The Window端木蕻良Duanmu Hongliang三月清晨,把窗子推开,第一片阳光便飞到人们的全身。对着阳光带进来的新鲜空气,任谁都要深吸一口,说:春天来了!When you throw open your window on an early morning in March, you will at once be totally exposed to the sun’s first rays and, inhaling deeply of the fresh air brought in by them, exclaim, “Spring is here!”Q:翻译时应该以什么为主语?🎈通读原文我们可知,原文这两句话所隐含的主语为人。因此,翻译时要将主语补充出来,即When you…。使用第二人称「你」有作为说话人的作者将读者当作听话人的感觉,相比较其他人称,第二人称更显直接、亲切且自然。因此,遇到中文中主语隐含时,在翻译时通常将主语以第二人称译出。🎈「把窗子推开」可译作throw open the window,也可译作open the window,但前者更贴合原意。🎈「第一片阳光」在这里是具有文学色彩的模糊描述,因此在翻译时不宜直译,应根据理解译作the sun’s first rays,意为「第一缕阳光」。就这样,春天从窗口走近了我们。Yes, it is through the window that spring manages to approach us.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「就这样」在原文中起停顿语气的作用,并无实意,因此在翻译时不宜直译为like this,译作yes则更符合英文表达。🎈翻译时使用了强调结构it is…that…以及manages to,两处都有增强表达效果的作用。但是,可不要忘记,不是从有房子那天起,我们就有窗子的呢!But don’t forget that not all houses have been windowed ever since man first began to build them.Q:翻译中的时态该怎么处理?🎈原文可理解为「不是从人们建造房子起,所有的房子都已经有窗户了」,由此可知,「所有的房子都已经有窗户了」的时态为现在完成时态,「人们建造房子」发生在这之前,因此使用一般过去时态即可,即译作not all houses have been windowed ever since man first began to build them。其中not all为部分否定用法,意为「并非都…」,「不是所有都…」。🎈「有房子」理解为「人们建造房子」,可译作man first began to build them。「有窗子」理解为「房子装上窗户」,含被动语意,可译作not all houses have been windowed,其中window用作动词,意为「在…上安窗户」。我们的兄弟,爱斯基摩人用冰块建筑的房子,像个白玉的钟罩一般,是没有什么窗子的。Our Eskimo brothers’ houses, built of large blocks of frozen snow and shaped like white-jade clock covers, have no windows at all.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈根据理解可知,这里是对爱斯基摩人建造的房子的形容,句子主干内容为「爱斯基摩人的房子是没有窗户的」,原文其余内容在翻译时可处理为「房子」的修饰成分,即Our Eskimo brothers’ houses, built of large blocks of frozen snow and shaped like white-jade clock covers,其中Our Eskimo brothers对应原文的「我们的兄弟,爱斯基摩人」。🎈「冰块」应译为blocks of frozen snow或blocks of hard snow,不能译为blocks of ice,因为爱斯基摩人盖房子用的是冻结的硬雪块而非冰块。过去的鄂伦春兄弟们住的“神仙柱”,因为没有屋顶,在屋里,到晚上可以看到头上的月亮和星光,也就无须开窗子了。Our Oroqen brothers used to live in roofless houses with no need for windows because they could in the evening enjoy the moon and stars overhead indoors.Q:「神仙柱」为什么不译出?🎈「神仙柱」是鄂伦春人传统的住所,也是鄂伦春单个小家庭的代名词,是根据其民居外形特点进行命名的。因国外读者对这种民居有所了解的人少之又少,因此若直译则会增加其理解难度,故直接取其主要特点,译作roofless houses,简单易懂。最早的人类山顶洞人走下山来,不知住过多少代,才懂得造个窝儿的时候,他们也只会模仿岩洞,把地挖个半截坑、上面再搭上个顶篷。Man’s ancestors had been cave-dwellers before they left their mountains to settle on the plain. It was not until countless generations later that they began to build dwellings patterned after a cave — with an awning over a shallow pit in the ground.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈Man’s ancestors had been cave-dwellers before they left their mountains to settle on the plain.是对山顶洞人最初的居所的简单介绍,是根据原文内容进行的必要补充,使译文更易于读者理解。🎈「把地挖个半截坑、上面再搭上个顶篷」可以理解为「一个浅坑上再加一个顶篷」,可译作 with an awning over a shallow pit in the ground。至于窗子,就谈不上了。There was no window to speak of.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「至于…谈不上」在英文中有对应表达There was … to speak of。在翻译时多使用英文中已有的对应表达可以使译文语言变得更加地道,这就要求我们在平时的练习中注重对重点表达的积累。房墙上开窗子是后来的事。随着窗子的开凿和扩大,人类文明的曙光也随着扩大。Making a window in the wall was a much later invention. As the popularity of windows grew, so did the civilization of man develop.Q:「后来的事」可不可以直接译作something that took place much later?🎈「后来的事」既可以直接译作something that took place much later,也可译作a much later invention,但相比较而言,后者更为简练且更加贴合原文语意。🎈同样地,「随着窗子的开凿和扩大,人类文明的曙光也随着扩大」按照字面直译并非不可,但相比于意译作As the popularity of windows grew, so did the civilization of man develop.,直译显得不够利落。因此,除准确度外,行文简洁利落也是我们需要考虑到的。窗子,自从它出现的那天起,它就成为阳光的眼睛,空气的港口,成了自然和社会的纽带。The window, ever since its birth, has been an entrance to sunlight, a port for taking in fresh air, and a tie between nature and human society.Q:「阳光的眼睛」和「空气的港口」为什么没有按照字面直译?🎈在这里,「阳光的眼睛」可理解为阳光从此而来,即「阳光的入口」,是一种形象表达,因此译作an entrance to sunlight。同样地,「空气的港口」可以理解为可以呼吸新鲜空气的港口,即译作a port for taking in fresh air。随着时间流逝,层楼的加多,窗子也越来越多了。With the passage of time and increase of tall buildings, more and more windows have appeared.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈看到原文开头的「随着…」,我们可以想到在英文中「with+名词」的结构可以表达这一语意,且符合英文属静态语言的特点,比直接翻译为as引导的时间状语从句更加简洁。看到高层的建筑,就会惊叹窗子是房屋最鲜明的象征。没有窗子的房子,几乎也就没法把它唤作屋子了。Now, at the sight of a multi-storey building, one cannot help exclaiming at how the window is so symbolic of the house. Without a window, a house could hardly be called as such.Q:「没有窗子的房子,几乎也就没法把它唤作屋子了」中「房子」和「屋子」这样的同义词该怎么处理?🎈如我们所知,英文表达忌重复,因此在翻译时遇到原文出现同义词的情况,我们一般要通过转换表达的方式来避免重复。在这里,「房子」和「屋子」为同义词,可翻译为a house could hardly be called as such,其中as such意为像这样的,指代前文已经提到的house。有谁未曾享受过开窗的喜悦呢?打开窗子,突然见到青山闯了进来,打开窗子,看到柳色的清新,小燕的飞来……Who hasn’t experienced great delight in opening a window? The moment you open it, you will be immediately struck by imposing blue mountains, fresh green willows, little swallows flying towards you…Q:「突然见到青山闯了进来」该怎么翻译?🎈这里是指打开窗户便看到了青山,和后文的「柳色的清新」「小燕的飞来」都为打开窗户后看到的景色,因此可以整合译作The moment you open it, you will be immediately struck by imposing blue mountains, fresh green willows, little swallows flying towards you…其中be immediately struck by意为立刻被…打动。🎈「柳色的清新」和「小燕的飞来」属中文里的偏正结构,其强调的重心分别为「柳色」和「小燕」,因此翻译时不宜直译,则应译作fresh green willows, little swallows flying towards you。窗子开了,用不着打招呼,新的空气就会猛扑进来。Open the window, and fresh air will break in upon your room.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句可以理解为「打开窗户,新鲜空气就会进入房间内」,可译作Open the window, and fresh air will break in upon your room.「用不着打招呼」可不必直译,break in已表达其语意。🎈这一句还可以译作Open the window, and fresh air will rush into the room without waiting to get permission。当然,随之而来的,也有风沙飞入屋中。还有,眼睛看不到的微尘,还有很难发觉的细菌,有的是出面拜访,有的是偷偷地混了进来……Of course, grains of sand will simultaneously be brought in too. So will invisible dust particles and bacteria, either openly or surreptitiously…Q:「有的是出面拜访,有的是偷偷地混了进来」该怎么翻译?🎈这里是指灰尘进入屋内有时可以发现,有时却无法察觉,原文是将「微尘」拟人化进行表达的。可译作So will invisible dust particles and bacteria, either openly or surreptitiously…其中省略了与上文相同的谓语be brought,either openly or surreptitiously对应原文的「出面拜访」和「偷偷地混了进来」,这样表达更加简洁地道。🎈这里的「风沙」是指「沙粒」,故译作grains of sand。从古到今多少诗人赞美过窗子,多少歌手歌唱过窗子,多少情人的眼睛凝望过窗子……From ancient times to the present, innumerable poets have sung their praises of the window, innumerable singers have extolled it, innumerable lovers have fixed their dreamy eyes on it…Q:「多少情人的眼睛凝望过窗子」该怎么翻译?🎈此处动作的发出者是「情人」,因此翻译时应以lovers为主语,即innumerable lovers have fixed their dreamy eyes on it,其中dreamy为增益内容,意为出神的,用在此处是为了更好地表达原文语意。窗子的变化,是值得人们考察一番的。The evolution of the window is worthy of our study.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「人们考察一番的」译作our study符合英文属静态语言这一特点,且our比直译为people’s更为亲切,更易与读者产生共鸣。小小的窗子,几乎可以说,是文明的眼睛。在今后的日子里,窗子的变化会更加多种多样了。Small as it is, the window has opened man’s eyes to civilization. In the days to come, its changes will become even more manifold.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈原文开头部分暗含让步语气,在翻译可以将其体现出来,即Small as it is, the window…,有增强语气的效果。🎈「是文明的眼睛」是指人们对于文明的认识了解,因此译作the window has opened man’s eyes to civilization。🎈In the days to come中to come为不定式结构作后置定语的用法,表将要做…窗子的玻璃会随着时钟,自动调和射进室内的光线,窗子会随着明暗变换颜色,窗框上装有循环水,它可以为居室的主人带走很多他发觉不到的天敌,又可以送进来他需要而又不易得到的芳香和养分……The window pane will, along with the tick-tick of the clock, automatically regulate light streaming into the room and change its own colour according to interior illumination. The window frame will be filled with circulatory water to remove things harmful to the resident without his knowledge and carry to him fragrance and nutrients which he much needs but are otherwise hard for him to get.Q:原文句子较长,该怎么翻译?🎈根据原文内容,原文前三个小句的主语为「窗子的玻璃」,其余的小句则是以「窗框」为主语的,在翻译也可以按照这样来划分处理。🎈原文是作者对于未来的窗户功能的设想,因此翻译时应使用一般将来时。有的窗子不需开合,便能做到通风透光,它还可以把你不愿听到的声音关到外边,但是悦耳的琴声,它是不会阻拦的……Some windows will ensure good ventilation and transparency without manual manipulation. They will keep out disturbing noises and let in sweet music.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「有的窗子不需开合,便能做到通风透光」是指不需要借助人的外力,窗户自身既可以做到通风透光,据此可译作Some windows will ensure good ventilation and transparency without manual manipulation.其中without manual manipulation要比直译为without having to be opened or closed更符合原文语意。🎈「把你不愿听到的声音关到外边,但是悦耳的琴声,它是不会阻拦的」是指阻隔不愿听到的声音,同时让悦耳的音乐传进来,即译作keep out disturbing noises and let in sweet music。打开窗子吧!现在开窗子就不光是为了迎进阳光、空气,或者远眺青山的青、新柳的绿、燕子飞来的掠影……而是迎接一个新的世纪!Let’s open the window! Open it not just to let in sunlight and air or to get a distant view of blue mountains, fresh green willows and swallows in flight…, but, more importantly, to usher in a new century!Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「青山的青、新柳的绿、燕子飞来的掠影」为三个偏正结构,翻译时要根据内容抓住其核心意思,可译作blue mountains, fresh green willows and swallows in flight。🎈more importantly是译文中的增益成分,起到加强语气的作用。🔥必背词汇inhale v.吸入;吸气英义to take air, smoke, gas, etc. into your lungs as you breathe 例句She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.她合上双眼,深深吸了一口气。surreptitious adj.秘密的;趁人不注意赶紧进行的英义done secretly or quickly, in the hope that other people will not notice 例句She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch.她偷偷看了一眼手表。dreamy adj.似在梦中的;模糊的;朦胧的;恍惚的英义as if you are in a dream or asleep 例句He moved in the dreamy way of a man in a state of shock.他像受到惊吓似的恍恍惚惚。manifold adj.多的;多种多样的;许多种类的英义(formal) many; of many different types 例句The possibilities were manifold.有很多的可能性。stream v.照射英义When light streams into or out of a place, it shines strongly into or out of it. 例句Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard. 阳光照到院子里。usher v.把…引往;引导;引领英义to take or show sb where they should go 例句The secretary ushered me into his office.秘书把我领进他的办公室。🔥重点表达把窗子推开 throw open your window无须 with no need for模仿岩洞 build dwellings patterned after a cave至于…就谈不上了 There was no to speak of.惊叹 exclaim at是…最鲜明的象征 is so symbolic of赞美 sing one’s praises of凝望 fix one’s dreamy eyes on变得更加多种多样 become even more manifold不需开合 without manual manipulation做到通风透光 ensure good ventilation and transparency迎接一个新的世纪 usher in a new century远眺 get a distant view of 🔥复盘测试把窗子推开无须模仿岩洞至于…就谈不上了惊叹是…最鲜明的象征赞美凝望变得更加多种多样不需开合做到通风透光迎接一个新的世纪远眺🔥表达对比有关「赞美」的不同表达我们的文化赞美个人主义和自力更生 We live in a culture that celebrates individualism and self-reliance如果赞美那些把醒着的时间都奉献给工作祭坛的人, Glorifying those who sacrifice nearly all of their waking hours at the altar of work harms everyone,自古以来的人都赞美它,希望它长在人间。Men have praised it since ancient times, hoping for it to stay in the human world forever.举起两手赞美上天所给予我们的生命, I would hold high both hands in praise of life given us by Heaven 他们只知道我会写小说,却不曾读过我的作品,即使有机会读到它们,也未必会赞美。They knew I was a novelist, but they had never read any of my works, and even if they had, they probably wouldn’t have appreciated them.我赞美前一辈父亲的美德,而自己却不能跟着他们的步伐走去。Much as I admire father and people of his time for their moral excellence, I can never follow in their footsteps.让那些看不起民众、贱视民众、顽固的倒退的人们去赞美那贵族化的楠木(那也是直挺秀颀的),去鄙视这极常见、极易生长的白杨树罢,我要高声赞美白杨树!The reactionary diehards, who despise and snub the common people, can do whatever they like to eulogize the elite nanmu (which is also tall, straight and good-looking) and look down upon the common, fast-growing white poplar. I, for my part, will be loud in my praise of the latter!赞美胆量大的,精力强的 I extol the plucky and the strong in heart.