第四出 春睡
[1] 羞被粉脂涴:嫌脂粉沾污了天然的肤色。羞,嫌。涴(wò),沾污。
[2] 宝篆沉烟袅:珍贵的沉水香上升起了袅袅的烟缕。篆,形容烟缕在空中蜿蜒飘扬好像篆字的样子。
[3] 宿酲:宿醉。
[4] 怙(hù)恃:父母。
[5] 绮疏:纱窗。
[6] 睃(suō):斜视。
[7] 延俄:俄延,待会儿。
[8] 步摇:一种首饰,插在鬓后,行走时会摇动的。
[9] 半弯凌波:半弯,指纤小的脚;凌波,形容行走时袅袅婷婷,好像仙女洛神在水波上行走一样。
[10] 梅娘娘:梅妃,即江采蘋。
[11] 欣可:表示满意。
[12] 龙脑:即冰片,一种香料。
[13] 美人香和:形容贵妃一身清香。
[14] 早则:早是、原来是。
[15] 掠削:梳理。
[16] 难存难坐:行动不得。
[17] 恁朦腾,且索消详停和:这样睡昏昏的,还得休息一会儿。消详停和,消停,休息。
[18] “落日留王母,微风倚少儿。宫中行乐秘,少有外人知”:原是杜甫七律《宿昔》的后四句。王母指杨贵妃;少儿,即卫少儿,汉武帝皇后卫子夫的姐姐;“微风倚少儿”指杨氏三国夫人因贵妃而得宠。
Scene4 Spring Siesta
(Enter Lady Yang attended by Ever Fresh and Mindful Maid.) Lady Yang sing to the tune of “Slow Song of Zhu Yingtai”:
Waking from dreams
Of spring sunbeams,
I feel too tired to dress with grace.
Before the mirror I
Linger long and feel shy
To rouge my lips and powder my face.
Maids: Ere the sun leaves
The lofty eaves,
The curtain’s rippled by the breeze.
Why not enjoy awhile the incense sweet with ease?
(Ever Fresh and Mindful Maid kowtow.)
Lady Yang: Rise. (Singing to the tune of “Crabapple in Spring”):
Outside the window orioles’ warbling song
Aroused me from my sleep lasting not long.
Ever Fresh: In morning cool the green quilt chills the eyes.
Mindful Maid: From burners wreaths of incense rise.
Lady Yang:Not recovered from last night’s wine, I’ve heard the maid.
Maids: Say music in the other bower played.
Lady Yang: I’d ask how many crabapple blossoms bright
Together: Began to blow last night.
Lady Yang: I am Yang Yuhuan, born in Hongnong District. My father Yang Yuanyan held a government post and died early,so I was brought up in my uncle’s home. I was born wearing a jade ring with two words “Ever True” on it, so I was called by the name of “Jade Ring” and of “Ever True”. I’m gentle and beautiful. When I wipe my eyes with my silken sleeves, my tears drip like rosy ice; when I try my rainbow dress, sweat rolls on my fragrant jadelike skin. Favored by the emperor, I was raised from the rank of a palace maid to that of an imperial lady with all the prerogatives of a queen. My cousin Yang Guozhong is prime minister and my three elder sisters have been made duchesses, so my whole family has been greatly honored.(Lowering her voice) Last night I was with the emperor in the west palace. As he brought fresh shower for my thirsting flower, I felt a pleasant lassitude in my limbs. I did not rise from my couch till noonday.
Maids: All is ready for Your Ladyship’s toilet.
Lady Yang (Walking to the mirror and singing):
The window’s pearly curtain steeped in morning sun,
The precious mirror waits to see my toilet done.
(Sitting before the mirror and singing to the tune of “Zhu Yingtai”):
Lightly I comb my hair and dress it in a bun;
I peer in the mirror to see if it’s well done.
Ever Fresh: Here is an emerald hairpin, my lady.
Lady Yang: I put it on my head.
Mindful Maid: Here is the rouge, my lady.
Lady Yang: I’ll smooth it on my lips red.
Ever Fresh: Please pencil your eyebrows, my lady.
Lady Yang: I trace my eyebrows with care.
(Rising) I linger
And keep straight my waist slender
Like willow trees.
Mindful Maid: Ah! you have forgotten this flower, my lady.
(Pinning on the flower for her)
I add some cherry blossom with my finger.
Maids (Looking at Lady Yang):
Your skin’s so tender
We fear it might be rufled by a breeze.
Will your Ladyship let us change your clothes?
(Helping her into another dress)
What perfume rare
Wafts in the air!
She takes her gold-embroidered dresses down
And puts on her apricot-colored gown.
(Lady Yang takes a few steps while her maids watch her.)
Behold her headdress quiver
And her skirts softly spread.
(Lady Yang puts on her slippers.)
Her feet are light enough to tread on river,
But she won’t go ahead.
(Lady Yang looks down at herself.)
Her grace is matchless in the gentle breeze.
(Lady Yang looks in the mirror.)
Before the mirror she is charming at her ease.
(Lady Yang yawns sleepily and the maids support her.)
Your Ladyship’s still tired.
Why not take a siesta as desired?
Lady Yang: Yes, I am still tired and will rest a little longer. Draw the bed curtain for me.
Why should spring beauty fill with drowsiness the air?
I feel sleepy again after combing my hair.
(Lady Yang sleeps and the maids put down the curtain.)
Ever Fresh: Can the emperor have gone to see Lady Mume Blossom,that he has not yet come?
Mindful Maid: But don’t you know that Lady Mume Blossom has moved to the east wing of the Upper Sunny Bower?
Ever Fresh: Is it true?
Mindful Maid: Yes, it is true. The emperor is so devoted to Lady Yang that he spends all his leisure time in the west palace. He does not even bring his attendants. So you and I, we must wait on them well.(Enter the emperor.)
Emperor continues to sing to the same tune:
What a delight
To see my mistress fair and bright!
I am insatiate
Of caressing her early and late.
(As the emperor approaches, the maids curtsey to him.) Maids: Long live Your Majesty! Our lady has just gone to sleep.Emperor: Do not wake her. (Raising the curtain)
Parting the silken curtain, I can’t tell
The aroma from her fragrant smell. (Looking at her)
I love her lying like rose jade
On the embroidered quilt of brocade.
Maids (Aside): Such gallantry
Has made him king of lovers to the highest degree.
Lady Yang, waking, sings in a low voice to the same tune:
O who is it
That parts the curtain of my bed?
Drowsy, I rub my starry eyes.
(Sitting up, she rubs her eyes and smoothes her hair.)
Emperor: The powder fades
On her face fair,
The rouge on her lips not so red,
And disheveled her hair.
(The maids help her up. She opens her eyes, then closes them again as she sits down once more.)
I’m moved to see her held up by her maids,
So frail she seems
Nor able to rise
Nor to sit.
(The maids support her as she sits, and the emperor assists them.)
I’d better wait, while she still dreams.
Lady Yang (Seeing him): Long live Your Majesty!
Emperor: It would be pleasant to enjoy this sunny morning outside.Why do you sleep at noon?
Lady Yang (Speaking low): Last night I was favored by Your Majesty.You brought fresh shower for my thirsting flower so that I, laden with your favor, became too weak to rise and dress up, so I fell asleep again. That is why I failed to welcome Your Majesty just now.
Emperor (Laughing): So the fault is mine, isn’t it?
(Lady Yang blushes without a word.)
My dear, you still look drowsy. Let us go to the front pavilion to enjoy awhile.
Lady Yang: As Your Majesty wishes.
(They walk forward, followed by the two maids.)
Emperor: The setting sun retains the Western Queen.
Lady Yang: On gentle breeze the beauties lean.
Maids: The palace pleasure won’t be shown,
So to few outsiders it’s known.
(As the emperor and Lady Yang sit down, the eunuch Gao enters.)
Gao: The water clock is heard at noon from tower high,
The sovereign’s joy known to the eunuch near by.
Long live Your Majesty! On your order the prime minister has given An Lushan a test and he is now waiting outside to make his report.
Emperor: Let him come in.
Gao: His Majesty orders the prime minister to approach.
(Prime Minister Yang enters.)
Yang: Through my office pass all the reports from the land;
I’ve heard all palace gossip, being close at hand.
(Bowing to the emperor and Lady Yang)
Long live Your Majesty! Long live Your Ladyship!
Gao: You may rise.
Yang: On Your Majesty’s order, I have tested An Lushan, and beg to report that I find him a stout fellow skilled in archery and horsemanship.
Emperor: Yesterday I read General Zhang’s report that An Lushan knew six barbarian languages and the arts of war, and that he would make a good frontier general. But, as he had been defeated in war and was to be court-martialed, so I sent you to test him. Since you find him an able man, you may tell him that his disastrous mistakes are pardoned, and order him to appear in court tomorrow morning. I shall appoint him to a post in the capital, and see how he conducts himself.
Yang: It shall be done, Sire.
(Going out)
Gao: The peonies are in full bloom, Sire, at Aloes Pavilion. Would Your Majesty and Your Ladyship care to enjoy them?
Emperor: Very good. With such a beautiful lady and such beautiful flowers, you must send for Li Bai to the Pavilion to compose a beautiful poem for us.
Gao: I will send for him at once, Sire!
Emperor (To Lady Yang): My dear, let us go to enjoy the flowers.
Epilogue of the Scene
Emperor: By balustrade the flowers bloom impearled with dew.
Lady Yang: Around bowers and pavilions we enjoy the view.
Emperor: A song newly-composed will highly be admired.
Together: We wait for laurel poet’s coming as desired.