On a Yangtse River Steamer ——YeZi🔥背景知识:叶紫(1910-1939)是二十世纪三十年代在中国文坛脱颖而出的一位年青作家。原名余鹤林,湖南益阳人。他少年时代被迫流亡,当过兵、小学教员、报馆编辑。1932年加入中国共产党,并开始文学创作。1939 年10月5日因肺病去世,年仅二十九岁。他的散文,就内容而言,和他的小说一样,大多记述他的经历和使他感到愤慨的不合理社会现象。《长江轮上》于1935年8月发表在《申报》副刊《自由谈》上,取材于真人真事,写一个买不起船票的乡下孕妇,遭到茶房的毒打,当场早产,被迫将婴儿扔入江中,文章蕴含丰富,发人深思。深夜,我睡得正浓的时候,母亲突然将我叫醒:“汉生,你看!什么东西在叫?……我刚刚从船后的女茅房里回来……”我拖着鞋子。Late at night, mother suddenly woke me up from my sound sleep, “Han Sheng, listen! … What’s that noise? … I’ve just been to the women’s lavatory…”I shuffled out of the cabin. 🎈「我睡得正浓」即「睡得正香」,现译作my sound sleep,其中sound用以形容「(睡觉)酣畅的,深沉的」,例如wake sb. out of a sound sleep表示「把某人从酣睡中叫醒」。此外,sound还可作副词,如He was lying in bed, sound asleep. 他躺在床上,睡得正香。🎈「你看」意即「你听」,故译listen,未译look。🎈「我拖着鞋子」可按「我拖着鞋子走出船舱」译shuffled out of the cabin,其中out of the cabin是译文中的增添成分。茶房们死猪似地气横七横八地倒在地上,打着沉浊的鼾声。连守夜的一个都靠着舱门睡着了。别的乘客们也都睡了,只有两个还在抽鸦片,交谈着一些令人听不分明的,琐细的话语。The stewards were lying higgledy-piggledy on the floor like butchered pigs, snoring loudly. Even the one on duty, leaning himself against the cabin door, had dozed off to sleep. The passengers were all asleep too except two chatting unintelligibly over their opium pipes.🎈「茶房」是旧时用语,指过去在旅馆、茶馆、轮船、火车、剧场等处从事供应茶水等杂务的人,与当今的「服务员」「乘务员」有所不同,在找不到确切对应词的情况下,不妨把它译为steward、waiter、 attendant等。🎈「死猪似地」译为like butchered pigs,比like dead pigs富于感情色彩,憎恶情绪,溢于言表。🎈「打着沉浊的鼾声」即「鼾声很重」,故译为snoring loudly,作伴随状语。🎈复习duty相关表达①应尽的义务bounden duty 例句(萧红《当铺》)本来手就应该给我服务。It was their bounden duty to wait on me.②当作…用、用作…的代用品、充当…do duty for例句(顾均正《耳闻不如一见》)以耳代目。 “Let the ear do duty for the eye”.③尽职、尽本分do one’s duty④值班,当班on duty 🎈「(都靠着舱门)睡着了」按「(都靠着舱门)打着瞌睡睡熟了」之意译为had dozed off to sleep,其中doze off意为「打瞌睡,打盹儿」,是译文中的增译成分,更加确切。🎈「只有两个还在抽鸦片,交谈着一些令人听不分明的,琐细的话语」译作except two chatting unintelligibly over their opium pipes,十分简练。其中,「一些令人听不分明的,琐细的话语」仅译成一副词unintelligibly,意为「听不确切」。翻译时注意词性的灵活选用。江风呼啸着。天上的繁星穿钻着一片片的浓厚的乌云。浪涛疯狂地打到甲板上,拼命似地,随同泡沫的飞贱,发出一种沉锐的,创痛的呼号!The wind was howling. The stars were sparkling from behind patches of dark clouds. The waves kept lashing violently across the deck, splashing foam into the air and giving out a piercing cry of pain.🎈「天上的繁星穿钻着一片片的浓厚的乌云」意为「繁星在乌云后一闪一闪亮晶晶」,故译作The stars were sparkling from behind patches of dark clouds.🎈piercing常用来形容刺耳、尖厉的声音例句A piercing scream split the air.刺耳的尖叫声划破长空。母亲畏缩着身子,走到船后时,她指着女厕所的黑暗的角落说:“那里!就在那里……那里角落里!有点什么声音的……” “去叫一个茶房来?”我说。“不!你去看看,不会有鬼的……是一个人也不一定……”Mother went crouching to the back part of the ship and, pointing at the women’s lavatory in the dingy corner, said, “There! Over there … in that corner! A kind of noise …” “Shall I go get a steward?” “No! You go and take a look first. It can’t be a ghost … Perhaps somebody …”🎈「母亲畏缩着身子」译为Mother went crouching to…,其中crouching一词非常生动贴切,「畏缩」实则指「蹲伏着(前进)」,crouch恰为此意。🎈A kind of noise中,a kind of表示「一种;有几分;有点」🎈Shall I go get a steward?中go get sth.是口语中的常见用法。如:I’ll go fetch some water.我去打些水回来。此外,go-getting作形容词,意同ambitious。我靠着甲板的铁栏杆,将头伸过去,就有一阵断续的凄苦的呜咽声,从下方,从浪花的飞溅里,飘传过来:“啊哟……啊啊哟……”“过去呀!你再过去一点听听看!”母亲推着我的身子,关心地说。“是一个人,一个女人!”我断然回答着。“她大概是用绳子吊在那里的,那根横着的铁棍子下面……”Leaning over the railing, I heard from down below intermittent moaning amidst the spray of breaking waves, “Aiyo … Aiyo …” “Go ahead! Go nearer so you can hear better!” mother nudged me and urged with concern. “There is somebody. A woman!” I affirmed. “She’s probably hanging down there by fastening herself to a rope, under a horizontal iron bar …”🎈down below表示「在下面」,如:The link is in the description box down below. 链接就在下方的描述栏中。🎈「过去呀!你再过去一点听听看!」不宜按字面直译,而是按其实际意义译为Go ahead! Go nearer so you can hear better!,其中so you can hear better是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。🎈「是一个人」译为There is somebody,其中is为斜体字,须重读,以加强语气。一十五分钟之后,我遵着母亲的命令,单独地,秘密而且冒险地救起了那一个受难的女人。她是一个大肚子,一个四十岁上下的乡下妇人。她的两腋和胸部都差不多给带子吊肿了。About fifteen minutes later, I, by order of mother, managed to secretly rescue the distressed woman from danger. I did it single-handed and despite the risk. She, a country woman of about forty, was big with child. Her arm pits and chest looked swollen from having been fastened to the rope.🎈by order of表示「按……的命令」,其中by意为「根据,按照某种标准」🎈distressed除去「沮丧、焦虑(upset and anxious)」外,还可指「遭受苦难、身体状况不佳(suffering pain; in a poor physical condition)」🎈「单独地,秘密而且冒险地(救起了)……」译为did it single-handed and despite the risk。其中,single-handed是副词(也可作形容词),意为「单枪匹马地、无人帮助地、独自地」;增译despite表明逻辑关系。自己译时把“秘密地”译出也是正确的,臣妾真的做不到敢随便省译啊!🎈「一个大肚子」译作was big with child。其中,with child是增益成分,使译文更确切。又,big在形容人时,意为the people have a lot of muscles, or they are fat,如:I’m getting too big for these jeans。🎈腋窝 arm pits,怪形象的哈。腋窝确实是胳膊的凹面。当母亲将她拉到女厕所门前的昏暗的灯光下,去盘问她的时候,她便𥅴着一双小眼,惶惧地,幽幽地哭了起来。“不要哭呢!蠢人!给茶房听见了该死的……”母亲安慰地,告诫地说。Mother began to question her under a dim light in front of the women’s lavatory. The woman blinked her small eyes nervously and sobbed. “Stop crying, you silly!” said mother consolingly, trying to dissuade her from sobbing. “The stewards will give you hell if they hear you …”🎈you silly!是口语常见用法,表示「你这傻瓜!」🎈give you hell:give sb. hell意为①伤害某人(to make life unpleasant for somebody),如My new shoes are giving me hell.②朝某人怒吼(to shout at or speak angrily to somebody)。「给茶房听见了该死了」中「该死了」为粗话,用hell一词较为可取。她开始了诉述她的身世,悲切而且简单:因为乡下闹灾荒,她拖着大肚子,想同丈夫和孩子们从汉口再逃到芜湖去,那里有她的什么亲戚。The woman gave a brief account of her miserable life: There had been a famine in the countryside. She, despite her pregnancy, had to flee from the disaster with her husband and child. They intended to go from Hankou to Wuhu to seek shelter with some relatives.🎈「诉述她的身世,悲切而且简单」译作gave a brief account of her miserable life,注意对修饰词「悲切」「简单」的位置摆放:悲切是针对身世而言,而简单则是指诉述简单。🎈翻译时要注意对逻辑词的把握,有时需增,有时可省,根据具体语境灵活处理即可。如此处「因为(乡下闹灾荒)」的「因为」就不必译出,因为后文had to (flee from…)包含了隐藏的因果关系。🎈「同丈夫和孩子们从汉口再逃到芜湖去,那里有她的什么亲戚。」译作They intended to go from Hankou to Wuhu to seek shelter with some relatives.。其中,to seek shelter是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。🎈Wuhu — A river port and rice market on the southern bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtse River in southeastern Anhui Province.没有船票,丈夫孩子们在开船时都给茶房赶上岸了,她偷偷地吊在那里,因为是夜晚,才不曾被人发觉……They attempted to steal a ride on the steamer, but were discovered by the stewards at sailing time. Her husband and child were expelled from the ship right away while she succeeded in hiding herself outside the ship under cover of night…🎈「没有船票」可按「打算不买票乘船」或「打算逃票搭乘轮船」译为They attempted to steal a ride on the steamer或They attempted to get a free-ride on the steamer。🎈「都给茶房赶上岸了」译作were expelled from the ship right away,其中right away意为「立刻,马上」,是增译成分,给读者一种紧迫感,情感色彩更浓重。🎈「因为是夜晚」译作under cover of night(在夜色的掩护下),更加生动。朝我,母亲悠长地叹了一口气说:“两条性命啊!几乎……只要带子一断……”回头再对着她:“你暂时在这茅房里藏一藏吧,天就要亮了。我们可以替你给账房去说说好话,也许能把你带到芜湖的……” 我们仍旧回到舱中去睡了。Mother turned to me and said with a long sigh, “Two lives! How dangerous! What if the rope had snapped…” Then she turned to address the woman, “It’s getting light! You’d better hide yourself in the lavatory for a while. We’ll see the accountant and put in a good word for you. Maybe he’ll let you stay on the ship until it reaches Wuhu …” We returned to our cabin to sleep.🎈「两条性命啊!几乎……只要带子一断……」译作Two lives! How dangerous! What if the rope had snapped…。其中,How dangerous!是增益成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。🎈「也许能把你带到芜湖的」不宜按字面直译,而是按「他或许能准许你在船上待着,直到芜湖」译为Maybe he’ll let you stay on the ship until it reaches Wuhu。母亲好久还在叹气呢!……但是,天刚刚一发白,茶房们就哇啦哇啦地闹了起来!“汉生!你起来!他们要将她打死哩!……”母亲急急地跺着脚,扯着我的耳朵。她不知道在什么时候爬起来了。“谁呀?”我睡意朦胧地,含糊地说。 Mother kept sighing for a long while… Then, when it was dawning, the stewards kicked up a row. “Han Sheng! Get up! They’re beating her to death …” Mother stamped her feet with anxiety and pulled me by the ear. Nobody knew when she had got out of bed. “Who is it?” I mumbled, eyes heavy with sleep. 🎈「就哇啦哇啦地闹了起来」译作kicked up a row,该表达意为「开始喧闹」。其中kick up表示「开始大吵大闹」例句They kick up a rumpus and throw things at each other.他们吵了起来并互相朝对方扔东西。a row意为喧哗、吵闹,例句A row! arrah a row! The Virgin be blessed, a row! Plunge in with ye! 吵架啦! 唉, 又吵架啦! 天呀, 又吵架啦! 你们吵吧!。🎈…to death表示「……而亡」,饿死starve to death流血而亡is bleeding to death被打死be beaten to death🎈跺脚 stamp one’s feet站起来 rise to one’s feet跳起来spring to one’s feet一跃而起jump to one’s feet🎈「扯着我的耳朵」译为pulled me by the ear,其中by表示「抓住身体某部位或握住物体某部分」🎈eyes heavy with sleep是独立主格结构。“那个大肚子女人!昨晩救起来的那个!……茶房在打哩!……”我们急急地赶到船后,那里已经给一大群早起的客人围住着。一个架着眼镜披睡衣的瘦削的账房先生站在中央,安闲地咬着烟卷,指挥着茶房们的拷问。“That pregnant woman! The one we rescued last night! … The stewards are beating her! …”We went hastily to the back part of the ship where there was already a big crowd of early risers from among the passengers. The accountant, a bespectacled thin man in pyjamas, was standing in the middle of the crowd directing the torture, a cigarette dangling leisurely from his lips.🎈to the back part of the ship中back既可作形容词,也可作名词,如a room at the back of the shop商店后部的一个房间。🎈早起的人early risers早起的鸟儿有虫吃!The early bird gets the worm!🎈a cigarette dangling leisurely from his lips是独立主格结构。大肚子女人弯着腰,战栗地缩成一团,从散披着的头发间晶晶地溢出血液。旁观者的搭客,大抵都像看着把戏似的,觉得颇为开心;只有很少数表示了“爱莫能助”似的同情,在摇头,吁气!The woman huddled herself up and shivered, blood oozing out glisteningly from among her dishevelled hair. The onlookers, for the most part, enjoyed themselves as if they were watching an acrobatic show. Only a handful of them shook their heads and sighed out of sympathy.🎈huddle up表示①蜷缩例句蜷缩在一间小饭厅里Huddled up in a small dining room ②集合例句大家先过来。Everybody, huddle up.🎈blood oozing out glisteningly from among her dishevelled hair是独立主格结构。其中,dishevelled表示头发的散乱,我们曾在散文选第一册中见过两次这个词。一是柯灵的《巷》中:「头发乱似临风飞舞的秋蓬,眼睛里网满红丝…… 」…their hair disheveled like windblown withered grass in autumn, their eyes blood-shot…二是柔石的《为奴隶的母亲》中:穿着褴褛的衣服,头发蓬乱的……的孩子是她底春宝。…that the shabbily dressed child with disheveled hair standing before her was Chun Bao.”。🎈大部分;大体上;很大程度上for the most part🎈少量的 a handful of。类似的表达还有a mouthful of一口。在后面的学习中,我们还会碰到不少a xx-ful of的表达,注意积累。我们挤到人丛中了,母亲牢牢地跟在我的后面。一个拿着棍子的歪眼的茶房,向我们装出了不耐烦的脸相。别的一个,麻脸的,凶恶的家伙,睁着狗一般的黄眼睛,请示似地,向账房先生看了一眼,便冲到大肚子的战栗的身子旁边,狠狠地一脚——I elbowed my way through the crowd, followed closely by mother. A squint-eyed steward, stick in hand, eyed us with an assumed air of impatience. Another steward, with a ferocious pock-marked face and wide-open dog-like yellow eyes, after giving a wink to the accountant as if requesting his instructions, dashed to the shivering pregnant woman and gave her a hard kick.🎈「挤到人丛中」译作elbowed my way through the crowd,其中elbow一词非常形象生动,画面感十足,刻画出了「我」用胳膊肘开出一条路的场景。又,此处「我们挤到人丛中了」实为「‘我’开路+母亲跟在我身后」,故主语选用I而不是we。🎈stick in hand是独立主格结构。🎈「向我们装出了不耐烦的脸相」译作eyed us with an assumed air of impatience。其中,eye作动词,意为「打量」。又,air作单数名词,意为「神态,感觉,总体印象,氛围」,常用搭配为with an air of…或者with a(n) … air,如Jennifer regarded him with an air of amusement.珍妮弗觉得他很风趣。那女人尖锐地叫了一声,打了一个滚,四肢立刻伸开来,挺直在地上!“不买票敢坐我们外国人的船,你这烂污货!……”他赶上前来加骂着,俨然自己原就是外国人似的。Letting out a shriek, she rolled over and lay flat on her back, with her limbs stretched out. “How dare you take this foreigner-owned ship without buying a ticket, shameless bitch! …”He came up nearer to heap more insults on her as if he himself were a foreigner.🎈「挺直在地上」即「躺平在地上」,现译作lay flat on her back。🎈「你这烂污货」可译为shameless bitch或you slut等。🎈「加骂」按「对其施以更多辱骂」之意,译作heap more insults on her。🎈as if he himself were a foreigneras if从句的两种用法一、 as if 从句用陈述语气(相对于虚拟语气而言),即你所表达的句子是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。设想语境:比方说你现在屋里看不到外面的情况,却听到了雨滴声,表达如下:It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。二、as if 从句用虚拟语气,当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下:(1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。(2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。(3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形母亲急了!她挤出去拉住着麻子,怕她踢第二脚,一面却抗议似地责问道:“你为什么打她呢?这样凶!……你不曾看见她的怀着小孩的肚子吗?” “不出钱好坐我们外国人的船吗?”麻子满面红星地反问母亲;一面瞅着他的账房先生的脸相。Mother anxiously squeezed forward to stop him from kicking the woman again, protesting, “Why did you kick her? Why! … Don’t you see that she’s pregnant?” “How can she travel by our foreigner-owned ship without paying for it?” the pock-marked steward retorted and gave the accountant a stare. 🎈「满面红星」意同「满面猩红」,意指麻子脸的气急败坏与凶横,retort(反驳)英义为to reply angrily,含angry之意,故译文未明确译出「满面红星」“那么,不过是——钱喽……”“嗯!钱!……”另外一个茶房加重地说。母亲沉思了一下,没有来得及想出来对付的办法,那个女人便在地上大声地呻吟了起来!一部分的看客,也立时开始了惊疑的,紧急的议论。但那个拿棍子的茶房却高高地举起了棍子,企图继续地扑打下来。“After all, it’s — money only, eh?…” “Yes, money!” said the other steward by way of stressing. Mother pondered for a while without finding a way out. The women then started groaning loudly on the deck, which alerted some of the onlookers and sent them speaking in urgent whispers. The steward with the stick, however, was about to thwack the woman by holding it aloft.🎈「那个女人便在地上大声地呻吟了起来!(这使得)一部分的看客,也立时开始了惊疑的,紧急的议论」,译文用which引导的定语从句结构,很好地起到了「承上启下」的作用。母亲横冲去将茶房拦着,并且走近那个女人的身边,用了绝大的怜悯的眼光,看定她的大肚子。突然地,她停住了呻吟,浑身痉挛地缩成一团,眼睛突出,牙齿紧咬着下唇,喊起肚子痛来了!Mother dashed forward to stop him and approached the woman to examine her belly with great compassion. The woman suddenly stopped groaning and huddled up convulsively, rolling her eyes and biting her lower lip. She complained loudly of a pain in the belly.🎈rolling her eyes and biting her lower lip作伴随状语。🎈complained loudly of a pain in the belly:complain不只有「投诉、抱怨」之意,还可指「诉说有…病痛(complain of pain or illness)」,如He complained of a headache.他说头痛。母亲慌张地弯着腰,蹲了下去,用手替她在肚子上慢慢地,一阵阵地,抚摸起来。并且,因了过度的愤怒的缘故,大声地骂詈着残暴的茶房,替她喊出了危险的、临盆的征候!看客们都纷纷地退后了。账房先生嫌恶地,狠狠地唾了一口,也赶紧走开了。Mother hurriedly bent over and crouched down to stroke the woman’s belly gently over and over again. And, excited by great anger, she loudly cursed the stewards for being so brutal. Meanwhile, she warned that the woman had shown symptoms of an imminent delivery. The crowd backed away. The accountant, spitting in disgust, also walked away quickly.🎈cursed the stewards for being so brutal中,curse sb. for…意为「(因)……咒骂某人」🎈「替她喊出了危险的、临盆的征候」译作warned that the woman had shown symptoms of an imminent delivery。其中,warn一词含「警示危险情况」之意,故未重复翻译「危险的」;临盆指即将生产,译作imminent delivery。🎈(常因害怕等)后退、退缩 back away茶房们因为不得要领,狗一般地跟着,回骂着一些污秽的恶语,一直退进到自己的舱房。我也转身要走了,但母亲将我叫住,吩咐着立即到自己的铺位子上去,扯下那床黄色的毯子来;并且借一把剪刀和一根细麻绳子。The stewards listlessly followed at his heels like dogs until they disappeared into their cabins, hurling back filthy abuse as they walked along. I was turning to leave when mother stopped me and told me to fetch the yellow blanket from my berth plus a flaxen string and a pair of scissors to be borrowed from somebody. 🎈「茶房们因为不得要领,狗一般地跟着」译为The stewards listlessly followed at his heels like dogs,其中「不得要领」可按「没精打釆」译为listlessly 或 in low spirits 等。🎈「回骂着一些污秽的恶语,一直退进到自己的舱房」按「边走边回骂」之意译作hurling back filthy abuse as they walked along,其中hurling back filthy abuse(将污言秽语投掷回去)意为「回骂」🎈was/were doing +when…结构中,when意为「就在这时,正在这时」🎈a flaxen string and a pair of scissors to be borrowed from somebody中to be borrowed from somebody是不定式作后置定语:不定式修饰sth时,表示sth要……。此处不定式表示(亚麻细绳和剪刀)将被借来。我去了,匆忙地穿过那些探奇的,纷纷议论的人群,拿着东西回来的时候,母亲已经解下那个女人的下身了。地上横流着一大滩秽水。I left, passing through a crowd of nosy onlookers whispering to each other. When I returned bringing with me everything as mother had told me, she had already taken off the woman’s trousers and the floor was wet with a pool of dirty water.🎈「解下那个女人的下身」按「脱下那个女人的裤子」之意译为had already taken off the woman’s trousers。她的嘴唇被牙齿咬得出血,额角上冒出着豆大的汗珠,全身痛苦地,艰难地挣扎着!她一看见我,就羞惭地将脸转过去,两手乱摇!The woman’s lips were bloodstained through biting. Her forehead was dripping with beads of sweat. Her whole body was writhing in great pain. As soon as she saw me, she shyly turned her face away and shook her hand vigorously.🎈「被牙齿咬得出血」即「咬出了血印子」,现译为lips were bloodstained through biting,其中bloodstained意为「布满血污的、沾满血迹的」🎈「全身痛苦地,艰难地挣扎着」译作Her whole body was writhing in great pain。其中,writhe常指「(由于剧痛或不适而)扭动、翻滚」,对应此处 「挣扎」的动作。但是,立时间,一个细小的红色的婴儿,秽血淋漓地钻出来了!在地上跌了一个翻身,哇哇地哭诉着她那不可知的命运!我连忙转过身去。母亲费力地喘着气,约有五六分钟久,才将一个血淋淋的胎衣接了出来,从我的左侧方抛到江心底深处。Just then, a tiny, ruddy baby came out instantly dripping with blood. It turned over on the floor and burst out crying — probably to complain of its unknown destiny. I quickly turned away. Mother was panting with exertion. It took her five or six minutes to remove the bloody afterbirth from the woman before tossing it from my left side into the depth of the river.🎈a tiny, ruddy baby:虽然高中英语老师一直强调and的重要性,但是实际上,在英语中,修饰同一名词的两个形容词之间不用and的情况非常常见。🎈胎衣afterbirth:亦称胞衣,为健康产妇娩出之胎盘。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为胎衣,入药时叫紫河车。🎈before tossing it…:在视译中碰到before,根据顺句驱动原则,常常把before、 A be followed by B翻译成「然后、之后」“完全打下来的!”母亲气愤地举着一双血污的手对我说,“他们都是一些凶恶的强盗!……那个胎儿简直小得带不活,而他们还在等着向她要船钱!”“那么怎么办呢?”“救人要救彻!……”母亲用了毅然地,慈善家似地口吻说。“你去替我要一盆水来,让我先将小孩洗好了再想办法……”“The beating is to blame for the premature birth,” said mother furiously, raising her two blood-smeared hands. “Damn ruthless gangsters! … The baby is just too undersized to survive. And yet they insist on charging the steamer fare.” “What shall we do then?” “We shouldn’t give up halfway,” said she firmly in the tone of a philanthropist. “You go and bring me a basin of water. I’ve got to wash the baby first before …”🎈「完全打下来的」可按「早产完全是被打造成的」译为The beating is to blame for the premature birth。🎈「举着一双血污的手」译作raising her two blood-smeared hands,其中,blood-smeared和前文提到的bloodstained同义。🎈Damn是粗话,(表示愤怒或不耐烦)该死,可恶,他妈的。如Damn it!该死!🎈「那个胎儿简直小得带不活」译为The baby is just too undersized to survive,其中undersized 显然比 small 确切。🎈「救人要救彻!”即“救人不能半途放弃」,现译为shouldn’t give up halfway,正话反说,增强表达效果。🎈「让我先将小孩洗好了再想办法……」→让我先将小孩洗好了,然后再……,译文中before…指「未明确表示的内容」太阳已经从江左的山岸中爬上来一丈多高了。江风缓和地吹着, 完全失掉了它那夜间的狂暴的力量。从遥远的,江流的右岸的尖端,缓缓地爬过来了一条大城市的尾巴的轮廓。The sun had just risen above the mountains on the left bank of the river. The wind, devoid of its previous night’s vehemence, was blowing softly. Beyond the distant right bank, the contour of the small end of a sprawling town gradually came into sight.🎈rise是不及物动词&不规则动词(rise–rose-risen),表示「向上运动」。raise是及物动词&规则动词(raise-raised-raised),表示「提起或举起某物」🎈Beyond the distant right bank中beyond是介词,表示「在…的另一边;在…那一边」,如:On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of apple trees.他右边是一个生机勃勃的菜园,菜园的另一边是一个小小的苹果园。🎈「缓缓地爬过来了一条大城市的尾巴的轮廓」意即「大城市的邻近地区慢慢隐约可见」,译为the contour of the small end of a sprawling town gradually came into sight,其中the small end的意思是「城市的外围或周边地区」。又,「大城市」译为a sprawling town,其中sprawling本作「向外延伸」解。母亲慈悲相地将孩子包好,送到产妇的身边,一边用毯子盖着,一边对她说:“快到九江了,你好好地看着这孩子……恭喜你啊!是一个好看的小姑娘哩!……我们就去替你想办法的。……”产妇似乎清醒了一些,睁开着眼睛,感激地流岀了两行眼泪。After fondly swathing the newborn baby and covering it with the blanket, mother showed it to the woman, saying, “We’re nearing Jiujiang now. Take good care of the baby … Congratulations! What a pretty baby girl! … We’ll see what we can do to help you …” The woman seemed to have regained consciousness and opened her eyes, tears of gratitude trickling down her cheeks.🎈「母亲慈悲相地将孩子包好」按「怜爱地将孩子包好」之意译为fondly swathing the newborn baby。其中,fondly意为「慈爱地、温情地」🎈Jiujiang — A river port on the southern bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtse River in northern Jiangxi Province.🎈男/女婴 baby boy/girl新生儿 newborn baby/infant🎈tears of gratitude trickling down her cheeks是独立主格结构。在统舱和房舱里,母亲用了真正的慈善家似的脸相,叫我端着一个盘子,同着她向搭客们普遍地募起捐来。然而,结果是大失所望。除了一两个人肯丢下一张当一角或两角的钞票以外,剩下来的仅仅是一些铜元;Taking on the look of a real philanthropist, mother had me accompany her with a tray in my hand visiting both steerage and cabin passengers to solicit donations from them. But the outcome was very disappointing. Except one or two who gave a 10 or 20-cent banknote each, all gave but a few copper coins each.🎈Taking on the look of中take on表示「呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点)」Q: mother had me accompany her with a tray in my hand visiting both steerage and cabin passengers to solicit donations from them的结构分析。🎈本句难点集中在前半段,had me accompany her (with a tray in my hand) visiting…(to do)①had me accompany her涉及have sb. do sth.(要/让某人做某事)的结构②accompany her visiting…涉及accompany sb. doing sth. (正在陪某人做某事)的结构。🎈Except one or two who gave…:one or two(+名词复数),谓语动词用复数形式例句One or two girls are needed for the group dance.a +名词单数+or two,谓语动词用单数形式例句A boy or two is playing in the garden now.一数,不少不多,刚刚合得上大洋一元三角。母亲深沉地叹着气说:“做好事的人怎么这样少啊!”从几层的纸包里,找出自己仅仅多余的一元钱来,凑了上去。Altogether, the contributions added up to only exactly one dollar and thirty cents. Mother sighed deeply, “Good-hearted people are hard to come by.” She decided to contribute the only dollar coin she had on her. She produced it meticulously after removing several paper wrappings.🎈总计为,合计达add up to🎈「不少不多」按「恰好」之意,处理为exactly。🎈 弄到、得到、找到 come byIn rural France, English language magazines are rather hard to come by.在法国乡村,很难找到英语杂志。🎈She produced it meticulously中produce一词表示「出示;拿出;亮出」,并不是我们熟知的「生产」之意。“快到九江了!”母亲再次走到船后,将铜板、角票和洋钱捏在手中,对产妇说:“这里是二元多钱,你可以收藏一点,等等账房先生来时你自己再对他说,给他少一点,求他将你带到芜湖!……当然,”母亲又补上去一句:“我也可以替你帮忙说一说的……”Mother again went to the back part of the ship to see the woman, with coppers, banknotes and silver coins in hand, saying, “We’re pretty close to Jiujiang now! Here is more than two dollars. Talk to the accountant when he comes and ask him to let you travel to Wuhu at a reduced fare, so that you can keep some of the money for yourself… Of course I’ll try to put in a word for you too …”🎈「你可以收藏一点」译作了so that you can keep some of the money for yourself,其中so that是添加成分,注意对原文语序的调整。🎈put in a word for you中put in取「插话、作补充」之意。产妇勉强地挣起半边身子,流着眼泪,伸手战栗地接着钱钞,放在毯子下。但是,母亲却突然地望着那掀起的毯子角落,大声地呼叫了起来:“怎么!你的孩子?……”The woman barely managed to prop herself up with tears in her eyes and reached out her tremulous hand for the money. As she was putting away the money under the blanket, mother exclaimed as her eyes fell on the lifted corner of the blanket, “Hey, where is your baby?”🎈支撑、维持 prop up…/prop…up🎈「伸手战栗地接着钱钞」译为reached out her tremulous hand for the money,其中副词「战栗地」转化为形容词tremulous。🎈把…收起、放好 put away那女人慌张而且惶惧地一言不发,让眼泪一滴赶一滴地顺着腮边跑将下来,沉重地打落在毯子上。“你不是将她抛了吗?你这狠心的女人!”“我,我,我……”她嚅嚅地,悲伤地低着头,终于什么都说不出。Flurried and uneasy, the woman didn’t say a word, tears rolling down her cheeks to plop on the blanket. “So you’ve thrown her away? You heartless woman!” “I, I, I …” she faltered and then hung her head in grief and utter silence.🎈Flurried and uneasy形容词(组)作伴随状语。🎈tears rolling down her cheeks to plop on the blanket是独立主格结构。🎈「嚅嚅地」即吞吞吐吐,故选用falter(支支吾吾)一词。🎈「悲伤地低着头,终于什么都说不出」中的「悲伤地」和「什么都说不出」合并处理为in grief and utter silence。母亲好久好久地站立着,眼睛盯着江岸,盯着那缓缓地爬过来的、九江的繁华的街市而不作声。浪花在船底哭泣着,翻腾着!——不知道从哪一个泡沫里,卷去了那一个无辜的,纤弱的灵魂!Mother stood for a long while staring at the river bank and the busy streets of Jiujiang approaching slowly and quietly from afar. The spray of the breaking water under the ship was weeping — weeping over the innocent feeble life carried away by the whirling current.🎈approaching slowly and quietly from afar中from afar是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。🎈浪花在船底哭泣着,翻腾着!——不知道……译作The spray of the breaking water under the ship was weeping — weeping over…,其中weep over表示「因……而哭泣、流泪」。又,浪花翻腾的声音即在哭泣,故只译出weep。茶房们又跑来了,这一回是奉了账房先生的命令,要将她赶上岸去的。他们两个人不说情由地将她拖着,一个人替她卷着我们给她的那条弄满血污的毯子。The two stewards showed up again, this time to drive the woman ashore by order of the accountant. They dragged her roughly. One of the two rolled up the blood-stained blanket we had given her.🎈ashore到岸上、在岸上:前缀a-表示「向着、至」之义。🎈「不说情由地将她拖着」译作dragged her roughly,其中roughly表示using force or not being careful and gentle,描写茶房们动作的粗暴。船停了。母亲的全部慈善事业完全落了空。当她望着茶房们一面拖着那产妇抛上岸去,一面拾着地上流落的铜板和洋钱的时候,她几乎哭了起来。The ship anchored. Mother’s act of benevolence had come to nothing. Watching the stewards dragging the woman ashore and picking up the coppers and silver coins from the ground, she could hardly keep back her tears.🎈「船停了」译作The ship anchored,anchor专指「船只抛锚停泊」,比stop更确切。🎈「她几乎哭了起来」译作she could hardly keep back her tears,「几乎哭了起来」处理为「几乎不能逼回眼泪」,正话反说,增强表达效果。🔥必背词汇bespectacled adj.人戴眼镜的英义Someone who is bespectacled is wearing glasses.例句a bespectacled grandmother 戴着眼镜的老奶奶light adj.清晨或黄昏天色亮的英义If it is light, the sun is providing light at the beginning or end of the day.例句It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek.我们到达拉隆溪时天还没黑。shriek n.(因惊讶或疼痛等)尖叫英义a loud high shout, for example one that you make when you are excited, frightened or in pain.例句shrieks of fiendish laughter刺耳的尖声狂笑aloft adv.(因惊讶或疼痛等)尖叫英义Something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground.例句He held the trophy proudly aloft.他自豪地高举起奖杯。berth n.(因惊讶或疼痛等)尖叫英义A berth is a bed on a boat, train, or caravan.例句Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could.戈德林订了他能订到的最早一班船的铺位。philanthropist n.慈善家;乐善好施者英义A philanthropist is someone who freely gives money and help to people who need it.例句a rich philanthropist富有的慈善家solicit v.请求给予(金钱、帮助、支持等);征求(意见)英义If you solicit money, help, support, or an opinion from someone, you ask them for it.例句He’s already solicited their support on health care reform.他已就医疗改革问题请求他们的支持。prop v.架;搁;靠英义If you prop an object on or against something, you support it by putting something underneath it or by resting it somewhere.例句He propped his bike against the bus.他把自行车靠在公共汽车上。🔥重点表达把某人从酣睡中叫醒wake sb. out of a sound sleep值班,当班on duty按……的命令by order of腋窝 arm pits你这傻瓜!you silly!在夜色的掩护下under cover of night替你说说好话put in a good word for you哇啦哇啦地闹了起来kick up a row跺脚 stamp one’s feet早起的人early risers蜷缩huddle up大部分;大体上;很大程度上for the most part少量的 a handful of(常因害怕等)后退、退缩 back away临盆imminent delivery(因)……咒骂某人curse sb. for…半途放弃、半途而废give up halfway男/女婴 baby boy/girl新生儿 newborn baby/infant总计为,合计达add up to弄到、得到、找到 come by支撑、维持 prop up…/prop…up把…收起、放好 put away完全落了空come to nothing🔥复盘测试把某人从酣睡中叫醒值班,当班按……的命令腋窝 你这傻瓜! 在夜色的掩护下替你说说好话哇啦哇啦地闹了起来跺脚 早起的人蜷缩大部分;大体上;很大程度上少量的(常因害怕等)后退、退缩 临盆(因)……咒骂某人半途放弃、半途而废男/女婴 新生儿总计为,合计达弄到、得到、找到支撑、维持 把…收起、放好 完全落了空🔥表达对比「流」有几种表达?手腕上的伤口还在「渗血」From the cut on his wrist the blood was still oozing.小溪和沟渠「流水潺潺」The streams and ditches bubbled and chattered with rushing water.地上「横流」着一大滩秽水。The floor was wet with a pool of dirty water.额角上「冒出」着豆大的汗珠。Her forehead was dripping with beads of sweat.产妇似乎清醒了一些,睁开着眼睛,感激地「流岀了」两行眼泪。The woman seemed to have regained consciousness and opened her eyes, tears of gratitude trickling down her cheeks.