在她底已经麻木的脑内,仿佛秋宝肥白可爱地在她身边挣动着,她伸出两手想去抱,可是身边是春宝。这时,春宝睡着了,转了一个身,他底母亲紧紧地将他抱住,而孩子却从微弱的鼾声中,脸伏在她底胸膛上。 Her mind in a daze, she seemed to see her younger son Qiu Bao—plump, white and lovely –curled up beside her, but as she stretched out her arms to embrace him, she saw it was Chun Bao, who had just fallen asleep. The boy was breathing faintly, his face pressed against his mother’s breast. She hugged him tightly. 🎈Her mind in a daze和his face pressed against his mother’s breast是独立主格结构。沉静而寒冷的死一般的长夜,似无限地拖延着,拖延着……The still and chilly night seemed to drag on endlessly …🎈不知道有多少人能耐着性子读到最后一句,对一篇小说来讲,这样的结尾无疑是成功的。读完确实感觉沉静而寒冷,除了压抑还是压抑……🎈一夫一妻制:是对偶婚的进一步发展。我国的“婚姻”概念也是在这个阶段产生的。这一婚姻状态从仰韶文化中晚期到龙山文化时期开始出现和发展,一直持续到现在,包括了整个父权时代和刚刚开始的男女平等的时代。但是,父权制度的确立,就是女子地位的下降。「一旦奴隶制度形成,妇女首先成为奴隶主掠夺和占有的对象」。这些掠夺来的妇女只供奴隶主玩弄,而且还得服苦役,所以“奴”字带“女”字旁,而“奴隶”一词的本义正是隶属于他人的女子。从奴隶社会一直到解放前,表面上是一夫一妻制,实际上是一夫多妻制;或者说劳动人民是一夫一妻制,剥削阶级是一夫多妻制。在帝王那里是三宫六院七十二妃和数不清的宫女,在公侯那里是夫人姬妾,在官僚富豪那里则是妻妾侍女。这时的妇女已完全是男子的附属品了。🔥必背词汇vicious adj.残暴的,凶残的,凶恶的英义A vicious person or a vicious blow is violent and cruel.例句He was a cruel and vicious man.他是一个残忍凶狠的男人。sallow adj.(肤色,尤指脸色)灰黄色的,菜色的,蜡黄英义If a person has sallow skin, their skin, especially on their face, is a pale yellowish colour and looks unhealthy.例句She had lank hair and sallow skin.她头发平直,皮肤发黄。jaundice un.黄疸病英义Jaundice is an illness that makes your skin and eyes become yellow.例句jaundice caused by bile duct stricture胆管狭窄导致的黄疸。urchin cn肮脏而衣着破烂的儿童,小乞丐英义An urchin is a young child who is dirty and poorly dressed.例句We were in the bazaar with all the little urchins watching us.我们在集市里,周围一大帮衣衫褴褛的小孩盯着我们看。matchmaker cn.媒人,介绍人,月老英义A matchmaker is someone who tries to encourage people they know to form a romantic relationship or to get married.例句Some friends played matchmaker and had us both over to dinner.一些朋友牵线搭桥,把我们两个都请去赴宴。concubine cn. (旧时的)姘妇,情妇,妾英义In former times, a concubine was a woman who lived with and had a sexual relationship with a man of higher social rank without being married to him.例句drunkened concubine贵妃醉酒omen cn.征兆;预兆;兆头英义If you say that something is an omen, you think it indicates what is likely to happen in the future and whether it will be good or bad.例句Could this at last be a good omen for peace?这是否终于可以视作和平的吉兆了?barren adj.不育的,不孕的英义A barren woman or female animal is unable to have babies.例句He prayed that his barren wife would one day have a child.他祈祷自己不孕的妻子有朝一日能怀上宝宝。inquisitive adj.爱打听的,好探问的,过于好奇的英义An inquisitive person likes finding out about things, especially secret things.例句Bears are very inquisitive and must be kept mentally stimulated.熊非常好奇,必须不断地给予其智力上的刺激。🔥重点表达怀孕,有孕be with child给……起绰号nickname sb. …没有出路;没有法子There’s no way out of it.向某人还债pay one’s debt to sb.自杀commit suicide偶遇come across生孩子 bear a child / give birth to children新生儿the newborn infant男/女婴 baby boy/girl(声音)减弱;越来越小trail off挑/选定日期fix the date写典契 draw up the contract接近/靠近某人 go up to sb.……会变成什么样?What will become of …?照看 take care of呜咽咽地哭起来break into sobs回忆,回顾look back upon如死去一般more dead than alive大喊;放一嗓子cry at the top of her lungs脐带the umbilical cord突然all of a sudden沸水boiling water晕倒faint away令人心碎的场景 the heart-rending scene对……失去知觉、未曾察觉be dead to恢复知觉;苏醒 come to停了一息(after) a short pause在破晓时分at the crack of dawn一夜不曾睡/不曾合眼not sleep a wink during the night鼓起勇气pluck up enough courage to(尤指在白天)闭会儿眼;打瞌睡,打盹儿doze off从现在开始 from now on导致,引起 bring about拭泪wipe/brush away tears与某人离别 part from sb.轿夫 chair/litter carriers/bearers泪迹斑斑be wet from crying事实上,实际上As a matter of fact轮流、交替地by turns为了 in an effort to站起来rise to one’s feet不必了,别费神 Don’t bother.熟悉be acquainted with偷看 peep in to see监视 spy to see… /spy on sb./sth.撞见某人做某事catch sb. doing屡次,常常time and again因……责怪某人blame sb. for …厌倦be/become/get tired of馄饨 meat dumplings走来走去(尤指由于烦躁、焦虑等) pace up and down参加 sit for某人要面临……in store for sb.生病fall ill卧床be laid up装病malingering装腔作势,拿腔拿调摆样子puts on airs讨好,奉承 fawn on sb.仗势欺人,施压throw one’s weight around虚张声势,吓唬 to bluff sb.引起骚动;大吵大闹;大发牢骚make/kick up a fuss大打某人一顿 give sb. a good beating(good表程度)宣泄(愤怒),释放(精力),排解(压力) work off…忙于……busy oneself doing sth.到达高潮 reach the climax把……写下来/记住 commit sth. to paper/memory冒出缕缕轻烟give off/ send out/emit wisps of smoke首次公开露面made one’s debut in the open绞尽脑汁rack one’s brain突然想出主意或解决办法hit on/upon (an idea…)《易经》the Book of Changes 《书经》the Book of History 半晌for quite a while让某人做某事have sb. do sth.绝了种、断了香火the male line of one’s family came to an end拜佛,祈祷pray to Buddha寿星the God of Longevity来自……hail from…… (胡乱地)脱掉,扯下tear off出现,到场be/appear on the scene好吃好喝wine and dine 划拳drinking games告别bid farewell三三两两,零零星星in twos and threes我没办法 I can’t/couldn’t help it.为了某人for one’s sake在……边缘,濒临on the verge of抓住,得到 get hold of零用钱,零花钱 pocket money不得不,必须have got to前几天晚上;前两天夜里;那天晚上the other night受到,经受,面临be subjected to惹是生非;大吵大闹make scenes/make a scene寻找……be on the lookout for sb.接近尾声draw to a close流眼泪(tears) stream down one’s cheeks/face扣上……的纽扣button up(+衣服等)以最大的声音;高声地 (yell/cry) at the top of one’s voice回头 over one’s shoulder陷入…… lapse into…🔥复盘测试怀孕,有孕给……起绰号没有出路;没有法子向某人还债自杀偶遇生孩子新生儿男/女婴 (声音)减弱;越来越小挑/选定日期写典契 接近/靠近某人……会变成什么样?照看 呜咽咽地哭起来回忆,回顾如死去一般大喊;放一嗓子脐带突然沸水晕倒令人心碎的场景对……失去知觉、未曾察觉恢复知觉;苏醒停了一息在破晓时分一夜不曾睡/不曾合眼鼓起勇气(尤指在白天)闭会儿眼;打瞌睡,打盹儿从现在开始 导致,引起拭泪与某人离别 轿夫 泪迹斑斑事实上,实际上轮流、交替地为了站起来不必了,别费神熟悉