这时长工向他问:“先生,你又不去考举人,还读它做什么呢?”他却摸一摸没有胡子的口边,怡悦地说道:“是呀,你也知道人生底快乐么?所谓:‘洞房花烛夜,金榜挂名时。’你也知道这两句话底意思么?这是人生底最快乐的两件事呀!The farmhand once asked him, “Please, sir, what are you reading this book for? You’re not going to sit for a higher civil service examination, are you?” The scholar stroked his beardless chin and said in a gay tone, “Well, you know the joys of life, don’t you? There’s a saying that the greatest joy of life is either to spend the first night in the nuptial chamber or to pass a civil service examination.🎈参加 sit for🎈此处a civil service examination复习①《学问与趣味》中:作八股文,作试帖诗write stereotyped essays and poems prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations。其中,the imperial civil service examinations意为科举考试。②《母亲的回忆》中:我念过私塾,光绪三十一年(一九○五)考了科举。At first I was sent to an old-style private school and in 1905 I took the imperial examination.可是我对于这两件事都过去了,我却还有比这两件更快乐的事呢!”这样,除出他底两个妻以外,其余的人们都大笑了。As for me, I’ve already experience both. But now there’s a still greater blessing in store for me.” His remark set the whole household laughing —except for his wife and the young woman. 🎈much, even, still可修饰比较级。🎈某人要面临……in store for sb. 例句They didn’t know what was in store for them.她们不知道接下来会发生什么。🎈破折号的作用:用于标明行文中解释说明的语句,语意的转换、递进、转折,标明语句间的因果关系,标明行文中的插说,总说与分说之间。🎈except for和except的区别1、except for,这个带介词小尾巴的词组有2个except没有的特征:①except for 通常引述了一个相反的原因或细节,因而部分地修正了句子的主要意思。②句中前后没有相称的同类词。例句He was fully dressed except for a tie.他衣冠楚楚,只是没打领带。这句话的主体意思是「衣冠楚楚」,而「没有打领带」正是修正了「衣冠楚楚」,此为特征①;「衣冠楚楚」和「领带」不是相称的同类词,此为特征②。2、except该词只是表达「除了…没有外,有…」,except 后面所跟的词(无论人还是事)被排除在外,意味着从整体里「减去了」一部分。例句You can find me in the office every day except Wednesday.除了周三,你可以每天在办公室找到我。这句话里的整体是every day,而Wednesday是「部分」,被减去了。这些事,在老妇人眼睛里是看得非常气恼了。她起初闻到她底受孕也欢喜,以后看见秀才的这样奉承她,她却怨恨她自己肚子底不会还债了。To the scholar’s wife all this was annoying. When she first heard of the young woman’s pregnancy, she was pleased. Later, when she saw her husband lavishing attentions on the young woman, she began to blame herself for being barren.🎈英语中,all this类似于一个惯用语,其多用于上文列举一连串事件的总结,在语篇上起到承上启下的作用。而all these不像all this一样具有惯用语的性质,在《柯林斯高阶》和《汉英大词典》总共给出了30个例句,these都毫无例外地后跟一个复数名词。🎈lavish表示「非常过分地给予」,将「奉承」译作lavishing attentions on也不失为一种好的选择。有一次,次年三月了,这妇人因为身体感觉不舒服,头有些痛,睡了三天。秀才呢,也愿她歇息歇息,更不时地问她要什么,而老妇人却着实地发怒了。她说她装娇,噜噜苏苏地也说了三天。Once, the following spring, it happened that the young woman fell ill and was laid up for three days with a headache. The scholar was anxious that she take a rest and frequently asked what she needed. This made his wife angry. She grumbled for three days and said that the young woman was malingering. 🎈生病fall ill🎈卧床be laid up🎈装病malingering🎈was anxious that she take a rest:be anxious that表示「渴望」,后面接从句,that从句的谓语动词须用虚拟语气,即should +动词原形,这里的should可以省略。意思是「急于让别人做某事」。她先是恶意地讥嘲她:说是一到秀才底家里就高贵起来了,什么腰酸呀,痛呀,姨太太的架子也都摆出来了;以前在她自己底家里,她不相信她有这样的娇养,恐怕竟和街头的母狗一样,肚子里有着一肚皮的小狗,临产了,还要到处地奔求着食物。现在呢,因为“老东西”——这是秀才的妻叫秀才的名字——趋奉了她,就装着娇滴滴的样子了。 “She has been spoiled here and become stuck-up like a real concubine,” she said, sneering maliciously, “always complaining about headaches or backaches. She must have been quiet different before—like a bitch that has to go searching for food even when she is going to bear a litter of puppies! Now, with the old man fawning on her, she puts on airs!” 🎈高贵起来了→端起了架子,故译为stuck-up(傲慢无礼的,自命不凡的,有架子的)。🎈must have done是对过去的肯定推测。🎈装腔作势,拿腔拿调摆样子puts on airs🎈讨好,奉承 fawn on sb.“儿子,”她有一次在厨房里对黄妈说,“谁没有养过呀?我也曾怀过十个月的孕,不相信有这么的难受。“Why so much fuss about having a baby?” said the scholar’s wife one night to the kitchenmaid. “I myself was once with child for ten months, I just can’t believe she’s really feeling so bad.🎈why后可以直接加名词。🎈有孕,怀孕be with child而且,此刻的儿子,还在‘阎罗王的簿里’,谁保的定生出来不是一只癞虾蟆呢?也等到真的‘鸟儿’,从洞里钻出来看见了,才可在我底面前显威风,摆架子,此刻,不过是一块血的猫头鹰,就这么的装腔,也显得太早一点!” Who knows what she’s going to have? It may be just a little toad! She’d better not try to bluff me, throwing her weight around before the little thing is born. It’s still nothing but a clot of blood! It’s really a bit too early for her to make such a fuss!”🎈此刻的儿子,还在‘阎罗王的簿里’→不知道怀的是个什么,故译为Who knows what she’s going to have?。🎈仗势欺人,施压throw one’s weight around虚张声势,吓唬 to bluff sb.引起骚动;大吵大闹;大发牢骚make/kick up a fuss🎈「不过是一块血的猫头鹰」→「猫头鹰」和「癞蛤蟆」表达的意思一样:怀的指不定是个啥,此处不用重复译出,重点译出「一块血」即可(参考婴儿在胎中的成型过程)。当晚这妇人没有吃晚饭,这时她已经睡了,听了这一番婉转的冷嘲与热骂,她呜呜咽咽地低声哭泣了。秀才也带衣服坐在床上,听到浑身透着冷汗,发起抖来。The young woman who had gone to bed without supper was awakened by this torrent of malicious abuse and burst into convulsive sobs. The scholar was also shocked by what he heard—so much so that he broke into a cold sweat and shook with anger.🎈convulsive(不由自主的,不能自控的)属增译成分。文中虽无其词却有其意。🎈so much…that和so much so that比so…that和so that在语气上更强。例句I was so much tired that I couldn’t walk on.我极度疲倦,走不动了。She is hungry, so much so that she had to go begging.她很饿,饿到不得不去乞讨。