Dusk –Guo Moruo我携着三个孩子在屋后草场中嬉戏着的时候,夕阳正烧着海上的天壁,眉痕的新月已经出现在鲜红的云缝里了。While my three kids, accompanied by myself, were frolicking about on the meadow behind our house, the sky above the distant edge of the sea was aglow with the setting sun and the crescent new moon was already peeping out from behind the scarlet clouds. Q:为什么不是“accompanied by me”而是by myself?🎈“我携着”译为accompanied by myself,其中myself比me更确切,不但读来顺口,且能加强语气,突出“亲自”的含义。🎈“海上的天壁”指“海边的上空”,不宜直译,宜用加字法处理:the sky above the distant edge of the sea。🎈“鲜红的云”译为the scarlet clouds。颜色词scarlet在此比red更确切,因scarlet的意思是very bright red,与原文“鲜红”一致。 草场中放牧着的几条黄牛,不时曳着悠长的鸣声,好像在叫它们的主人快来牵它们回去。A few cows grazing on the pasture let out a long drawn-out moo now and then as if urging their master to lead them home as quickly as possible. Q:原文中的“曳”怎么翻译?🎈“曳着悠长的鸣声”中的“曳”意思同“拖”或“拉”,结合上下文译为let out,意同utter(发出),为英语常用成语。又“鸣声”译为moo,为英语拟声词,指牛的叫声,相当于汉语的“哞”。 我们的两只母鸡和几只鸡雏,先先后后地从邻寺的墓地里跑回来了。Our two mother hens and their baby chicks were scurrying homeward one after another from the graveyard of the nearby monastery. Q:母鸡和鸡雏直接译成“hens and chicks”可以吗?🎈“我们的两只母鸡和几只鸡雏”译为Our two mother hens and their baby chicks,其中mother和baby是为加强译文效果而添加的定语,前者作“母”解,后者作“幼小”解,如果去掉mother和baby当然也是不能算错的,但是对比不够强烈。立在厨房门内的孩子们的母亲向门外的沙地上撒了一握米粒出来。The kids’ mother, standing by the kitchen door, sprinkled a handful of rice onto the sandy ground in the open. Q:这里的in the open怎么理解?🎈这个为固定短语,表示“露天的,“野外的”,“户外地”。母鸡们咯咯咯地叫起来了,鸡雏们也啁啁地争食起来了。At the clucking of the hens, the chicks scrambled for the feed, chirping. Q:这个句子at作为什么成分?两个分句间有前后关系吗?🎈其中介词At表示时间,即先后两个动作很快相继发生,或后面一个动作是前面一个动作的反应。所以时间上存在先后关系,在此指母鸡一叫,小鸡立即争食。——“今年的成绩真好呢,竟养大了十只。” “We’ve done quite well this year, with ten chicks growing fast,” beamed my wife. Q:beamed my wife是哪里来的?原文中没有呀?🎈beamed my wife(妻微笑地或欣喜的说)是添加成分,原文虽无其词却有其意,属于译者的增译。欢愉的音波,在金色的暮霭中游泳。The joyous sound wave drifted through the golden evening mist. Q:为什么不用swim?🎈swim肯定是不好的,指代在水里游泳,而drift有“漂流/漂进/无意间发生”等意思,不论是直译还是意译还是延伸义上都比较合适。🔥必背词汇aglow adj.光照融融;发红光英义shining with warmth and colour or happiness· 例句The sky was aglow with sunset colours.夕阳的光辉染红了天空。crescent n.新月形;月牙形英义a curved shape that is wide in the middle and pointed at each enda crescent moon 例句The moon was a brightly shining crescent.那晚的月亮是一弯闪闪发亮的新月。peep v.(尤指通过小孔)窥视,偷看英义o look quickly and secretly at sth, especially through a small opening例句We caught her peeping through the keyhole. 她从锁孔偷看时,被我们撞着了。scurry v.碎步疾跑英义to run with quick short steps近义词scuttle例句She said goodbye and scurried back to work. 她说声再见,然后扭头跑回去干活了。 扩充scurry away 匆匆跑开hurry scurry 手忙脚乱地干scurry off 窜逃cluck英义1when a chicken clucks, it makes a series of short low soundsv.(鸡)格格地叫,发出格格声英义2to make a short low sound with your tongue to show that you feel sorry for sb or that you disapprove of sth(表示遗憾或不赞成)发出啧啧声例句The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child’s story. 对那小孩讲述的遭遇,老师啧啧地表示同情。scramble v.行走;攀爬英义to move quickly, especially with difficulty, using your hands to help you例句She managed to scramble over the wall. 她好不容易翻过墙。chirp v.吱喳叫;唧唧叫;发啁啾声英义(of small birds and some insects 小鸟或某些昆虫)· to make short high sounds例句She hear nothing but the chirps and whirr of insect.除了虫的鸣叫声外,她什么也没听见。beam n.笑容;眉开眼笑英义a wide and happy smile 例句a beam of satisfaction 满意的笑容 扩充off beam 不正确;错误英义not correct; wrong例句Your calculation is way off beam. 你的计算完全错误。joyous adj.高兴的;快乐的;令人愉快的英义adj. (literary)· very happy; causing people to be happy·近义词joyful例句joyous laughter 快乐的笑声 例句The couple’s engagement was announced in a joyous spirit.在快乐的气氛中宣布了这对新人的订婚。🔥重点表达悠长的(牛)鸣声a long drawn-out moo邻寺的墓地the graveyard of the nearby monastery敦促某人做某事urge sb. to do sth.立在厨房门内stand by the kitchen door撒了一握(把)米sprinkle a handful of rice门外的in the open争食scramble for the feed欢愉的音波joyous sound金色的暮霭the golden evening mist🔥句子回译1、携着三个孩子在屋后草场中嬉戏着的时候,夕阳正烧着海上的天壁,眉痕的新月已经出现在鲜红的云缝里了。2、我们的两只母鸡和几只鸡雏,先先后后地从邻寺的墓地里跑回来了。3、母鸡们咯咯咯地叫起来了,鸡雏们也啁啁地争食起来了。4、欢愉的音波,在金色的暮霭中游泳。🔥表达对比来看看「嬉戏」还可以怎么翻译?1.寄语年轻朋友,千万要持之以恒的从事运动,这不是「嬉戏」,不是浪费时间。Dear young friends, my advice to you is: Do physical exercises perseveringly. That has nothing to do with merry-making or time-wasting.2.小孩子们和狗们在那座花园里「嬉戏」喧闹。Dogs and little children romped happily in the garden.3.孩子们在史密斯学会的门前雀跃「嬉戏」。Children capered around in front of the Smithsonian Institution.🔥来看看「撒/洒」在不同的语境中还可以怎么翻译?1.月亮在院子里「洒」下清辉。The moon cast a bright light over the garden.2.他们在结冰的路上「撒」沙子和盐。They were spreading grit and salt on the icy road. 3.汤姆「撒」了一把亮闪闪的新硬币作为回应,让大家去抢。Tom responded by scattering a handful of bright new coins abroad for the multitude to scramble for.