Recalling the Construction of the Yunnan-Burmese Road ——Xiao Qian🔥背景知识:《忆滇缅路》是萧乾于1995年根据五十多年前旧作《血肉筑成的滇缅路》写的一段二战史事,追忆当年中国劳工奋勇抢建我国生命线——滇缅路——的英雄事迹,并谴责英国战时政府在日本指使下一度悍然封锁该公路,助纣为虐,为虎作伥。在二次大战的众多深刻教训中,最主要也是最痛心的一条是:Of all the numerous profound lessons we have learned from World War II, the following is the most distressing.🎈Of all the numerous profound lessons:of+…是用于限定某一范围常用的结构。艾青《画鸟的猎人》在许多职业里面,我所选中的是打猎。Of all the different trades, I like hunting best. 🎈如果下文要介绍一个故事或者铺开叙述一件事,following是一个很好的词,可以直接说the following is…引导一下🎈「第二次世界大战」可以说World War II,也可以说the Second World War。国与国之间平时客客气气,谁有点小灾小祸,还会略表支援;A country may be formally polite to another and show willingness to offer it a little help in case of a minor mishap befalling the latter.🎈「平时客客气气」意即「也许表面上彬彬有礼」,可译为may be formally polite。🎈「小灾小祸」可译为a minor mishap或mishap,其中mishap原指「不太严重的灾难」🎈 如果、假使 in case of sth 例句In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.如遇火警,即按警铃。然而一个国家一旦自身遇到麻烦,需要出卖朋友来摆脱困境时,则什么背信弃义的勾当都干得出。But it may stop at nothing to act perfidiously when it seeks to extricate itself from its own predicament at the expense of its friend.🎈「什么背信弃义的勾当都干得出」译为it may stop at nothing to act perfidiously,其中to stop at nothing是成语,作「不顾一切地」「不择手段地」解🎈「需要出卖朋友来摆脱困境时」译作when it seeks to extricate itself from its own predicament。其中extricate…from…表示「(使…)从…抽身」表达较为亮眼。希望大家借鉴模仿,活学活用。🎈在牺牲(或损害)… 的情况下 at the expense of sb/sth例句He built up the business at the expense of his health.他以自己的健康为代价逐步建立起这个企业。🎈以…为代价 at the cost of…一九四○年七月,正当我国抗战面临紧要关头,丘吉尔就为了讨好日本帝国主义以保全英帝国在远东的殖民地,竟然在当时仍是英属缅甸边界,把抗战中国的这条生命线封锁。In July 1940, at the critical juncture of China’s Anti-Japanese War, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, endeavoring to hold on to the British colonies in the Far East by fawning on the Japanese imperialists, ordered a blockade of our lifeline on the Burmese side of the border with China, Burma then being a British colony.🎈at the critical juncture of 基本是「在…紧要关头」的固定译法,注意记忆。🎈「讨好日本帝国主义」意即「巴结日本侵略者」,可译为fawning on (或pleasing) the Japanese aggressors。🎈「保全英帝国在远东的殖民地」译为to hold on to the British colonies in the Far East,其中to hold on to是成语,作「紧抓不放」「不肯放弃」等解。🎈译文只有一个句子,主体部分是British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered a blockade。剩下的endeavoring to hold on…作伴随状语(也可理解为原因状语),Burma then being a British colony是独立主格结构。当时,除了横越喜马拉雅山的空运外,我国所有进口的军火、汽油、药品、器械以及为换取这些而出口的钨砂、猪鬃、水银和桐油,都要经由这条公路运输。At that time, in addition to the airlift over the Himalayas, it was through the land transport by the Yunnan-Burmese Road that China imported munitions, gasoline, medicines and appliances in exchange for such exports as tungsten ore, hog bristles, mercury and tung oil.🎈「横越喜马拉雅山的空运」译为the airlift over the Himalayas,其中airlift作(紧急情况下的)空运或空中补给线解,意同(emergency) transport by air。🎈it was through the land transport by the Yunnan-Burmese Road that China imported…中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面that引导的成分。🎈「出口的钨砂、猪鬃、水银和桐油」按「钨砂、猪鬃、水银和桐油等出口商品」之意译作such exports as tungsten ore, hog bristles, mercury and tung oil。「中国是个出口大国」可以说China is a big exporter.汽车行驶高峰每日达七千余辆,进出口物资达数百万吨。The Road daily witnessed a traffic of over 7,000 motor vehicles during the peak hours and the transport of several million tons of import and export goods.🎈有些情况下,表示某事发生可以套用结构sth witness/see…何为《最后一圈》最后一圈是拼搏的时刻。The last lap always witnesses the runners going all out to win success.中华人民共和国于1949年成立。The year 1949 saw the founding of the People’s Republic of China.🎈a traffic of:实际情况中,traffic前面很少加a。英国悍然封锁该公路扼住我们的咽喉,无疑是对我国一巨大打击。Britain’s brazen act of blockading the Road meant, as it were, grabbing our throat. It was undoubtedly a serious blow to China.🎈「悍然」指蛮横。现译作brazen(厚颜无耻的/肆无忌惮的),使感情色彩更为浓厚。🎈成语as it were作「似乎」「可以说」「好比」「在一定程度上」等解。邓拓《伟大的空话》嘴里说个不停,真好比悬河之口,滔滔不绝。They talk on and on regardless of the occasion, words pouring out of their mouths incessantly, as it were, in a torrent.一九三九年春间,我曾踏访了这条公路并曾为香港《大公报》写过几篇报道。In the spring of 1939, I wrote several reports for the Hong Kong Dagong Bao after making an on-the-spot investigation of the Road.🎈 on-the-spot表示「当场的/现场的」an on-the-spot report现场报道🎈「曾踏访了」按「曾调研过/调查过」之意译作making an on-the-spot investigation of…其中,在《血肉筑成的滇缅路》一文中,我扼要地介绍了这条公路工程之艰巨:In one of them, entitled The Yunnan-Burmese Road — Paved with Flesh and Bloody, I gave as follows a brief account of the formidable Road building project:🎈as follows指「如下」常用搭配①be as follows②go/动词 as follows例句The regulations are as follows.规则如下所述。He wrote as follows.他所写如下。九百七十三公里的汽车路,三百七十座桥梁,一百四十万立方尺的石砌工程,近两千万立方公尺的土方,不曾沾过一架机器的光,不曾动用巨款,只凭二千五百万名民工的抢筑:铺土、铺石,也铺血肉。A 973-kilometer motorway, with 370 bridges, 1,400,000 cubic meters of stone work, and approximately 20,000,000 cubic meters of earth work. With neither machines nor adequate funds, 25 million laborers were engaged in a rush job of road construction. They paved the road with flesh and blood as well as with earth and stone.🎈此段第一句为非主谓句。有的名词性短语带上成句的语调,独立应用时就是非主谓句。🎈积累neither…nor…的用法。🎈血肉之躯flesh and blood下关至畹町那一段一九三七年一月动工,三月分段试车,五月就全面通车了。Work on the Xiaguan-Wanding section of the road started in January 1937 and was entirely opened to traffic in May after a section-by-section trial run in March.🎈全面通车was entirely opened to traffic分段试车a section-by-section trial run(即分段试运行)路是沿着古老的通往印度和缅甸的马帮驿道修成的。The Road was built on the ancient post road leading to India and Burma, on which caravans used to travel.🎈驿道也被称为古驿道,是古代中国设置驿站的通途大道,古代陆地交通主通道,同时也是属于重要的军事设施之一,主要用于转输军用粮草物资、传递军令军情的通道。如著名的丝绸之路,古代的湖广驿道、南阳-襄阳驿道、青蒿驿道、梅关古驿道等。🎈马帮,就是按民间约定俗成的方式组织起来的一群赶马人及其骡马队的称呼。马帮是大西南地区特有的一种交通运输方式,它也是茶马古道主要的运载手段,面对险恶而随时变化的环境、生死与共特殊的生存方式形成马帮自己严格的组织和帮规、有自己帮内的习俗禁忌和行话。🎈过去常常…… used to do习惯于…… be used to doing被用来、将用于 be used to do为了修那条公路三千多人捐了躯。More than 3,000 men laid down their lives for building the Road.🎈「捐了躯」即「牺牲、丧命」等,现译作laid down their lives(舍弃他们的生命)不能忘记的还有陈嘉庚组织的“南洋机工队”三千二百人,其中有一千多人在公路上为国殉难,Of the 3,200 members of the “Nanyang Mechanics Team”, organized by Tan Kah-kee, over 1,000 died on the job.🎈Tan Kah-kee(187-1961), a well-known patriotic leader of overseas Chinese in Singapore dedicated to national salvation, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, social reform and education.🎈died on the job也可写作die of/from the job,表示「因…而死、死于…」除了工程的艰险之外,还有那怕人的瘴气——恶性疟疾。The horrible disease of pernicious malaria was one of the great perils facing the laborers.🎈「除了工程的艰险之外,还有那怕人的瘴气——恶性疟疾」可按「可怕的恶性疟疾是工人面临的诸多险情之一」译为The horrible disease of pernicious malaria was one of the great perils facing the laborers,其中「瘴气」就指「恶性疟疾」,可避而不译。同行的一位头天晚上还有说有笑,第二天一摸,全身凉了。我们当时是席地睡在一座马厩里,他就睡在我身旁。One of my fellow travelers who chatted and laughed merrily one evening and then slept next to me on the ground of a stable was found stiff and cold the next day.🎈fellow travelers中的fellow一词是形容词,表示「同为…的」例句fellow students同学们 fellow workers工友们 fellow sufferer难友 fellow countrymen同胞 fellow Democrats民主党党友 fellow Socialists社会党党友 fellow passenger旅伴这样的结构,前面可以加上主有形容词。例句my fellow countrymen我的本国同胞。又,roll up your sleeves是英文固定词组,意即「大干一场」🎈「有说有笑」译为chatted and laughed merrily,其中merrily是译文中的添加词,原文虽无其词而有其意。🎈「全身凉了」译作was found stiff and cold。其中stiff是增译成分,是对人死后躯体的详细描述。一九三九年九月,我去了英国,正赶上二次欧战的爆发。In September 1939, World War II broke out on my arrival in England.🎈「我去了英国,正赶上二次欧战的爆发」译作World War II broke out on my arrival in England,大家可以学习此句的译法,主语和衔接处理很出彩。如果译作I arrived in England in September 1939 when World War II broke out也是可以的。没想到次年七月,我亲眼看到修筑的滇缅路被丘吉尔主持的英战时政府悍然封锁了,而且是在日本侵略者指使下这么干的,Unexpectedly, the wartime British government under Churchill, on the instigation of the Japanese aggressors, outrageously blockaded in July 1940 the Yunnan-Burmese Road, whose construction I had just seen with my own eyes.🎈原文中「没想到」后面跟的是句子,有些人会选择处理成 it’s unexpected that…,这种译法是可用的。参考译文直接用一个副词Unexpectedly定了整个句子语气,也可以。大家记得积累。🎈「在日本侵略者指使下」译作了on the instigation of the Japanese aggressors。我们可以看到「指使」一词并未按字面翻译,而是译作了instigation(煽动),选词非常准确。要想想,日本在当时真的已经强大到可以「指使」英国的地步了吗?当时英国民间组织援华委员会就在全英掀起反封锁的运动。Britain’s non-governmental Aid-China Committee then launched a nationwide anti-blockade campaign.🎈非政府组织(NGO)Non-governmental organization🎈then作副词不止可以表示「然后」,还可以「当时」例句I spent years on the dole trying to get bands together and I never worried about money then.我多年靠救济金过活,一直在努力组建乐队,那时,我从不为钱发愁。由于我是刚从抗战中国来到英国的记者,又曾采访过滇缅路,所以就应邀赴英国各大城市及乡村去演讲。As I was a Chinese correspondent just arrived in England from covering the Yunnan-Burmese Road, I was invited to deliver speeches in various big cities and villages of the country.🎈「由于我是从抗战中国来到英国的记者,又曾采访过滇缅路,所以就应邀赴英国各大城市及乡村去演讲」译为As I was a Chinese correspondent just arrived in England from covering the Yunnan-Burmese Road, I was invited to deliver speeches in big cities and villages of the country,其中arrived是arrive 的过去分词,作形容词用;covering作「采访」「报导」解。有些城市的英国群众还上街游行。In some cities, people even demonstrated in the streets.🎈「有些城市的英国群众」译作In some cities, people…。可以看到,并未出现「英国」一词。这是因为上文刚刚提到过「我是从抗战中国来到英国的记者」,顾无需赘述。(活动因为公众号排版原因,把文章按句断开了,所以大家在学习时要特别留意结合上下文,从整体进行把握。)在伦敦,援华会就曾组织人们到丘吉尔所在的唐宁街首相府门口摇旗呐喊,反对英国助桀为虐,帮助日本侵略者扼杀抗战的中国。In London, the Aid-China Committee organized people to demonstrate in front of Churchill’s official residence on Downing Street, waving flags and shouting slogans decrying the British government aiding Japanese aggression against China.🎈唐宁街(Downing Street)位于英国首都伦敦的西敏内,在过往200年来,都是重要内阁官员、英国首相,以及兼任第二财政大臣的财政大臣的官邸。🎈waving flags and shouting slogans decrying the British government aiding Japanese aggression against China整体做伴随状语。decrying the British government aiding Japanese aggression against China可理解为slogans的修饰成分;aiding Japanese aggression against China作the British government的后置定语。十月,英政府被迫解除了对滇缅路的封锁。In October of the same year, the British government was compelled to lift its blockade of the Road.🎈解除了对……的封锁lift its blockade of脱贫 lift people out of poverty一九四一年十月,中英签订了“共同防御滇缅路协定”。In October 1941, China and Britain signed the “Agreement on the Joint Defence of the Yunnan-Burmese Road.”🎈关于joint一词共同(努力)携起手来 jointly或make joint efforts to联合声明joint declaration “珍珠港事变”后,中国军队就同盟军并肩作战于朱红色的滇缅土地上了。After the Pearl Harbor Incident of December 7, 1941, Chinese troops began to fight shoulder to shoulder with the Allied troops on the red earth field surrounding the Road.🎈珍珠港事变the Pearl Harbor Incident:1941年12月7日,日本帝国海军偷袭美国,轰炸了夏威夷珍珠港的战舰和军事目标。350余架日本飞机对珍珠港海军基地实施了两波攻击,投下穿甲炸弹,并向美国的战列舰和巡洋舰发射鱼雷。美军毫无防备,他们在爆炸的巨响中醒来,仓促进行自卫。整场先发制人的袭击在90分钟内结束,彼时,日本炸沉了四艘战列舰和两艘驱逐舰,炸毁188架飞机,受损的建筑、船只和飞机则更多。攻击中约有2400名美国人丧生;另有1250人受伤,这是对美国一个巨大的震骇。攻击过后,日本正式向美国宣战,次日,美国总统罗斯福发表了著名的“国耻”演讲,他随后签署了对日本帝国的正式宣战声明。几日之内,纳粹德国与意大利向美国宣战,而美国也迅即予以了宣战回应。🎈肩并肩shoulder to shoulder手拉手/携手 hand in hand滇缅路如今只是全国千百条公路中的一条了。Now the Road is but one of the thousands of highways in China. 🎈but是副词,表示「仅仅、只、才」例句This is but one of the methods used to try and get alcoholics to give up drink.这只是为让那些酗酒者戒酒所尝试的方法之一。可是当时中华民族的命运曾系在它身上。But back in those days, it had a close bearing on the destiny of the Chinese nation.🎈与…有关;对…有影响have a bearing on…例句My father’s achievements really don’t have any bearing on what I do.我父亲的成就与我做的事情真的毫无关联。🔥必背词汇airlift cn.尤指战争期间或陆上交通中断时的空运英义An airlift is an operation to move people, troops, or goods by air, especially in a war or when land routes are closed.例句President Garcia has ordered an airlift of food, medicines and blankets.加西亚总统已经下令空运食品、药物和毛毯。mishap n.晦气,不幸,小灾难英义A mishap is an unfortunate but not very serious event that happens to someone.例句The plot passed off without mishap.剧情发展波澜不惊。befall v.不幸或不好的事降临到…头上,发生在…身上英义If something bad or unlucky befalls you, it happens to you.例句the disaster that befell the island of Flores降临到弗洛里斯岛的灾难perfidious adj.背信弃义的,不可信的,不忠的英义If you describe someone as perfidious, you mean that they have betrayed someone or cannot be trusted.例句Their feet will trample on the dead bodies of their perfidious aggressors.他们将从背信弃义的侵略者的尸体上踏过。predicament cn.困境,艰难的处境,尴尬的境地英义If you are in a predicament, you are in an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of.例句Hank explained our predicament.汉克说明了我们的艰难处境。extricate v.使摆脱,使脱离英义If you extricate yourself or another person from a difficult or serious situation, you free yourself or the other person from it.例句It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis.那是该国摆脱经济危机的最后一搏。blockade cn.封锁,阻塞英义A blockade of a place is an action that is taken to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving it.例句Striking lorry drivers agreed to lift their blockades of main roads.罢工的卡车司机们同意解除对主干道的封堵。🔥重点表达小灾小祸a minor mishap如果、假使in case of sth需要出卖朋友来摆脱困境seeks to extricate itself from its own predicament at the expense of its friend不顾一切地、不择手段地to stop at nothing 在…紧要关头at the critical juncture of 紧抓不放、不肯放弃to hold on to抗日战争China’s Anti-Japanese War喜马拉雅山the Himalayas巨大打击a serious blow to…当场的/现场的on-the-spot如下as follows血肉之躯flesh and blood全面通车was entirely opened to traffic分段试车a section-by-section trial run捐了躯laid down their lives唐宁街Downing Street解除了对……的封锁lift its blockade of珍珠港事变the Pearl Harbor Incident肩并肩shoulder to shoulder与…有关;对…有影响have a bearing on…🔥复盘测试小灾小祸如果、假使需要出卖朋友来摆脱困境不顾一切地、不择手段地在…紧要关头 紧抓不放、不肯放弃抗日战争喜马拉雅山巨大打击当场的/现场的如下血肉之躯全面通车分段试车捐了躯唐宁街解除了对……的封锁珍珠港事变肩并肩与…有关;对…有影响🔥表达对比「摆脱」有几种表达?然而一个国家一旦自身遇到麻烦,需要出卖朋友来(摆脱)困境时,则什么背信弃义的勾当都干得出。But it may stop at nothing to act perfidiously when it seeks to extricate itself from its own predicament at the expense of its friend.老伴埋怨我不该(捉掉)了蟋蟀!She blamed it on my having got rid of the cricket.他巧妙地(摆脱)那场争吵。He maneuvered himself out of the quarrel.(摆脱)月球引力不想摆脱地球引力那样痛苦。Leaving the moon’s gravity was not as painful as leaving the earth’s.这个练习将帮助你(摆脱这些)。This exercise will help free you of that.