邹韬奋《什么事不可能》 -英语技巧与实例-英汉互译实用教程
什么事不可能 Nothing Is Impossible to a Willing Mind 邹韬奋 Zou Taofen 驾雾腾云,在从前哪一个人不视为“封神传”里的“瞎三话四”? Nobody in the past ever beli...
什么事不可能 Nothing Is Impossible to a Willing Mind 邹韬奋 Zou Taofen 驾雾腾云,在从前哪一个人不视为“封神传”里的“瞎三话四”? Nobody in the past ever beli...
说开卷有益 On “Reading Is Always Beneficial” 郁达夫 Yu Dafu 开卷有益,是古人奖励读书的一句成语。 “Reading is always beneficial...
狗 The Dog 老舍 Lao She 中国狗恐怕是世界上最可怜最难看的狗。 Of all dogs in the world, those in China are perhaps the most pitiful and ugly-l...
记萨镇冰先生 A Profile of Sa Zhenbing 冰心 Bing Xin 萨镇冰先生,永远是我崇拜的对象,从六七岁的时候,我就常常听见父亲说:“中国海军的模范军人,萨镇冰一人而已。” I’ll always hol...
当教师的快乐 Joys of the Teaching Career 我只当过十年的教师。那是一九二六年我从美国留学回来,在母校燕京大学国文系当了一名教师。 I was a teacher for only ten years. In 19...
春的消息 Tidings of Spring 坐在书桌旁往外看,我的窗外周围只是一座一座的长长方方的宿舍楼,楼与楼之间没有一棵树木! Whenever I looked out of the window sitting at my des...
我差点被狼吃了! My Narrow Escape from a Wolf’s Jaws 冰心 Bing Xin 《儿童时代》的编辑们叫我给小朋友写一篇《我的童年》。 The editors of the Childhood asked m...
无题 No Title 夏衍 Xia Yan 静下来想想,我这样一个出身贫寒,经历坎坷的人,居然能活到92岁,实在有点奇怪。 Often, in my calm moment of contemplation, I find it amaz...
龙 The Dragon 巴金 Ba Jin 我常常做梦。无月无星的黑夜里我的梦最多。有一次我梦见了龙。 I often have dreams, especially on a moonless and starless dark nig...
一千三百圆 1,300 Yuan 一个朋友在西关宴客邀了我去。同去的连主人一共是七位。 I was asked to a dinner party in Xiguan given by a friend of mine. There wer...