把我爱他、思念他的情感流露过。I managed, however, to refrain from revealing to him my troubled state of mind. For over a year when I exchanged correspondence with him l never let him know how much I loved and thought fondly of him.Q:「在那种苦痛的心情之下,我却绝不愿意流露丝毫给对方知道」怎么翻译?🎈「在那种苦痛的心情之下,我却绝不愿意流露丝毫给对方知道」译作I managed, however, to refrain from revealing to him my troubled state of mind.其中managed to有「设法完成(有困难的事情)」的意思,用在此处符合原文语意。🎈「从没有把我爱他、思念他的情感流露过」译作l never let him know how much I loved and thought fondly of him,其中「我爱他、思念他的情感」译作how much I loved and thought fondly of him要比直接译作名词形式更加生动。我天天写日记和白话诗,有时偷偷地买了烧酒来喝个烂醉,有时想约几个同性朋友,住到深山古庙里修行去。Every day I wrote an entry in my diary as well as some free verse in vernacular Chinese.Sometimes I got dead drunk with the strong liquor I had bought on the sly. Sometimes I even thought of asking some friends of the same sex to go with me to an ancient temple in the remote mountains to become Buddhist nuns.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「我天天写日记和白话诗」译作Every day I wrote an entry in my diary as well as some free verse in vernacular Chinese.其中「白话诗」译作some free verse in vernacular Chinese,即「用地方方言写成的诗歌」🎈「住到深山古庙里修行去」译作go with me to an ancient temple in the remote mountains to become Buddhist nuns,其中nuns是指修女。她们都不知道我的秘密,唉!多么圣洁的值得回忆的初恋呵!They of course had no idea of what had happened to me. Oh, first love, how unblemished and unforgettable it is!Q:「唉!多么圣洁的值得回忆的初恋呵!」怎么翻译?🎈「唉!多么圣洁的值得回忆的初恋呵!」译作Oh, first love, how unblemished and unforgettable it is!此处将first love提前单独译出,起到强调的作用。时代的警钟响了,一九二六年的北伐爆发了!The alarm bell began to ring in a new era. The Northern Expedition started.Q:这一句怎么翻译?🎈「一九二六年的北伐爆发了」译作The Northern Expedition started.其中「北伐」即「第一次国内革命战争」,指1924-1927年中国人民在中国共产党领导下进行的反帝、反封建国内革命战争,现译作The Northern Expedition。勇敢的青年男女们,一个个拋弃了书本,脱下了长衫,参加革命去了!陷在苦海中的我,也在这时得到苦闷的解脱。Courageous young men and women threw away their books, took off their long gowns and joined the revolutionary army. It was then that I succeeded in freeing myself from the deep distress I was in.Q:原文该怎么翻译?🎈「参加革命去了」意即「加入革命的队伍中」,译作joined the revolutionary army。🎈「陷在苦海中的我,也在这时得到苦闷的解脱」意即「我将自己从苦海之中解脱出来」,译作I succeeded in freeing myself from the deep distress I was in。那个可爱的影子,突然有一天出现在我的面前;这是真正的影子,两只眼睛充满了热情,紧紧地盯着我。“信收到了吧?我要找个机会和你深谈一次。”One day the lovely image suddenly appeared before me. It was none other than the young man. He fixed his passionate eyes on me and said, “You must have received my letter. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to have a serious talk with you.”Q:「这是真正的影子」怎么翻译?🎈「这是真正的影子」可以理解为「这个影子不是别人正是他」,译作It was none other than the young man.🎈「我要找个机会和你深谈一次」译作have a serious talk with you,其中serious意为「认真的」温柔的声调里,藏着无限的希望与欢愉。The tender voice was charged with immeasurable hidden hope and joy.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句译作The tender voice was charged with immeasurable hidden hope and joy,也可译作Hidden behind the tender voice was very much hope and joy.“你相不相信?我要从军去了”我的微笑中夹着严肃,他开始惊讶起来。“Don’t you believe it? I’m going to join up.” A smile, accompanied by sternness, passed over my face. He looked astonished.Q:「我要从军去了」怎么翻译?🎈「我要从军去了」译作I’m going to join up.其中join up是成语,意为「入伍」「参军」,意思等同于to enlist in the army。“我不相信,你说来好玩的吧?”“不!真的!”“No, I don’t. You’re joking, aren’t you?”“No. I mean what I said.”Q:「你说来好玩的吧?」怎么翻译?🎈「你说来好玩的吧?」意即「你在开玩笑吧」,译作You’re joking, aren’t you?使用反义疑问句有增强语气的效果。🎈「真的!」译作I mean what I said,意为「我就是这个意思」“你的身体吃不了那种苦。”“我要锻炼。”“真的这样决心了吗?”“Physically, you won’t be able to go through the hardships!”“I need to be toughened up by the army life.”“So you’ve really made up your mind?”Q:「我要锻炼」怎么翻译?🎈「我要锻炼」译作I need to be toughened up by the army life,其中by the army life是增译成分,有助于读者理解文意。🎈「你的身体吃不了那种苦」译作Physically, you won’t be able to go through the hardships!Physically可以理解为「从身体因素而言」阴沉的忧郁,代替他的微笑了。“已经报名了!”“考虑一下再决定吧,我希望和你详细谈谈。”“无须考虑,你应当无条件地赞成我去的!”The smile on his face was replaced by deep gloom.“I’ve already signed up!”“Why not think it over again before you make the final decision? Let’s talk it over thoroughly.”“No need to think it over. You should unconditionally agree to let me go!”Q:「考虑一下再决定吧」怎么翻译?🎈「考虑一下再决定吧」译作Why not think it over again before you make the final decision?处理为反问句形式,符合原文所要表达的语意。🎈「无须考虑,你应当无条件地赞成我去的」译作No need to think it over. You should unconditionally agree to let me go!其中No need to think it over.的完整形式为There is no need to…,符合口语表达习惯。他低下头来沉默着,我知道有一种说不出的痛苦,压在他的心头;但是奇怪,我一点也不难受,好像一个被判决了死罪的犯人,突然得到特赦一般,我很骄傲地坐在他的对面微笑着。He hung his head in silence. I knew he was suffering untold mental agonies. But, strange to say, I didn’t feel bad at all. On the contrary, I sat before him smiling a proud smile like a prisoner under death sentence being suddenly granted a special pardon.Q:「我一点也不难受」怎么翻译?🎈「我一点也不难受」意即「我一点也不感到愧疚和伤心」,因此译作I didn’t feel bad at all.其中feel bad与feel sorry and sad意思相同。🎈「我知道有一种说不出的痛苦,压在他的心头」译作I knew he was suffering untold mental agonies.意为「我知道他正饱受一种无法言说的痛苦」“明天我要回去了,告诉我,我们还能见面吗?”“I go back home tomorrow. Tell me if we can ever meet again.”Q:「告诉我,我们还能见面吗?」怎么翻译?🎈「告诉我,我们还能见面吗?」译作Tell me if we can ever meet again.将原文的疑问句以肯定句的形式译出,用if来表疑问。不知怎的,这声音像一曲悲哀的凋子,弹动了我的心弦,我突然感到凄凉起来。His voice, like a melancholy tune, unexpectedly touched me to the heart. And a feeling of sadness suddenly came over me.Q:「我突然感到凄凉起来」怎么翻译?🎈「我突然感到凄凉起来」译作a feeling of sadness suddenly came over me,其中came over有「(某种感觉)突然影响(某人)」的意思。“到前方见吧!我也希望你去从军。”他没有回答,眼里闪烁着晶莹的泪光。“Let’s meet at the front! I hope you’ll join up too.” He gave no reply, his eyes glittering with tears.Q:原文该怎么翻译?🎈「我也希望你去从军」意即「我希望你也从军」,译作I hope you’ll join up too.🎈「他没有回答,眼里闪烁着晶莹的泪光」译作He gave no reply, his eyes glittering with tears.其中his eyes glittering with tears是独立主格结构,表伴随。别了!就这样默默地什么都没有说,我送他走出了学校的大门,只是含着满眶的热泪转来。So we parted silently without saying a word. I saw him to the school gate and then turned round with warm tears in my eyes.Q:「只是含着满眶的热泪转来」怎么翻译?🎈「只是含着满眶的热泪转来」译作then turned round with warm tears in my eyes,意即「我含着满眶的热泪转身」🔥必背词汇torment n.(尤指精神上的)折磨,痛苦;苦难之源英义(formal) extreme suffering, especially mental suffering; a person or thing that causes this 例句She suffered years of mental torment after her son’s death. 儿子去世后,她多年悲痛欲绝。pungent adj.味道(或气味)强烈的;刺激性的英义having a strong taste or smell 例句The more herbs you use, the more pungent the sauce will be. 用的香草越多,调味汁的味道就越浓烈。agony n.(精神或肉体的)极度痛苦英义extreme physical or mental pain 例句Jack collapsed in agony on the floor. 杰克十分痛苦地瘫倒在地板上。inconceivable adj.难以想象的;无法相信的英义impossible to imagine or believe 例句It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem. 令人难以置信的是那位大臣竟然没有意识到这个问题。foretaste n.预先的体验;预示;征象英义a small amount of a particular experience or situation that shows you what it will be like when the same thing happens on a larger scale in the future 例句They were unaware that the street violence was just a foretaste of what was to come. 他们没有意识到,这起街头暴力预示着未来大规模的暴力行为。unsullied adj.未被玷污的;保持洁净的;纯洁的英义(literary) not spoiled by anything; still pure or in the original state 例句He spoke of the honour of the family : the unsullied reputation of the Crawleys. 他谈到家门的体面和克劳莱家里洁白无瑕的名声。devour v.吞没;吞噬;毁灭英义to destroy sb./sth. 例句Nor could she devour them by any escapade of a less legitimate description. 她也不能通过任何不大合法的自由放荡行为来吞没他们。vernacular n.方言;土语英义the language spoken in a particular area or by a particular group, especially one that is not the official or written language 例句He speaks an incomprehensible vernacular. 他说的是一种无法听得懂的方言。unblemished adj.完好的;无损的;无污点的英义(formal) not spoiled, damaged or marked in any way 例句He had an unblemished reputation. 他的名声白璧无瑕。🔥重点表达太自苦了 be too hard on oneself自寻烦恼 suffer a self-inflicted torment…也不想做 not in a mood to do…总是想着… never banish … from one’s mind静坐 sit about 视线互相接触 have an eye contact对于…发生了情感 have a soft spot in my heart for未谙世故的 simple-minded不知名的痛苦 a nameless agony不让…知道 keep … in the dark天真纯洁的 innocent and artless尝到爱的苦味 get a foretaste of bitter love自杀 commit suicide无用的东西 good-for-nothing白话诗 free verse in vernacular Chinese喝个烂醉 get dead drunk修行 become Buddhist nuns偷偷地 on the sly北伐 The Northern Expedition 得到苦闷的解脱 free oneself from the deep distress深谈 have a serious talk with从军 join up锻炼 be toughened up被判决了死罪的 under death sentence得到特赦 be granted a special pardon🔥复盘测试太自苦了自寻烦恼…也不想做总是想着…静坐视线互相接触对于…发生了情感未谙世故的不知名的痛苦不让…知道天真纯洁的尝到爱的苦味自杀无用的东西白话诗喝个烂醉修行偷偷地北伐得到苦闷的解脱深谈从军锻炼被判决了死罪的得到特赦🔥表达对比有关「震惊、惊讶」的不同表达我的微笑中夹着严肃,他开始惊讶起来。A smile, accompanied by sternness, passed over my face. He looked astonished.我这美国朋友惊讶地看着我,说:“嫉妒他们?为什么?”He looked at me in astonishment and said, Jealous? Why?也许由于长期的患难困顿,中国神话对天地的解释常是令人惊讶的。Maybe due to the long-standing tribulations and adversities experienced by the people, the portrayals of Heaven and Earth in Chinese mythology are often quite amazing.第一次意识到自己在同事的眼中是老人时,奇平·康利(Chip Conley)大感惊讶。Chip Conley was surprised when he first realized his colleagues saw him as old.许多参与者说,年齿日增让他们感到震惊。Many of the attendees said they felt shocked that age had crept up on them.