If I were a Japanese🔥背景知识:萧乾所著《倘若我是一个日本人》一文原载1995年9月30日《新民晚报》。倘若我是个日本人,一到这战争纪念日,我会难过,羞愧,在亚洲人民面前抬不起头来。If I were a Japanese, I would, on this war commemoration day, feel very bad and ashamed, and keep my head bowed before the people of Asia.🎈 If I were a Japanese, I would…涉及if非真实条件句中的虚拟语气(与现在事实相反):条件从句谓语动词形式用动词过去式(be用were)+主句谓语动词形式should/would/could/might+动词原形倒不是由于五十年前打败了,而是五十年后对自家为千千万万的人们所带来的祸害,采取抵赖、死不认帐的态度。Not that Japan was defeated 50 years ago, but that it today persists in denying the disaster it brought upon millions upon millions of common people.🎈倒不是/并不是说…而是说Not that…,but that…(此时that引导主语从句🎈it brought upon /millions upon millions of…是省略that的定语从句,其中,brought…upon sb给某人带来…;millions upon millions of表示成千上万的。例句The most popular content on Facebook have gained millions upon millions of likes in just a few hours.在该社交网站,最火爆的帖子能够在短短几个小时就获得数以百万计的“赞”。在亚洲人面前(或是心目中),是个赖帐的。In the eyes of all Asians, Japan remains absolutely unrepentant.🎈面前(或是心目中)都是「在眼中」的意思,现译作In the eyes of。明明六十多年前是自家的关东军制造事端抢了邻人的东北大片土地,五十多年前又从卢沟桥掀起东亚大战。As is known to all, over 60 years ago, the Japanese Guandong Army occupied by making a pretext the vast expanse of land in Northeast China, and over 50 years ago Japan started the War of East Asia by staging the Lugou Bridge Incident.🎈「制造事端」按「编造借口」之意译作by making a pretext。🎈stage作动词时,可表示「组织上演(戏剧、演出等)」「组织(活动或仪式,如罢工)」🎈卢沟桥事变the Lugou Bridge Incident太阳旗所到之处,烧杀掠夺,生灵涂炭。Wherever the flag of the Rising Sun fluttered, burning, killing and looting would follow and people would be plunged into the abyss of untold suffering.🎈太阳旗指代日军。又,从句的谓语部分也考虑到了与主语的搭配,flutter(飘动)和flag(旗)相对应。🎈「生灵涂炭」就是「老百姓遭殃」,现译作plunge into the abyss of untold suffering(让老百姓置身无尽苦难的深渊、将老百姓置于水深火热之中),这个句子值得背诵。接着,又把战火推向东南亚以至大洋洲。And then Japan spread the flames of war to Southeast Asia and even Oceania. 🎈「又把战火推向」直接理解成「战火又烧至了……」即可,不用另补充主语。皇军闯到哪儿,祸水就冲到哪儿。遍地留下了万人坑。The Japanese Imperial Army left behind great destruction and mass graves everywhere.🎈皇军The Japanese Imperial Army两句合并译作了…left behind great destruction and mass graves everywhere,因为皇军遍地烧杀抢掠,所以遍地都是惨状。「祸水」「万人坑」都是皇军到达一个地区之后所实施的行为.可如今,连“侵略”两个字都不承认,说是“进入”!还把造成的地狱硬说成是“乐土”。And yet they now describe their acts of aggression euphemistically as “making an entry” and insist on calling the hell of their doing by the good name of “land of happiness”!🎈欣赏译文中的euphemistically、by the good name of,使译文表意更准确,并凸显了感情色彩(对日军抵赖行为的态度)。凡事都怕一比。Only by comparison can we distinguish between right and wrong.🎈此句按「只有通过比较才能辨别是非(distinguish between right and wrong)」理解即可。当年欧洲那些纳粹哥儿们所造成的祸害也不小啊!光死在那些集中营的焚尸炉、毒气室,人体实验上的,就足有几百万。Japan’s Nazi buddies during WWII brought equally frightful calamity to Europe, killing, for instance, at least a total of several million people in the concentration camps by means of crematories, gas chambers and vivisection.🎈「当年」译作during WWII,明确交代出了时间。「所造成的祸害也不小啊」即「犯了同样的滔天罪行」,现译作brought equally frightful calamity,欣赏副词equally的运用。killing, for instance, at least a total of several million people作补充语,是对calamity的补充说明。🎈和「集中营」相关的一系列表达集中营the concentration camps毒气室gas chambers焚尸炉/火葬场crematories人体实验、活体解剖vivisection可是人家打败了仗,好汉做事好汉当。Nevertheless, after Germany was defeated, the Germans had the courage to accept the consequences of their own actions.🎈德国人German、德国Germany好汉做事好汉当:光明磊落,敢做敢当,不推卸责任。即德国敢于为自己的行为负责,现译为had the courage to accept the consequences of their own actions。首先从上层就低头认罪,绝不抵赖。They, from top to bottom, hung their heads to admit their guilt rather than deny facts.🎈「从上层」按「从高层(领导等)到下层(百姓/士兵等)」之意译作from top to bottom。该作揖的作揖,该下跪的就下跪。They bowed with hands clasped or went down on their knees. 🎈作揖bowed with hands clasped下跪went down on their knees萧红《永远的憧憬和追求》跪了下来drop to their knees欠下的帐,一五一十,分文不赖。They owned up to everything they had said or done.🎈own up to 是固定搭配,表示「承认错误,坦白」如今,在国际社会中,人家又挺起腰板,成为可以信赖、受到尊重的一员了。Consequently, standing erect and with chin up, they have won the trust and respect of the world community of nations.🎈「挺起腰板」处理为了伴随状语standing erect and with chin up(腰板挺直、昂首挺胸),和前文提到的姿态形成鲜明对比。国际社会the world/international community多年来曾经首先受害的法国一直愉快地谈着法德友谊。France, the first European country victimized by Nazi invasion, has now been happy for years about Franco-German friendship.🎈the first European country victimized by Nazi invasion是France的同位语。🎈法德友谊Franco-German friendship。Franco-前缀(与表示国籍的形容词连用,构成形容词)表示「法国与…国的」。同理的还有, Sino-Japanese trade and investment(中日贸易和投资)、Sino-British Joint Declaration(中英联合宣言)。可我当个日本人,只由于一提那场战争,上头就刁钻古怪,闪烁其辞,死不认帐。As a Japanese, I would be disgusted with my higher-ups’ tricky hems and haws on the subject of the last war and their flat refusal to acknowledge Japan’s crimes.🎈上级/上司/长官higher-up🎈「上头就刁钻古怪,闪烁其辞」译作my higher-ups’ tricky hems and haws 。其中,「刁钻古怪」本是修饰「上头」的,译文将其灵活处理为了hems and haws的前置定语;又,hems and haws是习语,表示「支支吾吾/闪烁其词」🎈 flat refusal表示「断然拒绝」而且大官儿们还去给当年干尽坏事的头儿们的阴魂烧香磕头,等于感谢他们杀得好,杀得痛快、漂亮。Our bigwigs continue to burn incense and kowtow before the memorial tablets of the notorious war criminals—an act tantamount to expressing gratitude to slaughterers for massacring common people.🎈bigwigs指要人、大人物,但要注意,这个词多含贬义。例如:She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。在翻译其他材料时,别看见“大人物”就一股脑翻成bigwig,要注意语境和感情色彩。🎈烧香磕头burn incense and kowtow。看到这里是不是突然联想到了「安倍晋三参拜靖国神社」的新闻?🎈「等于……」选取以「破折号后跟解释说明成分」的形式翻译。不但对世界、对亚洲人耍赖,在教科书里,对儿孙们也撒谎、抵赖。They are telling lies not only to the Asians and the world at large, but also in school textbooks to mislead their own younger generations. 🎈整个,全部,总地,一般地 at large例句The country at large is hoping for great changes.这个国家普遍来说都希望有大变化。站在二十一世纪的门坎,当个日本人,我忧心忡忡,而且抬不起头来。As a Japanese at the turn of the century I would be heavy-hearted and unable to raise my head.🎈「站在二十一世纪的门坎」即「在世纪之交」,现译作at the turn of the century。心情沉重/忧心忡忡heavy-hearted或with a heavy heart例句Today he says he visits the country with a heavier heart.今天他说他是怀着更沉重的心情来该国的。然而我不是个日本人。我是一个八十六岁饱经沧桑的中国老头儿。But I’m not a Japanese. I’m an old man of 86 from China having experienced many vicissitudes of life.🎈having experienced many vicissitudes of life作man的后置定语。大家可以把vicissitudes(沧桑/盛衰/变迁)和nostalgia(怀旧)一起记忆,这两个词通常会一起出现,而且拼写都不太好记。我周围的后生一提起日本对战争罪行死不认帐,就摩拳擦掌,怒火中烧,我这世故老汉儿倒是处之泰然。While the young folks around me will burn with rage at the mention of Japan’s stubborn refusal to own up, I, being a world-wise old man, will stay calm and collected.🎈「后生」即年轻人,现译作the young folks。🎈folk和people:一般可以换用。但某些情况下, folk不是指人群、人们,而指亲人(父母、乡亲)在强调有这层亲缘关系的时候是不可以换的。比如说 my old folks一般是说我的老父母…换了就不对了。此处all country folks乡亲们同理。🎈忿忿、满腔愤怒、怒火中烧 burn with rage 🎈「世故老汉儿」译作a world-wise old man。我们常夸奖有人「知世故而不世故」,这时世故侧重说「圆滑」,而文中的世故则是在强调「人生的智慧」,故选用wise一词。凡事都有两个方面。Everything, however, has two aspects. ’🎈however是增译成分,表示转折关系,起到过渡作用。我认为今天日本不认罪也就是思想上还没放下屠刀,东条还在阴魂不散,谁敢担保在下个世纪他不会借尸还魂!I think Japan’s refusal to admit its crimes is due to its failure to be mentally prepared to drop the butcher’s knife. So long as the ghost of Tojo lingers on, none can assure you that militarism will never revive in a new guise in the next century.🎈「不认罪」可译作refusal to admit its crimes,也可译作refusal to acknowledge its crimes。🎈放下屠刀drop the butcher’s knife.🎈此句在「屠刀」处断成了两个句群。后面一句理解成「只要东条阴魂不散,就没人敢担保……」,译为了So long as the ghost to Tojo lingers on, none can assure…。🎈Tojo:东条英机(1884.12.30—1948.12.23),是日本军国主义的代表人物,二战甲级战犯,侵略中国和发动太平洋战争的主要战犯之一。东条英机是昭和的手下,因独断专行、凶狠残暴,在关东军中有“剃刀将军”之称。他还是第二次世界大战中与希特勒、墨索里尼齐名的三大法西斯头目之一,是日本军国主义侵略中国、侵略亚洲的首要战争罪犯之一。1948年11月12日,东条英机被远东国际军事法庭以犯有发动战争、侵略别国、反人道罪等罪行判处绞刑。12月23日,东条英机被执行绞刑,时年64岁。它的徘徊等于时刻在提醒我们——以及亚洲弟兄们,不要以为今后就天下太平可以高枕无忧了。The lingering shadow serves to warn us and our Asian brothers against the fantasy that the world will be at peace in the days to come and we can sit back and relax.🎈高枕无忧: 无忧无虑、麻痹大意。译作sit back and relax。我不晓得靖国神社里敲不敲钟。I wonder if the bell still strikes at Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo.🎈「不晓得」译作wonder,运用了反话正说的手法。🎈strike可表示「(钟表)敲,鸣,报时」。例句The clock struck nine.钟敲了 9 下。🎈靖国神社Yasukuni Shrine:靖国神社是位于日本东京都千代田区九段北的神社,供奉着自明治维新时代以来为日本战死的军人及军属,大多数是在日本侵华战争(1931-1945)及太平洋战争(1941-1945)中阵亡的日军官兵及三万名台湾高砂义勇军等日本兵。多年来,参拜靖国神社已成为部分日本政客拉拢选民、展示右翼思想的「个人秀」。日本政客的数次参拜破坏了日本与中国、韩国等亚洲国家之间的关系。倘若敲的话,对军国主义的崇拜者们,那是为了悼念当年侵略者的“英”灵,对我们——中国人和亚洲人,那钟声正好提醒我们,告诫我们千万不可睡大觉。If it does, it serves as a warning to the people of China and Asia not to drop guard while the adherents to militarism are mourning over their late war criminals.🎈If it does中does即指代上文所说的「敲钟」,此处用does代替省略,可更好地突出此句中的新信息。🎈「睡大觉」即「放松警惕」,现译作drop guard。世界眼下风平浪静,可是只要霸人之心不死,防霸之心就不可无。Although the world is tranquil for the time being, vigilance is indispensably necessary before the potential hegemonist is completely disillusioned. 🎈「只要霸人之心不死,防霸之心就不可无」即「只要潜在的霸权者仍抱幻想,警惕之心就必不可少」,现译为vigilance is indispensably necessary before the potential hegemonist is completely disillusioned。欣赏before一词的运用。一个输了而不认输的赌徒是随时可能卷土重来的。An adventurist that refuses to be reconciled to defeat may stage a comeback at any time.🎈「赌徒」按「冒险主义者」之意译作An adventurist🎈甘心…、顺从…、安于…be reconciled to例句Both bills have to be reconciled to a single piece of legislation that has to pass in the House and Senate.这两项法案将会折中调和成一份法案,由参众两院公共通过。🔥必背词汇commemoration n. 纪念,纪念仪式英义an action, or a ceremony, etc. that makes people remember and show respect for an important person or event in the past.例句This monument has been erected in commemoration of the victory over the enemy.这纪念碑是为纪念战胜敌军而建立的。ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的英义If someone is ashamed, they feel embarrassed or guilty because of something they do or they have done, or because of their appearance.例句I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.我对自己发那么大的火而深感惭愧。persist v.顽强坚持,执著英义If you persist in doing something, you continue to do it, even though it is difficult or other people are against it. 例句Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces?为什么英国要坚持消减其军事防御力量?unrepentant adj.不思悔改的,不悔悟的,不知羞耻的英义If you are unrepentant, you are not ashamed of your beliefs or actions.例句Pamela was unrepentant about her strong language and abrasive remarks.帕梅拉对自己那些脏话和伤人的言辞一点也不感到羞愧。stage v.组织(活动或仪式)英义If you stage an event or ceremony, you organize it and usually take part in it.例句At the middle of this year the government staged a huge military parade.今年年中,政府举行了一次盛大的阅兵活动。pretext cn.借口,托词英义A pretext is a reason which you pretend has caused you to do something.例句They wanted a pretext for subduing the region by force.他们想找借口用武力征服这个地区。flutter v.颤动,飘动,挥动英义If something thin or light flutters, or if you flutter it, it moves up and down or from side to side with a lot of quick, light movements. 例句Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night breeze.她的雪纺裙在晚风中飘动着。crematory n.火葬场英义A crematorium is a building in which the bodies of dead people are burned.🔥重点表达倒不是…….而是…….Not that……,but that……坚持做某事 persist in doing sth卢沟桥事变 Lugou Bridge Incident太阳旗 the flag of the Rising Sun皇军 The Japanese Imperial Army集中营 the concentration camps 作揖 bow with hands clasped下跪 go down on one’s knees承认错误,坦白 own up to挺起腰板 stand erect and with chin up反感、厌恶某人 be disgusted with sb.闪烁其词 hems and haws 烧香磕头 burn incense and kowtow饱经沧桑 experience many vicissitudes of life怒火中烧 burn with rage一提到 at the mention of处之泰然 stay calm and collected借尸还魂 revive in a new guise高枕无忧sit back and relax靖国神社 Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo作为 serve as 暂时 for the time being卷土重来 stage a comeback 认输 reconcile to defeat🔥复盘测试倒不是…….而是…….坚持做某事卢沟桥事变太阳旗皇军集中营作揖下跪承认错误,坦白挺起腰板反感、厌恶某人闪烁其词烧香磕头饱经沧桑怒火中烧一提到处之泰然借尸还魂高枕无忧靖国神社作为暂时卷土重来认输🔥表达对比「等于」有几种表达?而且大官儿们还去给当年干尽坏事的头儿们的阴魂烧香磕头,(等于)感谢他们杀得好,杀得痛快、漂亮。Our bigwigs continue to burn incense and kowtow before the memorial tablets of the notorious war criminals—an act tantamount to expressing gratitude to slaughterers for massacring common people.它的徘徊(等于)时刻在提醒我们——以及亚洲弟兄们,不要以为今后就天下太平可以高枕无忧了。The lingering shadow serves to warn us and our Asian brothers against the fantasy that the world will be at peace in the days to come and we can sit back and relax.入射角(等于)反射角。The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.总结,证书不(等于)能力。To sum up, the certificates do not really mean competence.