可是也不必多说,你一走下轿就看见的,我是一个从不说谎的媒婆。”妇人拭一拭泪,极轻地:“春宝……我怎么能抛开他呢!” There’s no need for me to tell you more about him. You’ll see him with your own eyes as soon as you get out of the sedan-chair. You know, as a matchmaker, I’ve never told a lie.” The young woman wiped away her tears and said softly, “Chun Bao … How can I part from him?” 🎈拭泪wipe/brush away tears🎈与某人离别 part from sb.“不用想到春宝了。”老妇人一手放在她底肩上,脸凑近她和春宝。“Chun Bao will be all right,” said the matchmaker, patting the young woman on the shoulder and bending over her and the child. Q: “凑近她和春宝”为什么译为了“bending over her and the child”?🎈从前文描述得知,妇人此时是坐着的,所以媒婆凑近妇人和她怀里抱着的孩子,必定要俯下身去凑近。故译作bending over非常准确。“有三岁了,古人说:‘三周四岁离娘身’,可以离开你了。只要你底肚子争气些,到那边,也养下一二个来,万事都好了。”轿夫也在门首催起身了,他们噜苏着说:“又不是新娘子,啼啼哭哭的。”“He is already three. There’s a saying, ‘A child of three can move about free.’ So he can be left alone. It all depends on you. If you can have one or two children over there, everything will be quite all right.” The chair bearers outside the gate now started urging the young woman to set out, murmuring. “You are really not a bride, why should you cry?” 🎈「三周四岁离娘身」译为A child of three can move about free,有节奏,有韵律,易于上口。🎈轿夫 chair carriers/bearers🎈why should you cry: should强调说话人的情绪和感情。这样,老妇人将春宝从她底怀里拉去,一边说:“春宝让我带去罢。”小小的孩子也哭了,手脚乱舞的,可是老妇人终于给他拉到小门外去。当妇人走进轿门的时候,向他们说:“带进屋里来罢,外边有雨呢。”The matchmaker snatched away Chun Bao from his mother’s arms, saying, “Let me take care of Chun Bao!” The little boy began to screa;m and kick. The matchmaker took him outside. When the young woman was in the sedan-chair, she said, “You’d better take the boy in, it’s raining outside.” 🎈「手脚乱舞的」译为kick。我们很容易联想到小孩子在抵触陌生人的接触(尤其是上半身还受制于人)的时候,往往是双脚乱踢,故译为kick。她底丈夫用手支着头坐着,一动没有动,而且也没有话。两村的相隔有三十里路,可是轿夫的第二次将轿子放下肩,就到了。Inside the house, resting his head on the palm of his hand, sat the little boy’s father, motionless and wordless. The two villages were thirty li apart, but the chair carriers reached their destination without making a single stop on the way.🎈 Inside the house sat the little boy’s father是地点状语位于句首的倒装结构。🎈 motionless and wordless是形容词(组)作伴随状语。🎈without making a single stop on the way与nonstop同义。复习《快乐的死亡》中「……为这为那地频频举杯」。… …drinking nonstop to this and that春天的细雨,从轿子底布篷里飘进,吹湿了她底衣衫。一个脸孔肥肥的,两眼很有心计的约摸五十四五岁的老妇人来迎她,她想:这当然是大娘了。可是只向她满面羞涩地看一看,并没有叫。The young woman’s clothes were wet from the spring raindrops which had been blown in through the sedan-chair screens. An elderly woman, of about fifty-five, with a plump face and shrewd eyes came out to greet her. Realizing immediately that this was the scholar’s wife, the young woman looked at her bashfully and remained silent.🎈be wet from中from引出原因。如:泪迹斑斑be wet from crying她很亲昵似地将她牵上沿阶,一个长长的瘦瘦的而面孔圆细的男子就从房里走出来。他向新来的少妇,仔细地瞧了瞧,堆出满脸的笑容来,向她问:“这么早就到了么?可是打湿你底衣裳了。”As the scholar’s wife was amiably helping the young woman to the door, there came out from the house a tall and thin elderly man with a round, smooth face. Measuring the young woman from head to foot, he smiled and said, “You have come early. Did you get wet in the rain? “ 🎈表示地点的here和there位于句首时,其后用完全倒装形式。而那位老妇人,却简直没有顾到他底说话,也向她问:“还有什么在轿里么?” “没有什么了,”少妇答。几位邻舍的妇人站在大门外,探头张望的;可是她们走进屋里面了。 His wife, completely ignoring what he was saying, asked the young woman, “Have you left anything in the sedan-chair?” “No, nothing,” answered the young woman. Soon they were inside the house. Outside the gate, a number of women from the neighbourhood had gathered and were peeping in to see what was happening. 🎈「却简直没有顾到他底说话,也向她问」指的不是(老妇人)没有听书生说话的内容,而是没有管书生说话的动作。老妇人和书生同时发问,试图让自己的声音重叠压过书生的。所以此处译作了completely ignoring what he was saying,运用了现在进行时。🎈(探头)偷看peep in to see sth.她自己也不知道这究竟为什么,她底心老是挂念着她底旧的家,掉不下她的春宝。这是真实而明显的,她应庆祝这将开始的三年的生活——这个家庭,和她所典给他的丈夫,都比曾经过去的要好,Somehow or other, the young woman could not help thinking about her old home and Chun Bao. As a matter of fact, she might have congratulated herself on the prospects of spending the next three years here, since both her new home and her temporary husband seemed pleasant.🎈莫名奇妙地,不知怎的somehow or other事实上,实际上As a matter of fact🎈「老是挂念」→忍不住去想,现译作could not help thinking about🎈may/might have done是对过去情况的一种不太有把握的推测,表示“过去可能已做了某事”,其否定形式表示「过去可能还没有做某事」。原文是「她应庆祝这将开始的三年的生活」,根据个人理解不同,译成should并不算错。这里,译者是将中文信息经过自己的思维再加工,才转化成了英文。即此处是作者自己的理解:将「应庆祝…」理解成「应是庆祝…」,一种推测。这种理解也未尝不可。🎈破折号后的内容表示原因,故选用since一词译出。