《为奴隶的母亲--柔石 》 -英语翻译技巧与实例-英汉互译实用教程

As she was walking along the bank of a river, whose clear water reflected her like a mirror, she thought of stopping there and putting an end to her life by drowning herself. But, after sitting for a while on the bank, she resumed her journey.
🎈……a river, whose clear water……:(定从的引导词)先行词是人或物,且在从句中作定语时,用whose引导,相当于先行词的所有格,whose也可以替换成of which(指物)或of whom(指人)。

太阳已经过午了,一个村里的一个年老的乡人告诉她,路还有十五里;于是她向那个老人说:“伯伯,请你代我就近叫一顶轿子罢,我是走不回去了!”“你是有病的么?”老人问。“是的。” 她那时坐在村口的凉亭里面。
It was already afternoon, and an elderly villager told her that she still had fifteen li to go before she would reach her own village. She said to him, “Grandpa, please hire a litter for me. I’m too tired to walk.” “Are you sick?” asked the old man. “Yes, I am.” She was sitting in a pavilion outside a village.

“你从哪里来?” 妇人静黩了一时答:“我是向那里去的;早晨我以为自己会走的。”老人怜悯地也没有多说话,就给她找了两位轿夫,一顶没篷的轿。因为那是下秧的时节。
“Where have you walked from?” She answered after a moment’s hesitation, “I’m on my way home; this morning I thought I would be able to walk the whole way.” The elder lapsed into sympathetic silence and finally hired a litter for her.
🎈早晨我以为自己会走的→早晨我以为自己能走的or早晨我以为自己会走(完全程)的,故译作this morning I thought I would be able to walk the whole way。
🎈陷入…… lapse into…

It was about four o’clock in the afternoon when the litter carriers entered a narrow and filthy village street. The young woman, her pale face shrunken and yellowed like an old vegetable leaf, lay with her eyes closed. She was breathing weakly. The villagers eyed her with astonishment and compassion.
🎈轿夫 the litter carriers
🎈her pale face shrunken and yellowed like an old vegetable leaf是独立主格结构。其中,yellow可作(不)及物动词,指to make something become yellow。此处,也可将yellowed换为yellow。

A group of village urchins noisily followed the litter, the appearance of which stirred the quiet village. One of the children chasing after the litter was Chun Bao. The children were shouting like they were driving little pigs when the litter carriers suddenly turned into the lane leading to Chun Bao’s home. Chun Bao stopped in surprise.
🎈 A group of village urchins中,将「孩子」译作urchins(衣衫褴褛的小孩),比译成children更准确。因为妇人原先的生活环境必然是一个字「穷」,衣衫褴褛更符合其周遭环境。
🎈 「……好像一件奇异的事情落到这沉寂的小村镇里来了」译作「…… the appearance of which stirred the quiet village」属于意译。

As the litter stopped in front of his home, he leaned dazed against a post and looked at it from a distance. The other children gathered around and craned their necks timidly.
🎈「其余的孩子胆怯地围在轿的两边」译为The other children gathered and craned their necks timidly,其中craned their necks(伸长脖子张望)是添加成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。

When the young woman descended from the litter, she felt giddy and at first did not realize that the shabbily dressed child with dishevelled hair standing before her was Chun Bao. He was hardly any taller than when she had left three years before and just as skinny.
🎈从……走下来descend from。此处小孩们围在轿子四周,而妇人坐在轿子上,故译为descend from。、

突然,她哭出来地高叫了:“春宝呀!” 一群孩子们,个个无意地吃了一惊,而春宝简直吓的躲进屋里他父亲那里去了。妇人在灰暗的屋内坐了许久许久,她和她底丈夫都没有一句话。 
Then, she blurted out in tears, “Chun Bao!” Startled, the children dispersed. Chun Bao, also frightened, ran inside the house to look for his father. Inside the dingy room, the young woman sat for a long, long while. Both she and her husband were speechless. 

As night fell, he raised his head and said, “You’d better prepare supper!” She rose reluctantly, and, after searching around the house, said in a weak voice, “There’s no rice left in the big jar. …” Her husband looked at her with a sickly smile, “You’ve got used to living in a rich man’s house all right. We keep our rice in a cardboard box.”
🎈「冷笑」译作了with a sickly smile,sickly只表示病态,我自己翻译会选用with a sneer。因为翻译过程中每个人侧重想表达的点不一样,所以译法也多种多样,不能说a sickly smile就是错译。

That night, the skin dealer said to his son, “Chun Bao, you go to bed with your mother!” Chun bao, standing beside the stove, started crying. His mother walked up to him and called, “Chun Bao, Chun Bao!”
🎈「男子」直接译成the man也不算错。译成the skin dealer,指代更加明确。

可是当她底手去抚摸他底时候,他又躲闪开了。男子加上说:“会生疏得那么快,一顿打呢!” 她眼睁睁地睡在一张龌龊的狭板床上,春宝陌生似地睡在她底身边。
But when she tried to caress him, the boy shunned her. His father hissed, “You’ve forgotten your own mother. You ought to get a good beating for that!” The young woman lay awake on the narrow, dirty plankbed with Chun Bao lying, like a stranger, beside her.
🎈the narrow, dirty plankbed:虽然高中英语老师一直强调and的重要性,但是实际上,在英语中,修饰同一名词的两个形容词之间不用and的情况非常常见。

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