Stars on a Snowy Night –Bing Xin我怡然一笑,也指着对山的一星灯火说:“那边是丘比特(Jupiter)呢!” 愈指愈多。I beamed and said pointing to a tiny lamplight on the opposite mountain, “It’s Jupiter over there!” More and more lights came into sight as we kept pointing here and there.Q:“愈指愈多”怎么翻译?🎈虽然只有四个字,但是直译是无法成句的,核心的要点就是把四个字到底表达了什么意思解释出来。前面指的是一处灯火,“愈指”就是指的次数变多了, “愈多”相应地就是说看到的灯火也变多了。松林中射来零乱的风灯,都成了满天星宿。真的,雪花隙里,看不出天空和森林的界限,将繁灯当作繁星,简直是抵得过。Lights from hurricane lamps flickering about in the pine forest created the scene of a star-studded sky. With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars. Q:其中的pass for as怎么理解?🎈“将繁灯当作繁星,简直是抵得过”译为the numerous lamplights now easily passed for as many stars,其中短语to pass for的意思是“被看作”、“被当作”等,后面的as不是固定搭配中的成分,是as stars,像星星一样。一念至诚的将假作真,灯光似乎都从地上飘起。这幻成的星光,都不移动,不必半夜梦醒时,再去追寻它们的位置。 于是雨雪寂寞之夜,也有了慰安了。Completely lost in make-believe world, I seemed to see all the lamplights drifting from the ground. With the illusory stars hanging still overhead, I was spared the effort of tracing their positions when I woke up from my dreams in the dead of night. Thus I found consolation even on a lonely snowy night!Q:这里的I was spared怎么理解?🎈spare可以接双宾语,spare sb. sth.所以这里是将sb.作为主语转换成了被动态,强调这份“省下的努力”来源于“不移动的星光”而不是“我”本身。Q:dead作为名词不是“死亡”的意思吗?这里怎么理解?🎈dead作为名词是有“死亡/死者”的意思,但这里是俚语in the dead of night,表示夜深人静的时候,作为固定搭配背诵,积累。🔥必背词汇beam(熟词生义) v.笑容满面;眉开眼笑英义to have a big happy smile on your face例句He beamed at the journalists. 他笑容满面地面对记者。 例句She was positively beaming with pleasure. 她的确喜不自胜。近义词laugh: 最常用词,指因喜悦、愉快或轻视而出声的笑或大笑。smile: 指面露微笑,侧重于无声。siggle: 指发出咯咯的笑声,较多地用于女人或孩子。grin: 指露齿而笑。beam: 书面用词,指人因心情舒畅而发出的笑,即喜形于色地笑。sneer: 指冷笑、嘲笑。flicker v.闪烁;闪现;忽隐忽现;摇曳英义(of a light or a flame 灯光或火焰)· to keep going on and off as it shines or burns例句The lights flickered and went out. 灯光闪了闪就熄了。 obscure v. 使模糊;使隐晦;使费解英义to make it difficult to see, hear or understand sth例句The view was obscured by fog. 雾中景色朦胧。consolation n.使感到安慰的人(或事);安慰;慰藉英义a person or thing that makes you feel better when you are unhappy or disappointed例句If it’s any consolation, she didn’t get the job, either. 不知道这能不能安慰你,但她也没有得到那份工作。扩充consolation prize 安慰奖🔥重点表达看到…sth. come into sight繁星点点的star-studded被看作;被当做to pass for假装的;假想的make-believe从地上飘起drift from the ground夜深人静的时候in the dead of night满天星宿a star-studded sky繁灯the numerous lamp-lights寂寞之夜a lonely night慰安consolation🔥句子回译1、我怡然一笑,也指着对山的一星灯火说:“那边是丘比特(Jupiter)呢!” 愈指愈多。2、这幻成的星光,都不移动,不必半夜梦醒时,再去追寻它们的位置。🔥表达对比我们来看看「追寻」除了文中的trace,在不同的语境中还可以怎么翻译呢?1、她「追寻」历险,“害怕渺小”。She sought adventure and was “afraid of smallness.”2、这种需求通常来自「追寻」快速资本利得的投机性投资者。Such demand often comes from speculative investors looking for a chance of quick capital gains. 3、「追寻」一段永世难忘的史实In the Pursuit of a Haunting and Timeless Truth