第三出 贿权[1]
[1] 幽州节度使张守珪,派他的部下平卢讨击使、左骁卫将军安禄山,去攻打奚契丹部落。安禄山由于轻敌,吃了败仗。他应该被处死。长官张守珪是他的义父,为了使他有从宽发落的可能,把他解到京师问罪。丞相张九龄主张把他杀了。李隆基宽赦了他,只解除他的官职,仍旧叫他带兵。这是唐玄宗开元二十四年(736)的事。据史实,这时,杨玉环还是李隆基的儿子寿王李瑁的妃子,杨国忠还没有在朝做官(据《通鉴》卷二一四)。
[2] 头角:指高贵的相貌。
[3] 罗罝:罗网。指解京问罪。为协韵,罝,读作jū。
[4] 千寻:八尺为一寻。千寻,千寻高,形容悍气之盛。
[5] 权时:暂时。
[6] 蠖屈:不得志。蠖,尺蠖,虫名,行动时一伸一缩(屈)。
[7] 安延偃:突厥族一个部落的酋长。
[8] 通个关节:买通官员,以求得包庇。
[9] 金投暮夜:东汉时昌邑令王密以金十斤送给东莱太守杨震。震不收。王密说:“收下不要紧,在这个晚上没有人会知道的。”杨震说:“天知地知,我知你知,怎么没有人知道呢?”
[10] 不争:不曾,不至于、哪见得。
[11] 调元:调和阴阳,指宰相治理国家。
[12] 戚畹:即戚里,外戚所居的地方。
[13] 中书:唐代中书省的长官叫中书令,是仅次于皇帝的最高执政。
[14] 炙手:炙手可热,形容气焰很盛,权势很大。
[15] 三台八座:封建皇朝的最高政权机关。汉代以尚书、御史、谒者为三台;唐代以左右仆射及左右相、六尚书为八座。
[16] 弁:下级武官。一般武官也自称弁,以表示对对方的尊重。
[17] 临白刃剩空弮:奋勇不屈,战到最后。空弮,箭射完了,只剩下一张弓。弮(quān),弓弦,指弓。
[18] 眼望捷旌旗,耳听好消息:等待好消息。
[19] 张节度疏:节度使张守珪的奏章。
Scene3 The Bribe
(Enter An Lushan in arrow-proof coat and felt hat.)
An sings to the tune of “Song of Cavalry”:
I grieve for my fellows in vain:
I fall into a trap again.
Can I subdue my aspiration high?
Hidden by clifs, can my ambition lie?
Be patient awhile and stand by!
My belly’s big and mighty I appear;
I’m full of wit and brave without a peer.
How can a fiery dragon conquered be?
The world would tremble when I stir the sea.
I am An Lushan from Liucheng. My mother prayed to the Lushan Mountain to give her a son, came back and gave birth to me whom she called Lushan. At my birth our tent was overflowed with light and all beasts and birds fled away. Then my mother married a second husband An Tingyan,chief of a tribe, so my surname became An. I enlisted under Military Governor Zhang Shougui. Struck by my uncommon appearance, he adopted me. I was then appointed as a lieutenant and sent to ifght the western tribesmen. Boasting of my courage, I advanced recklessly and was badly defeated and forced to take flight. Luckily Governor Zhang was too lenient to have me executed, but sent me to the capital for punishment. I arrived yesterday, uncertain of my fate. Fortunately I have a sworn brother named Zhang Qian, who is a steward in Prime Minister Yang’s office. Having bribed the escort to release me awhile, I have sought out my sworn brother and through him sent presents to the Prime Minister. Now I am going to learn the outcome. (Walking round the stage) Alas! An Lushan, you are a brave fellow. Can this be your end? Damn it!
An sings to the tune of “Way of Brocade”:
Like an unruly dragon, I
Would have stirred up the sea to brave the sky.
But out of water, like captured turtle or fish,
Brave as I am, I’m trapped and can’t do what I wish.
Had I known that defeat meant I must lose my head,
I’d have my blood in battle shed.
Now suddenly on air my chained feet tread
Can I rely on bribes given at dead of night
To make good my escape from the sad plight?
O since Heaven favored me with the day,
Should I allow myself to be killed in midway?
I see this is the prime minister’s court and I must wait for my
sworn brother here.
(Enter Zhang Qian.)
Zhang: The emperor’s kin’s prime minister of the state;
As his steward I’m as good as a magistrate.
(Greeting An): So you have come. His Grace has accepted your gifts, and will give you an Audience.
An (Bowing): I must thank you for your help.
Zhang: His Grace has not yet entered the court. Let us wait in the antechamber.
It is all in the prime minister’s hand.
An: To save one beaten on the borderland (Exeunt.)
(The prime minister, Yang Guozhong, enters with his retinue.)
Yang sings to the tune of “Immortals at the Magpie Bridge”:
Related as a kin
To our great sovereign,
Both my cousin and I
Have received favor high.
As prime minister I alone govern the state.
Beware! I am in power and splendor great.
The imperial government is now in my hand; My position’s most respectable of the land.After the audience when I leave the court with ease, All courtiers bow before me as if bent by breeze. I am Yang Guozhong, a cousin to Lady Yang. As prime minister, I share the glory of the sun and the moon, and give orders like wind and thunderbolt.
(Laughing sardonically)
Living in luxury, I believe a man should enjoy himself while he can. Accepting bribes, I have the power to shape the imperial decisions. Attendants, leave me!
(His retinue goes out.)
Zhang Qian reported a short time ago that a frontier lieutenant,An Lushan, who lost battles, has been brought to the capital for court martial. But he has sent me pre-sents, begging his life be spared. I think victory or defeat is a matter of common occurrence, and to be defeated occasionally is excusable.
(Laughing) If I spare him, I shall be saving a useful officer for the state. I have already sent for him and shall make up my mind when I see him.
(Zhang enters.)
Zhang: Your Grace, An Lushan is waiting outside.
Yang: Bring him in.
Zhang: Yes, Your Grace.
(He goes out, then leads in An Lushan in a blue coat and cap.) Come this way.
An (Advancing on his knees): The wretched An Lushan salutes Your Grace.
Yang: Rise.
An: A criminal who should be sentenced to death dare not.
Yang: Zhang Qian has reported to me your purpose in coming here.
Now give me your own account of your ofence.
An: Your Grace, I was ordered to attack the western tribe…
Yang: Rise and speak.
An (Rising) sings to the tune of “Thrice Awake from Wine”:
Relying on our strength, we charged the foes,
And overran all those on our way. But who knows
By surprise they surrounded our camp at night;
How could we pit our bare hands against their swords bright?
Yang: How did you escape?
An: I fought my way and broke through.
Alone I saved my life on a horse with a spear.
I hoped to be pardoned for past services done.
But now before a court martial I should appear.
(Kowtowing)I beg Your Grace for mercy on the beaten one.
Yang (Rising from his seat):
To lose an army is against the law.
Though I have power, how can I the verdict withdraw?
The sentence, when once passed, unaltered shall remain.
I fear I cannot change the wind and rain.
An (Shedding tears on his knees): Only if Your Grace take mercy on me can I be saved.
Yang (Laughing):
E’en if the court will follow what I say,
It is not easy to tell you the way.
An (Kowtowing): My life is in the hands of Your Grace.
Yang: Well, tomorrow when I go to the court, I’ll see what can be done.
I’ll try to save your life and set
You free from the law’s net.
An (Kowtowing): I owe Your Grace such gratitude that I can repay you only by serving as your dog or horse. Would Your Grace allow me to take my leave?
Yang: Zhang Qian, show him out!
Zhang: With hopeful flag in sight,
You’ll see good news alight.
(Zhang leads An out.)
Yang (Reflectively): This An Lushan is a junior officer at the frontier,who has by no means distinguished himself. Now he shall be sentenced to death. If I try to save him, it might arouse the emperor’s suspicion. (Laughing) Ah, I’ve got it. The other day Governor Zhang stated in his memorial to the throne that An’s knowledge of barbarian languanges and military skill qualified him for the post of a frontier general. I’ll drop a hint to the minister of war to propose to the emperor that An be summoned to court to be tested by His Majesty. That will give me the opening I need. Yes, that’s it.
Epilogue of the Scene
I know well how to use my power;
My face may change from hour to hour.
Gold can save one from punishment;
The premier is the government.