第三出 诀谒
(生)此身飘泊苦西东, 杜甫
(净)笑指生涯树树红。 陆龟蒙
(生)欲尽出游那可得? 武元衡
Scene 3 Departure
(Enter Liu the Dreamer of Willow.)
Liu (Singing to the tune of A Skyful of Apricot Flowers):
Although a scholar of renown,
Hunger is to my belly often known.
Like a lofty mountain fair,
I drink only of fresh air.
I dreamed of splendid palace hall;
Awake, I find a hut with crumbled wall.
A thirsty dragon cannot fly;
Nor can a wingless rabbit climb the sky.
I can draw tigers at my best.
Where can a crow find a branch to rest?
I, Liu the Dreamer, is one of the outstanding scholars in Guangzhou Prefectural School. In scorching summers as well as in freezing winters, I dwell in a shabby house, depending on an old gardener for living. How I feel ashamed to think of it! How I feel ashamed to think of it! My friend Han advised me to go to another county to earn a living. Having only four empty walls, on what can I rely but accept his advice? How could a tree bearing no fruit serve a hungry man? Where is my old gardener?
(Enter Guo, the old gardener.)
Guo (Singing to the tune of Double Words):
The hill in front is low while that in the rear is high:
Hunchback am I.
Shooting an arrow by bending the bow,
Backward I go.
Ten times I have advanced and retired
How much I’m tired!
Sometimes I fall like a ball,
No air in it at all.
I am gardener Guo the Hunchback. My ancestor came to Liuzhou with his master Liu Zongyuan, famous writer of the Tang Dynasty. I follow his descendant, greatgrandson of the 29th generation, and we have lived here in time of peace and of war. Now the fruit is sold, I shall inform my young master of that.
(Meeting Liu the Dreamer.) My young master, you are diligent as usual.
Liu: My dear Guo, you have come in time, for I have something important to tell you. As I am a scholar of twenty years old, I see no perspective of a bright future. When I think it over, I find there is still a long way to go. How can I spend my life here, living from hand to mouth, busy for food and fuel? I would leave here confiding the garden and trees to you. Now listen to me.
(Singing to the tune of Southern Laurel Branch) :
All these years I have relied on you.
How many thanks to you are due!
I have tasted good and bad, sweet and sour,
You have cultivated the fruit and flower.
What do I look like on days fine?
A drunkard indulged in wine.
When could I make your hunchback straight?
Under the tree I can but wait.
Of whom can I complain?
The garden cannot lie waste in vain;
Only you can revive it again.
Guo (Singing to the previous tune):
A hunchback may rely on his hand
To cultivate the garden land.
Though I cannot straighen my legs and waist,
With might and main I won’t let it lie waste.
My dear young master, what are you going to do after leaving the orchard?
Liu: I would rather curry favor with a stick than wait for three meals a day.
Guo: How to curry favor with a stick?
Liu: Ask the autumn wind to help me.
Guo: I think it would be better to take the civil service examinations than to go from place to place to curry favor.
Liu: Do you think to ask autumn wind for help is not good? Don’t you know the Martial Emperor of the Han Dynasty curried favor of the autumn wind and wrote his famousOde to the Fallen Leaves and Thrilling Cicadas and became well-known to the posterity?
Guo: My dear young master, do not cite the ancient to prove the modern. Don’t you know a favorable wind might bring the poet Wang Bo to Prince Teng’s Pavilion and an adverse one might bring thunder to strike a monument asunder?
Liu: I am eager to curry favor from the autumn wind. Do not stand in my way!
Guo: At least you should get your things and luggage ready.
Liu: My shabby dress would win me favor from the autumn wind.
Guo: I wish to see you back in glory.
Epilogue of the Scene
Liu:I’m sad and drear to wander east and west.
Guo:You should see tree on tree at its best.
Liu:Can I justify the trip I’ll make as I please?
Guo:The vernal wind will triumph over the autumn breeze.