《许渊冲译牡丹亭》第二本 第三出 肃苑 -《牡丹亭》英译-《牡丹亭》中英双语赏析

第三出 肃苑[1]
































































































东郊风物正薰馨, 崔日用

应喜家山接女星[30]。 陈陶

莫遣儿童触红粉[31]。 韦应物

便教莺语太丁宁。 杜甫

































Scene 3 The Garden

(Enter Fragrant Spring.)

Fragrant (Singing to the tune of Breeze-rippled River):

I’m Fragrant Spring,

More than a maid

Taking care of everything.

Attention paid

To my young mistress,

Her make up and her dress,

I often by her dressing table stand,

Arranging flowers with my hand.

Together we do embroidery in the hall,

And burn incense at nightfall.

But the old dame

Says always I’m to blame.

“A maiden in her teens is blossoming;

Love will awake in her heart when comes spring.

She’ll wait till comes a gallant butterfly,

Then they will go step by step, eye to eye.”

I keep company with my young mistress day and night. Though she is a beauty of the country, she is decent and prudent to keep her family honor. Her young face looks tender and shy, yet she appears more dignified than her age. When the tutor engaged by our lord taught herThe Book of Songs, she sighed at the verseA good young man is wooing a fair maiden he loves. Closing the book, she said, here we can see the heart of a sage and the feeling shared alike by the ancients and the modern. Seeing her a bit tired, I suggested to take it easy and have fun. Hesitating for a moment, she rose and asked me how to have fun and while away the time. I said I know of no other way than strolling in the back garden. She was afraid our lord would not allow her. Then I reminded her that our lord has been visiting the countryside for a few days. Bowing her head, she thought it over and consulted the calendar, saying that the next day will not do, nor will the day after, but the third day is good, for a minor god will go on a trip on that day. So she ordered me to tell the gardener to clean the garden. I answered yes at once, though at heart I feared it might be known to our old lady. But what could be done? I can only leave it to the gardener. Ah! Here comes Master Chen along the corridor.

Oh, how enjoyable springtime should be!

But old bookworms having eyes do not see.

(Enter Master Chen.)

Chen (Singing to the previous tune):

A scholar in old age

Teaches what says the sage.

The curtain waves in vernal breeze,

On the corridor stands a maiden at ease.

She seems to seek a word to speak.

I’ll go and see who it can be.

Oh, it is Fragrant Spring

For what is she there lingering?

Where is our lord, where is our lady dear?

Why has not our young mistress come to study here?

Fragrant: Oh, it is you, Master Chen. My young mistress has no time to study these days.

Chen: How could it be so?

Fragrant: Please listen to me!

(Singing to the previous tune):

What season is it now?

How could a learned scholar know not how

To pass spring days?

Chen: In which way?

Fragrant: Master Chen, you do not know that our lord is dissatified with you.

Chen: Why?

Fragrant: Please lend me your ear! Our lord said that your lecture was so moving that the verse you explained has moved the heart of our young mistress.

Chen: I have just begun with thecooing turtledoves.

Fragrant: That is the point. My young mistress said that even a turtledove would woo by the riverside. How could a man not woo as the bird? On the one hand, a student should bury his head in books; on the other hand, he should raise it to enjoy natural scenery. Now she has told me to get ready for a visit to the back garden in a day or two.

Chen: Why should she visit the back garden?

Fragrant: She is grieved at the departure of spring, and would assuage her grief by a visit.

Chen: So much the more unreasonable.

(Singing to the previous tune):

A woman should stay in her place;

Going out she should veil her face.

It is against the rite

To be exposed to public sight.

Fragrant Spring, I am sixty now, but I have never been grieved for the departing spring, nor delighted at a visit to the garden.

Fragrant: Why not?

Chen: Don’t you know what the sage says? In a word, man should set his heart at ease.

If we feel in a garden not overjoyed.

How can we be at its departure annoyed?

Since your young mistress will not come to class, I shall take my leave for a few days.

Fragrant spring, you should come now and then to the classroom,

To clean the broidered window with a broom,

Come here and have a look

If swallows soil with clod the book.

I am leaving now.

“Fair maidens play games of grass in their bowers;

Old scholars won’t enjoy the garden flowers.” (Exit.)

Fragrant: Thank Heaven, Master Chen is gone. Where is the young gardener? (Calling)

Gardener! (Enter a young gardener a little drunk.)

Gardener (Singing to the tune of All Good):

Since my young days I take care of flowers sweet,

And sell some in stealth on the street.

But officers high or low, two or three,

Would catch hold of me.

When drunken with strong liquor, I’m carefree.

(Greeting Fragrant Spring) Here you are, dear Fragrant.

Fragrant: Do you want to be beaten for slipping out to the street for a drink? Why have you brought no vegetables in for days?

Gardener: There is the green grocer.

Fragrant: Then why have you carried no water to the house either?

Gardener: There is the water carrier.

Fragrant: Then is it your duty to send in flowers?

Gardener: I send in flowers every morning, one bunch for our old lady, and another for our young mistress.

Fragrant: Where have you sent the third bunch?

Gardener: Oh! I am to blame.

Fragrant: What is your name?

Gardener: I am just called Gardener.

Fragrant: If you can make up a song to sing of the gardener, I will spare you the whip.

Gardener: All right, see if I can please you.

(Singing to the tune of Pear Flowers):

I say a gardener is not a car tender,

You say he is not a bar tender.

Both of us say he is not a carpenter

But a guard tender.

Fragrant: I will make up another song.

(Singing to the previous tune):

A gardener will piss on a car tender.

And a car tender on a bar tender.

What if I sing your song to our lord on his return? (Seizing him by the hair) I am afraid you will get beaten and become a guard tender.

Gardener: Excuse me. May I ask what has brought you to the garden?

Fragrant: Our young mistress will pay a visit to the garden the day after tomorrow. Clean the garden paths and get ready for her visit.

Gardener: Yes, I will.

Epilogue of the Scene

How fragrant Eastern flowers are!

On out town shine the Woman Star.

If young men love the powdered face,

They would prattle with a bad grace.

未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 《许渊冲译牡丹亭》第二本 第三出 肃苑
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