丰子恺我第一次乘火车,是在十六七岁时,即距今二十余年前。虽然火车在其前早已通行,但吾乡离车站有三十里之遥,平时我但闻其名,却没有机会去看火车或乘火车。十六七岁时,我毕业于本乡小学,到杭州去投考中等学校,方才第一次看到又乘到火车。以前听人说:“火车厉害得很,走在铁路上的人,一不小心,身体就被碾做两段。”又听人说:“火车快得邪气,坐在车中,望见窗外的电线木如同栅栏一样。”我听了这些话而想象火车,以为这大概是炮弹流星似的凶猛唐突的东西,觉得可怕。但后来看到了,乘到了,原来不过尔尔。天下事往往如此。自从这一回乘了火车之后,二十余年中,我对火车不断地发生关系。至少每年乘三四次,有时每月乘三四次,至多每日乘三四次。(不过这是从江湾到上海的小火车。)一直到现在,乘火车的次数已经不可胜计了。每乘一次火车,总有种种感想。倘得每次下车后就把乘车时的感想记录出来,记到现在恐怕不止数百万言,可以出一大部乘火车全集了。然而我哪有工夫和能力来记录这种感想呢?只是回想过去乘火车时的心境,觉得可分三个时期,现在记录出来,半为自娱,半为世间有乘火车的经验的读者谈谈,不知他们在火车中是否作如是想的?第一个时期,是初乘火车的时期。那时候乘火车这件事在我觉得非常新奇而有趣。自己的身体被装在一个大木箱中,而用机械拖了这大木箱狂奔,这种经验是我向来所没有的,怎不教我感到新奇而有趣呢?那时我买了车票,热烈地盼望车子快到。上了车,总要拣个靠窗的好位置坐。因此可以眺望窗外旋转不息的远景,瞬息万变的近景,和大大小小的车站。一年四季住在看惯了的屋中,一旦看到这广大而变化无穷的世间,觉得兴味无穷。我巴不得乘火车的时间延长,常常嫌它到得太快,下车时觉得可惜。我欢喜乘长途火车,可以长久享乐。最好是乘慢车,在车中的时间最长,而且各站都停,可以让我尽情观赏。我看见同车的旅客个个同我一样地愉快,仿佛个个是无目的地在那里享受乘火车的新生活的。我看见各车站都美丽,仿佛个个是桃源仙境的入口。其中汗流满背地扛行李的人,喘息狂奔的赶火车的人,急急忙忙地背着箱笼下车的人,拿着红绿旗子指挥开车的人,在我看来仿佛都干着有兴味的游戏,或者在那里演剧。世间真是一大欢乐场,乘火车真是一件愉快不过的乐事!可惜这时期很短促,不久乐事就变为苦事。第二个时期,是老乘火车的时期。一切都看厌了,乘火车在我就变成了一桩讨嫌的事。以前买了车票热烈地盼望车子快到。现在也盼望车子快到,但不是热烈地而是焦灼地。意思是要它快些来载我赴目的地。以前上车总要拣个靠窗的好位置,现在不拘,但求有得坐。以前在车中不绝地观赏窗内窗外的人物景色,现在都不要看了,一上车就拿出一册书来,不顾环境的动静,只管埋头在书中,直到目的地的达到。为的是老乘火车,一切都已见惯,觉得这些千篇一律的状态没有甚么看头。不如利用这冗长无聊的时间来用些功。但并非欢喜用功,而是无可奈何似的用功。每当看书疲倦起来,就埋怨火车行得太慢,看了许多书才走得两站!这时候似觉一切乘车的人都同我一样,大家焦灼地坐在车厢中等候到达。看到凭在车窗上指点谈笑的小孩子,我鄙视他们,觉得这班初出茅庐的人少见多怪,其浅薄可笑,有时窗外有飞机驶过,同车的人大家立起来观望,我也不屑从众,回头一看立刻埋头在书中。总之,那时我在形式上乘火车,而在精神上仿佛遗世独立,依旧笼闭在自己的书斋中。那时候我觉得世间一切枯燥无味,无可享乐,只有沉闷、疲倦、和苦痛,正同乘火车一样。这时期相当地延长,直到我深人中年时候而截止。第三个时期,可说是惯乘火车的时期。乘得太多了,讨嫌不得许多,还是逆来顺受罢。心境一变,以前看厌了的东西也会从新有起意义来,仿佛“温故而知新”似的。最初乘火车是乐事,后来变成苦事,最后又变成乐事,仿佛“返老还童”似的。最初乘火车欢喜看景物,后来埋头看书,最后又不看书而欢喜看景物了。不过这回的欢喜与最初的欢喜性状不同:前者所见都是可喜的,后者所见却大多数是可惊的,可笑的,可悲的。不过在可惊可笑可悲的发见上,感到一种比埋头看书更多的兴味而已。故前者的欢喜是真的“欢喜”,若译英语可用happy或merry。后者却只是like或fond of,不是真心的欢乐。实际,这原是比较而来的;因为看书实在没有许多好书可以使我集中兴味而忘却乘火车的沉闷。而这车厢社会里的种种人间相倒是一部活的好书,会时时向我展出新颖的page来。惯乘火车的人,大概对我这话多少有些儿同感的吧!不说车厢社会里的琐碎的事,但看各人的座位,已够使人惊叹了。同是买一张票的,有的人老实不客气地躺着,一人占有了五六个人的位置。看见找寻座位的人来了,把头向着里,故作鼾声,或者装作病了,或者举手指点那边,对他们说“前面很空,前面很空”。和平谦虚的乡下人大概会听信他的话,让他安睡,背着行李向他所指点的前面去另找“很空”的位置。有的人教行李分占了自己左右的两个位置,当作自己的卫队。若是方皮箱,又可当作自己的茶几。看见找座位的人来了,拼命埋头看报。对方倘不客气地向他提出:“对不起,先生,请把你的箱子放在上面了,大家坐坐!”他会指着远处打官话拒绝他:“那边也好坐,你为甚么一定要坐在这里?”说过管自看报了。和平谦让的乡下人大概不再请求,让他坐在行李的护卫中看报,抱着孩子向他指点的那边去另找“好坐”的地方了。有的人没有行李,把身子扭转来,教一个屁股和一支大腿占据了两个人的座位,而悠闲地凭在窗中吸烟。他把大乌龟壳似的一个背部向着他的右邻,而用一支横置的左大腿来拒远他的左邻。这大腿上面的空间完全归他所有,可在其中从容地抽烟,看报。逢到找寻坐位的人来了,把报纸堆在大腿上,把头攒出窗外,只作不闻不见。还有一种人,不取大腿的策略,而用一册书和一个帽子放在自己身旁的坐位上。找坐位的人倘来请他拿开,就回答他说:“这里有人”。和平谦虚的乡下人大概会听信他,留这空位给他那“人”坐,扶着老人向别处去另找坐位了。找不到坐位时,他们就把行李放在门口,自己坐在行李上,或者抱了小孩,扶了老人站在W.C.的门口。查票的来了,不干涉躺着的人,以及用大腿或帽子占坐位的人,却埋怨坐在行李上的人和抱了小孩扶了老人站在W.C.门的人阻碍了走路,把他们骂脱几声。我看到这种车厢社会里的状态,觉得可惊,又觉得可笑、可悲。可惊者,大家出同样的钱,购同样的票,明明是一律平等的乘客,为甚么会演出这般不平等的状态?可笑者,那些强占坐位的人,不惜装腔、撒谎,以图一己的苟安,而后来终得舍去他的好位置。可悲者,在这乘火车的期间中,苦了那些和平谦虚的乘客,他们始终只得坐在门口的行李上,或者抱了小孩,扶了老人站在W.C.的门口,还要被查票者骂脱几声。在车厢社会里,但看坐位这一点,已足使我惊叹了。何况其他种种的花样。总之,凡人间社会里所有的现状,在车厢社会中都有其缩图。故我们乘火车不必看书,但把车厢看作人间世的模型,足够消遣了。回想自己乘火车的三时期的心境,也觉得可惊,可笑,又可悲。可惊者,从初乘火车经过老乘火车,而至于惯乘火车,时序的递变太快!可笑者,乘火车原来也是一件平常的事。幼时认为“电线同木栅栏一样”,车站同桃源一样,固然可笑,后来那样地厌恶它而埋头于书中,也一样地可笑。可悲者,我对于乘火车不复感到昔日的欢喜,而以观察车厢社会里的怪状为消遣,实在不是我所愿为之事。于是我憧憬于过去在外国时所乘的火车。记得那车厢中很有秩序,全无现今所见的怪状。那时我们在车厢中不解众苦,只觉旅行之乐。但这原是过去已久的事,在现今的世间恐怕不会再见这种车厢社会了。前天同一位朋友从火车上下来,出车站后他对我说了几句新诗似的东西,我记忆着。现在抄在这里当做结尾:有的早上早下,有的迟上迟下,有的早上迟下,有的迟上早下。上了车纷争坐位,下了车各自回家。在车厢中留心保管你的车票,下车时把车票原物还他。车厢社会丰子恺Trains and Society—By Feng Zikai我第一次乘火车,是在十六七岁时,即距今二十余年前。I first travelled on the train when I was sixteen or seventeen, that is, more than twenty years ago.🎈on the train和in the train:on the train中的on强调“乘坐”交通工具(去某地)的概念,是一种动态的感觉,例如:I am on the train.我在火车上。同理的还有on the bus, on the plane, on the ship, on the taxi等。in the train也不是不可以,它强调某人或某物处于火车车厢内部,并不强调乘坐货车去往某地的动态过程,例如:My bag is left in the train.我的包落在火车上了。虽然火车在其前早已通行,但吾乡离车站有三十里之遥,平时我但闻其名,却没有机会去看火车或乘火车。The train had passed through my native place long before my first trip. I heard about its name, but its reality was beyond my experience, for my hometown was fifteen kilometers away from the station.🎈这句话的译文是理解原句句意再进行重组的结果,把句子打碎,捋明(因果)逻辑关系,按英文习惯先交代事实。常言道,翻译既要钻的进去也要跳的出来,说的就是要完全理解之后再进行重组。🎈beyond/within表示在……范围之外/内。beyond my experience在我的经历之外,即指没有经历过。十六七岁时,我毕业于本乡小学,到杭州去投考中等学校,方才第一次看到又乘到火车。At the age of sixteen or seventeen, when I finished primary school in my hometown and went to take the middle school entrance exam in Hangzhou, I saw my first train and had my first ride.🎈句中ride作名词,指搭乘(交通工具)。ride也常用作动词,表示骑马、自行车或摩托车时,ride可以用作及物动词,宾语紧接其后:Whether you ride a motorbike, scooter or moped, get yourself properly trained(不管是骑摩托车、小轮摩托车还是机动自行车,都应接受适当的培训)。然而,表示乘交通工具时,ride必须和介词连用:I was riding on the back of a friend’s bicycle (我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上),We are still letting our children ride in the front seat of our cars (我们仍然让孩子们坐在汽车的前座上)。如果ride后未接宾语、介词或其他明确语境的词组,通常表示骑马:’Do you ride?’ — ‘No, I’ve never been on a horse’ (“你会骑马吗?”——“不会,我从来没有骑过”)以前听人说:“火车厉害得很,走在铁路上的人,一不小心,身体就被碾做两段。” 又听人说:“火车快得邪气,坐在车中,望见窗外的电线木如同栅栏一样。” Previously some people said, “The train is so dangerous that those walking on the railway, if being off guard the least bit, might be ground into two halves.” Also, some others said, “The train runs so fast that the wire posts, if seen from inside the travelling train, simply looks like a fence.”🎈those walking on the railway相当于those who walk on the railway。“those who(人)/which(物)”表示……的人/物。🎈松懈 be off guard一点,半点 the least bit🎈被碾成两段 be ground into two halvesground是grind的过去分词🎈if引导条件状语从句时,可放在句首、句中或句尾,位置十分灵活。我听了这些话而想象火车,以为这大概是炮弹流星似的凶猛唐突的东西,觉得可怕。但后来看到了,乘到了,原来不过尔尔。天下事往往如此。At these comments, I visualized the train as something like the ferocious gun or the unexpected shooting star. However, when I later saw the train and rode on it, I discovered nothing extraordinary about it. This is true of everything else in the world!🎈把……想象成…… visualize… as…🎈流星 shooting star🎈适用于…… be true of…例句The same is true of Twitter polls.上述调整对推特投票同样适用。🎈形容词修饰含-body、-thing后缀的词时需要后置。自从这一回乘了火车之后,二十余年中,我对火车不断地发生关系。至少每年乘三四次,有时每月乘三四次,至多每日乘三四次。(不过这是从江湾到上海的小火车。)Ever since my first trip, I have been travelling by rail for more than twenty years, at least three or four times in a year, sometimes that same number in a month, and occasionally that same number in a day. (Incidentally, the train I took from Jiangwan to Shanghai was rather small.)🎈从那以后,一直……ever since (可作adv. prep. conj. )例句The big clock which used to strike the hours(报时) day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.🎈乘火车 on the train/by rail一直到现在,乘火车的次数已经不可胜计了。每乘一次火车,总有种种感想。Up to now, I have travelled on the train times out of number. At each trip my mind would be bombarded by a host of thoughts.🎈无数次 times out of number🎈被(问题等)…轰炸/面对大量…… be bombarded by……🎈数不胜数的,无数的innumerable/numerous/countlessa host of … /a mass of …/a great many …/a large number of …倘得每次下车后就把乘车时的感想记录出来,记到现在恐怕不止数百万言,可以出一大部乘火车全集了。然而我哪有工夫和能力来记录这种感想呢?If I had written them all down, I would have been able to compile a thick book totaling millions of characters by now. However, how could I ever have the time and ability to record all my reflections?🎈如果我……我就会……If I had done…, I would have done…例句If I had gone to the party, I would have met you again.如果我去了聚会,我就能再次看到你了。🎈how could,带有惊讶、无法相信的感情色彩。只是回想过去乘火车时的心境,觉得可分三个时期,现在记录出来,半为自娱,半为世间有乘火车的经验的读者谈谈,不知他们在火车中是否作如是想的?Thinking back to those times, I can divide my travels into three periods by the states of mind. Today I’m writing this as a memoir, half for my own enjoyment, and half as an exchange of experiences with my fellow riders. Perhaps they had similar thoughts when riding the rails?🎈回想 look back /think back to🎈情绪,心境,心态frame of mind, state of mind, mindset🎈memoir指个人回忆录或自传。🎈experience作「阅历、经验」讲时不可数,作「体验、经历」讲时可数。例句In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。I had a bad experience with fireworks once.我放烟火有过一次不愉快的遭遇。第一个时期,是初乘火车的时期。那时候乘火车这件事在我觉得非常新奇而有趣。When I was a new rider, the train struck me as novel and interesting.🎈给某人…印象,让某人觉得… strike sb as…例句He struck me as a very serious but friendly person.他让我感觉他是一个十分严肃但友好的人。What struck me as interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear.让我觉得很有意思的是我们经常以衣取人。自己的身体被装在一个大木箱中,而用机械拖了这大木箱狂奔,这种经验是我向来所没有的,怎不教我感到新奇而有趣呢?I felt myself packaged into a huge wooden box, pulled along by a galloping machine. Since I had never had such experience before, how could I refrain from feeling exhilarated?🎈「用机械拖了这大木箱狂奔」译作pulled along by a galloping machine,中文字面上看「狂奔」说的是「大木箱」,但译文中galloping却是修饰machine。遇见修饰词时可以借鉴这种处理方式。🎈不去做某事、避免做某事 refrain from (doing) sth例句Please refrain from smoking during the performance.演出时请勿吸烟。那时我买了车票,热烈地盼望车子快到。The moment I bought a ticket, my excitement would build. 🎈The moment+从句,表示「一……就……」。类似的用法还有The minute/second/instant+从句。需要注意的是,moment和从句之间不能再插入任何成分。萧红《当铺》) 拿包子给他看,他跳起来了: “我都饿啦,等你也不回来。” The moment I produced the buns, he jumped up from his bed, “I’m so hungry. I’ve been long waiting for you to come back.” 上了车,总要拣个靠窗的好位置坐。因此可以眺望窗外旋转不息的远景,瞬息万变的近景,和大大小小的车站。After boarding the train, I would take a window seat so that I could admire the changing landscapes, the kaleidoscope of nearby scenes, and the chaos at the stations, both big and small.🎈board作动词,表示「上,登上火车、轮船或飞机」🎈靠窗的位置 a window seat人们常默认为靠窗的位置是好位置,所以「拣个靠窗的好位置」其实就是指「选靠窗的位置(相对过道而言)」一年四季住在看惯了的屋中,一旦看到这广大而变化无穷的世间,觉得兴味无穷。Throughout the year I lived in the house all too familiar to me. When suddenly seeing this vast, ever-changing world, I could not help feeling excited. 🎈Throughout the year I lived in the house all too familiar to me中throughout the year是时间状语,all too familiar to me作house的后置修饰成分,其中all是副词,指「完全或全部」我巴不得乘火车的时间延长,常常嫌它到得太快,下车时觉得可惜。How I wished that my time on the train could have been extended! I often complained that the train arrived too soon and felt a pity for that I had to disembark. 🎈How I wished that…是how引导的感叹句。wish表示「希望、愿望」时,其后的that宾语从句常使用虚拟语气。表示与过去事实相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would/could +have +done。译文How I wished that my time on the train could have been extended!表示的是乘火车的时间事实上并没有延长。🎈disembark表示下(车、船、飞机等)我欢喜乘长途火车,可以长久享乐。最好是乘慢车,在车中的时间最长,而且各站都停,可以让我尽情观赏。I loved traveling long distances, for then my comforts could be extended over time; taking the local train was even more desirable, because its frequent stops could give me enough time to enjoy the surroundings of each location.🎈travel作动词(go from one place to another)时,后面可接成分较多。例如travel first class坐头等舱旅行、travel to California到加利福尼亚州去、travel around the world环游世界、travel for six moths旅行了六个月、travel 40 miles to work奔波40英里去上班、travel the length of the Nile in a canoe乘独木舟游完尼罗河全程。我看见同车的旅客个个同我一样地愉快,仿佛个个是无目的地在那里享受乘火车的新生活的。When taking these journeys, I found that my fellow passengers were just as jolly as me, and everyone seemed to be intent on enjoying this modem convenience.🎈fellow passengers中的fellow一词是形容词,表示「同为…的」类似的还有fellow students同学们 fellow workers工友们 fellow sufferer难友 fellow countrymen同胞 fellow Democrats民主党党友 fellow Socialists社会党党友 fellow passenger旅伴🎈决心做…,志在… be intent on doing sth.例句The rebels are obviously intent on keeping up the pressure.叛乱分子显然决心继续施压。我看见各车站都美丽,仿佛个个是桃源仙境的入口。To me, all the stations were as beautiful as gateways to Arcadia.🎈Arcadia:a part of southern Greece used in poetry and stories to represent an idea of perfect country life 阿卡迪亚(希腊南部地区,在诗歌和小说中常用来指代世外桃源)其中汗流满背地扛行李的人,喘息狂奔的赶火车的人,急急忙忙地背着箱笼下车的人,拿着红绿旗子指挥开车的人,在我看来仿佛都干着有兴味的游戏,或者在那里演剧。And the passengers! Some carried their baggage, sweat pouring from their foreheads, while others raced to catch the train, constantly gasping for breath. On board, some hurriedly carried their boxes and baskets struggling for an early exit while outside workers calmly waved red and green flags to direct the train engineer. In my eyes, they all seemed to be playing an interesting game or putting on a comedy.🎈sweat pouring from their foreheads是独立主格结构,其逻辑主语不再是主句主语some (passengers),而是sweat。因为pouring是动词的非谓语形式,因而sweat pouring from their foreheads还不够作句子的条件,只能作词组,这个词组中的sweat为主格名词,它不作句子主体的任何名词,是“独立”的。因此,称这类词组为独立主格结构。🎈constantly gasping for breath作伴随状语。🎈上演 put on例句The band are hoping to put on a UK show before the end of the year…那个乐队希望年底之前在英国举办一场演出。世间真是一大欢乐场,乘火车真是一件愉快不过的乐事!可惜这时期很短促,不久乐事就变为苦事。I really lived in an amusement park! What a pleasure it was to take a train! Unfortunately, this period was transient—and my pleasure soon turned to pain. 🎈游乐园,游乐场 an amusement park/ a funfair第二个时期,是老乘火车的时期。一切都看厌了,乘火车在我就变成了一桩讨嫌的事。My second stage came when I became a frequent rider. During this stage, I was then fed up with everything; traveling by train was annoying to me.🎈feed up有两种意思1)厌烦 be fed up with…=get/be satiated [usually passive. ‘satiate sb.’ means to give sb。so much of sth. that they do not feel they want any more](也有“满足的意思”)2)把…喂胖 feed sb. up例句She is too thin. Feed her up a bit.她太瘦了,把她养胖点。以前买了车票热烈地盼望车子快到。现在也盼望车子快到,但不是热烈地而是焦灼地。意思是要它快些来载我赴目的地。Previously, when I got a ticket I was eager for the arrival of the train. Now, I still hoped the train would come soon, but my expectation turned anxious but not ardent. In other words, I wished it to take me to my destination as soon as possible.🎈换句话说 in other words/ put another way /to put it another way /to put it differently以前上车总要拣个靠窗的好位置,现在不拘,但求有得坐。Formerly I would take a window seat, but now I cared little about windows, hoping only for a seat of any kind.🎈以前 before/formerly/previously/prior to…🎈任何形式的… …of any kind所有形式/类型的… …of all kinds/types以前在车中不绝地观赏窗内窗外的人物景色,现在都不要看了,一上车就拿出一册书来,不顾环境的动静,只管埋头在书中,直到目的地的达到。Previously, I would observe passengers inside and admire the passing scenes, but now I often closed my eyes to the outside world. Immediately I boarded the train, I would take out a book, ignore the bedlam around me, and read till my destination.🎈一……就……1)upon/on + noun.或upon/on + V-ing2) once3)as soon as…4) hardly… when…🎈bedlam [U] a scene full of noise and confusion 混乱嘈杂的场面例句It was bedlam at our house on the morning of the wedding.婚礼的那天早上,我们家闹哄哄的。为的是老乘火车,一切都已见惯,觉得这些千篇一律的状态没有甚么看头。不如利用这冗长无聊的时间来用些功。但并非欢喜用功,而是无可奈何似的用功。I traveled so frequently that I became jaded with the train and found the sights and people were not worthy of a glance. I buried my nose in a book to kill the long, tedious time, not because I liked reading, but because I had no other choice.🎈对……提不起兴致 be jaded with🎈没看头 be not worthy of a glance🎈埋头读起… bury one’s nose in (+书籍)例句Hermione sat down on a stone step and buried her nose in Voyages with Vampires again.赫敏坐下来,又埋头读起了《与吸血鬼同船旅行》🎈消磨时光,打发时光 kill the time每当看书疲倦起来,就埋怨火车行得太慢,看了许多书才走得两站!这时候似觉一切乘车的人都同我一样,大家焦灼地坐在车厢中等候到达。When I tired of reading, I would grumble about the train’s slow pace, yet as I finished my books, I found that I was still two stops short of my destination! I imagined all the other passengers were anxiously waiting for the end of their journey just like me.🎈对…感到厌倦/疲倦 be jaded with/ be fed up with/be tired of/ tire of🎈抱怨 complain/ grumble看到凭在车窗上指点谈笑的小孩子,我鄙视他们,觉得这班初出茅庐的人少见多怪,其浅薄可笑, When observing children talking and laughing by the train window, I would belittle them, thinking they had seen too little of the world and were unduly curious. 🎈when引导的从句主语和主句主语一致,且含be动词,可以省略掉主语和be。以及,在从句主语和主句主语不一致,而是虚主语it时,it+ be也是可以省略的例句when it is necessary=when necessary🎈observing children talking and laughing by the train window中talking and laughing by the train window是children的后置修饰成分,by表示在…旁边、接近…有时窗外有飞机驶过,同车的人大家立起来观望,我也不屑从众,回头一看立刻埋头在书中。When a plane flew over the train, my fellow passengers would stand up to watch, but I considered it beneath my dignity to join them; after taking a glance, I would again throw myself into my book.🎈considered it beneath my dignity to join them中it是动词consider的形式宾语,to join them是真正宾语。🎈埋头苦读…… bury one’s nose in a book/ throw oneself into a book /bury oneself in a book总之,那时我在形式上乘火车,而在精神上仿佛遗世独立,依旧笼闭在自己的书斋中。My life on the train was that of a person cut off from the world, locked away in the study.🎈was that of a person cut off from the world, locked away in the study相当于was the life of a person who was cut off from the world and locked away in the study。study作名词可指「书房、书斋」那时候我觉得世间一切枯燥无味,无可享乐,只有沉闷、疲倦、和苦痛,正同乘火车一样。这时期相当地延长,直到我深人中年时候而截止。During this time everything seemed dull and monotonous, without a moment’s pleasure. This oppressive, tiresome, and painful life, which was itself like a boring train ride, extended far into my middle age.🎈During this time中time指一段(特定的)时间,是可数名词。例句There were times when he would ring his bell at all hours of the day or night. 有段时间,他白天或晚上随时都可能摁铃。第三个时期,可说是惯乘火车的时期。乘得太多了,讨嫌不得许多,还是逆来顺受罢。My third period was that of a habitual rider. I was traveling so often that the train rides became loathsome; yet I decided to put up with them.🎈此处yet是连词,用于引出颇令人惊讶的事实,表示「可是却,却又」例句I don’t eat much, yet I am a size 16.我吃得并不多,但是却穿16码的衣服。心境一变,以前看厌了的东西也会从新有起意义来,仿佛“温故而知新”似的。With a change of attitude, many loathsome things may become interesting again.🎈「以前看厌了的东西也会从新有起意义来」相当于「温故而知新」的解释,译一次即可。最初乘火车是乐事,后来变成苦事,最后又变成乐事,仿佛“返老还童”似的。Train rides, which had first been joyous and then tiresome, became the source of joy again. It was as if I became a child again!🎈as if/as though引导的从句若表示完全不可能发生的事情,用虚拟语气;若表示可能会发生的事情,则用真实语气。例句Don’t act as if you were the only pebble on the beach. 不要太拿自己当回事。you是不可能真的成为pebble的,所以用了虚拟语气最初乘火车欢喜看景物,后来埋头看书,最后又不看书而欢喜看景物了。I had first taken delight in watching the scenery outside, and then began to bury myself in books, and finally returned to the enjoyment of the sights inside.🎈因…欢喜take delight in万全《搪瓷茶缸》每走进百货公司,看到那些洁白的、柔和的、米黄色的和花色诱人的搪瓷茶缸,总感到一种愉快。Whenever I visit a department store, I always take delight in seeing the enamel mugs which, pure white or creamy, are graceful in pattern and colour.不过这回的欢喜与最初的欢喜性状不同:前者所见都是可喜的,后者所见却大多数是可惊的,可笑的,可悲的。不过在可惊可笑可悲的发见上,感到一种比埋头看书更多的兴味而已。However, the delight was different this time: my initial observations had been enjoyable, but now they seemed alarming, ludicrous, and deplorable. Yet I discovered more interest in ‘admiring’ my surroundings than in reading my books.🎈Yet是连词,指despite what has just been said 但是;然而近义词为nevertheless例句It’s a small car, yet it’s surprisingly spacious.这辆汽车不大,然而却出奇地宽敞。故前者的欢喜是真的“欢喜”,若译英语可用happy或merry。后者却只是like或fondof,不是真心的欢乐。On reflection, my first period seems a genuine pleasure—a happy state of mind, whereas this now is replaced by a fondness or liking for my travels. 🎈经过思索,细想一下 On reflection实际,这原是比较而来的;因为看书实在没有许多好书可以使我集中兴味而忘却乘火车的沉闷。As a matter of fact, I have drawn the conclusion by comparison of the periods. Indeed, there were not many interesting books which could concentrate my mind to overcome the boredom of the ride;🎈事实上As a matter of fact🎈得出结论come to/draw/reach a conclusion而这车厢社会里的种种人间相倒是一部活的好书,会时时向我展出新颖的page来。惯乘火车的人,大概对我这话多少有些儿同感的吧!yet the panorama of faces and behaviors I now observed were, so to speak, a wonderful living book, one that I could turn the pages on endlessly. Frequent train riders may feel more or less the same!🎈种种人间相 the panorama of faces and behaviors🎈好像,仿佛,可谓是,可以说是so to speak =as it were例句He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. 他可谓是一本活字典。🎈one that I could turn the pages on endlessly是a wonderful living book的同位语。不说车厢社会里的琐碎的事,但看各人的座位,已够使人惊叹了。But trivialities aside, there were serious matters to consider when you looked at the passengers’ behavior.🎈撇开…不谈,… noun + aside, …例句Emotional arguments aside, here are the facts.撇开那些情绪化的争论不谈,下面只说客观事实。同是买一张票的,有的人老实不客气地躺着,一人占有了五六个人的位置。看见找寻座位的人来了,把头向着里,故作鼾声,或者装作病了,或者举手指点那边,对他们说“前面很空,前面很空”。Each paid the same fare, but the so-called “decent” guy would brazenly lie down across the bench, taking up the space of five or six people. When seeing others look for seats, he would turn away and pretend to be snoring, or play sick, or point to some imaginary empty seats up front.🎈 “同是买一张票的”宜理解成“买票花了同样的价格”,和语境更匹配。🎈brazenly指「厚脸皮地」,和decent一起构成反讽的效果。🎈装病 play sick🎈举手指点那边,对他们说「前面很空,前面很空」→指向前面的「空」座位,即前面不一定有空座位,只是这些人厚颜无耻的说辞,译文增加imaginary一词,乃点睛之笔。和平谦虚的乡下人大概会听信他的话,让他安睡,背着行李向他所指点的前面去另找“很空”的位置。My modest, good-natured countrymen would probably trust this individual, and let him sleep on, and struggle away with their baggage toward the “vacant” seats.🎈 My modest, good-natured countrymen中的my(用在对话或书信中)是为了增强亲昵感,此处还表明了作者的立场,暗含对the “decent” guy的鄙视。有的人教行李分占了自己左右的两个位置,当作自己的卫队。若是方皮箱,又可当作自己的茶几。看见找座位的人来了,拼命埋头看报。Other “respectable” passengers would occupy the surrounding seats with their baggage, which could protect them on both sides like security guards; if it was a suitcase, they could make it serve for a tea table. If seeing a newcomer search for a seat, he would hide his gaze behind a newspaper.🎈保安 security guards🎈 If seeing a newcomer search for a seat相当于When seeing a newcomer search for a seat。对方倘不客气地向他提出:“对不起,先生,请把你的箱子放在上面了,大家坐坐!”他会指着远处打官话拒绝他:“那边也好坐,你为甚么一定要坐在这里?”说过管自看报了。Should a fellow passenger go so far as to inquire “Excuse me, sir! Would you please place your suitcase on the rack and let me have a seat?” he would assume the air of a bureaucrat, rejecting the newcomer with a command to “Go and sit over there. Why do you need to take this seat?” After these remarks, he would go on to read the newspaper, safely under the protection of his luggage.🎈如果虚拟从句中出现了were,had,should,可以将其放在从句句首代替if,构成倒装。Should a fellow passenger go so far as to inquire …相当于If a fellow passenger should go so far to inquire…。类似的还有Were I you, I would go abroad at once. 相当于If I were you, I would go abroad at once.🎈so far as to…是so (…) as to(如此…以至于)的结构。🎈打官话assume the air of bureaucrat装出……的样子 assume an air of…其中,assume指装出(某种样子),air指「神态,腔调,样子」例句He contented himself by assuming an air of superiority…他表现出一副高高在上的样子以获得自我满足。🎈此句译文中补充safely under the protection of his luggage,同样起到了反讽效果,也解释了行李箱为什么能「当作卫队」,使读者进一步理解文章。和平谦让的乡下人大概不再请求,让他坐在行李的护卫中看报,抱着孩子向他指点的那边去另找“好坐”的地方了。My humble, unsophisticated countrymen would likely not insist or repeat their inquiry; instead they would shuffle off, babies in arms, in the direction he had indicated, in hope of finding a “good” place.🎈散开,离去shuffle off例句The kids shuffle off, rinsing the “wound” under cold water, packing it with gauze, and pretending to take their charges to the hospital.孩子们纷纷散开,用冷水冲洗“伤口”,用纱布包炸好,并假装把伤者送到医院。🎈“, babies (being) in arm”是独立主格结构,也可改写为with复合结构 with babies in arm表伴随。有的人没有行李,把身子扭转来,教一个屁股和一支大腿占据了两个人的座位,而悠闲地凭在窗中吸烟。And if the “honorable” guy has no luggage, he would simply turn around to let his bottom and thighs occupy the adjoining seats, and then smoke leisurely while leaning against the window; 🎈大腿thigh臀部,屁股 bottom bottom为中性词汇,ass则含侮辱意味,且不正式,常用在口语中他把大乌龟壳似的一个背部向着他的右邻,而用一支横置的左大腿来拒远他的左邻。he turned his turtle-shell back against the seatmate on the right and stretched out his left thigh to keep back any passengers on his left.🎈背向… turn one’s back against/upon…🎈远离… keep back [to not go near something]🎈表示方位:在…的左边 on the left of…向左转 turn left这大腿上面的空间完全归他所有,可在其中从容地抽烟,看报。逢到找寻坐位的人来了,把报纸堆在大腿上,把头攒出窗外,只作不闻不见。Since he now had the space above his thighs all to himself, he could smoke and read at leisure; when seeing passengers looking for seats, he would stack up his newspaper on his knees and stick his head out the window, pretending not to notice their presence.🎈使……归为某人(自己)所有 have sth to oneself🎈不慌不忙地,从容地at leisure还有一种人,不取大腿的策略,而用一册书和一个帽子放在自己身旁的坐位上。找坐位的人倘来请他拿开,就回答他说:“这里有人”。Another kind of ‘honest’ guy would place a book and a hat on the seats on both sides instead of resorting to the tactics of thighs; if a newcomer asked him to take them away, he would reply, “The seat is taken.”🎈本文中带引号的decent、honorable、honest表达的实则为反义,极具讽刺意味。座位明明没人,却大言不惭说“这里有人”,好一个实诚(honest)的人!🎈诉诸、求助于、依靠resort to例句They felt obliged to resort to violence.他们觉得有必要诉诸暴力。和平谦虚的乡下人大概会听信他,留这空位给他那“人”坐,扶着老人向别处去另找坐位了。My simple, honest countrymen would probably believe that he had reserved the seat for ‘the other man’, and could only hand their old folks across the train searching elsewhere for seats. 找不到坐位时,他们就把行李放在门口,自己坐在行李上,或者抱了小孩,扶了老人站在W.C.的门口。If none could be found, they would have to sit on their luggage by the exit, or stand next to the water closet with their babies and old folks in hand.🎈none理解为none of (vacant) seats🎈WC的全称是water closet(厕所)查票的来了,不干涉躺着的人,以及用大腿或帽子占坐位的人,却埋怨坐在行李上的人和抱了小孩扶了老人站在W.C.门的人阻碍了走路,把他们骂脱几声。When the inspector came to check tickets, he never questioned those lying on the seats or those holding seats with their luggage and hats, but abused those sitting on their luggage or the ones standing by the water closet, caring for the young and old of their families.🎈…的(一类)人 those/the ones…我看到这种车厢社会里的状态,觉得可惊,又觉得可笑、可悲。可惊者,大家出同样的钱,购同样的票,明明是一律平等的乘客,为甚么会演出这般不平等的状态?Seeing all this, I felt outraged, ashamed and appalled. I felt outraged because each passenger had paid the same fare and they should have been equally treated, why was the outcome just the opposite?🎈 should have done或ought to have done意为「本应该……」,表示本应该做某事,而实际没有做,含有责备或遗憾的语气。可笑者,那些强占坐位的人,不惜装腔、撒谎,以图一己的苟安,而后来终得舍去他的好位置。I felt ashamed because my “venerable” passengers did not feel scruples about striking an attitude or telling lies for their own ease and comfort; yet they forgot that everyone must part with their good seats at the end of the journey.🎈因……感到不安 feel scruples about…🎈摆出某种姿态 strike a pose/an attitude🎈和…分别/分开 part with…可悲者,在这乘火车的期间中,苦了那些和平谦虚的乘客,他们始终只得坐在门口的行李上,或者抱了小孩,扶了老人站在W.C.的门口,还要被查票者骂脱几声。And I felt appalled because the train ride caused my honest, good-natured countrymen untold agonies; they had no choice but to sit on their luggage or stand near the toilets, yet they were unfairly cursed by the inspectors.🎈给某人造成(麻烦)……cause sb sth / cause sth for sb例句The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers.恶劣的天气正给许多农民造成困难。The project is still causing him a lot of problems.这项工程现在仍然给他带来许多的麻烦。在车厢社会里,但看坐位这一点,已足使我惊叹了。何况其他种种的花样。The scramble for seats is, by itself, enough to fill me with shock, to say nothing of the other tricks. 🎈单独 by itself🎈更不用说,何况 to say nothing of例句It was too expensive, to say nothing of the time it wasted.这太贵了,更不用说它浪费的时间了。【补充】其他「更不用说」的表达①由于他们一声不响,默默无闻,就很少为人所知,(更不)受重视。As to those engrossed in “laying eggs”, because they are reserved and content to live in obscurity they gain little public attention, let alone recognition. ②它的宽大的叶子也是片片向上,几乎没有斜生的,(更不用说)倒垂了;Their leaves are broad and point upwards with very few slanting sideways, much less upside down.③他会说德语和法语,(更不用说)英语了。He can speak German and French, not to speak of English.④老人、小孩都不赞成这个建议,更不用说年轻人了。Old folks and children are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.⑤他会说德语和法语,(更不用说)英语了。He can speak German and French, not to speak of English.总之,凡人间社会里所有的现状,在车厢社会中都有其缩图。In short, what happens on the train is simply a display of an unusual characteristic of Chinese society.🎈总之In short/Generally speaking故我们乘火车不必看书,但把车厢看作人间世的模型,足够消遣了。Because of this, we do not need to read during our train rides. Observing our fellow passengers, a human society in miniature, is enough for us to kill the time.🎈小规模的;小型的 in miniature例句Through play, children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life.通过游戏,孩子们演出了成年人生活的缩影。回想自己乘火车的三时期的心境,也觉得可惊,可笑,又可悲。可惊者,从初乘火车经过老乘火车,而至于惯乘火车,时序的递变太快!Recalling my states of mind in each of the three periods, I now feel shocked, amazed, and appalled. I feel shocked because my progression from a new rider to a frequent rider and then to a habitual rider happened so fast!🎈progression [C] 发展,演变英义a gradual development from one state to another例句I think they saw it as a natural progression for me.我想他们认为这对我来说是顺理成章的。可笑者,乘火车原来也是一件平常的事。幼时认为“电线同木栅栏一样”,车站同桃源一样,固然可笑,后来那样地厌恶它而埋头于书中,也一样地可笑。I feel amazed because a train ride should be nothing out of the ordinary, but as a child I thought the wire poles, if seen from inside the train, would look like a fence and the train station would look like Arcadia, and finally I came to loathe these rides and turned to reading instead.🎈nothing out of the ordinary双重否定表肯定,意同something ordinary。可悲者,我对于乘火车不复感到昔日的欢喜,而以观察车厢社会里的怪状为消遣,实在不是我所愿为之事。Now I feel appalled because I no longer feel the delight I used to have for train rides; instead I observe the absurd behavior on the part of train passengers, though I am unwilling to while away the time like this.🎈由某人作出的on the part of sb. / on sb.’s part董鼎山《美国编辑的基本常识》该报的认真态度是名闻世界的,但是编辑的缺乏常识是不是我们所可谅解? The New York Times is world-famous for its conscientiousness, but a lack of general knowledge on the part of its editors is nevertheless unpardonable.🎈打发时间 while away the time/ relieve the tedium/ relieve boredom/ kill time于是我憧憬于过去在外国时所乘的火车。记得那车厢中很有秩序,全无现今所见的怪状。Instead, I admire train travel in foreign countries. As far as I can remember, these trains were in good order, and I never saw such absurdities as I viewed in my country.🎈记得…… As far as I can remember在我看来 As far as I am concerned/ As far as I know那时我们在车厢中不解众苦,只觉旅行之乐。但这原是过去已久的事,在现今的世间恐怕不会再见这种车厢社会了。On the trains, we did not know the troubles of the fellow passengers; we felt the joys of travel all the time. This is past history. Such a society on the train will probably not be seen again.🎈既往历史past historyhistory作「历史」讲是不可数名词。前天同一位朋友从火车上下来,出车站后他对我说了几句新诗似的东西,我记忆着。The other day, when getting off the train, a friend of mine said to me something of a verse, and I committed it to memory.🎈那天/那天早上/那天晚上/那个星期(用于指说话前不久的日子)the other day/morning/evening/week《健忘的画眉》那天,我刚刚走进滨河公园,便听到从小树林中传出了画眉的叫声。The other day when I went into Riverside Park, I was greeted by the chirrup of a song thrush from a grove.🎈把……记住 commit sth. to memory把……写下来 commit sth. to paper例句She had not committed anything to paper about it.关于这件事她未曾写下只言片语。I’ll repeat that so you can commit it to memory.我会重复一下,好让你们记住。现在抄在这里当做结尾:有的早上早下,有的迟上迟下,有的早上迟下,有的迟上早下。上了车纷争坐位,下了车各自回家。在车厢中留心保管你的车票,下车时把车票原物还他。I think it is a good way to end this essay:Life is like taking a train,Some get on early and off early,Some get on late and off late,Some get on early but off late,Some get on late but off early.On the train all fight for seats,Off the train each goes home.Be careful of your ticket while on the train.But give it to the inspector at the end of the ride.🎈 inspector指公共汽车或火车上的查票员。🔥重点表达松懈 be off guard一点,半点 the least bit被碾成两段 be ground into two halves把……想象成…… visualize… as…流星 shooting star适用于…… be true of…乘火车 on the train/by rail无数次 times out of number如果我……我就会……If I had done…, I would have done…回想 look back /think back to情绪,心境,心态frame of mind, state of mind, mindset给某人…印象,让某人觉得… strike sb as…不去做某事、避免做某事 refrain from (doing) sth靠窗的位置 a window seat决心做…,志在… be intent on doing sth.世外桃源 Arcadia上演 put on游乐园,游乐场 an amusement park/ a funfair换句话说 in other words/ put another way /to put it another way /to put it differently以前 before/formerly/previously/prior to…对……提不起兴致 be jaded with没看头 be not worthy of a glance对…感到厌倦/疲倦 be jaded with/ be fed up with/be tired of/ tire of埋头苦读…… bury one’s nose in a book/ throw oneself into a book /bury oneself in a book因…欢喜take delight in经过思索,细想一下 On reflection事实上As a matter of fact得出结论come to/draw/reach a conclusion种种人间相 the panorama of faces and behaviors好像,仿佛,可谓是,可以说是so to speak =as it were撇开…不谈,… noun + aside, …装病 play sick保安 security guards装出……的样子 assume an air of…背向… turn one’s back against/upon…不慌不忙地,从容地at leisure诉诸、求助于、依靠resort to厕所WC (water closet)因……感到不安 feel scruples about…摆出某种姿态 strike a pose/an attitude和…分别/分开 part with…更不用说,何况 to say nothing of总之In short/Generally speaking小规模的;小型的 in miniature由某人作出的on the part of sb. / on sb.’s part打发时间 while away the time/ relieve the tedium/ relieve boredom/ kill time把……记住 commit sth. to memory