丰子恺前天同了两女孩到西湖山中游玩,天忽下雨。我们仓皇奔走,看见前方有一小庙,庙门口有三家村,其中一家是开小茶店而带卖香烟的。我们趋之如归。茶店虽小,茶也要一角钱一壶。但在这时候,即使两角钱一壶,我们也不嫌贵了。茶越冲越淡,雨越落越大。最初因游山遇雨,觉得扫兴;这时候山中阻雨的一种寂寥而深沉的趣味牵引了我的感兴,反觉得比晴天游山趣味更好。所谓“山色空蒙雨亦奇”,我于此体会了这种境界的好处。然而两个女孩子不解这种趣味,她们坐在这小茶店里躲雨,只是怨天尤人,苦闷万状。我无法把我所体验的境界为她们说明,也不愿使她们“大人化”而体验我所感的趣味。茶博士坐在门口拉胡琴。除雨声外,这是我们当时所闻的唯一的声音。拉的是《梅花三弄》,虽然声音摸得不大正确,拍子还拉得不错。这好像是因为顾客稀少,他坐在门口拉这曲胡琴来代替收音机作广告的。可惜他拉了一会就罢,使我们所闻的只是嘈杂而冗长的雨声。为了安慰两个女孩子,我就去向茶博士借胡琴。“你的胡琴借我弄弄好不好?”他很客气地把胡琴递给我。我借了胡琴回茶店,两个女孩很欢喜。“你会拉的?你会拉的?”我就拉给她们看。手法虽生,音阶还摸得准。因为我小时候曾经请我家邻近的柴主人阿庆教过《梅花三弄》,又请对面弄内一个裁缝司务大汉教过胡琴上的工尺。阿庆的教法很特别,他只是拉《梅花三弄》给你听,却不教你工尺的曲谱。他拉得很熟,但他不知工尺。我对他的拉奏望洋兴叹,始终学他不来。后来知道大汉识字,就请教他。他把小工调、正工调的音阶位置写了一张纸给我,我的胡琴拉奏由此人门。现在所以能够摸出正确的音阶者,一半由于以前略有摸violin的经验,一半仍是根基于大汉的教授的。在山中小茶店里的雨窗下,我用胡琴从容地(因为快了要拉错)拉了种种西洋小曲。两女孩和着了歌唱,好像是西湖上卖唱的,引得三家村里的人都来看。一个女孩唱着《渔光曲》,要我用胡琴去和她。我和着她拉,三家村里的青年们也齐唱起来,一时把这苦雨荒山闹得十分温暖。我曾经吃过七八年音乐教师饭,曾经用piano伴奏过混声四部合唱,曾经弹过Beethoven的sonata。但是有生以来,没有尝过今日般的音乐的趣味。两部空黄包车拉过,被我们雇定了。我付了茶钱,还了胡琴,辞别三家村的青年们,坐上车子。油布遮盖我面前,看不见雨景。我回味刚才的经验,觉得胡琴这种乐器很有意思。Piano笨重如棺材,violin要数十百元一具,制造虽精,世间有几人能够享用呢?胡琴只要两三角钱一把,虽然音域没有violin之广,也尽够演奏寻常小曲。虽然音色不比violin优美,装配得法,其发音也还可听。这种乐器在我国民间很流行,剃头店里有之,裁缝店里有之,江北船上有之,三家村里有之。倘能多造几个简易而高尚的胡琴曲,使像《渔光曲》一般流行于民间,其艺术陶冶的效果,恐比学校的音乐课广大得多呢。我离去三家村时,村里的青年们都送我上车,表示惜别。我也觉得有些儿依依。(曾经搪塞他们说:“下星期再来!”其实恐怕我此生不会再到这三家村里去吃茶且拉胡琴了。)若没有胡琴的因缘,三家村里的青年对于我这路人有何惜别之情,而我又有何依依于这些萍水相逢的人呢?古语云:“乐以教和。”我做了七八年音乐教师没有实证过这句话,不料这天在这荒村中实证了。山中避雨丰子恺Finding Shelter from Mountain Rain—By Feng Zikai前天同了两女孩到西湖山中游玩,天忽下雨。While sightseeing the hills with two girls by West Lake a couple of days ago, it suddenly began to pour. 🎈sightsee常作不可数名词,作动词时仅用于进行时。观光 on a sightseeing tour我们仓皇奔走,看见前方有一小庙,庙门口有三家村,其中一家是开小茶店而带卖香烟的。Scurrying for shelter, we saw a tiny temple ahead, in front of which stood three cottages, and one of them sold tea and cigarettes. 🎈in front of which… :书面语中,如果关系代词作介词宾语,一般把介词放在关系代词之前,即“名词+介词+关系代词” 引导非限定性定语从句。同样的例子还有He has two sons, one of whom died in the war.他有两个儿子,其中的一个死于战火。我们趋之如归。We advanced on them hurriedly as if they were our home.🎈向……前进/行进 advance on…例句We feared that an advance on the capital would soon follow.我们担心接下来会马上向首都推进。茶店虽小,茶也要一角钱一壶。但在这时候,即使两角钱一壶,我们也不嫌贵了。The teahouse was small, but the price was not cheap—ten cents for a pot. We didn’t care, because at a time like this we would not have grudged paying twice as much.🎈茶馆 teahouse柯灵《巷》爱轻嘴薄舌的,争是论非的,请到茶馆酒楼去Those who are sharp-tongued and quarrelsome, please go to the teahouse or restaurant! 另,The Economist中China版块中有Chaguan(茶馆)专栏,寓意人们交流的地方。🎈不情愿做某事 grudge doing sth.例句I grudge having to pay so much tax.得付这么多的税我很不情愿。茶越冲越淡,雨越落越大。Time passed, and the rain fell harder and harder while the tea became thinner and thinner. 🎈thin adj. (液体)稀的,淡的weak and watery例句The soup was thin and clear, yet mysteriously rich.汤又稀又清,味道却出奇地浓。最初因游山遇雨,觉得扫兴;这时候山中阻雨的一种寂寥而深沉的趣味牵引了我的感兴,反觉得比晴天游山趣味更好。At first we felt unhappy at being caught in the rain, but then a sense of profound solitude made its appearance. On second thought, the rain enhanced our journey, making it even more memorable than a day of sunshine.🎈被雨水困住 be caught in the rain冒着赶上暴风雨的风险risk being caught in a storm🎈扫兴a sense of profound solitude责任感a sense of responsibility感激a sense of gratitude成就感 a sense of accomplishment幽默感a sense of humour🎈转念一想 on second thought(s)例句I’ll wait here. No, on second thoughts, I’ll come with you.我就在这儿等。不,再一想,我还是跟你一起走。所谓“山色空蒙雨亦奇”,我于此体会了这种境界的好处。As a poem stated, “Blurred mountains in a haze—marvelous even in the rain, ” and from our experience I was now able to appreciate the vista he had painted with his words. 🎈饮湖上初晴后雨二首·其二苏轼水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。全文意思:在灿烂的阳光照耀下,西湖水微波粼粼,波光艳丽,看起来很美;雨天时,在雨幕的笼罩下,西湖周围的群山迷迷茫茫,若有若无,也显得非常奇妙。若把西湖比作美人西施,淡妆浓抹都是那么得十分适宜。🎈考虑到此前并未交代过he是谁, the vista he had painted with his words中的he建议换成the poet/author然而两个女孩子不解这种趣味,她们坐在这小茶店里躲雨,只是怨天尤人,苦闷万状。Sadly, the girls could not, since they were still trapped in the teahouse and inside their anxieties, blaming God and man.🎈since引导原因状语从句。🎈困于,陷于 be caught/trapped in…🎈怨天尤人 blame God and man我无法把我所体验的境界为她们说明,也不愿使她们“大人化”而体验我所感的趣味。I could not explain to them the awakening I had experienced, nor did I wish to impose my view on them and force them into adulthood just to duplicate my pleasure.🎈 nor做连词,引导并列的否定句,其后的句子要部分倒装。🎈把某人观点强加给…… impose one’s view on …🎈强迫某人做某事 force sb into sth /force sb to do sth茶博士坐在门口拉胡琴。A waiter in the teahouse sat at the gate playing an erhu, a two-stringed musical instrument. 🎈two-stringed是合成形容词,构词法为「数词+名词+ed」,如ten-storeyed十层的。除雨声外,这是我们当时所闻的唯一的声音。Apart from the sounds of rain and this music, nothing else could be heard.🎈除了…外 apart from…例句I’ve finished apart from the last question.除了最后一道题,我全做完了。拉的是《梅花三弄》,虽然声音摸得不大正确,拍子还拉得不错。He was playing Three Variations on Plum Blossoms, and while the tune itself was not accurate, the essence of the piece was conveyed very well. 🎈《梅花三弄》,又名《梅花引》、《梅花曲》、《玉妃引》,相传原本是晋朝桓伊所作的一首笛曲,后来改编为古琴曲。《梅花三弄》全曲共分十段,两大部分,第一部分,前六段,采用循环再现手法,后四段为第二部分,描写梅花静与动两种形象。乐曲通过梅花的洁白芬芳和耐寒等特征,借物抒怀,来歌颂具有高尚节操的人。这好像是因为顾客稀少,他坐在门口拉这曲胡琴来代替收音机作广告的。Perhaps because patrons were few and far between, he sat by the gate playing the tune as a radio commercial. 🎈稀少,稀疏,不常发生 few and far between例句But winter means good meals are few and far between.然而冬季里好吃的少之又少。可惜他拉了一会就罢,使我们所闻的只是嘈杂而冗长的雨声。Unfortunately, he played only a short while, and then left us with only the incessant pattering of raindrops for entertainment.🎈pattering、pitter-patter 拟声词,形容「噼里啪啦」的声响例句①Pitter patter, pitter patter! And it showered heavily.噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦! 下起大雨来。②What is that pitter patter on the roof?那些在房顶上噼啪作响的是什么?为了安慰两个女孩子,我就去向茶博士借胡琴。“你的胡琴借我弄弄好不好?”他很客气地把胡琴递给我。To cheer the girls up, I asked our waiter if I could borrow his erhu and he courteously agreed.🎈使某人高兴/振奋 cheer sb up例句I wrote that song just to cheer myself up.我写那首歌是给我自己打气的。为…加油,为…喝彩cheer sb on sth例句Most will probably be cheering on their favourite players.我借了胡琴回茶店,两个女孩很欢喜。I returned to the teahouse with the borrowed instrument and, on seeing it, the girls sprang to life. 🎈upon/on + noun.或upon/on + V-ing在句中作时间状语,表示“一…就…”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。例句All the soldiers stood up on the entrance of the general. 将军一进来,士兵们就起立。“你会拉的?你会拉的?”我就拉给她们看。手法虽生,音阶还摸得准。“Can you play the erhu?” they enquired. I admitted that I could, and then demonstrated my skills. Though I was out of practice, I played the scales with tolerable accuracy.🎈疏于练习,生疏 out of practice例句Don’t ask me to speak French! I’m out of practice.可别让我讲法语!我已经生疏了。🎈音乐类词汇交响乐,交响曲symphony乐章movement主题theme长/短音阶the long/short scale C/F调the key of C/F慢板(乐章)adagio快板(乐章)allegro行板andante因为我小时候曾经请我家邻近的柴主人阿庆教过《梅花三弄》,又请对面弄内一个裁缝司务大汉教过胡琴上的工尺。As a child, I once asked Ah Qing, a firewood agent who lived nearby, to teach me how to play Three Variations on Plum Blossoms. Also I requested Da Han, a tailor living in the alley opposite my home, to teach me Gongche, the traditional Chinese musical scale.🎈请求/要求某人做某事 ask/require sb to do sth.🎈工尺(gōng chě)是我国民族音乐音阶上各个音的总称,也是乐谱上各个记音符号的总称。 符号各个时代不同,通用的是:合、四、一、上、尺、工、凡、六、五、乙。阿庆的教法很特别,他只是拉《梅花三弄》给你听,却不教你工尺的曲谱。他拉得很熟,但他不知工尺。Ah Qing had a peculiar instructional method—he simply played the melody for my enjoyment, but never taught me the musical scale because he did not know it himself. The tune, however, he could play with effortless skill.🎈轻而易举,不费力 effortless我对他的拉奏望洋兴叹,始终学他不来。后来知道大汉识字,就请教他。Since I never learned the essentials from him, I felt frustrated, so after learning Da Han could read music, I consulted him as well.🎈音乐领域的识字理解成「识谱」他把小工调、正工调的音阶位置写了一张纸给我,我的胡琴拉奏由此人门。He wrote down the positions of the musical scales of Xiao Gongdiao and Zheng Gongdiao on a piece of paper and gradually the rudiments of playing the erhu began to sink in.🎈终于被充分理解;终于被完全领悟 sink in例句He paused to allow his words to sink in.他停了一下,好让人充分领会他的意思。现在所以能够摸出正确的音阶者,一半由于以前略有摸violin的经验,一半仍是根基于大汉的教授的。Now I can play the scales accurately, partly because once I also studied the violin. Da Han’s instruction proved beneficial as well.🎈(事实证明)是… prove to do / prove +adj. /prove+ noun.例句We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true.以前一直有人指责我们夸大事实,但遗憾的是,我们所有的报道都证明是真实的。In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.过去这一过渡过程常常很艰难。an experiment which was to prove a source of inspiration for many years to come在之后多年证明一直都是灵感源泉的一项实验在山中小茶店里的雨窗下,我用胡琴从容地(因为快了要拉错)拉了种种西洋小曲。两女孩和着了歌唱,好像是西湖上卖唱的,引得三家村里的人都来看。一个女孩唱着《渔光曲》,要我用胡琴去和她。Under the canopy of the teahouse, I played a few Western melodies in slow tempo (because if I played too fast mistakes might occur!), and the girls sang along like singsong girls on West Lake. Our concert attracted the attention of the residents of the cottages, and one of the girls, before singing Song of the Fisherman, asked me to accompany her on erhu.🎈引起某人关注 attract the attention of sb受到广泛关注 attract the extensive attention我和着她拉,三家村里的青年们也齐唱起来,一时把这苦雨荒山闹得十分温暖。I did as she wished, and then all the young people from the cottages joined in the chorus, turning this desolate village into a bee hive of energy.🎈chorus n.和声🎈a bee hive运用了暗喻(metaphor)的修辞手法。暗喻可分为三类:1、喻体直陈式:直接点明本体is/become喻体(但不出现like之类的词)例句She was an angel of a wife.2、喻体全隐式:用动词表明喻体特征例句As the time and cost of making a chip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failures.中的soar暗指将imaginations比作了birds3、喻体半隐式:喻体未完全出现,若隐若现例句He doesn’t have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.中的parrot暗指人像鹦鹉一样学舌,句中只是作一个动词,并未明指鹦鹉,但却能让人联想到「鹦鹉学舌」我曾经吃过七八年音乐教师饭,曾经用piano伴奏过混声四部合唱,曾经弹过Beethoven的sonata。但是有生以来,没有尝过今日般的音乐的趣味。Earlier in my life I had been a music teacher for seven or eight years; I had accompanied a chorus of mixed voices, and even played Beethoven’s sonata on the piano, but in my whole life I have never experienced the joys of music like I did that day.🎈奏鸣曲sonata 混声mixed voices两部空黄包车拉过,被我们雇定了。我付了茶钱,还了胡琴,辞别三家村的青年们,坐上车子。Two rickshaws pulled up and we hired them. After paying for the tea and returning the erhu to the waiter, we said our goodbyes to our fellow musicians and got into the rickshaws. 🎈rickshaw [C]黄包车,人力车rickshaw puller 人力车夫油布遮盖我面前,看不见雨景。The oilcloth hung down in front of my eyes and obstructed my view of the rain-drenched scenery.🎈遮挡视线 obstruct one’s view of…我回味刚才的经验,觉得胡琴这种乐器很有意思。Piano笨重如棺材,violin要数十百元一具,制造虽精,世间有几人能够享用呢?Thinking back on this joyful occasion, I decided that the erhu is an interesting and practical instrument. A piano is as heavy as a coffin, and the violin, which is rather expensive due to its elaborate workmanship, is often beyond the means of most people in the world.🎈practical是增译成分,使读者更好地理解原文。结合语境,指出和小提琴(笨重如棺、价格昂贵、少数人才拉的起)对比,胡琴出现在百姓家供大众消遣。🎈超出……能力范围 beyond the means of…胡琴只要两三角钱一把,虽然音域没有violin之广,也尽够演奏寻常小曲。虽然音色不比violin优美,装配得法,其发音也还可听。On the other hand, the erhu, which costs only twenty or thirty cents, is good enough to play ordinary sonatas, though the range of sound is not as wide as the violin. Its tone color is not as good either, but it can still provide a sound pleasant enough, so long as it is correctly assembled.🎈音域 the range of sound音色 tone color这种乐器在我国民间很流行,剃头店里有之,裁缝店里有之,江北船上有之,三家村里有之。The instrument is so popular among the Chinese people that it can be found at the barber’s and the tailor’s, on the boats, and in the cottages.🎈在……中很流行 be popular among…🎈’s的用法之一:表示店铺、教堂的名称或某人的家时,名词所有格后面的名词长不出现。理发店at the barber’s裁缝店at the tailor’s倘能多造几个简易而高尚的胡琴曲,使像《渔光曲》一般流行于民间,其艺术陶冶的效果,恐比学校的音乐课广大得多呢。If we could compose a few more simple but noble erhu melodies and make them as popular as Song of the Fisherman, their gentle influences would be more than any music school could produce.🎈编曲 compose a melody我离去三家村时,村里的青年们都送我上车,表示惜别。我也觉得有些儿依依。(曾经搪塞他们说:“下星期再来!”其实恐怕我此生不会再到这三家村里去吃茶且拉胡琴了。)When I left the village, all the young people reluctantly saw me off. I was averse to saying good bye as well, so told them “We will come back next week!” Actually, I will never return there to drink tea and play erhu again.🎈为…送行,送别see off 例句Ben had planned a steak dinner for himself after seeing Jackie off on her plane.本已经计划好把杰姬送上飞机后自己吃一顿牛排大餐。🎈不乐意… be averse to (doing) sth例句Yet governments are persistently averse to providing estimates of how much carbon a policy saves.但政府自始至终都不愿意预估他们的政策到底能少排多少碳。🎈按一般规则,中国乐器前不加the,但以二胡为例,实际上使用play erhu和play the erhu的都有。若没有胡琴的因缘,三家村里的青年对于我这路人有何惜别之情,而我又有何依依于这些萍水相逢的人呢?Yet if not for the erhu, these young people would not have been so unwilling to see me go, nor would I have found it so difficult to leave these strangers.🎈无需烦扰成语「萍水相逢」怎么译,核心语意(strangers)表达是关键。古语云:“乐以教和。”我做了七八年音乐教师没有实证过这句话,不料这天在这荒村中实证了。As the sayings goes, “Music teaches people harmony.” I have been a music teacher for seven or eight years, but never saw any concrete evidence for that saying before. Much to my surprise, it was proven true on that rainy day in the desolate village!🎈乐以教和:音乐是用来教育感化人,使人和谐相处的。🎈desolate adj.缺乏住客和访客的devoid of inhabitants and visitors 🔥重点表达向……前进/行进 advance on…不情愿做某事 grudge doing sth.扫兴a sense of profound solitude困于,陷于 be caught/trapped in…怨天尤人 blame God and man除了…外 apart from…稀少,稀疏,不常发生 few and far between使某人高兴/振奋 cheer sb up疏于练习;生疏 out of practice请求/要求某人做某事 ask/require sb to do sth.(事实证明)是… prove to do / prove +adj. /prove+ noun.引起某人关注 attract the attention of sb用(乐器)为(某人)伴奏 accompany sb on +乐器奏鸣曲sonata 混声mixed voices遮挡视线 obstruct one’s view of…超出……能力范围 beyond the means of…音域 the range of sound音色 tone color编曲 compose a melody理发店at the barber’s裁缝店at the tailor’s为…送行;送别see off不乐意… be averse to (doing) sth