《为奴隶的母亲--柔石 》 -英语翻译技巧与实例-英汉互译实用教程


A Slave Mother –Rou Shi 
③说明:文中几处 「噜(噜)苏(苏)」中的「苏」,应为「口字旁+苏」,但是已经从现代汉语中淘汰掉了,只能找到扫描版。

He was a dealer in animal skins which he bought from hunters in the countryside and sold in town. Sometimes he also worked in the fields; early each summer he turned farm-hand, transplanting rice for other people. As he had learned to transplant the seedlings in wonderfully straight rows, the peasants always asked him to help them.
🎈 「芒种」为中国24节气之一,约在每年6月上、中旬,该时农村多忙于夏收夏种。如英译为Mangzhong或wheat in the ear,势必借助脚注,详加说明,否则外国读者无法理解。现结合上下文干脆把它译为early each summer。

But he never made enough money to support his family and his debts mounted with each passing year. The wretchedness of his life and the hopeless situation he was in caused him to take to smoking, drinking and gambling, and he became vicious and bad-tempered. As he grew poorer and poorer, people stopped lending him money, even in small sums. 
🎈(然而)境况总是不佳,(债是年年积起来了)→金钱吃紧,难以维持生计,现译为never made enough money (to support his family)。
🎈(他大约就因为)境况的不佳→生活悲惨无望,现译为The wretchedness of his life and the hopeless situation he was in。
🎈开始做……take to doing

With poverty came sickness. He grew sallow: his face took on the sickly colour of a brass drum and even the whites of his eyes became yellow. People said that he had jaundice and urchins nicknamed him “Yellow Fellow”.
🎈With poverty came sickness:伴随状语开头放在句首时,句子全部倒装.
🎈呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点) take on
🎈「小铜鼓」译为a brass drum。注意brass和bronze、copper在颜色上的区别。三者之中,仅brass是浅黄色。
🎈给某人起绰号 nickname sb. 

One day, he said to his wife, “There’s no way out of it. It looks as if we’ll even have to sell our cooking pot. I’m afraid we have to part. It’s no use both of us going hungry together.”
🎈没有出路;没有法子There’s no way out of it.

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