Shanghai as I See It ——Wu Guanzhong🔥背景知识:吴冠中(1919- ),江苏宜兴人,著名画家、绘画理论家。在挥毫作画之余,他常提笔为文,其散文得到文艺界高度赞誉,并受广大读者喜爱。在《上海街头》一文中,作者用画家的眼光审视上海的方方面面,感觉敏锐,笔带感情,色彩鲜明。但因文章写于1983年,距今二十余载,所涉及的个别情况,如市政建设,已面目一新,与当年迥然不同了。🎈题目「上海街头」英译时应参考文章内容予以处理。如按字面直译为Streets of Shanghai反而与文章内容不符,故译Shanghai as I See It,或Shanghai也可。我每次过上海,多半是匆匆三五天,只有很少几次是超过一星期的。Whenever I passed through Shanghai, I would stay there for only three or four days, seldom more than a week.🎈匆匆路过 pass through (指在一个地方做短暂停留)🎈Whenever I passed through…:引导让步状语从句时,「疑问词+ever」可与「no matter +疑问词」互换;引导名词性状语从句时,只能用「疑问词+ever」像一个虽常见面但无深交的熟人,不很了解,而其音容笑貌却是难忘的。So the city, like a person who is more of a nodding acquaintance than a close friend of mine, is still rather unfamiliar to me. But its look and voice are unforgettable.🎈「常见面但无深交的熟人」可译为a nodding acquaintance(点头之交)或a mere acquaintance(仅仅是认识)。🎈对……(不)熟悉 sth. is (un)familiar to sb. / sb. is (un)familiar with sth.🎈更多的是A/与其说B不如说A more of A (than B)例句I’m more of a glorified secretary.其实我更多的是一个名誉上的秘书。上海是一个神秘的地方!我在宜兴农村的童年时代,每见到上海人回乡,也总爱挤在人丛中听他们讲讲花花世界的见闻,Shanghai is a mysterious place! When I was a child living in the countryside of Yixing, I used to elbow my way into a big crowd so as to listen to someone lately returned from Shanghai chatting about things he had seen and heard in the dazzling city.🎈living in the countryside of Yixing作child的后置定语。🎈过去常常…… used to do习惯于…… be used to doing被用来、将用于 be used to do🎈「上海人回乡」译为someone lately returned from Shanghai,其中returned是不及物动词return的过去分词,用作形容词。🎈挤在人群中elbow my way into a big crowd,见过好几次这个用法了。复习叶紫《长江轮上》:「挤到人丛中了」译作elbowed my way through the crowd,其中elbow一词非常形象生动,画面感十足,刻画出了「我」用胳膊肘开出一条路的场景。🎈chatting about things he had seen and heard in the dazzling city是定语从句的省略。先行词在从句中作宾语时可省略。此处相当于chatting about things that/which he had seen and heard in the dazzling city。🎈「花花世界」译作the dazzling city,常说「花花世界迷人眼」, dazzling一词选用贴切,形象生动。夏天,他们穿着黑色的香云纱,我以为香云纱就是上海人的标志。To me, their summer wear of dark-coloured xiangyunsha was characteristic of a Shanghailander.🎈「夏天,他们穿着黑色的香云纱」译为their summer wear of dark-coloured xiangyunsha,其中名词wear作「服装」解。此句也可译为The xiangyunsha clothes they wear in summer。🎈A是B的特征,B以A为特点 A be characteristic of B在上海做事的人显然比乡下人高贵多了,Evidently, those who had been working in Shanghai enjoyed a much higher status than their fellow villagers.🎈「做事」按「工作work」理解。🎈「高贵」即「享有社会地位更高、身份更高贵等」,故译为enjoyed a much higher status。其中,much可修饰比较级。🎈「乡下人」按「同乡人」理解更为确切,故译作their fellow villagers。他们似乎很有钱,带回来的整筒饼干和美女月份牌就够令人羡慕了,They seemed to be quite rich. The tins of biscuits and wall calendars with pinup girls on them they had brought home were the envy of all country folks.🎈「美女月份牌」即「印有美女的墙历」译作wall calendars with pinup girls,其中pinup girls/boys指招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女(an attractive man or woman who appears on posters, often wearing very few clothes)🎈folk和people:一般可以换用,但某些情况下 folk 不是指人群、人们,而指亲人(父母、乡亲)在强调有这层亲缘关系的时候是不可以换的。比如说 my old folks一般是说我的老父母…换了就不对了。此处all country folks乡亲们同理。后来我才知道他们都是当女工、小工和保姆的,挣钱并不那么容易。Later, I learned, however, that they had been earning money the hard way by becoming factory workers, old jobbers or housemaids.🎈以艰苦的方式the hard way,作状语,是惯用表达。🎈小工(在工地现场的杂工)旧指城镇中的重体力劳动者,如车站、码头等处的搬运工人,现译作old jobbers。女工,泛指女性工人。又,此处「女工、小工」笼统概括从事体力劳动的人,译时无需刻意强调性别。和百分之九十九的乡亲们一样,我的父母也从未见过上海,Like 99 percent of our fellow villagers, my parents had never been to Shanghai.🎈「从未见过上海」按「从未到过上海之意」译为had never been to Shanghai。🎈状语的具体细分主要看表意功能,介词短语like…,意为「像……那样」,用在句中修饰动词,一般作方式状语。例如Like other fans she was curious to meet him.(像其他歌迷一样,她急切与他会面)。虽然相距并不算远,但上海对他们永远是一个遥远的天国。Though living not remote from Shanghai, they had to regard it as an inaccessible paradise on earth.🎈Though living:though引导让步状语从句,因为主从句主语一致,且从句谓语中有be动词,故从句省略主语和be动词。🎈had to含有「只能、不得不」的无奈之意。又,「永远是一个遥远的天国」可按「无法到达的人间天堂」译为an inaccessible paradise on earth。其中,on earth具有两层含义,此处取in the world之意。复习夏衍《野草》:「世界上什么东西的气力最大」译为What has the greatest strength on earth,其中on earth和in the world同义,但此句用on earth较为合适,因它通常用于疑问词或最高级词后加强语气。近几年我每到北站候车,总听到地道的乡音,In recent years, often in the waiting room of Shanghai Northern Railway Station, I have overheard some travelers speaking with a pure accent of my native place.🎈the waiting room of XX station指候车厅。the changing room更衣室the fitting room试衣间the dining room餐厅the guest room客厅🎈「总听到」译为overheard,指无意中听到(想象你正在车站里,耳朵是不是在无意识接受嘈杂的背景音呢?),比heard更贴切。🎈地道的乡音a pure accent of (my) native place年迈的乡亲们常来上海观光了,他们的子女在工厂、大学及科研单位工作,他们有福气了。They are apparently elderly villagers from my home town who, thanks to their children working in local factories, universities or research institutes, can now well afford to visit the city on sight-seeing tours.🎈注意对中文的理解,此句紧接上一句,是衔接,也是进一步解释。即「操着一口地道乡音的人是年迈的乡亲们,他们来上海观光了……」。因为公众号需要排版,所以呈现形式只能是这种断句,保证了每组句子简短的同时,又无可避免地遗失了一些关键的逻辑信息。希望大家学习时自己留心。🎈家乡、故乡home town🎈thanks to是增译成分,补充出逻辑关系。🎈afford to(能负担得起)也是添加成分,表意更准确。外滩是大上海的面貌特征吧,南京路一带的高楼大厦曾是上海人向乡下佬描述的骄傲。The Bund is a marked feature of Greater Shanghai. Shanghailanders used to describe to country folks with pride how Nanjing Road is lined with high-rises.🎈「外滩」译为The Bund,是旧时专用的英文地名;bund原意是「沿江马路」「堤岸」等。🎈明显特征 a marked feature,其中marked是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。🎈Shanghailanders是合成名词,构词法为compounding(合成法),形式为「名词+名词」,如bottleneck瓶颈、handrail扶手等。🎈is lined with复习柯灵《巷》:「两旁还排列着错落的粪缸。……lined here and there with manure vats.」其中,衬有,镶有be lined with(可用于描述街道等的布置)例句Major commercial corridors were lined with brightly painted storefronts that competed for black consumer dollars. 主要的商业街区两旁排列着色彩鲜艳的店面,竞相招揽黑人消费者。后来当我在伦敦过了一个暑假,发现那文艺复兴时代式样的古代楼房、那狭窄的街道,与南京路一带何其相似!Later, while I was in London for a summer vacation, I noticed the remarkable resemblance between some of the narrow streets there with their renaissance-style ancient buildings and Nanjing Road.🎈暑假 a summer vacation🎈「发现那文艺复兴时代式样的古代楼房、那狭窄的街道,与南京路一带何其相似!」也可译作I noticed how resemblant/similar some of the narrow streets there with their renaissance-style ancient buildings and Nanjing Road are或I noticed how some of the narrow streets there with their renaissance-style ancient buildings resemble Nanjing Road。不是伦敦像南京路,而是按照伦敦的某些模式捏造了南京路,让人们回忆上海滩形成的史迹吧!But I would rather say that it is Nanjing Road that has been modelled after London. Well, let’s review the history of Shanghai!🎈(it is) Nanjing Road(that) has been modelled after London是强调句。其中model A after/on B表示A模仿B,A与B相似。🎈「让人们回忆上海滩形成的史迹吧」译为Well, let’s review the history of Shanghai!,其中Well是译文中的增译成份,除承上启下外,并有「规劝」的含意。然而南京路还是有自己的特色的:人多。Nevertheless, Nanjing Road has a characteristic of its own, that is, street congestion.🎈也就是(说) that is (to say)🎈「人多」并非强调人口多,而是按「拥挤」之意译作street congestion,更确切、画面感更强。这可与北京的王府井争冠军,争世界冠军去!In this respect, it can vie with Wangfujing of Beijing for championship, or world championship.🎈In this respect(从这点、这个角度、这方面来看)是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。🎈Wangfujing — the busiest downtown street in Beijing.前段日子,「王府井的狗不理包子难吃」不是还引起了广大网民讨论么。🎈同某人争冠军 vie with sb. for championship有人说上海人滑头,有人说上海人聪明灵活,我同意后一种看法。Some say Shanghailanders are shrewd, some say they are smart. I agree with the latter.🎈此句中,和smart相比,shrewd含有贬义色彩。辨析smart、bright、clever、intelligent、shrewd、wise。其中,smart指聪颖机灵(头脑敏捷、办事巧妙)例句Bobby is so smart that he will jump at this opportunity.波比很有头脑,他会迫不及待接受这个机会的。shrewd侧重精明(善于判断情况或洞察他人心思)例句My boss is a shrewd businessman.我的老板是个精明的生意人。从饮食烹调到糖果点心,从轻工产品到服装样式,都体现了聪明灵活。The delicacies they cook and the sweets and pastries they make, as well as their light industry products and dress fashions, all speak well for their cleverness.🎈轻工业(light industry)与重工业相对,也互有交叉,主要是指生产生活资料的工业部门。轻工业与日常生活息息相关,是城乡居民生活消费品的主要来源,如:食品、烟酒、家电、家具、五金、玩具、乐器、陶瓷、纺织、造纸、印刷、生活用品、办公用品、文化用品、体育用品等工业部门。🎈「都体现了聪明灵活」可按「都说明上海人是多么聪明灵活」译为all speak well for their cleverness,其中 speak for 是成语,作「表明」「证明」解。最近我看到上海一家毛纺厂生产的虎皮腈纶毯,很美,虎虎有生气,Recently I was very much struck by the robust beauty of an acrylic blanket made in imitation of tiger skin, which was the product of a Shanghai Woolen Mill. 🎈「看到」译作was very much struck by,体现「我」深深为之震撼的心情,从而衬托毯子的精美绝伦。🎈「很美,虎虎有生气」→刚劲中的美丽,现译作the robust beauty。是一件艺术品,在众多老式呆板花色的毛毯中,它应被评为毯中之王,It was a real work of art standing head and shoulders above other blankets with old-fashioned dull patterns and colours. 🎈「应被评为毯中之王」即在一众毯子中赢得头筹,现译为standing head and shoulders above other blankets。其中,stand head and shoulders above…意为「鹤立鸡群、胜于、显眼等」例句One policy stands head and shoulders above all others.有一个政策尤其值得注意。我希望接着岀现乱真的豹皮毛毯!I hope they will follow up with blankets patterned to perfection on leopard skin.🎈「以假乱真」即「模仿到了完美的地步」,现译作patterned to perfection。我也见过滑头的上海人,白相人。Shanghai is not without its sly fellows or even rogues of course.🎈此句按「当然,上海并非没有滑头的人、白相人」之意译作Shanghai is not without……of course。其中,白相人在很多地方都含贬义的意思,跟花花公子意思一样,多指无所事事的人,现译作rogues。我也曾以为上海人吃不了苦。And I used to presume that Shanghailanders as a whole are not used to hardship and toil.🎈as a whole是增益成分,文中虽无其词而有其意,同时避免了「一笔杆不分青红皂白地打死一群人」🎈「吃不了苦」译作are not used to hardship and toil。其中hardship侧重「生活的困苦、苦难」,toil则侧重「高强度劳动」,语义并未重复。然而我在井冈山中、在西双版纳的橡胶林中,在新疆阿尔太的边境,遇到过不少刻苦耐劳的青年人,But I have come across a great many hardworking youth hailing from Shanghai in the Jinggang Mountains, on the rubber plantations of Xi-shuang-ban-na, or in Altai on the frontier of Xinjiang. 🎈偶遇 come across🎈hailing from作youth的后置定语。复习柔石《为奴隶的母亲》:「主人骇异地迎上前去,问他是哪里人……Greatly astonished and puzzled, the host went up to inquire where he hailed from.」其中,来自……hail from…… 例句The artists families hail from all over the world.艺术家来自世界各地。只当他们暴露了“阿拉,阿拉”之后,才知原来是上海人。It was not until they revealed their Shanghai accent that I knew where they were from.🎈It was not until … that…是not until的强调句型。三十年代的上海高楼大厦,与香港差不多,In the thirties, Shanghai used to compare well with Hong Kong for skyscrapers and high-rises. 🎈「与香港差不多」即「可与香港比肩、媲美」,现译作compare well with Hong Kong。此后高楼没有再生高楼,如今比不上香港了,也比不上北京了,But later, when it ceased to erect more, it began to lag behind Hong Kong and even Beijing.🎈But是增译成分,补充逻辑关系,在转折中暗含今昔对比。🎈停止做某事cease to do停下来做某事stop to do(停下来去做另一件事情)停止做某事stop doing sth.(停止手上正在做的事情)🎈落后于lag behind在上海的我的老师和同学仍大都住在拥挤不堪的里弄里,仍可体验产生三十年代文学的环境。Most of my former teachers and schoolmates there are still living in the close quarters of lanes and alleys, experiencing the same environment that had produced literature of the thirties.🎈former是增译成分,人物指代更明确。🎈quarters此处指a district or part of a town(居民区)。🎈the thirties指三十年代。我去年十月下旬经上海,出站时遇大雨,In the latter part of last October, when I made a stopover in Shanghai, I happened to be caught by a heavy rain outside the railway station.🎈十月下旬 In the latter part of last October🎈遇到,陷入,淋雨be caught by。又,happened to be含有「意料之外」的意思。提着行李包,撑着雨伞排进等岀租汽车的长队,没希望,I joined a long queue for taxis with luggage and umbrella in hand, but to no avail.🎈with luggage and umbrella in hand是with复合结构,作伴随状语。🎈无济于事、徒劳 to no avail转入排三轮的长队,也没希望,I joined another long queue for pedicabs, but also to no avail.🎈another指三者(以上)中的另一个。暂找个避雨的立足之地,没有,Then I tried to seek a shelter from the rain, but also to no avail. 🎈句式与上两句保持一致。前后左右能容人的只是马路,大雨在横扫所有的马路。All travelers had to stand in the open totally exposed to the storm. 🎈注意灵活选用主语。就我自己来说,翻译的时候,句子会自动分成几部分,然后等我去进行组合或者paraphrase,就很神奇。🎈open作名词,指室外、开阔地等,常用搭配为in the open。“鬼上海”!旅客们骂了。“鬼上海”!我也跟着骂。“Damnable Shanghai!” they cursed. “Damnable Shanghai!” I echoed.🎈「也跟着骂」译作echo,除「回响」之意,还可指「重复、附和」我未曾碰到过上海的大阔佬,只在《子夜》、《陈毅市长》等文艺作品中见到资本家的豪华排场,见到老爷、太太、少爷、小姐们 的神情风致。I’ve never come to know any wealthy guys in Shanghai except in the novel Midnight, the stage play, Mayor Chen Yi, etc., depicting moneyed capitalists and their families leading a lavish life.🎈Midnight和Mayor Chen Yi分别是novel、stage play的同位语成分。又,按照传统语法,depicting……是「文艺作品」的后置定语。复习现代语法把这种对某个词、短语或句子作解释补充的成分,称为补充语(supplement)。补充语包括插入语在内,但不限于插入语。非限制性定语、非限制性同位语、分词作状语等都囊括在补充语的项下。其特征是有逗号与句子隔开,其功能是对句子中的某个词、短语或整个句子做补充解释。补充语本身可以是名词词组、形容词词组,也可以是一个分句。最近一次到上海,见到许多大饭店的门口排开成群西装革履、烫头发擦口红的青年男女,有的胸前佩戴着大红花,他们在等待频频到来的小汽车里的贵客。On my last trip to Shanghai, I happened to see many young men dressed in Western suits and leather shoes and women with perm and rouged lips, some sporting big red flowers on their chests, lining up in front of many luxury hotels to await the arrival of cars carrying distinguished guests.🎈「西装革履、烫头发擦口红的青年男女」实则为「西装革履的男性」+「烫头擦口红的女性」,且将修饰成分均处理成了后置定语。又,perm(noun)指烫发、rouged lips指涂过口红的唇。🎈「有的胸前佩戴着大红花」译为some sporting big red flowers on their chests,其中sporting意即wearing,但带有「引人注目」「醒目」的含义。又,some sporting big red flowers on their chests是独立主格结构,对信息进行进一步补充说明。🎈lining up in front of many luxury hotels to await…要与前面的see合起来看,其实就是see sb. doing的结构。满是一番灯红酒绿夜都市的气氛,这不真有点像少爷小姐们的阔绰气派了吗!Wasn’t that a night scene of colour and bustle typical of a metropolis — a scene of children from rich families flaunting an ostentatious life-style?🎈结构划分:a night scene (of colour and bustle)/ typical of a metropolis。其中typical of a metropolis是scene的后置定语。又,破折号后是同位语成分,起进一步补充说明的作用。🎈「少爷小姐们的阔绰气派」译为children from rich fancies flaunting an ostentatious life-style,其中flaunting意同showing off (炫耀),ostentatious意同extravagant (铺张浪费的)。因此此句也可译为children from rich families showing off their extravagant life-style。我好奇了,人们告诉我这个北京来的乡下佬,说这是结婚。While I was utterly puzzled, people told me that I was too much of a country bumpkin to recognize a wedding ceremony.🎈乡巴佬、土包子 a country bumpkin,也可只写a bumpkin(指a person from the countryside who seems stupid)那迎宾的队伍从大门口一直引至宴会厅,The guest-welcoming line extended all the way from the gate to the banquet hall. 🎈guest-welcoming是「名词+现在/过去分词」形式的合成形容词,类似的还有:epoch-making划时代的、state-owned国有的。而且几家大饭店的喜宴日程已登记到八三年很晚的月份了。And several big hotels had already been booked up for wedding banquets till the end of 1983.🎈预定book up例句(一个非常灵活的句子) I ‘m pretty booked up this week. 这星期我的安排很满了。任伯年和吴昌硕鬻画于上海。Ren Bonian and Wu Changshuo used to sell their paintings for a living in Shanghai.🎈Ren Bonian — 1840-1896, born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, a famous traditional Chinese painter.🎈Wu Changshuo — 1844-1927, born in Anji, Zhejiang, a famous traditional Chinese painter and seal cutter.🎈「鬻画维生」即「卖画维生」形容家庭贫困的才子以买卖字画赚取钱财为生。刘海粟先生在上海创办了中国第一所现代化雏形的美术学校。And Liu Haisu established China’s first school of fine arts in the city.🎈Liu Haisu — 1896-1994, born in Changzhou, Jiangsu, a famous art educator well versed in traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, calligraphy and poetry.🎈根据柯林斯高阶释义,fine art表示美艺术(指绘画和雕塑)、美艺术品,可写为fine art或fine arts。今天许多重要省市都有了较完整的美术学院,而上海没有,但上海拥有众多的画家,人才济济。Today, many provinces and cities in China boast their own standardized art schools with the exception of Shanghai although it is home to a galaxy of painters.🎈「都有了较完整的美术学院」译作boast their own standardized art schools,其中boast是一种相当地道的表达,指「有,拥有(值得骄傲的成就或财产)」,is home to也是一种地道表达法。凡是重要的美展,国内的和国外的,北京展完便到上海,All art exhibitions, foreign or Chinese, were first held in Beijing and next in Shanghai. 🎈foreign or Chinese是个非限制性定语。上海的展厅与上海不相称,一如那个火车站。But the exhibition hall in Shanghai, like its railway station, doesn’t go well with the status of such a metropolis.🎈「上海的展厅与上海之不相称」译为the exhibition hall in Shanghai … doesn’t go well with the status of such a metropolis,其中go with是成语,作「相符」「相配」(match with)等解。没有吸引我的美术活动,It therefore holds little attraction for me as a painter. 🎈此句采用意译法,处理为It therefore holds little attraction for me as a painter(对我这个画家没有吸引力)。其中,little表否定义。又,增译therefore增强了与上文的连接性。这大概是我每过上海多半只是匆匆三五天的原由吧!That probably accounts for the fact that every time in passing through the city, I usually stayed there for only three or four days!🎈导致,解释accounts for🎈the fact that…是同位语从句。引导同位语从句的词常有连词that、whether,连接副词how、when、where、why等。that引导同位语从句时通常不可省略;if和which不能引导引导同位语从句。🔥必背词汇acquaintance cn.认识的人;泛泛之交英义An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well.例句The proprietor was an old acquaintance of his.业主是他的一位旧相识。elbow v.用肘推挤英义If you elbow people aside or elbow your way somewhere, you push people with your elbows in order to move somewhere. [V n with aside]例句Brand elbowed his way to the centre of the group of bystanders.布兰德挤到看热闹的人群中央。dazzling adj.光炫目的,耀眼的英义A dazzling light is very bright and makes you unable to see properly for a short time.例句Well, yes, they are kind of… dazzling.好吧,它们有点… … 让人眼花缭乱。pinup cn.招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女英义A pin-up is an attractive man or woman who appears on posters, often wearing very few clothes.例句pin-up boys招贴画上的潇洒男孩status un.(在公众或某一团体中的)威望,地位,身份英义Status is the importance and respect that someone has among the public or a particular group.例句Nurses are undervalued, and they never enjoy the same status as doctors…护士的作用被人们低估了,她们从未享有和医生同样的地位。resemblance n. 相似之处,类似之处英义If there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar to each other.例句The resemblance between you is uncanny.你们两人相像得可怕。robust adj.强健的,健壮的,坚固的,结实的英义Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy.例句We’ve always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery.我们一直专注于制造极为结实耐用而且设计简单的机器。rogue n.无赖,流氓,恶棍英义A rogue is a man who behaves in a dishonest or criminal way.例句Mr Ward wasn’t a rogue at all.沃德先生根本不是恶棍。🔥重点表达匆匆路过 pass through常见面但无深交的熟人、点头之交a nodding/mere acquaintance对……(不)熟悉 sth. is (un)familiar to sb. / sb. is (un)familiar with sth.过去常常…… used to do挤在人群中elbow my way into a big crowdA是B的特征;B以A为特点 A be characteristic of B招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女pinup girls/boys以艰苦的方式the hard way候车厅the waiting room of XX station地道的乡音a pure accent of (my) native place衬有,镶有be lined withA模仿B,A与B相似model A after/on B有自己的特色has a characteristic of its own也就是(说) that is (to say)同某人争冠军 vie with sb. for championship表明、证明speak for偶遇 come across来自……hail from……停止做某事cease to do落后于lag behind十月下旬 In the latter part of last October遇到,陷入;淋雨be caught by无济于事、徒劳 to no avail乡巴佬、土包子 a country bumpkin/a bumpkin预定book up导致、解释accounts for🔥复盘测试匆匆路过常见面但无深交的熟人、点头之交对……(不)熟悉 过去常常…… 挤在人群中A是B的特征,B以A为特点招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女以艰苦的方式候车厅地道的乡音衬有,镶有A模仿B,A与B相似有自己的特色也就是(说)同某人争冠军表明、证明偶遇来自……停止做某事落后于十月下旬遇到,陷入,淋雨无济于事,徒劳乡巴佬,土包子预定导致,解释🔥表达对比「拥有」有几种表达?今天许多重要省市都有了较完整的美术学院Today, many provinces and cities in China boast their own standardized art schools…但上海拥有众多的画家,人才济济。… although it is home to a galaxy of painters.汤姆现在拥有的公司曾经是他叔叔的。The company Tom is in possession of was once in the possession of his uncle.我们拥有多个目标。We hold multiple goals.现在,公司应该拥有自己的个性。It is now time that the company acquires a personality of its own.